#OG lutz
vampireflowerarts · 5 months
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I have been nonstop designing. Klutz goes by Lutz now and I'm so stoked to share the character’s background. Please enjoy this snippet of them from their hometown, Volcano Rock City ~
More doodles and history to come!!! OG Design
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simp999 · 2 months
does lutz have any pets like the og medic? ngl, he strikes me as a cat person
He's allergic to cats :(( but he loves them!! Especially black cats, of course- and yes!! He has a crow instead of a dove like Archimedes, and the crow's name is Herwig!
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dear-indies · 7 months
Hiya cat (and occasionally mouse)! Hope that you're well - witch turned werewolf FC help Adler here; to clarify sorry, still looking a cisfemale who could be between her lates 20s to mid 30s, and a born witch turned werewolf but no longer need her to be British - happy for any nationality and didn't mention in my OG ask but happy for any ethnicities as long as she's got that witchy, folk horror look to here please!
FKA twigs (1988) Afro Jamaican, English, Spanish, possibly Egyptian.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian.
Mishel Prada (1989) Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, and Mexican [Spanish, Portuguese, African, Unspecified Indigenous], some French.
Sophie Cookson (1990)
Eline Powell (1990)
Jeanine Mason (1991) Cuban.
Eve Hewson (1991)
Melise (1991) English, Scottish, Cherokee / Chinese.
Tanya Reynolds (1991)
Carmela Zumbado (1991) Cuban.
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz (1991)
Adwoa Aboah (1992) Ghanaian / English.
Eleanor Tomlinson (1992)
Jennifer Cheon (1992) Korean / Mexican.
Kiana Madeira (1992) Irish, First Nations, Black Canadian / Portuguese.
Cassandra Naud (1992) - is queer.
Olivia Cooke (1993)
Beste Kökdemir (1993) Turkish.
Maia Mitchell (1993)
India Eisley (1993) English, Argentinian [Spanish, possibly other], Scottish, German.
Emma Dumont (1994)
Lily Sullivan (1994)
Ahsen Eroglu (1994) Turkish.
Natasha Liu Bordizzo (1994) Chinese / Italian.
Taylor Russell (1994) Black Canadian / European - Bones and All.
Taissa Farmiga (1994)
Danielle Campbell (1995)
Rachel Sennott (1995)
Anya Chalotra (1996) Kashmiri Indian / English.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American, 1/4 Korean.
Hey anon! I'm not sure if you're aware but cis and woman should be typed with a space between so please be mindful of that in the future. 💕
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skyte spurv(er) med kanoner
bruke overdrevent sterke midler mot en svak motstander eller i en liten, ubetydelig sak using excessively strong means against a weak opponent or in a small, insignificant matter
WADAs forslag til endringer av meldspliktsystemet inneholder enkelte forhold som gjør at man nå kan miste støtte hos utøvere som før har vært positiv. Dette er å skyte spurver med kanoner, sier lederen i Olympiatoppens utøverkomite til NRK. WADA's proposal for changes to the mandatory notification system contains certain conditions which mean that you may now lose support from athletes who have previously been positive. This is shooting sparrows with cannons, says the leader of the Olympiatoppen's athletes' committee to NRK.
Dette uttrykket er også vanlig i tysk, og ifølge Lutz Röhrich skal det gå tilbake på en uttalelse av den ungarske greven Andrassy. I en samtale med Bismark i 1871 skal han ha sagt om jesuittene at han ikke holdt dem for å være så farlige, og at han ikke likte "mit Kanonen auf Apatzen zu schießen".
This expression is also common in German, and according to Lutz Röhrich it should go back to a statement by the Hungarian count Andrassy. In a conversation with Bismark in 1871, he is said to have said of the Jesuits that he did not consider them to be that dangerous, and that he did not like "to shoot at sparrows with cannons."
