glockawood · 1 year
{{ I want you to know there is a in-canon reason for why Scarface types with an accent and that is because Scarface is talking out loud and Wesker is typing what he says, so it's Wesker deliberately being overly literal in his depiction and Scarface is just not correcting him.
They are deeply silly as much as they are serious criminals your honor }}
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whereisalicedotcom · 2 years
{{ dshkdsfds good night for now I promise to answer the other asks tomorrow I got a little distracted haha-- }}
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heaven-said · 6 days
{{ giving it a bit more thought though, i do kinda love the cherubs, i think they're my favorite characters in helluva boss so far lmao I mean the high pitched voice on the baby boy one is a bit grating but i got used to it--
its just such a breath of fresh air to see characters that care even just a little bit more about doing the right thing, they seemed unusual and interesting to watch in that way. Like, they were underhanded and clearly a little blood thirsty ( except colin lol ) but when they gave that dramatic speech about stopping the demons from torturing humans-- seemingly earnestly worried about other people's well being to the point of panic-- I was kinda rooting for them to kill the main cast a little ngl haha Glad they didn't kill them off like i thought they would
But!!! Did you spot that detail that they mentioned knowing what the exorcists do even though the exorcists are supposed to be a secret to heaven's people? Its funny because i already headcanoned that Gabe's cherubs knew what the exorcists do through him by proxxy
anyways-- do not. even attempt to come to me about world building questions, this silly show does not make sense, its mostly unserious up until an imp and an owl guy starts crying, so i will not attempt to make it logical just assume i am canon divergent at all times lmao }}
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revclver-jesus · 3 months
{{ me quietly chuckling in a dark corner every time someone says they have a verse just for being on team strega }}
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alicesought · 1 year
{{ Hello I'm scrubbing through clips today and I always love this part lmao I also think its the one time he curses pfft }}
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winguhiro · 21 days
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mikko-lyn · 10 months
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i drew angel... :)
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Aim. Fire. Fwump.
The gauss rifle in Gewitter’s arm spits, firing its ferrous slug at several times the speed of sound. 
Aim. Fire. Fwump. 
The battle is loud outside, but Theodora can only hear the rushing of blood in her ears. An alarm sounds- incoming fire, SRMs. She dodges, using the jump jets with the utmost finesse to glide the 100-ton mech along the ground with ease. On the HUD, the source of the fire is painted in vivid red, standing out against the cool blues and greys of the battlefield. 
Aim. Fire. Fwump. 
The storefront explodes in a flare of choking concrete dust, chunks of rubble exploding outwards in a wave. Turning back to the objective, Theodora and Gewitter continue their march, towards the sounds of pounding fire that mark the enemy flank. 
Onward, she urges, feeling the throb of the reactor ramp up in time with the beat of her heart. The Atlas thunders down the causeway, shaking the very earth itself with its steps as it nears its prey. With a bestial cry, Theodora leaps, soaring into the air on streams of ionizing plasma, carried aloft on the lifeblood of her machine as she falls upon the enemy from the crimson sky. They number five, she is only one. They are utterly beneath her, they never stood a chance. 
With a single blast from the lasers, one of the light ‘mechs’ cockpits flashed into slag, pilot atomized before they’d had a chance to fire. The second managed to get a shot off, but missed entirely, the PPC flashing harmlessly over Gewitter’s left shoulder. 
Aim. Fire. Fwump.
The Marauder listed as the 200kg metal slug punched through its superstructure, fires sparking deep inside. 
Aim. Fire. Fwump.
It was dead, falling to the ground with the protesting scream of a collapsing building. 
Two more were upon her, close-range heavies equipped to kill at point blank. No matter, she was no one-trick pony, after all. She and Gewitter struck out, in unison as they delivered a tight jab to the rightmost mech, knocking it stumbling backwards. Next, a point blank shot with the ER lasers on the second mech, sending molten debris flying into the air as the high-intensity light burned into the cockpit at a range far closer than its designers ever intended. Finally, bringing the staggered mech into view, she delivered the Gnadenschuss.
Aim. Fire. Fwump.
