#OC: Zadakael
Questions and Answers
Prologue =-= Past =-= Next
Author's note: Zadakael's next part in Husbandry.
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add more.
Summary: Zadakael meets his bonded for the first time. They are super adorable in his opinion.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
The Traitor Bastards manage to escape him, and some fellow Loyalists, older than the overly large Scout-lings had found him and had insisted on him going to their base as they explained the situation, and having him look through one of the 'fancy' for Ancient Terra telescopes to see for himself that their words are truth. He informed the Imperial Fist that he's not going to apologize for scaring off those Chaos Bastards, they'd been scaring Scoutlings.
That had gotten him a more or less tired nod, if a bit concerned about why the Chaos Bastards had been trying to scare the Scout-lings. They'd gotten a message from one of the leaders of that particular Chaos War Band that they'd noticed the Blood Angel's arrival and how he'd been particularly stabby-paranoid, and thus had herded the Scout-lings in his direction after watching him for a few hours.
Not that the Scout-lings had known beforehand, because good actors and liars Scouts are not especially Primaris Space Marines. There was an almost-apology for scaring the Scout-lings from the group. Which was given to the two Scouts who'd … listened to the almost apology, whether they accepted it or not was up to them and entirely their own choice and in their own time, a definitive answer wasn't needed.
Zadakael gets checked over by an Apothecary and sent to a Blood Angel ran base and starts to learn about how to fit in and work in this new normal. It could be downright leasurely and indulgent at times, being on one world, despite the fact that humanity only had this one planet which had his instincts and training screaming at him to do something about it.
Slowly, he proves himself to his brothers and cousins that he's got a good head on his shoulders. He's informed them of The Black Rage, and how he's fallen to it once. Because of… Because of being on Terra when Father, Beloved Primarch of the Blood Angels had been murdered by that Bastard Arch Traitor Horus.
It had been hard to get the words out, the wounds fresh and bleeding. But it helps with the consensus of the when he was and where he was before he'd been sent back in time to Ancient Terra. There are some of his brothers and cousins who are devoted to trying to figure out how this whole thing happened and how to reverse it or something.
Zadakael isn't a Psyker and doesn't know much about warp-craft, he leaves that to the specialists. While he's heard about 'Bonds' and has been more than a little entertained as some of his brothers waxed poetically, love sick like, about their Bonded. Part of him was curious about Bonds, but he's not actively searching for a Human to bond with like that.
He's helped brothers, cousins and humans during the course of his duties, and occasionally when he's off shift. There is this one place he likes to frequent, learning about the currency of the place, and slowly learning the predominant language in the region that he'd landed in was a couple of things that he'd been working on.
He's missed creating Art, and he's glad that he's been able to have a new, of Ancient Terra style notebook and art supplies that he has to be careful using so he doesn't accidentally snap the colored pencils or push through the paper. He's on one of his days off as he sits near a park, carefully sketching the base line humans, both large and small at play.
One of the youngsters, is running after a ball, that was thrown and overshot and landed near him. With one foot he lightly stops the ball and cocks his head as one of the children runs over to him, intent on getting the ball, a small grin appearing on his face, hidden by his helmet. Children can be very cute, sometimes. In small doses. They are part of future that builds things, for better or worse. The child grabs the ball, and notices him, their eyes are large, and seem to get bigger as they stare up at him.
He lets out a gentle crooning trill to the little one in High Gothic, "Hello child, I'm Zadakael… you should head back to your friends and family."
He makes a very gentle shooing mootion with one of his hands back in the direction of where they'd run from. Stubbornly, the child comes closer to him, having spotted the notepad in his other hand and pointing at it and twittering up at him with a curious tilt to their head.
"Oh?" He hums at them,"Do you want to look at my notebook?"
They continue to very boldly, inch towards him, curious about his notepad. He heaves a sigh and twists the notepad so that they can see it. It's a park scene, the little one lights up and points at the various figures and at the other people in the park, then spots their figure on the page and then at themself.
"Yes, I vaguely drew you and your friends and family." He replies.