*Source: Prikken over i-en og andre uttrykk av Kjell Ivar Vannebo
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nosdk · 9 months
Wil Lutz handlet til Denver Broncos
New Orleans Saints har handlet deres mange årige kicker Wil Lutz til Denver Broncos. Dermed forenes Lutz igen med Saints gamle head coach Sean Payton. Lutz og rookie Blake Grupe har haft kicker konkurrence under dette års training camp, og Saints er åbentbart så sikre på Grupes kvaliteter, så de har kunne sende Lutz til mile high. Wil Lutz Nu bliver det interessant at se om Grupe kan leve op…
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tomcat-tango · 1 year
for OG Lutzi boi:
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon Oh you gonna disappear in a dark hallway/alleyway. Your remains will be found in approx 3-5 business days when he tells Delta/people find where that smell is coming from. ☮ - friendship headcanon Lutz prefers quieter people, but he'll make acceptions. He's the quiet friend who'll give you a hand if you need it. Will come out of left field with his humor. ൠ - random headcanon If you tell Lutz to catch something he's gonna watch it sail through the air and hit the ground. He thinks its funny.
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inkykeiji · 4 years
all of us staring at shiggy haters like: stOppp he is very beautiful to me 🥺🥺🥺
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tbh with you i find ‘unconventionally beautiful’ people the most beautiful, just because i think they’re more individual and unique BUT STILL. HE’S PRETTY.
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katatty · 3 years
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She’s quickly joined by a bunch more completely unremarkable “new neighbors”. They don’t seem especially interesting or mysterious at all. (None of them are hot, either! Maybe this whole move was a mistake.) But looks can be deceiving, right? So she plays the good hostess and makes them some sandwiches. Just in case.
(Townie pool I am using is by @mikexx2 HERE. Although I might add a second one, too.)
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dark-falz · 6 years
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le-to · 3 years
tw WW2 talk
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I lost my pen for my surface pro so now I can't do any digital drawings for a while (I still suck at those lmao) so enjoy this rough sketch of Nelly whose age I'm just now realizing I never decided
fuck it she's 4! Nelly is from my og story Enemy Territory which takes place in WW2
it's about a German and American soldier who both get separated from their troups and realize they have a higher survival rate if they stick together as they overcome prejudices and begin to trust each other until a relationship forms
my German boy (Lutz) goes through some MAD character development and learns that he's on the wrong side of this war. while Tommy learns that just because they're German doesn't mean they're a Nazi
god fucking dammit I'm literally writing this story and my favorite character is still a damn side character!!!
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romegreeceart · 3 years
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Antonia Minor and Claudius
*Rome, 41-50 CE
* bronze
* obverse: Bust of Antonia
* reverse: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP (). Emperor Claudius depicted as Pontifex Maximus
* Berlin State Museums, Numismatic Collection
Source Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Creator Lutz-Jürgen Lübke (Lübke und Wiedemann) Copyright Notice CC BY-NC-SA
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fairest · 2 years
Favorite books 2021
1. Patricia Lockwood, No One is Talking About This - as an internet addict and pro-abortion parent this novel was deeply relatable, and left me in a puddle of tears. On the internet: “To be involved in a consensual hallucination of normalcy is much worse than being mad.”
2. Miranda Popkey, Topics of Conversation - sultry dialogues from the wine cellar in this formally inventive 2020 novel. Like when the Reality TV camera pans away and you still hear the drama, only the drama is real.
3. Avner Landes, Meiselman: The Lean Years - the story of a man who works at a public library and wants a better parking space. A young Joel & Ethan Coen should bring this to the screen. Made me think about the word circumambulation, the deity the sentence. I read this novel when I thought I was dying from OG covid and felt okay about it being the last book I would read.
4. Christine Smallwood, The Life of the Mind - a study of ambient grief, and an urgent reminder the mind/body problem is a woman’s issue. Textbook for writing in the close third person. I guess that’s the life of the mind.
5. For Now, Eileen Myles - minor work but still Myles for now. Read this lying on my back on the floor, wishing I was as cool as Eileen Myles.