As the smoldering wreckage of the engagement listed to the ground, Theodora took a breath, savoring the scent of scorching metal, tangy sweat and ozone that always filled the cockpit. 
Wait, she suddenly realized, with sickening clarity, and a sense of Deja Vu. There were five.
In an instant that seemed to last forever, she turned, so agonizingly slowly, to face where she somehow knew the final ‘mech to be. 
Just in time to stare directly down the barrel of an AC-20 as it fired. 
With a gasp, Theodora sat bolt upright in bed, loose hair flying wild as she clutched at her chest, then her missing leg, panicking until the here and now reasserted itself. Talabad was 10 years distant, now. She was on Helios, in the tent she shared with her wife, Melisssa. 
Speaking of Melissa, by some miracle, Theodora had managed not to wake her. She still slept soundly beside her, the gentle rise and fall of her chest and ever-so-slight whistle of her breathing like a melody to Theodora’s ears. 
Best not to wake her. Theodora thought. She gets so little sleep as it is. No sense in me adding to her stress.
So, she moved, quiet as she could, scooting to the edge of the bed. With ease of long practice, she slipped the soft fabric of her suspension sleeve over the stump of her leg, ignoring the phantom sensation that plagued her after remembering the battle that had taken it from her. 
Tomorrow would be another day of hell. But at least they’d face it together.
She grabbed the prosthetic, slipping her leg into into it with gritted teeth, letting out only a quiet hiss as the neural laces connected, sending a brief flash of searing pain up to her hip. She stood and dressed, in the SLDF uniform pants and black T-shirt she favored when off-duty, and exited the tent. 
It was quiet, at FOB Hawk. Quiet as the grave. After all, tomorrow, they would fight titans of steel, and they would win, or die. So Theodora did not blame them for getting all the sleep they could, while they could.
But, since she was yet awake, she walked, through the silent tents and burned-out buildings, to the place where the giants of ferro-fibrous alloy stood sentinel at the campus edge.
With all the familiarity of a path tread a thousand times, she marched through the tomb-like stillness to where her Gewitter awaited her, skull helm leering as it always had.
With a sigh, she slumped against it, reveling in the feeling of the cold steel against her back, so different from that day on Talabad, yet still the same in every way that mattered.
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mirrormania · 1 year
[[ I was suddenly struck with this thought that I miss writing this freak! I don't know why! Its been so long though, I'm just glad they didn't lock me out of my account.
But then I see how many people are still liking my threads and asks and things, people are still following this blog? Sending me messages? And now I feel bad! I had no idea anyone would still think about this guy after so long after the short came out! Thanks for still checking out the blog! Sorry I didn't check in sooner!
I mean my dash itself is dead but still-- ]]
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a-lile-angel · 7 months
see bellow for my muses demeanour and mannerisms :) ~
bold is for what applies often. italics is for what applies sometimes/in specific circumstances.
tagged by - @lyanna-aarvik
tagging - @ausdauer @ssatxr @104thsquadfam @orphicsanctuary
(any muse! ^)
eyes. avoids eye contact when nervous, maintains eye contact, avoids eye contact due to being neurodivergent, enjoys eye contact as a means to read and convey emotion, looks down when emotional, looks up when emotional, cries openly, wipes tears quickly, suppresses tears, wandering gaze when lost in thought, holds gaze while thinking, seeks out eye contact for reassurance, seeks out eye contact to gauge enthusiasm during conversations, eyes move constantly during conversation, expressive eyes, emotions only evident through eyes, uses eye contact to intimidate, looks up while thinking, looks down while thinking.