This sort of one sided conversation is kind of amusing. The child beams up at him with a giggle that feels like warm sunshine. That warm, soft feeling leaves him as they do and he feels a pang of panic, among other emotions as the child leaves. Protect something roars at him follow. He takes a couple of steps after the child.
Ah- he's heard from his brothers and cousins what it feels like when the Bond first Forms, but he hadn't realized it was like that until he experienced it himself. His Bonded Human is a child, and if their parents had any lick of sense or care, they'd likely be very Concerned and Worried about a large, dangerous stranger whom they can't communicate with hovering near their child. So he sends a message to one of his younger brothers who can translate for him as he tries not to stalk after the child like a creepy lunatic.
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Waltzing Waves
Author’s note: This is the song this is based off of. More Mermay, with dear Reader. It's a lovely bop.
Warnings: gender neutral reader, threats, allusions to death, and murder, drowning, let me knows if I need to add more.
Summary: Reader barely survived encountering a wave-soaked mer-astartes. Reader hadn’t realized they were real and not folk tales, or legends told by the sailors to frighten and impressive those who are land dwelling.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog
Tagged Again: @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
You were on your fishing boat, it had been in your family for years, patched and faded in some places, but well loved and cared for so that it would take care of you. The sea gives and takes, is one of the lessons that your parents had taught you. Memories of your father’s calloused hands gently guiding yours in how to cast the nets from the boat. How to be patient, quiet and watch the sea and skies for the changing, dangerous nature of the weather in the area where you lived out amongst the waves.
You felt the tugs and carefully grabbed up the net, and groan a little, both with effort and hope, it had been a week with very little to show for fishing, so to have the net so heavy was a boon and a blessing, even if it was really heaving and struggling against you with the weight of the fish that you caught. You almost dropped the net back into the water and lost the catch but with a heavy and a curse you pull the catch inside the boat and look to see what’s in your net. What would have to be tossed back, after all, sustainable fishing practices, as well as being concerned about the planet, despite the fact that it meant less money in your coffers, the fish would replenish in the seas better that way.
Your heart drops when you notice something tangled up amongst the fish is something that glints like metal. It was massive and large, with scales that you trace from an aquatic life form to something that looks far more human and your stomach clenches and you gulp in air as you realize what, it was that you caught. He had fins where his feet should be, and his eyes were red as blood, hair as gold as the sun, his features, were hauntingly beautiful, and his angry hissing sound, and the growls as she skitters back a bit. Oh no. You’d accidentally caught an Astartes, this was a very dangerous situation and not dying or being brutally maimed was now your goal. Hopefully he might forgive you if you are very careful.
“Come closer, Human,” The Astartes croons at her in heavily accented language of the locals. “And I’ll eat you alive, like you would have done to me.”
“Please don’t feast upon my flesh,” Your lips tremble and your legs buckle as they gaze upon his massive irate form and you plead, “If I return you to the sea, please let me live?”
The Astartes glares down at you impassively with a sneer, his teeth look terribly sharp. The Astartes glares down at you haughtily from where he’s been tangled in the net, likely still only in it for… some reason. You know that they can, or at least so you heard, can swim through the seas and air.
“I will let you go, but quickly leave these waters,” The Astartes hisses out you with a vicious glare. “If you drop your nets amongst these waves, then my brother’s and I will take you down with us.”
You gulp and nod, quickly and as carefully as you can dump the net, fish and Astartes both back in, barely reeling the net back in to your boat. Before you can start to roar, a massive, clawed hand, from the Astartes you’d accidentally caught. You yelped as he tugged you close with a sharp glare.
“I want something in return for not harming you human,” He hisses.
“W-what?” You ask nervously, he’s so handsome and terrifying at the same time.
“A kiss,” He says, he’d noticed the mixture of terror and attraction in your scent with a slight smirk.