6. Brooks Sterritt, The History of America in My Lifetime - deeply funny and moving quest for a man doing an impression of himself. Tender and over too soon, like the late Brahms on the turntable. Read this at the River House. Killed a few mosquitos with it, but not enough.
7. Lauren Oyler, Fake Accounts - This I-do-this-I-do-that novel reads like a true friend, an honorary ex-boyfriend. Choicest first word: consensus.
8. Greg Grandin, From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America - A cogent survey of this well-known story that America was like, Iraq was pretty boring—it gave us swell Kathryn Bigelow flicks but little else. So Donald Trump is like: gals, gather round my wall. I’m bringing Indian Country back on the inside where it belongs. America roars.  
9. Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable - read this 2016 book in Cafe Luigi on Clark Street. Things aren’t looking so good for the planet but at least we’re getting good works out of it.  
10. Jack Kerouac, Visions of Cody - This “novel” written over decades is a smarmy mess at times, and a reminder that the prophet is also the servant. Felt like I was at the right age to read this, three years younger than Kerouac when he died. Read this at Calo Ristorante and the Farm House.
11. Gary Indiana, Do Everything in the Dark - Eternally under-the-radar 2003 New York novel about la vie bohème. Wish I would have read this right after college. Read it this year, tanning on the deck, waiting for a plane crash. 
12. Charles Valle, Proof of Stake: An Elegy, a longer poem about coming to terms with life after death. Read this during a hard day at work and it made me feel better.
13. Jon Lindsay, Body High - Instant Classic medium cool LA novel. Stupendous editing. Belongs on that shelf near the register so I don’t steal it.
14. Raven Leilani, Luster - Hard, like a cracked diamond. The first debut novel I’ve read since publishing Jenny in Corona that I like as much as Jenny in Corona. Rode the bus for no reason to concentrate on this one.
15. Kate Zambreno, Heroines - You’ll never look at “Once Again, to Zelda” in the same way. Read this at the pool and in the pool.
16. Gary Lutz, The Complete Gary Lutz - One of those books where you learn the word “wibbling” means “speaking or writing vaguely at great length.” Read this at the dining room table under a banker’s lamp.
17. The Old Testament Book of Samuel - one of the first novels, they say. The story within that most typifies how I feel about society right now is when David comes leaping and dancing home from the wars, like he just bought back his stocks, and his wife Michal stands in the doorway hands on hips, muttering, what the fuck is he so happy about.
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quentinbecks · 2 years
👶 + any of Charlie's babies 💞💞💞
Thank you, Mika! For this one I’ll go with the OG baby girl 🖤
name: Sloane Evangeline Seed
birthdate: May 19th, 2017
personality headcanon: I headcanon Sloane as being very friendly and as having a bubbly personality despite being a tad bit shy.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: her first word was “mama” at around 14 months old. John swears he heard her say “dada” a few months earlier though.
did they get in trouble in school: not at all! Sloane was a bit of a teacher’s pet in school.
which parent were they more attached to: John
what was their favorite toy: A stuffed wolf that Jacob gave her as a birthday present
did they cry a lot as a baby: Not at all! She was a very quiet baby. Charlie and John thought she was the most perfect baby so why not have another…
movie they watched over and over: as a child she watched a lot of Pocahontas. As an adult she really enjoyed the newer version of Emma.
what was their favorite subject in school: Biology and English
were they social growing up or quiet: She was a bit more social as a little kid, but thanks to being bullied a bit by kids (and adults) outside the project, she became a lot more quiet.
which parent do they take after: They tend to take after Faith more than either of her parents, but she inherited the softer sides that John and Charlie only show to each. A perk of having two parents who are openly and grossly in love with each other.
what do they grow up to be: Either a botanist or she moves to Missoula and opens a florist shop. In the AU where the Collapse happens, she helps her Aunt Faith with the harvests.
three random headcanons: Her favorite color is yellow. When it would storm when she was a kid she would grab her stuffed animal and Quinn and run to hide in her parents bed. She’s a vegetarian.