hands. clasps behind back, rests in lap, fidgets with clothes, twiddles thumbs, chews at nails, pushes back cuticles, draws patterns on table/counter surfaces, animated gestures while speaking, only gestures to emphasize, utilizes sign language, speaks only through sign, callouses, scars, smooth, wrinkled, worn, soft, delicate, boney, slender, thick, veiny, touches others while speaking, reaches out while laughing, reaches out to comfort others, reaches out to seek comfort, places face in hands when exasperated, places face in hands when exhausted, places palms over eyes to hide when overwhelmed, rests chin in hands, taps fingers when impatient, taps fingers when nervous, taps fingers while thinking, scratches scalp, strokes chin, rubs back of head, toys with objects around them, runs fingers over surfaces while walking by
mouth. chews lip, chews at inside of cheek, licks lips, bites tongue, chews on straws, resting frown, resting smile, neutral resting expression, resting pout, grinds teeth, flexes jaw, covers mouth when laughing, covers mouth when shocked, covers mouth when concerned, hands to lips while thinking, covers mouth when chewing, chews with mouth closed, chews with mouth open, smirks, grins, subtle smiles, wide smiles, sad smiles, intimidating smiles, menacing grins, openly smiles, tries to suppress smiles, bares teeth when angry, lips quiver when emotional, stutters, speaks quickly, speaks slowly, good pronunciation, poor pronunciation, moderate pronunciation, purses lips, sucks in lips, holds mouth open when shocked or confused.
legs. bounces leg when 'nervous', draws knees to chest when sitting, draws knees to chest as a means of comfort, sits on knees, sits with legs criss crossed, sits with legs spread open in chairs, crosses legs when sitting in chairs, sits with one leg folded under the other, places feet on furniture, never places feet on furniture, sits on counters, sits on desks, sits on tables, sits on edge of seat, sits hunched over with forearms on knees, arches one knee up, sits on the arm of chairs/couches, feet on dashboard, swings legs back and forth when sitting somewhere elevated, wiggles toes when nervous, wiggles toes as a general tick, shuffles feet, kicks foot into ground, stomps feet, loud footsteps, quiet footsteps, silent footsteps.
hair. runs fingers through hair, tugs at hair, picks at scalp, chews on hair, twists locks of hair while thinking or nervous, smooths out locks of hair while thinking or nervous, prefers hair out of face, prefers long hair, prefers short hair, wears hair back, keeps hair down, smooths back hair, plays with other’s hair while talking, plays with own hair while talking, strokes hair to 'comfort' others, likes having hair stroked for their own comfort, braids others’ hair while talking, braids own hair while talking, flips hair out of face, pushes hair out of face, leaves hair alone even when falling into face.
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rougesoldat · 2 years
Personals Headcanons for the Shinigami in Kuroshitsuji
A post for @docmartensanddietcoke and for the Kuro fandom Team shinigami.
(Just, an old friend told me that put a “ s “ to the word “ shinigami “ was incorrect)
Headcanons Society Dispatch shinigami
>>A shinigami don’t immediately work. When a soul become a shinigami, she is sent in a “Accompanying House”. It’s an isolated, big propriety where “babies” shinigami live their first days. The shinigami learn them to read and write sometime, help them with the “futuristic” objects who are out of time, and alson help the shinigami to accept their punishment and don’t commit a second suicid. Sometime, the shinigami think that this place is the paradise and don’t want leave him, it’s the paradoxe of this place. 
>> The medecine department exist for the shinigami who get hurt after a mission. But, he's mainly knew for his psychatric wing, her asylum for unstable shinigami, her office drugs  controle and suicid cell.
>> a shinigami who can’t to work is send in the 4th basement. It’s a place where he does useless things for that he continues to work.
>> Because the sexism, the female shinigami are considered like too fragile and too emotional for to work in outside. However, they trained for to be multipurpose. They can to build and fix the scythes and the glasses, the complex administration, the secretariat and for the medecine, even the mental health. I think that during the War I, like the human women, they would be the only and the more important support for the male shinigami who will work on the No Man’s land.
>> A soul of shinigami is inedible for a demon.
>> With the thorn of death, he exist dangerous virus shinigami. The stress to have much work can to cause a black sweats who cause a dangerous madness. The solution is to kill the shinigami who cause this stress.
>> The shinigami keep many memories of their old life, but every head and face of persons are erased, except the face of shinigami saw.
