#On like instagram we're fine with having one account collectively
mattyknees · 26 days
Hey it's checking in on you anon, first I'm so sorry for misgendering you I should have looked better. Second I'm happy that my message came off the way I wanted it to I was worried.
I think you hit the nail on the head, it's a very very complex situation that I myself have been caught up in with many many different takes and opinions that it's easy to get reactive. It's okay if you don't know why you reacted the way you did I get it.
Even though we know we really don't know most of these men and we know from what we do of them are great. It's still a shock to the system. What the accounts were tweeting was absolutely vile and the idea of it coming from an NHLer is shocking and can hit even if you're a fan or not. It would be amazing if everyone in the public eye and especially on the ice were decent people. Sadly, it's not the case.
I 100% agree with you on the fanficication nolan was man #1 for that. And I agree with the dangers of speculation.
All in all thank you for taking the time to respond, and I hope you're taking care of yourself right now, it's alot to process I get it. Drink some water, take some deep breaths and step back if you need to.
- 😺
yeah and i've talked with k about this in the past too. in our collective opinion tknp was the first super super fanfic-ified duo and since there's so much... not even "lore" i don't like calling it lore because that word does contribute to the fanficification aspect but i'll use it until i find a better one (tired, one meal in 12 hours, lost of work done today)
but np's hockey trajectory truly does give him the ""tragic and relatable hero"" complex in people's eyes, especially when you
are not involved in his personal life. friend family member coworker etc
only see the finished product, and not the backstage. this is usually tied to the former, but not always.
when we get glimpses into the backstage (what happened in january with the 2018 wjc stuff, ružička's instagram post and subsequent termination, auston's misdemeanor charges, now this with the alleged sock accounts) it can be jarring because we're only used to seeing the glitzed up and the polished. we see a combination of what they want us to see + whatever narratives we have concocted for ourselves.
and, again - it is okay to speculate. it is fine and normal and good to be curious. but we have to supplement that curiosity with the understanding that these are people that make good and bad and neutral and goodbad decisions just like everyone else. just like we do
it's jarring like the sudden death of a celebrity is jarring. we think we know them. their words or creations or actions have impacted us. the impact they make on our lives is very real. but ours on theirs is real too, and deifying them to the point where witnessing or processing their mistakes is an act of self harm for us is scary. (this is a very big problem in youtube and twitch streamer fandoms as well as in the drag community re: the responses to katya's past relapse(s) and going back to treatment recently)
that's why i think it's good to step out of the positive echo chamber every once in a while. i am friends with people that hate my team(s). it's good for me. please, i cannot stress this enough - be friends with people that hate your teams.
on a lighter note, surface google your hockeys occasionally. matthew knies is a fucking business management major. it brought me back down to earth and lowkey kind of ruined my week when i found it out, but. you have to un-parasocial yourself in order for the fan relationship to stay healthy and if it takes scrolling mk23's linkedin to do it, then.
also, i have six sticky notes on my internet fight accountability chart (/srs), i very much know why i am reactive but i cannot change the situation and i cannot fix myself overnight. i appreciate it though. thanks bug.
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spearheadrampancy · 5 months
So... if you don't mind me asking how've you been?
hoo boy. yeah. tldr: alive!
quite a fair chunk of shit happened i think. when i redownloaded the app i weighed up if i was gonna make a post abt what's happened, but ultimately decided against it bc i wasnt sure how active i was gonna be. looks like the answer is very, so i might as well for anyone who's curious (:
on with the details in no particular order!
just before we stopped posting, we mentioned how the company we worked for announced big profits, an expenses-paid trip for the top employees, and also the tiny small news that the team we were on was getting downsized from 20 ppl total to about 3 (6 to 1 for my role specifically). well, we did end up losing our job completely because the company was unwilling to make reasonable adjustments so we could move to the same role in a different team (we don't have any legal grounds to take action unfortunately). but this was fine for us bc we grew jaded with how management was doing shit anyway. they also laid off about 700 people from across the company a few months later.
we spent months trying to find a job, and eventually applied to university on a whim. we got in! we're studying game design and are currently in foundation year (level 0) of the course. we were pretty worried about "fitting in" and suff but honestly we made friends instantly and it turns out a lot of lgbt autistic folks are studying game design foundation year. strange! (/s). its a little weird being part of the popular clique now.
we built a site. a real one! with colours and scripts and all that! a couple sites, actually, but only one is what we're comfortable sharing publicly (other site is sys member info for friends to reference). the site is on neocities, available here. we got really into coding for realsies around the time that we stopped posting. we also got into something called choicescript, but the site took priority as we use it as a digital portfolio. we also started practicing API work by making little tools for the discord bot pluralkit, but they are. uh. far from finished
we got an rgb bulb that actually works with shortcuts, so it inspired us to actually code shortcuts again. they're pretty advanced now; we have a series of them dedicated to forcing us to sleep (it obviously isnt working given i'm still awake at 4am !!), but they're really smooth and helpful
we started drawing properly again (i know we've posted a lot of art on here but most of it is low effort memes. and also none of it was trad art, which we got back into), in order to prep for being asked for a portfolio for uni. which we eventually didnt even get asked for. we opened an instagram account to post it to while we work on getting our art on our actual site, and recently a deviantart account for crossposting.
i stopped writing. i also largely stopped building on my ideas for games and comics and such. this was more because i had More Pressing Things to be writing about, like our CV, and our applications, but i havent really picked it back up. in a bit of a plateau of inspiration rn. wanna fix that though.
we started playing hotline miami, which we'd been meaning to do for years. completed the first, got halfway into the second before a TERRIBLE AWFUL THUMB INJURY (dramatic. didnt even need glue) rendered us entirely unable to use a controller. it healed but we havent finished the second yet. today's actually the first time since august that we've even touched a controller, let alone played any games.
we got back into making music. we decided the system was going to start releasing music as a collective, so we set up a whole youtube channel and stuff for it. videos'll start january 1st, we hope.
i convinced two people to watch red vs blue. my token cishet guy friend who was my colleague at Shitty Workplace (i sent him slutty locus from earlier and his only response was "amazing") and one of my new uni friends (very autistic i think they will go feral for it). token cishet just finished season 8 and uni friend is in season 3 i believe.
health wise has been. a ride... our normal gp stopped practicing entirely, and we dont trust the other gp's at our clinic, so we've been entirely unmedicated and unchecked since november of last year, barring OTC stuff. except for the part where at the end of october we finally saw a rheumatologist (after being referred in 2019!) who said we probably had fibromyalgia. earlier this month we also caught some Mystery Illness that lasted two weeks and nobody knew what it was. our voice still hasnt recovered fully and the whole experience was weird, but the hospital nurse wasnt concerned and it didnt come back as positive for That One Illness That Got Really Popular In The Last Three Years so its honestly likely that it was just the regular old flu, which we werent used to after only really suffering from Disabled Person Sicknesses for the best part of the last 15 years.
we met steve downes and jen taylor, the voice actors of halo's master chief and cortana! got photos & signatures (: steve complimented my jacket and jen Really Wanted A Nap.
WE GOT THE GRIFBALL PLUSH (: i would make this bigger if i could. it's just one of those Material Gains that has a lot of sentimental value to us. and i found my glow in the dark ring which i cried about. again: material gains of high personal significance.
so yeah! a lot. im probably missing something because i have the brain of a sieve. but we're alive and thats the important part.
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xprince-of-hellx · 2 years
If we become not a small system in the future it's gonna be hell for the fact that we have our own accounts and we think about this sometimes
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sparklingichigo · 2 years
Double Honeymoon
Part 1
The plane finally lands in Greece, they get off the plane and collect their luggage. Right after, it's time for some greece adventure! But someone needs the toilet...
Haruka: Hey, uhm... I need to go to the toilet.... like right now-
Ichigo: Right now?
Haruka: Yeah... I'll be fast-
Ichigo: I'll go with you then!!
The two girls run to the toilet leaving the boys with the luggage. Beel and Simeon blinks in shook but oh well, let them use the toilet.
Beel: Drinks- :o
Simeon: Beel-
Beel: Please?