You blush and nod and he press a swift, hard kiss to your lips and then lets you go as fast as he had grabbed you. Your cheeks are pink as you start to head back to the dock as fast as you could safely. Occasionally glancing back at where the Astartes was, or possible still is lurking under the waves. You unintentionally like your lips, they taste of salt and iron as you rub your face and hook your boat up to the dock and stagger down the docks, perhaps, you should let your younger brother take over the family business- and have him go to a different fishing spot while you took over more of the administrative duties.
Sleep is hard to come by that night, and the next several weeks you are haunted by the Astartes in the water that you had accidentally caught. His red eyes and golden hair. His large, long, muscular form. He’d look like a gorgeous statue glittering in the sun, as much as he’d terrified you. And that kiss it haunted you, his lips had been softer than you’d expected, and of that salt and iron. You groan and rub your face, unable to sleep as you stagger to the shore and stare into the water, your joints had been aching something fiercely recently, and the water looked so inviting right now.
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Only In Death Does Duty End
Author’s note: Zadakael’s debut! He’s going to show up in a couple of different AUs.
Warnings: Fighting, bloodshed, Blood Angel In Black Rage, tracking and hunting of animals, Let me know if I need to add more.
Summary: Zadakael falls in battle on Holy Terra, and awakes on a planet he doesn’t recognize, not realizing he’s on Ancient Terra. Yet. After nearly dying, and waking up he’s starving and thirsting and goes hunting.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog
Tagged Again: @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Zadakael had been fighting at the Siege of Terra, fighting the Traitor Legions, when he had felt his beloved Primarch Fall. Had felt the pain, the rage, the heartbreak, the beginning of what would become The Curse of the Blood Angels and their successor chapters, they'd always had the Red Thirst, but the Black Rage started as a parting... gift? Curse? Of their Gene-father to his sons. Zadakael, like many of his brothers who fought alongside their Primarch on Holy Terra it's self-had either buckled to their knees and howled out their grief and rage momentarily before rising to their feet as the First of the Black Rage turned them all into a Frenzy they saw Horus in all enemies that were in front of them.
Their blows becoming stronger, as the please and words of the Arch Traitor are but words on the wind and they'd not heed his treacherous words. Zadakael bellowed out his rage and sorrow as he continued to strike down the Bastard and howled is rage and fury as the tears that flowed down his face blurred his vision momentarily. He cared not for the wounds he received, for his blade will strike with mighty fury that will deal blows that slay more than what he received will ensure that those that caused his beloved Primarch's death will die and have the same amount of mercy extended to his beloved Primarch.
He doesn't really feel it when a lucky blow from an enemy sink through his broken Ceramite armor and pierces his armor. He glares at them with hate filled red eyes, even as his final breaths he tries to do just a bit more damage to the Arch Traitor.
"Die!" He spits out at the Arch traitor as his vision fades to darkness and he welcomes the void of death, and to rejoin his beloved father in the afterlife.
He wakes up with a gasp, and lets out the softest of pained whimpers as tears fall down his face. Somehow, he was alive, even though he'd thought he was dying at the blade of an enemy. A small part of him had been glad of it, that he'd be able to rejoin with his beloved Primarch. But he'd heard a loving murmur from his father who'd said that his Duty had not quite yet ended, and that he'd be needed as one of many in a new duty, a new station, a new planet. He'd wanted to say something as he clung to his most holy father, who'd glowed most beautifully in the light of the afterlife.
With those tears he'd allowed to fall he'd bowed his father and obeyed his Decree and he is still alive. He's not on Terra- these trees that he sees are not ones he recognizes. He continues to stay where he lies as his body knits back together with his enhanced Healing. Focusing on his hearts first, and as his lungs knitted together as well his breathing became easier the healing energy focuses on his worse injuries first. By the Throne he is so very thirsty. He'll need to find something to drink, especially with how much energy he's used in order to heal, and in order to heal fully he'd need more blood.