likes & dislikes: she likes kind people, her family, overly sugary candies, gardening, and yoga. She dislikes people that are mean for no reason, thunderstorms and snow, wearing shoes, hiking, and her cousin Ethan.
do they get along with their parents: Yes! They’re a very close family.
faceclaim: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz
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the weight of time, the other side, enemy 6. webtoons up to the other side 10
alright back to kubera, timey wimey shenanigans and maruna growing a conscious.
so kuberas one of those series where spoilers dont change the experience so i knew yaksha was going to show up but ah im so excited yaksha and og airavata??? thank you currygom. oh yeah and we got more on brilith's soul's past i guess.
huh so the ancient human cycle of reincarnation is breaking down. ptsd is being inherited across lives. humans were suppose to regain memories of their past lives when their minds and bodies were fully matured but violent deaths are leading to them regaining their memories before their minds are ready to deal with the trauma and as a result instead trraging each life seperately like we saw with the humans maruna interacted with, the humans ran meets there is no seperation between one life and the next its bluring together and thr grudges are growing as people life out the past. I love it!
...thats ananta. damn currygom is going HARD this arc, all the big names are here. also i just love ananta, yaksha, and og airavata having a breakfast club. ananta is half way to having the dead anime mom hair but joking aside the two foofy braids are super cute. currygom.... why you keep killing off all the nice ones... oh no yaksha has bad regeneration doesnt he... ok i just spent a week with a literal toddler and yeah gandharva
ok i cant tell how much of this heart talk is metaphorical and how much is literal ie yaksha physical heart is effecting ran emotionally. now that i think about it why is hanuman in their female form in the current timeline. wait maruna couldnt interact with another alive in the current time but ran can? i love yaksha why are all my favorite characters doomed. LET ME PROTECT THE CUTE OLD MAN. he's even white haired, has a tail, and is fluffy! fluffy! ran is watee attribute like yaksha too. wait i just remembered samphati told maruna that ideally a natiska parent would mentor a 5th stage rakshasa since 5th stage vigor and what not works more like a natuska and isnt that what yaksha is doing for ran. oh so this is what they meant by suras natures are to destroy. natiskas take of their attribues and astika create
ah so ran's half phobia isn't just trauma from the cataclysm but being afraid of himself. yeah where'd the wind transcendendal come from, ran is water water water
oh wow that experiment was more important than i thought. everyone is there
ooh naver commenter pointed out how sura sometimes scheme names their kids and raltara's parents name might be taraka the natiska name kali took to make yuta
this cute old man is bad for my heart. also ananta is precious. maruna continues to underestimate people but i will say him mistaking to most powerful being to have ever exisged in the universe for a 4th stage rakshasa ia pretty funny.
yaksha is basically a catboy. that explains a lot actually.
im enjoying the characterization of sagara. to sagara power is everything. ananta just wants everyone to be happy, he's uncomfortable with exterminating the ancient humans but he'll do it for sagara. this isnt true to himself or what he wants but he'll be what those around him want him to be. oh wow so the name/role of ananta was designed to take on a portion of every sin ever in the universe. also callback to brilith's conversations on whether its better to have gods that are too weak to do anything or have the power but choose not to help. oh shit and by brahma asking his consent in the destruction of the ancient humans (and ensuring it via sagara) she ensured the sins of killing them would fall on to him.
oh and somethings up with tilda but we dont know what yet. shes going to be important
where is marunas coat? mmmm head hurts... so gods forget things so that they arent weighted down by desires and reach the top/enlightenment. but once they reach the top the dont have to keep forgetting? about doomed willarav(??) all the deaths are turning point in which the characters didin't choose compassion. this is also the outcome that kali averted. ok im with maruna ran is giving me bad vibes. oooooo the maruna ran raltara gandharva situation! the tension! the drama! i was so caught up if the eye of punishment was going to be used by maruna or shess that a couple years ago i didnt even consider the possibility of a new character.