Simeon: [sigh] Okay, let's go
The two boys buy some drinks. Beel get honey green tea and Simeon gets a bottle of white coffee. Yes, it is a vending machine.
Simeon: So uh... how do we pay?
Beel: ;-; I don't know either....
Ichigo and Haruka just get out of the toilet and their lovers are gone! The airport is so big and they're probably far far away!
Haruka: .... where did they go....?
Ichigo: ... Let's just call them
Haruka: Good idea...
Haruka calls Simeon and turns out Simeon is at the vending machine, he even ask them to get to the vending machine and help them pay for the drinks.
Ichigo: Oh my goodness...
Beel: Hehe...
Simeon: We're not that good with this...
Haruka: Oh you have to insert the money first! Then you choose the drinks-
Simeon: Oooh that's why the drinks didn't come out!
Beel: Yeah! :o
Haruka: Come on, give me the money. I'll help you guys
Simeon: no, no it's fine. Just guide us through it
Haruka: Babe, the money?? -_-"
Simeon: Okay... [gives her the money]
Haruka: Beel? Your money?
Beel: [gives Haruka the money]
Haruka finally helps them with the vending machine by inserting the money and let them pick their drinks. After a few seconds, the drinks finally drops to the ground so they could take it.
Haruka: Here's for Beel, here's for Simeon....
Simeon: Thank you^^
Beel: Thanks a bunch, Haruka :D
Ichigo: Move over, I'll buy something too =3= [casually buys milk tea]
Haruka: Hey, hey, there's Taro milk! Get that too!
Ichigo: Okay... [gets her the taro milk] Here you go
Haruka: Yay! Let's go now!
The four of them walk out of the airport and now it's time to get to their hotel, Seaside by Manos. Once they got there they've already booked it so all they have to do is just tell the receptionist their name and proof of reservation. With that they can get to their room.
The room is a two story room with two bedrooms. Basically, they book the most fancy one in that hotel because it's a honeymoon, so of course they go all out for it!
Haruka: Aight now let's just go travel! First destination is..... White Tower of Thessaloniki!
Simeon: It has a museum there as well right?
Haruka: Mmhmm
Beel: [whispers to Ichigo] She took the wrong person
Ichigo: [whispers back] Yeah... should've asked Satan to come... he loves museums
Beel: [nods]
Ichigo: We can always find a food court nearby-
Beel: Yeah, but I'm curious too actually
Ichigo: Perhaps there's food history there
Beel: Oh now that's interesting-
Simeon: [sweat drops because why are they whispering] What are you two talking about^^
Ichigo and Beel: Nothing!
Haruka: Sure-
Anyways, the four of them go their first destination. They also have a guide to help them with the greece history, they took pictures too, with permission of course. Unfortunately Haruka accidentally connect her go-pro to her devilgram account, causing her to go live as they go through the tour.
Haruka: Here, hold this- [gives it to Beel]
Beel: ?? What's this??
Haruka: A go-pro, a camera to record stuff around
Beel: Oooh okay! :D
Meanwhile in devildom, Asmo suddenly runs out of his room because he sees a live instagram connected from Haruka's go-pro.
Asmo: Guys! Guys! Guuuuuuysss!!
Satan: [looks up from his book] What? -_-
Asmo: Here look! [shows his phone to Satan]
Satan: Ah, they're on a trip-
Mammon: Seems fun :((
Levi: If it's Japan then I'll be excited [rolls his eyes]
Lucifer: [sigh] Let them be.... ^^
Asmo: Ooh! They took Ichigo and Beel as well-
Satan: [watches the video] ....
Asmo: What?
Satan: [sees Simeon and Haruka being too lovey dovey for their own good] ...ugh....
Asmo: Aww they're so cute!! What a sweet honeymoon!
Belphie: [sees Beel and Ichigo] ... Get that thing away from me.
Asmo: :(( what?
Belphie: [pushes the phone away from him] shoo-
Asmo: Fine [rolls his eyes]
Mammon: Let's just watch it together, this is fun!
Asmo: It is!!
At the end Mammon and Asmo both watch the live video. Lucifer sigh and returns to this room because that's none of his business. So back to Greece. They're now ordering food for their lunch and oh boi thing just went wrong there.
Ichigo: Hon, explain yourself-
Beel: Uh...
Simeon: Bread? Really?
Beel: Idk it looks good... ;-;
Haruka: Isn't that supposed to be breakfast?
Beel: On the bright side it's a sandwich-
Ichigo: Simeon, take off that bracelet-
Simeon: [takes off Beel's bracelet] There you go-
Beel: [blinks in back to demon mode] Hmmm I'll go with this- and this and-
Ichigo: Hold your horses! Calm down-
Beel: Ah... uh.... can you help me? [cue puppy dog eyes]
Ichigo: Hmmm [reads the menu] maybe this one? It looks good, it's enough for you as well^^
Beel: Deal!
Simeon: ... [sigh] my patience is thinning down everyday-
Haruka: There there... [pats Simeon's shoulder]
Haruka finally enters the telepathic chatroom again.
Haruka: You have so much patience for him... wow
Ichigo: Well... either way he's a demon so what else can I do :")
Haruka: Ah true... imagine how much stress I'm in being with that raging ball of chaos-
Ichigo: Exactly! Well on the bright side, Beel is kind so- :"D
Haruka: Yeah, fair enough
Outside of that telepathic chatroom Simeon and Beel notice the two are stuck with their menu. They curiously peek over the menu.
Simeon and Beel: ????
Simeon: Another telepathic chatroom?
Beel: I guess so...
Simeon: Oh well, let's browse through the drinks instead
Beel: Good idea-
The boys browse through the drinks as the girls proceed with their telepathic chatroom. They do take some time with their telepathic talk.
Now let's go back to House of Lamentation, Asmo really thinks they're there for one day or two but turns out....
Belphie: They're staying for five days-
Asmo: w h a t?!?!
Belphie: What?
Asmo: Why so long for a honeymoon?
Belphie: Because they want to travel, that's a new country for them
Asmo: I thought honeymoon is just the consummation process-
Lucifer: ....Asmo where did you get that idea?
Asmo: Most married couples? o-o
Mammon: You for real?
Asmo: Somehow-
Anyways, back at the museum, they decide to separate themselves since it's a honeymoon/date for them. Let's look at what happened to the main couple first, shall we?
Simeon and Haruka are now discussing which level they should go to. Simeon wants to go to the history level, but Haruka wants to go to the music level.
Simeon: [looks at the directory] Hmmmmm
Haruka: Ooh! There's a music level! Let's go there!! [pulling his hand to the lift]
Simeon: But- [gets pulled anyway, F for Simeon]
Haruka: Come on, let's go!
Simeon: Okay, okay, let's go....^^
Haruka excitedly presses the lift button to level three. Simeon personally prefers the history section but music is fine, at least he can enjoy a bit of music. It wouldn't be good to argue during a honeymoon anyway.
Once the lift opens Haruka gapes at the view because there are so many musical instruments and she can hear the beautiful classical music from the background.
Haruka: Whoa! Let's go!!
Simeon: [follows Haruka anyway] You seem to be really excited^^
Haruka: Of course! This is my favorite part! They're so pretty!
Simeon: [smiles fondly] Enjoy yourself^^
Haruka is literally running around the museum. Okay, now he's concerned...
Simeon: Haruka! Be careful! You might slip!
Haruka: I'll be fine!!
Simeon: Slow down!! [chasing her]
Haruka: I'm fi- [trips anyway]
Simeon: [sigh] I told you :")
Haruka: ouch...geez.... so clumsy of me... [checks her knee for any injuries]
Simeon: [approaches her worriedly] Are you okay? [offers his hand to help her]
Haruka: Yeah, yeah, I'm good... [accepts his hand] Can't believe I tripped over-air-
Simeon: I told you, the floor is slippery:")
Haruka: Did they mop it by chance?
Simeon: The material itself is slippery^^
Haruka: [sigh] the missed opportunity to see everything =_="
Simeon: You can look around by walking, come on^^ [holds her hand and walks with her]
Haruka doesn't know if she wants to screech or melt to the ground as soon as that happens. She also feels butterflies in her stomach.
Haruka internally: Why is my heart beating so loudly? We're married, ffs! Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach?? What's happening??