He grimaces a little, as he slowly gets up, careful of his injuries as he tests how his body is reacting and flexes his fingers and toes, slowly, gingerly moving his arms and legs, noting what sings with pain, and the lack of it. His Ceramite armor is completely fucked, and his Vox is busted, but it's still useable enough to wear as he pulls off his helmet and closes his eyes and takes in a couple of deep breaths, trying to see if he can smell any animals nearby. Opening his eyes as he starts to look around, his keen red eyes alighting on a quadrupedal foot track, and as he carefully tracked the prints, hoof prints, likely some sort of herbivore as he follows the tracks and finds scat and tufts of fur.
He continues to track the herd of quadrupedal herbivores, they have bone protrusions from their heads, antlers of some form. He tracks them, a patient hunter as he scares them, into running and carefully chases after them, the slowest of them he’s going to feast upon. Biding his time until one of the creatures’ collapses, tries to get up and collapses again. He carefully angles his approach and pounces on the creature. He ignores is bleating cries as he drinks from the creature, salty-iron flavor of a carbon-based life form.
He’s so thirsty as he drinks, and drinks and drinks, making sure not to spill a drop of the thirst-quenching life’s blood, easily able to hold the creature that slowly stops thrashing in his arms as he drains it dry of blood. After he’s not entirely filled his belly, but has had enough blood that the Red Thirst is no longer something that is a Need, but a Want that he can ignore he takes one of his long knives and thanks the creature for it’s life’s blood as he starts to prepare the animal, carving the hide carefully from it’s flesh.
He’s not going to waste the flesh, bones, sinew, and hide of the beast that he drank from, as that would be wasteful and the meat, he can cure with a pouch of spices that he’d always carried with him, just in case he needed them. Starting a fire was easy with the wood and brush around him as he cooks the meat and starts to cure the hide with what limited resources he’s got to him. He uses all pieces of the carcass that he can, calculating how long he can use what he can, for his own purposes, and his head snaps up as he hears rustling in the bushes, growls softly but stops as he sees a couple of Scout-aged cousins come stumbling out of the bush and stare at him wide eyed and startled.
“Sit, eat, then talk,” He orders the young ones, one of them isn’t wearing armor for some reason and is wearing strange black and white heraldry that he doesn’t recognize, while the other is clearly wounded from the way he’s limping.
“Th-there are Chaos Marines, nearby sir,” One of them says with a stutter.
“Chaos Marines?” He asks with a frown as he shoves food into their hands.
“Traitors,” The one in Black and white clarifies with a twitchy, low growl in his voice.
“You two, stay here, tend to the fire, eat,” He scowls at that, “I’ll deal with them.”
“Uh- when did you arrive Here?” The one in Black and white asks.
“Several hours ago,” He replies, “Do you know where we are.”
The two scouts look at each other and at him, the other Scout, who’s armored seems very Confused. While the one in Black and White Fidgets, “Can you comm anyone on your Vox, sir?”
“It needs to be repaired first,” He says with a shake of his head.
“Uhm… some of the other older brothers- and cousins of the Loyalist chapters say that there is an alliance between Traitors and Loyalist.” The one in black and white reports, while his expression shows his concern and disbelief.
“… That sounds. Not right.” He says with a frown. “Stay here. I’ll handle the Traitors.”
He heads off in the direction the Scouts came from, starting to hear voices, that are twisted as he readies his weapons. “I Shall bring you death Traitors!”
He snarls at them, sending the mixed group of traitors scattering and swearing at him as he hisses and growls at them, chasing after them with his bolter and blade. The cowards flee before him, not in the direction of the confused young Scouts.
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Past -.- Next
Author’s note: Just what was he up to get caught in a fisher net? Let’s find out shall we!
Summary: Zadakael, is SO Normal. The Normal-est of his brothers. He’s not totally going to change them into a mer without their knowledge and have them be his spouse without them knowing.
Warnings: Stalking. Lurking. He’s A Bit Yandere. GN reader, None? Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Zadakael had been swimming with a pod of his younger brothers and cousins, part of one of the mixed shoals that came about due to them landing on Ancient Terra, and he's so glad that he landed in the water, and not on land, because from what he's heard of others that had the misfortune to do that, they were likely wounded in some way, some badly enough to be unable to active the 'swim through air' ability. So landing near or in the water is preferrable, ideal really. He'd just heeded the call of one of their newest arrivals who'd landed on the beach and was badly wounded.