>> He’s exist a department for the suicide here
Headcanons shinigami
>> Grell Sutcliff For to don’t become a shinigami, Grell had the idea to do to believe that he was much too mad and unstable for to become a shinigami, even if it was to stay closed during an eternity. It's a tutor stronger and intimidating that Grell who have successes to change the shinigami for to will become more “cooperative” with his job Grell loves the dogs (it’s why he loves Sebastian) but prefer the Siberian Husky because they are fluffs and sweet. After to read a fanfiction on the subject, i think that Grell take cocaine and opium. Grell didn’t wanted to train Ronald, but after, it was fun to him to create a Playboy. Grell suicided with a shaver.
>> William T. Spears He takes drugs for to work more but nobody knows this (except Grell who keep the secret) William is unstable for the shinigami officers. He failed her last psychotic test. He doesn’t know that her place of leader of department will take end soon and that he will be replaced by another shinigami. William did much erotic dream and had some phantasms during her job, but prefer to keep this in his spirit and far away of Grell. William doesn’t like Grell, but if Grell would disappear, he would lose her mental balance in some seconds. William loves the cats, as Sebastian.
>> Ronald Knox In his human life, Ronald was the son of a baron. Her father dead, he lived with her mother. Ronald was a rich who live with recklessness. So, a day, he frequented bad persons, and he accidentally killed her mother. Because he had killed the first woman who a man should respect, he considered that he don't deserved to live and put the gun in his mouth. Ronald didn’t like her punishment and preferred the Hell. He was unstable and the shinigami officers wanted to close him in the basement. Well, a tutor learned him to live her situation and Ronald success his exams before that Grell train him then. Ronald is a « Black Dog », a nickname for the shinigami « who obey to another master that the Superiors » He don’t know that his watch hide a secret Ronald is afraid by Othello since a medical joke when he was young.
>> Othello He looks porn « for the science » He did a medical joke, with a syringe, because Ronald break something in her laboratory. He created drugs during a moment for to grow her salary. He stole a book on the futures electronics invention, notably with the big chapter on the video games He loves the science since his old life, because he could no longer to walk outside after accident where he lost her legs.
>> Rudgar The train killed him. He broke her scythe during his first work day and nobody knows how he could to do. He was an excellent hunter in her old life. He’s a « Black Dog » like Ronald. His hair never saw a hairbrush.
>> Sascha He was considered as mad because of an unknown mental sickness, so, he lived in an asylum during a mainly part a life. He's hanged in her cell. Sascha is a hermaphrodite and the 6th case of shinigami hermaphroditism. He tokes drugs for to work more longer. The situation finished in a psychiatric cell with four months of recuperation.
>> Éric Slingby He suicided after the defeat and the dead of his Scotland clan. He’s not dead (because the fanfiction exist) and he works with the young recruits but don’t know if Alan is alive too. He shared in the same bedroom of William when they were young recruits. >> Alan Humphries He’s not dead (see the precedent note) and work for the personnel department, a closed department who only communicate by pigeons or letters. He has scars of thorn of death and don’t know the situation of Éric.
>> Lawrence Anderson He’s one of first shinigami and works on the glasses since the beginning of the Dispatch.
>> Others shinigami I called Ignatus, Michael and Jonathan these three shinigami
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O.C  >> Jack Sutcliff It’s the twin of Grell, birth five minutes after him. (OKAY ! It’s my reaction to twin Ciels !!) He has been separate of Grell in his birth and suicided one month after him. He works in the German Dispatch for that there are not « Two Grell in the same place » and is the tutor of Rudgar. He loves to seduce the women and the opera. His hair is red and long but attached. His teeth are same as brother but her fang are more long. Her overcoat are long and black but red inside. Grell named « Jack the Ripper » in reference for this brother and sent him a photo of Madame Red. Jack is fell of love of her but was completly broken when Grell tell him that he killed her. Since this day, Jack don’t speak to Grell. He has deserted some weeks later (with her scythe and her glasses). Grell don’t know where he hides him and if he’s always in life.
>> Baskerville : He’s a black dog of emotionnal support. Grell had him a little before the War I. He’s a crossbreed between two races of sled dogs.
>> Crimson : A black cat of emotionnal support of William. He hates the demon as his master and he’s cold as him, but loves to sleep on her works papers.