Simeon: Haruka? My dear?
Haruka: Y-Yes!
Simeon: Are you okay? You're spacing out...
Haruka: Y-yeah.... of course.... [laughs nervously]
Simeon: Look, it's the ancient guitar! [takes Haruka to the antique guitar stand]
Anyways, now to the next couple. The foodie couple! Apparently, the museum has a vending machine unironically, and you know what that means-
Ichigo: You wanna buy another snack....?
Beel: [nods] Mmhmm! Human snacks are always good :D
Ichigo: It is^^. Which one do you want?
Beel: Any recommendations? These are all Greek brands...;-;
Ichigo: They're just the same as the regular one... it's just in greek^^
Beel: Ooh :o Okay! [picks some of them and finally inserts the money because he now knows how to use them]
Ichigo: :o [runs to the vending machine beside it] Strawberry miiiilllkk!!
Beel: Oh? Do you want that too?
Ichigo: Yes +w+
Beel: Ah, do you want me to-
Before he can finish his words, Ichigo already inserts her money into the vending machine and picks up her own strawberry milk. Ah, the missed opportunity to spoil your lover. There, there... *pats Beel*
Beel: Ah, so you can buy it yourself
Ichigo: Of course! Why?
Beel: Oh, it's nothing-
Ichigo: Don't tell me you're trying to pay for my drinks as well...
Beel: Somehow-
Ichigo: [sigh] Hon, we've talked about this =3= I'll handle this simple stuff, and when I can't handle it, I'll ask you-
Beel: [looks away awkwardly]
After getting their snacks, the couple goes into the museum. They start with the history level, surprisingly Beel hasn't opened his snacks.
Beel: :o these are so cool
Ichigo: Right??
Beel: I didn't know human history would be this cool :o I'm never the one to like history, but now I'm interested
Ichigo: That's great! Let's go! That one looks coo- wait, are those greek Gods and goddesses??
Beel: You're right :o Wanna go there?
Ichigo: Let's go! [drags Beel to that stand]
Beel: Wait! The snacks! Be careful!
Ichigo: You haven't opened them-
Beel: They'd fall anyway!
Ichigo: Plastic bags exist for a reason, Beelzebub Morningstar!
Beel: Right-
Ichigo internally: Am I moronsexual? Am I into dumb people?? Did I pick the wrong man?? Should I've been with Satan??
There, there... Anyways, they explore the historic area and now they're on their way to the art level. Oh, the excitement Ichigo has once the lift is opened.
Ichigo: Ah yes, my favorite area!
Beel: Art?
Ichigo: Yesssss
Suddenly Ichigo feels her phone vibrating in her pocket. She answers the video call and it's Satan.
Ichigo: What? =_=
Satan: You're in a museum?? And without me?!?!
Ichigo: ...Dude, I'm on a date-
Satan: Still! The art museum is my favorite thing!
Ichigo sigh and switch the camera so they can see the whole thing
Ichigo: There, you can see the whole thing
Satan: Much better! Let's go!! I'm curious!!
Ichigo: Beel's with me by the way
Satan: And?
Asmo: Can't you just let them date in peace?! Why are you such a third wheel?!
Satan: It's an art museum!
Asmo: [rolls eyes] Are you for real now?? [steals Satan's phone despite his protest] Ichigo, just enjoy your date! Ignore this raging ball of chaos, might as well hang up on him!
Satan: What's that supposed to mean?!
Asmo: You're obviously disturbing their date. Go find your own date for f*ck sakes!
Satan: Hey! I'm not ruining their date! I'm just curious!
Asmo: bullshit! You literally asked her to take you there!
Beel: Uh...
Asmo: Beel~! My lovely little brother~ how's your date~
Beel: Oh it's going great^^ We get good food, went to the history part of the museum, the hotel's great too^^
Asmo: Oh that's great! Now will you excuse me, I'll let you enjoy your date and hang up this video call^^
Satan: But-
Instantly the screen shuts down as the couple blinks awkwardly. Oh well...
Ichigo: That was wild... shall we look around?
Beel: Let's go! I'm not into art though but who knows I'll change my mind
Ichigo: You might^^
The two of them look around the art museum looking at paintings, pottery, and many more. Suddenly they see Haruka and Simeon coming down the stairs.
Beel: [confused chewing noises] Hey, isn't that Haruka and Simeon?
Ichigo: Hm? Where? [looks around] Ooh! [finally sees them]
Haruka: Oh you guys are here! Done with the history level?
Ichigo: Yep! Now going to the next one!
Beel: This is fun :D [more chewing noises]
Simeon: Is it fun or is it because of the food?
Beel: :(((
Beel: Sugar... am I only known to be hungry?? :((
Ichigo: Oh, no, no, of course not! I'm sure you're having fun too [pats his shoulder]
Beel: Still... :((
Ichigo: He's just hungry, but he does love the museum. I even buy a strawberry milk^^
Beel: Yeah, there's a vending machine :(((
Simeon: Ah I see^^
Simeon: Let's go, Haruka^^ [gets down the stairs]
Haruka: You're literally stuck up there-
Simeon: I meant, go look around
Haruka: Oooh, right! Let's go!
The main couple goes to see the art museum. They see many beautiful paintings from Greek artists and much more artwork.
Haruka: It's so pretty :o
Simeon: It is. It reminds me of the celestial realm sometimes^^
Haruka: Greek heaven, perhaps?
Simeon: That's probably it^^. Oh! A statue!
Haruka: Where??
Simeon: [pulls Haruka to the statue] Wow, she looks majestic!
Haruka: [sees the description] Ooh! Goddess Athena!
Simeon: She looks exactly like in real life^^
Haruka: You've met her?
Simeon: [nods]
Haruka: Is she nice?
Simeon: She is, and very wise too^^
Haruka: ...did you meet aphrodite as well?
Simeon: No, I haven't. Why?
Haruka: Just asking...
Simeon: ^^ She is known to be beautiful though
Haruka: Do you find her beautiful too? [looks at him suspiciously]
Simeon: ??? uh.... she is quite beautiful?? They did a good job with the statue...?
Haruka: Oh, I see...
Simeon: [feels a bit of jealousy aura] Are you...?
Haruka: What?
Simeon: Let's go somewhere else^^ [takes her to another stand]
Meanwhile, both Beel and Ichigo are impressed by the Gods' statues.
Beel and Ichigo: Wow-
Ichigo: They look so cool! :o
Beel: Yeah!
Beel: Hmm, I wonder how they work out...
Ichigo: [blinks in confusion] What-
Beel: What-
Ichigo: You're fine with this size though-
Beel: I'm just curious...
Ichigo: Why am I dating you again??
Beel: [shrugs in idk]
Ichigo: Whatever, let's just see the rest of the statues-
Beel: Okay-
They continue to the statues of the Goddesses while Haruka and Simeon look at the Gods' statues. The four of them pass by each other and Haruka stares at Ichigo in confusion.
Haruka: Ichigo... are you okay?
Ichigo: I'm good... [whispers] I'm just dating an idiot that's why
Haruka: Oof...
Ichigo: Oof indeed:")
Ichigo: I might start dating your ex at this point-
Haruka: Pfft-
Simeon: ^^
Beel: ^^
Ichigo: haha.... hi...
Beel: So you prefer my brother?
Beel: Fine, might as well be with him if that's the case [walks off]
Ichigo: What?! Beel! Wait!!
Simeon: [sigh] What on earth-
Back at Devildom, Asmo looks at the screen in confusion with Satan and Mammon.
Asmo: What-
Satan: Why are they- Why is he walking away??
Mammon: What the f*ck?!?!
Asmo: What's going on?? What happened??
Asmo: I'll go comment!!
Asmo wrote a comment to ask what's going on. Ichigo sighed and texted back her answer to Asmo and the answer make all three of them jaws drop that instant.
Satan: So.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Asmo: Don't you dare! [smacks Satan with a pillow]
Mammon: .... is this Satan vs Simeon 2. O but make it against Beel?
Asmo: [sips boba] maybe-
Mammon: Hell Nah! I'm not dealing with that again!