we also see the payoffs of the weight of time and the other side as well ran and maruna have come to see things from the other side (sura and humans). as others have pointed out maruna has spent several millennia among humans and discarded the sura cultural mentalities taught to him (obey superiors, no compassion etc which we see directly in his confrontation with samphati but everywhere after this time adventure) and taken a mentality closer to that of the first ancient humans. if humans using silent magic is said to lessen their humanity and make them more like sura ruthless calculating and cold, the maruna has become more human. the opposite is true of ran having spent many years living as a rakshasa and living far beyond a human lifespn. literally he has become more in tune with his sura side coming to terms with his grand parent being hanuman, yaksha's heart within him, and his power which killed his mother and he attacked the two next most important people to him lutz and rana. silent magic was said to need a desire for power, a lack of compassion for ones enemies, and a willingness to give up everything for one's goals. and mentally his mindset has been shifting from that of a humans to the one we usually see in sura. remember when he was introduced ran was the nicest character in the cast after leez.
so god kubera put the konchez party in a transcendental to stop their minds from merging with the maruna and ran of the current chapter. but thats what made them too late to stop taraka dying and 4th stage yuta. unless they wouldn't have made it aahhhhhhhh my head hurts i infinite possibilities gah! time travel! anyways but im still not sure what god kubera wants to begin with. wait no the mental transcendental preserved the minds of their former selves. the merge did happen that's how the clothes got "restored". oh yeah i forgot former kubera drew the sword of re before giving it to leez.
one of the currygom afterwords or something mentioned it but there's many more characters recently that do not neatly fit into the established boxes. perhaps its because at the beginning and and ending of the universe reality is looser. we have confirmation that yaksha clan bunny girl petupan that ran met has a chaos attribute but other sura we have met has chaos-ish aspects to them like other bunnygirl sona who maybe could be petupan's daughter? curiosly hanuman has a weird left arm when ran met him but doesnt in the modern day. then there's taraka that maintained their minds and forms like samphati and makara. then we have ran whos a human rakshasa (hanuman wondering if they forgot about a child with yaksha is still funny)
3-195 the other side 13 is the last we see maruna with his red fluffy coat in a flashback with raltara. it isnt seen until maruna goes to the abandoned timeline or n23
its probably intentional on currygoms part that yaksha's source attribute is water and that the inheritor of his heart ran was born with 3 water attributes. the interesting part is when ran starts using wind transcendentals and hanuman's source attribute is wind. so its almost as if he were a rakshasa with light as a clan attribute and water and wind as heteditary attributes. what im not sure of is in the fight with maruna ran seems to use some sort of lightning based attack and i cant quite remember so he either mixed partial surification with divine magic, has a sky attribute???? or there's sky transcendentals that dont require an attribute?
the abyss is the water channel of th sura realm?? omg and maruna cant remember the thing in the abyss that was chasing them because its existence has been replaced with yuta.
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nosdk · 1 year
Wil Lutz er nu den der har scoret næst flest points for Saints
Wil Lutz er nu den der har scoret næst flest points for Saints
Wil Lutz sparkede et field goal og to ekstra points i søndags mod Cleveland Browns. Dermed bliver han nu den spiller der har scoret næst flest point for New Orleans Saints nogensinde. Lutz passede tidligere kicker John Carney, som før kampen befandt sig på andenpladsen med 768 points. Lutz er kun over gået af danske Morten Andersen, så lige nu har rekorden med 1318 points i sort og guld. Wil…
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blindedbythelightt · 4 years
i just found out that you have a tag for kellan lutz and that made my day even though it’s 7am!! anyway, how are you? i love you! have an amazing day!!
Oh yayyy I’m glad I could make your day! I love that man. He’s definitely one of my OG favorites. (Wanna know something else I have a whole side blog for @kellan-lutz)!
I love you and I hope you have an amazing day!
I’m good I went to Walmart before work to grab some stuff to work on! How are you?
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