O.C.C >> Ada Because since her creation in the manga, I imagine her to become a shinigami a day. Ronald is the only person that she remembers. So, Ronald will be his instructor. If her first objectify was to take Ada in his bed, she became like a sister for him as he became a brother for her.
>> Lawrence Bluer The events of Blue Arc finished by to break him. He considered himself like a shame and a danger for his sisters, and like a monster. He’s become a shinigami in the end of XIXe and became the better student of William, then her subordinate.
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heaven-said · 26 days
{{ will you understand if i literally can't do any replies except asks today dskhgdskjd }}
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revclver-jesus · 1 month
How do you feel when people say that Takaya is just using Jin and Chidori?
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{{ You mean like that one hot take that drove me up the wall? lmao I am going to give you the full blown dissertation here i go-- let's call this essay
The Most Commonly Misunderstood Thing About Takaya's Character: or Why Team Strega Is Not Literally A Cult lol
When people say that Takaya is just 'using" Jin and Chidori, what they're implying in most contexts is that Takaya is incapable of forming attachments and his motivations are fairly shallow-- essentially Takaya is not a complex villain and should be dismissed as purely selfishly motivated and malicious. He's a "simple" villain.
Now I realize....... that I might be biased as that girly that's written him on a dedicated blog for multiple years now, but purely objectively speaking, removing all my own headcanons, using only the information provided to use in canon? It's just thoroughly false, tbh!
First I'll go into why he isn't purely selfishly motivated and then I'll explain his relationship with Strega because I can prove the motivation with just Reload as an example, let alone the novel. Takaya, in Reload especially but even in the original game, I would argue has a full blown character arc off screen. At the start of the game he does appear to be more selfish, he has no real motivation and is just living out the last of his life doing underhanded assassin work-- nothing's really challenging him. But as the story progresses, Takaya begins to express a meaningful ideology-- he develops a greater concern for the world around him and expresses a full blown motivation. He says, in protest to the choices of the protagonist in one of his social events, and I quote: " Choosing to turn a blind eye towards your own power, to the grief of the fallen, to the unchosen and the unloved." Its clear he is not talking about himself here, as he mentions grief for the fallen. Takaya is expressing that he feels grief for something-- he is sorry about something that has happened to someone else, and it bothers him enough to nearly scream about it.
I think, often times, people dismiss what Takaya says as insincere almost automatically without any indication that he doesn't mean the words he's saying besides perhaps being vain and dishonest in other scenes, but these social event scenes are clearly meant to be interpreted as him being unusually earnest. By the end, Takaya is not just trying to keep his own power, but, as he says " this is not just my will but the will of all people. " which all culminates into Takaya's final character arc moment, where, in his final boss, he says the line " I will throw away my pride! " before using an evoker instead of trying to summon without help, implying that he is finally sacrificing his ego to better fight for what he believes in. If he was fighting for a positive cause, this would be a heroic moment, but it is still concrete evidence that his motivation is no longer meant to be seen as purely selfish. He is now fighting for " the will of all people ". He cares about the " the fallen, the unchosen and the unloved."
So what about Jin and Chidori? To put it simply, Takaya is not some puppet master that breaks them down emotionally and treats them like tools. They're his friends, and he happens to have a leader's personality, so they follow him, much like the protagonist he is designed to mirror. Its a lot easier to guess how he feels about them when you don't assume the worst and look at all his canon interactions with them. And even easier to tell if you can manage to read any english translated pages of their strega-focused novel ( which we can assume is fairly canon since Reload references it with the child turned into a large shadow ).
In the novel, as far as I've seen ( its only partially translated ), team Strega is extremely informal and lighthearted around each other. There is no sign that they fear Takaya, as they are willing to tease each other and disagree. The opening scenes of the book quickly establish a sort of family-like dynamic, with Takaya having an older brother-like role. He teases Chidori ( in a bit of heavy handed foreshadowing ) that she will understand why people fall in love when she's older-- of which Chidori sort of says gross and "as if" and rolls her eyes at him. Jin, being the narrator perspective, shows no sign of intimidation when around Takaya, something that would bleed through into their every interaction-- especially the establishing scene introducing the cast-- if that were the case. I feel, even if the novel is not canon, the writer would be instructed not to write Takaya so friendly if he was meant to be a heartless manipulator regardless.