Satan: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ehe-
Wrong fandom Asmo. Anyways, back at the museum, Ichigo is still trying to chase Beel because he's walking away from her. She didn't mean any of that, she meant that as a joke!
Ichigo: Beel wait!! Wait! Slow down [almost trips]
Beel: [finally stops and oh boi Ichigo ends up bumping on him instead]
Ichigo: Ouch! Oof- [almost falls but luckily Beel holds her so she won't fall]
Beel: [helps her up] ...
Ichigo: Beel, it's a misunderstanding! I was joking around! I only love you!
Beel: Yet you're-
Ichigo: Beel... :((( Please we're engaged and my heart only belongs to you :((
Beel: Let's just talk about this when we're back... it's not good to argue in a public place...
Ichigo: ....okay.... :(
As Haruka looks at the statues, Simeon looks at the couple worriedly because they seem to be fighting and he can't help but feel bad for them.
Simeon: Tsk. That demon as always... [shakes his head in disappointment]
Simeon: He keeps on ruining their relationship and for what? [rolls his eyes]
Haruka: Simeon?
Simeon: Oh you're back^^
Haruka: Yeah... what's next?
Simeon: .... Depends^^ Do you want to continue or do you want to get back?
Haruka: Go back and find food +w+ plus, it's almost night
Simeon: Let's go then^^ [holds Haruka's hand]
Haruka: Yeah, let's go...
Haruka: I'll go text Ichigo for a while...
Simeon: Okay^^
Haruka internally: So, we'll be eating dinner soon
Ichigo internally: I don't know if he wants dinner at this point...
Haruka internally: What do you mean?
Ichigo internally: I don't know either, he won't even talk to me... :((
Haruka internally: Want me to talk to him instead?
Ichigo internally: I mean so we can have a peaceful dinner, I guess...
Haruka internally: Okay...
Haruka finally gets out of the telepathy chatroom and search for the restaurant they wanted. Once she does that she text Beel where they're eating. Beel of course receives the text and this is also the first time he rolls his eyes because he doesn't wanna eat in a foul mood but his stomach says differently. They can hear it growling, begging for dinner.
Beel: Fine...
Haruka: Okay.... I'll just go there first with Simeon.... you guys sort this out
Beel: Nah, I'll go there with you guys, it's fine
Haruka: =_= kay, but I'm not responsible for the horrible mood you are gonna be in throughout the dinner
Beel: I'll handle it, don't worry
Haruka: how am I not worried?! You guys have a misunderstanding and my ex can move forward anytime soon!!
Beel: If he does then he will... I'm tired of this okay?
Haruka: [sigh] She only loves you, she's a loyal person. We're just joking around... It's not in your nature to be suddenly offended about this...
Beel: My patience is running thin, Haruka.
Haruka: Yeah I know but still-
Beel: and please don't butt in into my relationship. We're both grown adults even though we're both younger than you by two years.
In real life, Haruka scoffs at Beel's response because what is that?! What kind of response is that?! She gets it that he's mad and is in a bad mood but why respond like that? Sure she doesn't have the right to be involved in their relationship but she's just helping! Ugh, whatever... that's what she thought as she locks her phone.
Haruka: Let's go, they'll catch up
Simeon: You sure?
Haruka: Yep, they'll sort it out either way
So the couple leaves Beel and Ichigo to sort out their problem. Haruka did give them a choice to either go back to the hotel or go to the restaurant but I guess Beel chose the first option, going back to the hotel. He even walks off with Ichigo confusedly following him.
Ichigo: Wait! Beel! Where are you going??
Beel: Back to the hotel, I'm not in a mood for food now...
Ichigo: ...okay...
Beel: You can go eat with them if you want
Ichigo: I'll go with you!
Beel didn't say anything but kept walking as the pink-haired girl tried to catch up with him despite her shorter legs. The two somehow manage to get to the hotel,and once they get there,Beel finally talks about it. He even pulls her to sit beside him.
Ichigo: It's a joke, honest. You know I get annoyed easily... so I just blurt it out, but I don't mean it.... my heart belongs to you and only you...
Beel: That guy has been trying to approach you lately, so mentioning that adds up the flame, you know?
Ichigo: I know, and I'm sorry. I don't mean to do that...
Beel: Just don't be that careless again, okay? We barely argue, you know?
Ichigo: Barely? We never argue even!
Beel: Exactly, I don't want us to fight...., especially over this, but my patience is running low at this point...
Ichigo: What do you mean?
Beel: Let's see... besides blurting that out, he also wants you to take him with us to that museum... sure, I didn't say anything about it, but I really want to throw hands that instant.
Ichigo: Nooo :(( [hugs him] I'm so sorry about that :((
Beel: It's okay... it's just a misunderstanding, right?
Ichigo: Still... I don't mean to ruin our date...
Beel: [suddenly pulls her to his lap]
Ichigo: [blushes slightly] W-why so sudden?
Beel: Why not? I'll make it up to you for the ruined date.
Ichigo: Uh... Uhm.... [blushing like crazy] It's only fair, I guess...
Oh well, let's just let them make out or something. Now back to Simeon and Haruka. They both eat their first dinner in Greece in a fancy restaurant with a beautiful view. It's a boat restaurant! How cool!
Haruka: It's beautiful...
Simeon: A beautiful view for my lovely wife~
Haruka: [slaps his shoulder playfully] So cheesy!
Simeon: Only for you^^
After ordering their food, they enjoyed their delicious dinner and finally went home on foot because they wanted to look around. They even hold hands as they walk back to the hotel.
Haruka: You know, I'm really glad that we're together... we did have a lot going on before finally getting together
Simeon: I agree, there's a lot to go through before we're finally together.... but I can't get over the fact that I technically stole you from Satan, and now he's ruining Ichigo's relationship... I feel bad for her.
Haruka: you technically didn't.... since Satan and I broke up months later because our relationship is toxic.... we're just not compatible...
Simeon: I see... but are you happy being with me?
Haruka: Of course, if I'm not, we wouldn't be married...
Simeon: Good point
Haruka: Speaking of which... I think we should separate our bedrooms
Simeon: ?? Why?
Haruka: In case anything happens...
Simeon: Ah, are you ready for the consumption process by chance?
Haruka: No.... just in case they did it instead
Simeon: ...wait, you're right
Haruka: Silencing charm works too....
Simeon: Silencing charm it is^^
They continue to walk hand in hand until what they say is right because they can hear those noises from Ichigo and Beel's room.
Haruka: Simeon... if you do the honors^^
Simeon: Of course^^ [puts a silencing charm on Ichigo and Beel's room] Demons these days [shakes his head]
Haruka internally: So.... what are you two doing?
Ichigo internally: Watching a movie...? A comedic one....?
Haruka internally: Ah- Simeon here needs holy water despite being an angel-
Ichigo internally: …how?
Haruka internally: I don't know either, probably because it's honeymoon and all... and that thing-
Ichigo internally : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I see-
Haruka internally: Stop making that face-
Ichigo Internally: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ehe-
Haruka internally : [facepalms] Whatever, I'll just go-
Haruka leaves the telepathic chatroom to get ready for bed because it's been a long day. Shall we see what's happening while Simeon and Haruka are having dinner? They eventually order hotel food because it's the nearest and eat in their room.
Ichigo: Didn't know hotel food is good-
Beel: It is :o they're so good!
Ichigo: They have a tv too?? :o and Netflix?? :o [tries the tv]
Beel: Ooh! We can eat and watch a movie!
Ichigo: That's a good idea!! :o
So that's how we get here, them laughing at a comedic movie. Now back to Haruka and Simeon's room. Haruka tells him not to sleep first because she's not sleepy yet.
Haruka: [gets out with her satin pajamas] Hey, it's your turn now [sees Simeon blanking out] ...Simeon?
Simeon: [finally snaps out] Y-yes??
Haruka: It's your turn? Are you okay?
Simeon: Y-yes, I'm okay [enters the bathroom] [leans to the door]...Why am I thinking so sinfully today?? What's wrong with me??
Simeon: I definitely need to bathe in holy water for these sinful thoughts.... how am I an angel again??
As Simeon takes his bath, Haruka decides to watch some youtube until he's finished.
