formulaonedirection 3 months
top 5 desserts hehe :)
Omg....as the sweet tooth girly of all time.....
1. Warm bread pudding with a vanilla custard???? Outsold every single time I'm so serious.
2. Gelato when you're just having a nice cheeky afternoon stroll? Omg top tier walking dessert like it's so crucial. My favourite gelato flavour is anything floral. Ispahan gelato IS life changing.
3. Chewie blondies specifically the smitten kitchen ones like hot out of the oven and topped with a peanut butter vegan ice cream. HELLO????
4. I don't know if we're counting pastries as dessert but a well made kouign-amann could save the world.
5. Pistachio tiramisu specifically the one from italian osteria in Singapore is like my treat of all time. Every time something big happens I'm like okay well we need to get pistachio tiramisu to celebrate bc this is A Moment worthy of it.
As a gift here's a picture of the strawberry and bergamot entremet I had for dinner today
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ask for my top 5 anything
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donutassasin 1 month
Ok so I have a hc that the lamb acts differently based on the fleece they wear and they like their main robes cuz ot cases no effects to them but what would they eact like so I thought about that too soooo
Golden fleece:becomes slightly bloodthirsty and starts getting more bloodthirsty the more they kill, but become deathly afraid of all touch
Fleece of glass Cannon: becomes very fearful(this fleece is the lambs least favorite for trauma reasons)
Fleece of the diseased heart: the lamb becomes more depressed and sad, kinda emo one could say,always talking bout death
Fleece of the fates: The lamb becomes more prothetic and less "mortal", disconnecting themselves and becoming entranced with there own purposes
Fleece of fragile fortitude: the lamb becomes overly confident the more hearts they have, but as they decrease, the lamb becomes more and more cautious of everything and becomes paranoid
Fleece of the cursed crusade: the lamb becomes a bloodthirsty monster,battle junky and only kills and yearns for blood,this one is particularly dangerous because the lamb will kill there own followers in return, they also talk in a more "evil" way becoming way more sinister in nature and much more open about it
I'll do the rest tmr(if I remember) but for now I shall sleep
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monkiementor 2 years
Hi hope you don't mind but can you do Nezha X gn! Reader who has trouble sleep at night due to anxiety and overthinking..?
If you can't that's ok! I don't wanna push you.
OFC I WILL !! I'll get to everyone's reqs when I come back to school tmr !!! for now, have this :))
I'm here.
Nezha x gn reader [fluff]
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You stared up at your ceiling, deep in thought. You couldn't sleep, not that you expected to; the only reason you were still awake was because of all your thoughts. They came back to haunt you, and you found yourself unable to fall asleep until they were completely cleared from your mind. The way they played on repeat in your head, like a broken record, made it impossible for you to even attempt rest. You sighed as you threw off your sheets, turning around to face your window. The sky was pitch black, with only a few stars visible in the dark expanse. A few crickets chirped outside, providing some light, but it wasn't enough to illuminate much of your room. It would take more than anything else to help you fall asleep. You glanced at your clock, which sat on your nightstand, telling you that you had been tossing and turning for at least thirty minutes. Still no sign of sleep. You groaned as you laid back in bed, lately you've been overthinking about everything, even small things.
Like if Nezha really did love you. He does, right? Or was that just your imagination? No one's ever told you outright, but Nezha always says he loves you, and it never fails to make you blush when he does. But then again, that doesn't mean he truly meant it that way. What if he was just saying what he wanted to say? Your anxiety started to kick in again, thinking about the worst possible scenarios. You began to tear up a bit, knowing deep down that it wouldn't do any good. It wasn't going to change anything. "What am I doing?" you asked yourself, wiping away tears before they could fall. Tears weren't going to stop this, or make things go back to normal. They never did. You then hear the bedroom door open, followed by footsteps making their way towards your bed. You immediately knew who it was by the way the door creaked, the sound was almost silent, but you'd heard it more times than you could count.
"Are you okay, my dear?" Nezha asked softly, his voice sounded exhausted, yet concern laced throughout it. "I can hear your heart beating faster than usual." Your eyes widened, but you didn't respond. How could he tell what was going on with you without you saying a word? It was infuriating, frustrating, and embarrassing. He should just leave you alone. "Please talk to me," Nezha said as he sat on the edge of your bed. "What is troubling you?" He reaches out, placing his hand on your shoulder, and rubbing circles into your skin. Despite the action being gentle, it caused your heart rate to quicken, though you weren't sure why. He seemed so worried about you... "Nezha..." you finally spoke up after a while of silence. "Why do you love me?" The question left your mouth so quickly that you barely registered what you'd said. You looked to Nezha with wide eyes, expecting him to either laugh or say something along those lines. His reaction was much different though. In fact, it was completely opposite of what you were expecting. Nezha let out a long sigh before taking your hands in his own, squeezing tightly. "Because you are a wonderful person, who deserves the world. Because despite your shortcomings, your compassion and generosity are undeniable. Most importantly, you have made my life a lot brighter." He gazed deeply into your eyes, his own filled with a mixture of emotions. You were stunned at first, unsure how to react.
This whole situation was surreal; Nezha loved you, but you didn't know that he cared this much. "And why me?" You asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed by your words. You couldn' t believe you just blurted that out, but you felt better once you were done talking. At least now Nezha knew what was bothering you. Nezha placed an arm around you, pulling you closer to him. "It would be easy to explain, but I think that you already know that part of the answer, don' t you?" His tone of voice was soft, and there was a slight smile on his lips. You nodded your head, feeling better noww that Nezha knew exactly how you felt. Nezha sighed again. "Perhaps I am too blunt and forward sometimes," he mumbled under his breath. Then, he looked directly at you, his gaze piercing through your soul, searching yours for any signs of deception. When he saw none, his expression relaxed into one of pure adoration. "When I met you, I never believed in true love," he confessed. You remained quiet as you listened to him. "But then you opened your heart to me, and showed me that there was a place for me among your kind. That I'm not alone, but instead have someone special by my side. And in return, I fell in love with you, and I don't ever want to go back to being lonely again." Your face grew warm, and your eyes watered slightly. But you didn't cry.
Instead, you moved closer to Nezha, wrapping your arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pressed a kiss on the top of your head. "Thank you," you whispered, trying to hold back a couple tears. It was hard to speak when you felt like your chest might burst open. "You don't know how much this means to me." Nezha kissed the top of your head once more. "Don' worry about it. I'll always care for you," he said quietly. "I promise." You felt tears slip down your cheeks, but thankfully, neither of you said anything. For now, you needed this moment to be private; the last thing you needed was to embarrass yourself any further. So, for now, you allowed the two of you to simply enjoy each other's company in peace.
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