Some of the local humans already noticed the wounded Space Marine and had called for help to arrive, a few of the bonded humans sending messages to their Bonded Marines, who'd gotten into contact with him since he was closest and had an apothecary in training in his squad at the moment. Getting the flailing loyalist (which was Great, and made things usually easier) them being one of the bite-y little bastards aptly called Flesh Tearers had been slightly annoying to deal with.
But after some growling, and the older son of The Great Angel baring and hissing is fangs at the little idiot had the other letting them him and drag his stupid ass to the sea. He'd caught sight of a pretty human in a boat- carefully fishing. He'd put them out of his mind, at the moment. But, it's been several months and he still comes to this area, watching the human as they fish and boat in these waters, they are so lovely, and he hears them sing to themself, or talk to others over the primitive radio. They seemed to be an excellent hunter of fish and other sea creatures.
For some reason, they'd toss back some perfectly good food back to the sea, still, as he sometimes swam closer, making sure that they didn't notice him. The way they worked on the sea, and supplemented their income sometimes by doing tours with people that don't know the ocean as well. It's interesting to watch them talk, he feels something deep within his soul, as he swims after them. He's heard of Bonds and of what the other's feel when they find their bonded for the first time. It takes one of other brothers pointing it out to him with more teasing than he felt was warranted as he retaliated in kind about realizing he was newly Bonded.
He'd swum off, not in a huff, but to go find his pretty human and watch as they fish. He's startled, he hadn't realized he had gotten so close to their boat. He tries to dodge out of the way when their net catches him and a portion of a shoal of fish and he swears to himself as he tries to get out of the net without breaking it, or harming his human and much to his embarrassment, and he is so glad that none of his brothers or cousins are around to see this display of indignity. He hadn't meant to snap at them so, but he had meant to give them a touch of his blood, to increase the bond between the two of them.
He knows that his human will be drawn to the sea, far more than they were as a someone who uses the sea to make their coin. The soft press of their lips against his haunts his dreams for days after. He continues to watch and wait for them to return to the sea, informing his brothers and cousins that he's allied with in the local area of his human and to send him a message if they come back. To his delight they come back, it takes longer, a few weeks longer than he thought it would. He's so pleased that they have come back to the sea, and he swims up and out of the water a bit to talk to his human.
Crooning at them, Blood Angels are sought after, and thought to be highly attractive, and he knows that they had found him attractive, if intimidating when they first met him, and their reactions to him now are most pleasing as he teasingly flirts with his human, curling around their form and speaking with them. It is difficult, and he gives them a couple more kisses, each with yet another drop or two of his blood dripping into her mouth. He could ask them be his, but that could come with a Rejection. And the thought of them rejecting him has his hearts stinging with pain and has him want to curl around them and drag them down to the depths where they would need him in order to survive.
He shakes off those thoughts. No- no, he has a plan, they will be his, he just needs to be a bit patient, and do this slowly, woo them, charm them. It is slowly starting to work, although some of the younger brothers and cousins that he's been given charge of are being curious little shits and have also started talking to his Human, which he allows, after sternly telling them the Rules, and that they are his human, his bonded, which they are happy for him for. The Flesh Terror keeps teasing him about how he's being a love sick fool.
Which he properly punishes the uppity bratling Scout for and makes him learn respect by having the other go through harder training than normal, and without help from the rest of the squad for being a lippy little bastard. His mood almost always seems to get better when he gets to see his human, they are so lovely, so clever and he is getting to know them. He also, does apologize to them properly for scaring them when they first met, explaining that they had surprised him by managing to catch him in a net, and that he shouldn't have threatened them like that. Also, he'd given them an apology gift, made from sea glass and pearls that he'd carefully harvested, with twine he'd found and cleaned. He had been so pleased when his human had accepted his gift, and after a few weeks, and said that they accepted his apology.
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