Simeon: I'm finished-
Haruka: Oh, that's great [sees him just with a towel] o///o uh oh well... [goes back to the tv]
Simeon shrugs as he changes to his pajama despite Haruka being in that room. She's so focused on watching youtube that she doesn't realize Simeon is right beside her.
Haruka: [Casually puts a long pillow between them because why not]
Simeon: Haruka?? Why??
Haruka: Just in case. I just don't want anything to happen, like random movements. Some people even kick me in their sleep-
Simeon: Really? Uh... I don't sleep like that, though... or at least that's what I thought...
Haruka: You don't?
Simeon: No...? Who does that?
Haruka: ...Mammon?
Simeon: How did you know?
Haruka: [shrugs] Ichigo told me
Simeon: ???
Haruka: Beel probably told her-
Simeon: Fair enough, but why, though? Why the border? I don't sleep like that :((
Haruka: Fine, fine, okay. No borders- [removes the long pillow] Happy?
Simeon: Very~ ^^
Simeon: What are you watching, by the way?
Haruka: Game-play on YouTube :D
Simeon: Ah, I forgot you're a gamer. No wonder
Haruka: Yep, do you want to watch too?
Simeon: Sure, why not
Haruka glances at Simeon and asks when he sleeps back in the Celestial realm as they watch the movie.
Simeon: 9 pm...
Haruka: Really? That early...
Simeon: Why? When do you even sleep?
Haruka: Because of RAD and all the assignments.... midnight...
Simeon: [surprised Pikachu face]
Haruka: We can't help it... there's a lot to do :((
Simeon: Even now?
Haruka: Sometimes-
Simeon: [sigh] We really need to work on your sleep schedule-
Haruka: It's not that bad :<
Simeon: It is. You even have eyebags
Haruka: No, I don't!!
Simeon: You do!
Haruka: I dooon'ttt
Simeon: Then what's this? [casually points to the dark spot beneath the eyes]
Haruka: I use sunglasses, remember???
Simeon: Well, we'll work on your sleep schedule anyway, so... 30 more minutes to sleep-
Haruka: At 9? Why not 11?
Simeon: 10?
Haruka: 11 pleaasseee??
Simeon: Te- [gets tickled instead lmao] Wait- why- Haruka!! Stop-
Haruka: I'll keep doing it if you don't give me 11!!
Simeon: Wa-wait- No-
Haruka: Oh? So it's a no? [continues]
Simeon: Okay! Okay! Fine, 11 it is-
Haruka: Good [kisses his cheek] >:3 mwehehehe-
Simeon: [sigh] I married a gremlin-
Haruka: You love this gremlin :D
Simeon: I do [nods]
So that's what happened on day 1 in Greece but wait! Something happened! Why is Haruka's phone ringing?? Haruka glances at the nightstand, and it's her father.
Haruka: Hello...?
King: So, you're on a honeymoon, aren't you? What time is it there?
Haruka: 9.30? What is it, father?
King: Oh no, no, I just want to check up on you. Just in case anything happens to you, your mother is worried too.
Haruka: Oh, don't worry. Nothing happens. I even took my friend with her boyfriend too.
King: Ah, so there's four of you. That's good.
King: Did you have fun?
Haruka: Of course! It's fun, we traveled to lots of places, and the food here is good
King: Oh, that's a relief^^. I'm glad you're having fun there.
King: since it's late, I'll let you enjoy your honeymoon. Good night
Haruka: Goodnight...? [confused bcs her dad just hung up]
Finally, it's 10, and surprisingly Haruka is sleepy. Simeon almost laughs at her being sleepy.
Simeon: So... you asked for 11, but you're sleepy at 10??
Haruka: I'm tired. Just let me sleep =_=
Simeon: Good, let's sleep
Simeon: Good night, Haruka^^
Haruka: Night... [casually sleeps like always]
Simeon isn't asleep yet and stares a bit at her. Wow, she's sleeping soundly. Simeon decides to pull her closer and hugs her through the night. He also pulls the blanket to cover them both before finally sleeping.
I know you're wondering what's happening in the other room. Awww, look at them. They're cuddling themselves to sleep. Ichigo is now on top of Beel, sleeping soundly.
That is all for day one. See you guys in the next chapter!
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topicprinter · 5 years
Reddit family,I've been on reddit since December 18, 2011 (had to check my personal account cake day). I've learned so much on this site and spend most of my time engaged with /r/mtb and /r/toyotatacoma.This post is intended to share our work with you so you can pull out what is helpful. It's not an academic paper so some things are probably vague. Please ask questions and make suggestions!At the request of the mods, I've taken out 99% of the links to our materials and partners we used/worked with. The rest of this message is word-for-word what I sent out to mentors, investors, and friends of the company yesterday as part of our weekly updates. Scroll to the bottom for images with data and charts.​The message (with edits to be less promo):---------------------------------------We're in the 15th day of our Kickstarter campaign and are sitting a little over $82k - and we have officially surpassed the total funding of our last campaign! Tracking to this point in our last campaign, we are growing at a rate of 44%. Our plan for rest-of-campaign is to keep up cross-promotion and paid-ad activity to create steady daily pledges and to keep pressing PR, email list features, and Kickstarter-watch outlets for regular bumps. We are getting really solid organic pledges through Kickstarter, accounting for the majority of recent activity.This post is going to contain a lot of information. If you want to dive deep into how we're doing what we're doing, this'll be your day!​OUR LAUNCH STRATEGY (or: how we pre-sold $27k in one day)Pre-launch content marketing:Several months ago, we identified our current audience as our most valuable asset: website customers (~400), kickstarter backers (~500), followers (~9k), and email list subscribers (~25k). Following this insight, we planned out a content-marketing strategy with the intention of taking someone from a distant follower into an eager customer, and a customer to a superfan.We started weekly lve video Q&A's on our Instagram, each with its own planned topic. We covered the people behind the brand, our values, our products, and more. These live episodes were then re-packaged into youtube videos, email list features, and social media posts to be shared with our audience. Nearly every social post and email mentioned the upcoming Kickstarter and leaking specs of the new pants. Our ambassadors helped a lot in building hype.We sent primer emails to our press and industry contacts letting them know we'd be launching soon. This included a press release, details, and images. Video and campaign pageOnline shopping is built upon trust, and nothing creates trust like a professional page and video.We teamed up with a local media company who is incredibly talented for our video - ensuring we'd come out with something high quality. We planned a four location shoot: rock climbing, commuter cycling/coffee shop, welding shop, and urban mountain bike. The idea being to showcase all the ways you could use our product.We then spent several weeks iterating and refining our campaign page. We walked through top-grossing campaigns and took cues to how they laid out the page, digital assets, and the language used. We made sure our campaign wasn't lacking any vital piece of information. Then we iterated like crazy going through it like a fine toothed comb cleaning things up, adding missing information, and correcting awkward assets/copy.The main things we took away were to use a GIF or bright image for a hero image at the top, get to the product features quickly, EXPLAIN why the features matter, most text needs to be on images, present lifestyle and detail images in groups to keep things interesting. Also we knew we needed: timeline, good FAQ, stretch goals, basicallly: what information might someone want to find. We took away that a page can be very, very long and still be effective and that our customers like details - so we went all in. We actually removed about 40% of content before launch.Early promotionEmail was our main tool at the start. I worked up seven segmented emails staggered from 9am-11am on launch day. In order of first to know: friends & family, insiders, brand ambassadors, previous backers, most-engaged email list, least-engaged email list. This allowed our most loyal fans to get the "Super Early Bird Pricing."After the emails went out, we announced loudly on our social accounts. We used our personal accounts and asked our friends and partners to share our posts. The important thing here is that we announce on Facebook, Instagram post, Instagram story, and Linkedin all at once. This "everywhere" effect is a good way to increase perception of importance.We wrote a press release, created a press kit with images and graphics, and sent out the announcement news to local and national press. We got some good syndication from this. We always get something. I like press releases!We had a great list of cross-promotion partners lined up from the start. These included other non-clothing brands in the outdoors space who we have developed relationships with as well as a couple sustainability and buy-it-for-life blogs.We exhibited at Outside Experience (put on by Outside Magazine) on our opening weekend. The early success of the campaign was a great proof-point to visitors who were receptive to our message of "Own less, live more" and "Less stuff, better stuff." This event was incredible. Plus, we collected 230 very, very warm emails.Campaign promotionWe