In the game, the most manipulative thing he ever does to either is when Chidori is pulled back into Strega. Takaya tells her that there is nowhere else she can go and reminds her that death is not to be feared in a way that sounds like he's repeated this mantra often enough he knows she can guess it. This seems spooky, but the tension is immediately alleviated by the flippant and kind of sassy way that Chidori assures them she remembers Takaya's advice. This is not how you talk to your cult leader and this is not a cult, this is something closer to a gang or a club-- at worst, a coven of witches ( considering their team name is "witch" in italian.). They simply have an in-group and out-group sort of mentality, a shared since of identity, and a shared view of the world to go with it, which is to be expected when you've been openly shunned and mocked by the average person ( as seen at the start of the first scene with Shinji ) But this scene, when compared to all their mundane and lighthearted interactions, doesn't imply anything more severe than the leader of your misfit club reminding you why we don't hang out with the normies. You're "one of us" and a level of loyalty and commitment is expected when you otherwise always act as a group.
Yes, he is very cold and indifferent to the sight of his team members getting hurt-- or hurting themselves, for that matter, but the reason for this is obvious. In Reload, Takaya plainly expresses that he is feeling attachment ( for the protag at the moment ) but is avoiding his own capability for attachment intentionally. That scene was meant to establish that he can feel attachment, that he isn't as cold as he pretends to be, to encourage the viewer to see him with a little more nuance. What causes a man to force himself to be colder than he really is? What can cause an avoidance toward emotional attachment? Maybe...... watching 100 children die after being orphaned and stolen away to live underground for years? lmao
And so, when Takaya watches Chidori do self harm or literally sacrifice her life, for one-- he's not going to parent her, they don't have that kind of relationship, and he would be a hypocrite if he tried to encourage her not to do what she wants to to her dying body-- and two, of course he doesn't mind if Chidori dies, he's expecting that to happen anyways. His one greatest gift is his uncanny ability to accept death and the death of others. Mourning you openly is not how he expresses emotion. Especially when he sincerely believes death is a blessing. Its just the way she died that he's a little annoyed by. ( And why shouldn't he be honestly-- the girl threw her life away on the first nice guy she met at the mall just to make his work harder from his perspective, lmao ) BUT. In the comic version of that scene, Takaya does let himself be cut across the chest purely because he hesitated to shoot when he saw Chidori's spirit protecting Junpei. So... that might imply something.
However, if there is any greater evidence against any who claim that Takaya does not care about Jin especially... Takaya's final words, in multiple renditions of the story including the movies and Reload, are to say that he wishes Jin was with him as he died. If there is anyone that Takaya cared for, at least one single character in the entire game, it is above all Jin Shirato.
In the movies its very obvious, with the sad closeup shot of him looking beaten and washed up as he wishes Jin could be here to see it all end with him. I have the scene as an icon ! Look at how emotional the framing is !
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So yeah, that's how I feel, it just drives me crazy when people remember Takaya as just Some Asshole lmao-- he IS an asshole! But he's no Chairman Ikutsuki, he has a lot of complexity to him beyond being the guy who killed Shinji, and not everything he does is black and white. There is highly plausible reason to believe Takaya cared for both of them in his own way, but the ever loyal, best friend, Jin Shirato, especially so. }}
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alicesought · 1 year
{{ It was actually this little lighthearted moment when you first spy on him with his pawns that made me like his character so quickly in the first place dsgkdsk }}
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Hello, everyone! My name is Aria, and my characters in this RPG are:
Emilie Agreste (neé Graham De Vanily) from Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir,
Crown Princess Stella from The Winx Club,
and Agent Lucy Wilde from Despicable Me.
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devilgcd · 1 year
The joy of tumblr suggesting me people to follow. Hello folks, if I have followed you ~waves~ .
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