teamed up with a Kickstarter marketing firm for live promotion. They are managing our ongoing paid-ad spend, national/international PR efforts, cross-promotions, and affiliate marketing - along with general campaign strategy. In the referrer data below, you'll see just how valuable their cross-promotion, affiliate network, and PR efforts are. We're continuing both owned and personal social media promotion, as well as email updates to our general and segmented email lists.We are currently sponsoring the an outdoor startup podcast (4 live episodes during the campaign), with ad spots at the beginning and end of the episodes. These get 5-10k downloads each and is a test project for us. Their audience has brought us dozens of customers, so we know it's highly relevant.Kickbooster is being utilized to drive affiliate links and virality. The main drivers of ongoing pledges, however, are press placements, cross-promotion, paid social ads, and organic Kickstarter.The spikes in pledges we are shooting for now come from "the grind." Consistent effort on press and partner outreach leads to consistent placements in front of new audiences. We scored another great email feature this morning (very niche and very good for us).We're continuing Livsn Live video Q&A's on Thursday nights at 8pm CST on Instagram Live. So you can visualize what I'm talking about, here is the campaign page. It's the one link we think should stay in, so you can see things in real time and also so you can make suggestions.The live campaign​I promised data didn't I? ​OVERVIEWThe campaign as of 7/22 (all data as of 7/22)[image](https://imgur.com/pyw2TyD)Before we get too far along, I think we should acknowledge that only 1.7% of kickstarter campaigns surpass $75k. We're now in good company.[image](https://imgur.com/LBsI0kA)Here's a look at where we may end up. Kicktraq (where this chart comes from) is usually pretty optimistic. However, this is reasonable and probably a good prediction.[image](https://imgur.com/JAlrt8O)GEOGRAPHY AND DEMOGRAPHICSWorldwide traffic[image](https://imgur.com/8gP0hLj)Here is the country breakdown with traffic and revenue.[image](https://imgur.com/eoqGNtE)Where in the USA. [image](https://imgur.com/gwkcuIN)By the numbers. (The state of Virginia is basically a big server farm and distorts this data, unfortunately)[image](https://imgur.com/rjxdckj)Males 25-34.[image](https://imgur.com/09LAI69)TRAFFIC AND CONVERSION DATAWhere the traffic is coming from.[image](https://imgur.com/7ZUM6FX)Here is a breakdown of that "referral" traffic above. Our email list is at the top by revenue (emaile.fnd.to). 2bc.fnd.to is the marketing firm's cross promotion efforts. I'm especially happy to see the blue results - those are due to Kickstarter's own algorithm putting in front of their audience (major reason we use KS). Note: anything with an "e" before .fnd.to is our own activity. The "e" stands for exclusion and it's a list I made to keep us from paying our marketing firm for activity we drive.[image](https://imgur.com/gC9tkMe)This one shows referral activity ranked by traffic. Paide.fnd.to is our own social media ads (not run by Funded Today). The 51msa and 51dsa are marketing firm ads. Thisiswhyimbroke.com, elevator, and newatlas are marketing firm PR placements.[image](https://imgur.com/y2sjcZD)Most popular pre-sale packages.[image](https://imgur.com/UAAO5Ab)THIS CAMPAIGN VS. OUR LAST ONEThe following are going to be two-image groups, with our last campaign on top of our current one. This is so you can see the growth of this effort vs. last time. [image](https://imgur.com/KIJtf9e)[image](https://imgur.com/vsAEuwY)LINE CHART DAILY SALESShowing growth of 44% over where we were at day 12 in the first campaign.[image](https://imgur.com/BOVHQ1D)[image](https://imgur.com/FbpLYt4)BAR CHART DAILY SALES[image](https://imgur.com/7MZBzwb)[image](https://imgur.com/uqRmP1Y)​Thank you for your time. I know how valuable it is.-Andrew
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thedeadshotnetwork · 7 years
What We're Thankful For, 2017 Remember how horrible 2016 was, and how thrilled we were to leave it behind? So many people we loved died—Bowie, Ali, Prince, Shandler, Zsa Zsa, George Michael, Gene Wilder, Carrie Fisher, Sharon Jones, Leonard Cohen, Florence Henderson. Harambe . On and on. So many things we loved died too. The truth , for instance. Civility . Trust in institutions, after a long fight, also shuffled off this mortal coil. There were no signs 2017 would be any better. In fact, with the election of Donald J Trump to the land’s highest office, many believed democracy had suddenly found itself on life support. But in such desperate need to turn the page, we placed a bit of hope in the changing of the calendar year anyway. We were so ready to move on, to say “ Fuck 2016! ,” that on January 1, 2017 we woke up to a silly art prank— Hollyweed —and allowed ourselves to believe it somehow meant things were already looking up. How naive we were. It can feel impossible in this waking nightmare to feel there is anything to be hopeful about or thankful for. But unlike the end of ‘16, things actually do appear to be ticking upward. The investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election is closing in . There’s a Reckoning underway for men who abuse their power, and it just might stick . Trump’s approval rating has hit an historic low , and he's largely revealed himself to be a walking disaster who can’t get anything done. Because of him, people are tired . But they're also active . And there is evidence the pendulum may finally have begun to swing the other way. This could again reveal itself to be naiveté. But for the purposes of this post, we’re running with it—welcoming any and all good news, especially during the holidays, which can be especially tough. In that spirit, we once again asked the staff at VICE.com to write a bit about what they’re thankful for in these bad (but getting better!!) times, personal things or people or places they cling to when the world appears to be crumbling. We may not be out of the mire just yet, but the things we’re thankful for help us weather the storm. My Bike For anyone who’s not familiar, New York City’s public transportation is usually a horrorshow . Subways rarely come on time , and when they do, you run the risk of getting stuck underground for hours , having your face peed on by a complete stranger , catching your first glimpse of a dead body , or witnessing the brutality of the animal kingdom in all its glory . So my third summer in New York I decided to buy a bike and I’ve never been more thankful. Not only is it just a better alternative to the shitshow that is the MTA , a great group activity, and something you can (but shouldn’t) do drunk , but I started to grow more connected to a city that often feels like a concrete tourist wasteland. Riding my bike through Brooklyn’s sprawling neighborhoods, to Rockaway Beach, down to Coney Island, over the bridge into Manhattan, and up and down the West Side Highway, taught me more about the city than a random constellation of subway stops ever could. I got my head above ground and out into the place I now call home, and learned about others who call it home in the process. (Bragging about all the exercise I was getting didn't hurt either.) The day I finally became happy in New York was the day I gave in and got a bike. That’s all it took. I stopped relying on everyone and everything else—the uncertainty of the train schedules, the wait time for a bus, and the cost and terrible music of an Uber or a cab. If you want to understand a city, and to better feel your place within it, get on a bike (you should also throw on a helmet) and just go— while you still can . —Lauren Messman, Associate Editor Quitting Drinking, Superhero Movies, and Guy Fieri Photos: Eve Peyser on Instagram / Wikimedia Commons I've spent most of 2017 writing about the Trump administration , and the triumph of evil. To put it mildly, the world is not well, which is inconceivably frightening, and on a personal level, very demoralizing. A saving grace has been not drinking . When I quit last October, I did so because I knew if I kept drinking I would die. Drinking was always an escape for me, a way to not feel like myself and not be accountable to myself and my loved ones; at the same time, it exacerbated my suicidal ideation and depression. I don't think I would've made it through the most chaotic year of myself if I was still drinking alcohol, a substance that has only plunged me deeper and deeper into chaos. I'm incredibly thankful for my boyfriend, a fellow non-drinker. Together, we spent much of the year looking for other, less harmful ways to escape from this shit world. As it turns out, a good, wholesome way to take our minds off all the horror that is 2017 is watching superhero movies. Suicide Squad , The Dark Knight , Deadpool , Thor: Ragnarok , Batman Robin , whatever the film's Rotten Tomatoes rating, they offer a form of escapism that makes me happy without hurting myself. Same goes with Guy Fieri, and the wonderful stars of the Food Network. I am especially thankful for Guy Fieri's unapologetic Guy Fieri-ness—it's genuinely inspiring to me. Despite the insanity of 2017, it was also the year I learned to love the things I love without being embarrassed about it. — Eve Peyser, Staff Writer, Politics TEA At some point in the last three decades America decided collectively to get really into coffee to the point where I assume schoolchildren in the coastal elite bubble are educated in cold brewing and Aeropresses and why burr grinders are better. I come here not to denounce coffee snob culture (I have paid $5 for a pourover and did not complain about it) but to raise up tea culture. Sometimes I don't need to mainline all that caffeine that comes in your average cup of "good" coffee. I just want a hot drink to read while I watch a mature, adult television program such as a Ken Burns documentary or HGTV. Green tea, bitter black tea with some milk, herbal teas that can taste like flowers or orange or mint—it's all good, apart from Lipton's, which thank God is mostly not served outside of the Midwest, diners, and certain institutional settings. (I'm talking about hot tea here; iced tea is also excellent.) Teabags are fine but really you should have a teapot and loose leaves, which will feel charmingly eccentric to Americans. Next time someone comes over offer them some tea, or better yet just tell them you are making tea and they can have some if they want, because that's the kind of person you are: a hospitable drinker of tea who even has those little mesh balls you put the leaves into. Tea gives you something to do in the kitchen when you want to check out of a family gathering. It warms your hands during cold winter nights. I won't go so far as to say that drinking it makes you a good person but I'm sure that it's harder to be a vicious asshole while drinking a nice cup of hot tea, and isn't that what the holidays are all about? —Harry Cheadle, Senior Politics Editor Yoga When it feels like things are in a tailspin, and I can't stand reading one more headline or wondering why I'm bothering putting money into a 401(k) when Donald Trump could literally blow up the planet at any moment, there's really only one thing that consistently makes me feel better: yoga. For me, practicing yoga is the difference between near-constant low-grade anxiety about the state of the world and the ability to fucking chill about it. When I'm feeling shitty, I've learned to put those feelings aside for an hour and hit the mat instead. Nine times out of 10, I feel somewhat better afterwards. So yes, I am thankful for my yoga practice. (On a related note, I'm also thankful for weed, for very similar reasons.) —Kara Weisenstein, Associate Editor The 2017 World Series Champion Houston Astros This year I flew home to Houston, Texas, to visit my parents. The trip was supposed to be quick, just two days. It ended up being nine. Many of them were spent in the dark, without electricity. My trip was the same weekend another visitor came to town: Hurricane Harvey. Even as He began slowly churning in the Gulf and was projected to come knocking as soon as I touched down, I went ahead with my travel plans undeterred. As a Third Coast native, I'd lived through many a ‘cane, and figured the trip would be just a tad bit wetter than I'd hoped. I was wrong. Though my folks were largely spared , I was beginning to see—through Facebook, texts, calls—that many old friends, neighbors, colleagues, and relatives were not. The scope of destruction was massive, the exact kind you might expect when a year's worth of rainfall is wrenched from the clouds in just a few days . Everyone got touched. Efforts to recover were similarly massive. All the donated money and funds both federal and local helped people rebuild homes, surely, but spirits around the region were also in massive need of renovation. That came in the form of the Houston Astros. This was, in a word, unlikely. These are the Astros. Just a few short years ago they were the worst team in the sport . (The Dis-Astros they were sometimes called when I was growing up.) And even when they've managed to field good teams they always find a way to fuck things up. So when they found themselves this year in the World Series facing a favored Los Angeles Dodgers, the most expensive squad in baseball , there was nary a reason to believe they wouldn't be swept like they were the one and only other time they'd found themselves playing this late into the season. But they won. In seven thrilling, totally fucking insane games , they won. Quickly the photo updates of various rebuilding efforts and the lasting evidence of Harvey's destructive rumble were replaced on my Facebook feed with reaction videos of the last World Series out, photos of the various victories along the way, GIFs of improbable plays, and plans to attend the parade. Nothing will ever erase Hurricane Harvey's enormous impact on the city of Houston. But because of it, the Astro's championship season couldn't have come at a better time. —Brian McManus, Special Projects Editor My Fringe-Ass Dad My dad is fringe, in the same way Frank Reynolds is fringe —in fact, he’s a lot like Frank Reynolds, interspersed with a little bit of Homer Simpson, a dash of Harrison Ford, and a whole lot of Larry David. Once, he hit a deer while he was driving through rural Georgia in his sedan, and instead of doing anything about it, he left the chunk of fur that had lodged itself into his crumpled grill in place, neglected to clean the blood from his hood, and started calling his shitty four-door the “Deer Slayer 2000.” He rips cigs. He doesn’t pay parking tickets, as a rule. He’s been wearing the same army-green coat every winter for about a decade, despite the fact that there’s a gaping, tattered hole in the left elbow. Another good one: Five hours into a bender with my reprobate friends at a grimy Atlanta bar, after too many games of pool (couldn’t really see the balls) and air hockey (somehow wound up with bloody knuckles) on which we bet a pickle-back apiece, everyone in attendance—including, of course, my fringe-ass dad—decided to go to the Clermont Lounge . It’s a seedy, smoky strip club that’s really more of a dive bar than anything, and it is (for lack of virtually any other word in my vocabulary) fringe. But we didn’t have a way to get there. So my dad—who, thankfully, was sober enough to drive—had all eleven of us pile into his tiny, beat up sedan: Two in the front seat, seven in the back, and me and a buddy in the trunk. We all easily could’ve died, and though two people vomited on the way there, we made it, and everything turned out fine—better than fine. It was fucking awesome. We drank, and sang, and ran around like idiots, and danced our asses off. I bought my dad a lap dance. The point is this: My dad is extremely fringe, and I have never laughed harder, or marveled more, or appreciated to a deeper degree anything than I do his fringe-ass self. This Thanksgiving, I’ll eat turkey, and pet my dogs, and probably play a few games of Trivial Pursuit, all of which will be nice. But what I’m most excited about—what I’m most thankful for—is the chance to get weird with the lawless, depraved (and, by the way, huge-hearted, shockingly brilliant, impossibly selfless) psychopath who raised me. Here’s to you, Dad. Stay fringe. —Drew Schwartz, Junior Staff Writer Whitney and Brandy in 'Cinderella' While cleaning my apartment the other day, I was looking for some Whitney Houston to jam to. I stumbled upon the 1997 Rodgers Hammerstein's Cinderella soundtrack, which featured Brandy and Whitney Houston. This was the only version of Cinderella we were allowed to watch growing up, and for good reason—the movie sparked my love and appreciation for Whitney Houston and made me dream of being a princess like no other Disney movie had before. The soundtrack took me back to simpler days where every holiday season my mother, sister, and I would watch the scene with Brandy gliding around the dance floor with her prince. We were in awe of the beautiful ballroom filled with cool-colored gowns. From the mixed-race cast to the banging soundtrack, this movie was a huge part of my childhood. I am thankful for this version of Cinderella that was ahead of its time in so many ways. —Janae Price, Editorial Assistant These Things Image by Lia Kantrowitz Sometimes talking or writing without putting my foot in my mouth is hard work. I’m truly thankful I have a job where I don’t often have to express myself with words. In that vein, here is a collage of other things I’m thankful for. —Lia Kantrowitz, Senior Illustrator New Jersey I'm back at my mother's house right now in New Jersey for Thanksgiving, and I'll be here for four days—the longest stay I've had in my home state since I moved to New York five years ago. I don't miss this place until I'm here, but I often find myself defending it, even in Brooklyn. I only grew up once, but you'd be hard-pressed to convince me there's somewhere better to do it. I'm from a land that people go through to get somewhere better—to New York, to Philly, to the airport. It makes you restless, flamboyant, and (sometimes) overtly obnoxious. It's everything I enjoy about life. There's something in the air, beyond pollution, that will always make me feel at home here. Even just exiting the tunnel on the train from Manhattan, once it emerges on the other side of the Hudson, makes me feel different. The smokestacks. The factories. The toll booths and swamps and power lines. Finally I can say "fuck" every other word, and no one's going to say shit. In New Jersey, you learn things. You learn how to speak, to tell stories. You learn how to drive 80 miles an hour eight inches from the back of another car. You learn you're not fucking special. You don't have to make up your mind here. You can elect a man who might as well be the mascot for corruption, and then you can tell that guy to fuck off and pick the dude who's going to legalize pot. You can watch The Jersey Shore with irony and without irony, simultaneously. You can listen to Bon Jovi, and understand why he's brilliant and silly, and you can listen to Bruce Springsteen, and understand why he's brilliant and silly. Plus, we have better bagels than Long Island. And better emo music. Fuck them. —Alex Norcia, Copy Editor, VICE.com and VICE Magazine November 23, 2017 at 04:23PM
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topicprinter · 5 years
Reddit family,I've been on reddit since December 18, 2011 (had to check my personal account cake day). I've learned so much on this sub and spend most of my time engaged with /r/mtb and /r/toyotatacoma, as well as our fledgling company subreddit, /r/livsndesigns. This post is intended to share our work with you so you can pull out what is helpful. I've only taken out last names to keep things semi-private. The rest of this message is word-for-word what I sent out to mentors, investors, and friends of the company yesterday as part of our weekly updates. Scroll to the bottom for images with data and charts.---------------------------------------We're in the 14th day of our Kickstarter campaign for V2 of our Flex Canvas Pants and are sitting a little over $82k - and we have officially surpassed the total funding of our last campaign! Tracking to this point in our last campaign, we are growing at a rate of 44%. Our plan for rest-of-campaign is to keep up cross-promotion and paid-ad activity to create steady daily pledges and to keep pressing PR, email list features, and Kickstarter-watch outlets for regular bumps. We are getting really solid organic pledges through Kickstarter, accounting for the majority of recent activity.This post is going to contain a lot of information. If you want to dive deep into how we're doing what we're doing, this'll be your day!Also, here is a link to an interview I really enjoyed doing: https://www.once.eco/blogs/interviews/interview-with-andrew-gibbs-dabney-livsn​OUR LAUNCH STRATEGY (or: how we pre-sold $27k in one day)Pre-launch content marketing:Several months ago, we identified our current audience as our most valuable asset: website customers (~400), kickstarter backers (~500), followers (~9k), and email list subscribers (~25k). Following this insight, we planned out a content-marketing strategy with the intention of taking someone from a distant follower into an eager customer, and a customer to a superfan.We started weekly Livsn Live video Q&A's on our Instagram, each with its own planned topic. We covered the people behind the brand, our values, our products, and more. These "Livsn Live" episodes were then re-packaged into youtube videos, email list features, and social media posts to be shared with our audience. Nearly every social post and email mentioned the upcoming Kickstarter and leaking specs of the new pants. Our ambassadors helped a lot in building hype.We sent primer emails to our press and industry contacts letting them know we'd be launching soon. This included a press release, details, and images. Video and campaign pageOnline shopping is built upon trust, and nothing creates trust like a professional page and video.As always, we teamed up with the incredibly talented Blk Elk Media for our video - ensuring we'd way outpunch our competition.Chris and I then spent several weeks iterating and refining our campaign page. We walked through top-grossing campaigns and took cues to how they laid out the page, digital assets, and the language used. We made sure our campaign wasn't lacking any vital piece of information. Then we iterated like crazy going through it like a fine toothed comb cleaning things up, adding missing information, and correcting awkward assets/copy.Early promotionEmail was our main tool at the start. I worked up seven segmented emails staggered from 9am-11am on launch day. In order of first to know: friends & family, Livsn insiders, brand ambassadors, previous backers, most-engaged email list, least-engaged email list. This allowed our most loyal fans to get the "Super Early Bird Pricing."After the emails went out, we announced loudly on our social accounts. We used our personal accounts and asked our friends and partners to share our posts. The important thing here is that we announce on Facebook, Instagram post, Instagram story, and Linkedin all at once. This "everywhere" effect is a good way to increase perception of importance.We wrote a press release, created a press-kit, and sent out the announcement news to local and national press. We got some good syndication from this. We always get something. I like press releases!We had a great list of cross-promotion partners lined up from the start. Special thanks to Kammok, Allied Cycle Works, Our Good Brands, and Once by Wildark for helping us promote on day 1 through social media, interviews, and more.We exhibited at Outside Experience on our opening weekend. The early success of the campaign was a great proof-point to visitors who were receptive to our message of "Own less, live more" and "Less stuff, better stuff." This event was incredible. Plus, we collected 230 very, very warm emails.Campaign promotionWe teamed up with Funded Today for live promotion. They are managing our ongoing paid-ad spend, national/international PR efforts, cross-promotions, and affiliate marketing - along with general campaign strategy. In the referrer data below, you'll see just how valuable their cross-promotion, affiliate network, and PR efforts are. We're continuing both owned and personal social media promotion, as well as email updates to our general and segmented email lists.We are currently sponsoring the ReddyYeti podcast (4 live episodes during the campaign), with ad spots at the beginning and end of the episodes. These get 5-10k downloads each and is a test project for us. ReddyYeti's audience has brought us dozens of customers, so we know it's highly relevant.Kickbooster is being utilized to drive affiliate links and virality. The main drivers of ongoing pledges, however, are press placements, cross-promotion, paid social ads, and organic Kickstarter.The spikes in pledges we are shooting for now come from "the grind." Consistent effort on press and partner outreach leads to consistent placements in front of new audiences. We scored another great email feature this morning from Garage Grown Gear (very niche and very good for us).We're continuing Livsn Live video Q&A's on Thursday nights at 8pm CST on Instagram Live. See the live campaign​I promised data didn't I? OVERVIEWThe campaign as of 7/22 (all data as of 7/22)[image](https://imgur.com/pyw2TyD)Before we get too far along, I think we should acknowledge that only 1.7% of kickstarter campaigns surpass $75k. We're now in good company ;).[image](https://imgur.com/LBsI0kA)Here's a look at where we may end up. Kicktraq (where this chart comes from) is usually pretty optimistic. However, this is reasonable and probably a good prediction.[image](https://imgur.com/JAlrt8O)GEOGRAPHY AND DEMOGRAPHICSWorldwide traffic[image](https://imgur.com/8gP0hLj)Here is the country breakdown with traffic and revenue.[image](https://imgur.com/eoqGNtE)Where in the USA. [image](https://imgur.com/gwkcuIN)By the numbers. (The state of Virginia is basically a big server farm and distorts this data, unfortunately)[image](https://imgur.com/rjxdckj)Males 25-34.[image](https://imgur.com/09LAI69)TRAFFIC AND CONVERSION DATAWhere the traffic is coming from.[image](https://imgur.com/7ZUM6FX)Here is a breakdown of that "referral" traffic above. Our email list is at the top by revenue (emaile.fnd.to). 2bc.fnd.to is Funded Today's cross promotion efforts. I'm especially happy to see the blue results - those are due to Kickstarter's own algorithm putting in front of their audience (major reason we use KS). Note: anything with an "e" before .fnd.to is our own activity. The "e" stands for exclusion and it's a list I made to keep us from paying our marketing firm for activity we drive.[image](https://imgur.com/gC9tkMe)This one shows referral activity ranked by traffic. Paide.fnd.to is our own social media ads (not run by Funded Today). The 51msa and 51dsa are Funded Today ads. Thisiswhyimbroke.com, elevator, and newatlas are Funded Today PR placements.[image](https://imgur.com/y2sjcZD)Most popular pre-sale packages.[image](https://imgur.com/UAAO5Ab)THIS CAMPAIGN VS. OUR LAST ONEThe following are going to be two-image groups, with our last campaign on top of our current one. This is so you can see the growth of this effort vs. last time. [image](https://imgur.com/KIJtf9e)[image](https://imgur.com/vsAEuwY)LINE CHART DAILY SALESShowing growth of 44% over where we were at day 12 in the first campaign.[image](https://imgur.com/BOVHQ1D)[image](https://imgur.com/FbpLYt4)BAR CHART DAILY SALES[image](https://imgur.com/7MZBzwb)[image](https://imgur.com/uqRmP1Y)​Thank you for your time. I know how valuable it is.-Andrew
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