#Numbers 18:20
whatsthatmagiccard · 2 months
We're always innovating at Whatsthatmagiccard Inc., especially when the inbox's dry. This time, we are hoping to find the Magic card that best fits Tumblr. Since there's over 25,000 of them, we'll narrow things down 20 Questions style. I'll come up with a new poll every day to do so, and by the end, we should land on a single card that is the most Tumblr. Let's start.
Colorless wins by plurality as usual. If colorless doesn't win, every color above 15% is included in the card. Feel free to collude in the notes--if anything, I encourage it.
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shesprettymeh · 5 months
I’ve done the math and I can’t stop thinking about how Sparrow was at oldest 20 when Hero was born
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kaeyx · 5 months
I keep having to block people over this so please please please PLEASE just PUT YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO. OR YOUR PINNED. PLEASE. SOMEWHERE I CAN SEE IT EASILY. I AM SO TIRED.
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crenna · 14 days
guess who went to the hairdresser and came back with the exact same hair i always have even though i’ve been saying for months i was gonna dye it and get curtain bangs 👉👈
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butchriptide · 3 months
genuinely really frustrating that people will like. choose to accept the age mistake made in assassin as canon for deathbringer when it actively contradicts older material. like. sorry idk if this is me being unfair here but genuinely like. why would you think it's intentional when deathbringer is described in main series as maybe a year or two older than glory at most, and can canonically not be any older than 9 due to stated timeline facts in the main series.
like. I get not liking glorybringer, i really do. no ship is for everyone. hell, even if assassin specifically makes you feel weird about it, so be it, to each their own. i can undertsnad that too. and yes, the glorybringer fans who think the age gap are canon are also in the wrong. they're being really gross, i don't think it's necessary to disclaim that, that feels given, but like... that only comes to my point still of like, i really don't understand taking a spin-off as canon over the main series. i don't really understand prioritizing later content as canon as opposed to the main work over spin-off as canon. why should a spin-off take jurisdiction just cuz it's newer? i feel like the older the canon is, the more likely it is the newer stuff will make mistakes. to me, in the case of a contradiction, the main series should be taken to? a spin-off is meant to supplement the main series, so shouldn't it only supplement canon that doesn't contradict?
like also, i get being frustrated it isn't fixed, but also. like. i obviously have not worked with a publisher before, but if I was writing for fucking scholastic books, no matter how well fucking beloved my series was, I don't know if I could risk being like "hey. can you pull my books from shelves and e-stores for me so that I can edit one line?" Like. I really don't think there's any reality in which I can make a corporation agree to that kind of thing, no matter what that one line may fuck up about my main story. like it's not even the only mistake she makes in the winglets. she calls deathbringer a rainwing in the flip book, but we're not hailing that as canon in retrospect, right? I don't know. I think it's unfair to presume that she's choosing not to fix it as opposed to it being an improbable to downright impossible thing to ask of a publisher. like yes tui is an incredibly successful author but i really don't know if we can presume she has that much actual sway on her publisher.
it's just really exhausting as a deathbringer enjoyer to feel like if I want to talk about and enjoy his character, and yes, that includes context given in the assassin winglet once you ignore the timeline error, i feel like I constantlyyy have to be saying "yes I think the timeline error is an error. no i don't think deathbringer is 13." like. every time i bring him up. i'm a riptide fan I'm used to it but also it's sooooo tiring to go into a character tag for a guy i like and be swamped with hatred for him and it's so much worse for deathbringer than riptide because in the deathbringer tag I have to deal with being actively accused of excusing gross shit for liking him instead of people just saying that my blorbo is boring.
#by nightwings standards deathbringer isn't even a fucking adult. like even when I was first reading the books he never read as an adult to#me. and the assassin winglet only further adds to this for me not lessens. he reads so much as#teenager/barely in his 20s guy who grew up#way too fucking fast for his own good but fully buys into his own narrative that he's got everything sorted and together#the way the age system works as I've always interpreted it is that like. each age up to 7 covers a wide but decreasing number of human#maturity years every time and then slows to the years being one-to-one by the time they're 7#with 7 corresponding to 18#which makes the nightwings not counting dragonets as fully grown until 10 the equivalent to how 21 is kind of like being an Actual Adult#law wise in America at least i mean to say#deathbringer can't even legally buy beer yet is what I'm saying. some hotels wouldn't let him check in without an accompanying adult#deathbringer#misc#wings of fire#wof#sorry for complaining in main tag but I'm so fucking tired of being made to feel gross for liking a character over material that#no casual fan of the series is even going to know exists or read that is so clearly a timeline error based on everything in the actual#series that I read#does my joke about him not being able to buy beer make up for it#do you guys still think i'm cool#on the note of publishing too#there's no reason to think scholastic could even make it happen in a timely fashion even if tui did ask for the change to the books. like.#looking up working with scholastic reviews some of the most common negative reviews are about poor management#i'm not trying to white knight for her or anything i think she's a flawed human being like anyone else I just think if ur gonna critique he#you should do it about stuff that's like actually poorly handled in her series. not a timeline error in a spin-off. like. come on.
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sophieswundergarten · 8 months
Rhonda Kazembe
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lotus-duckies · 1 year
asian parent behavior
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9w1ft · 7 months
I think you are 100% right. I feel like Rep TV will need to be dropped before Kaylor is physically seen together. That album is very heavily Karlie related (despite other people rewriting history) 😏. For endgame to happen—endgame has to come back around, just like KARma. Exile just ended—but freedom is still on the green mile. Taylor is definitely setting the stage. Things are building, but shit, 2025 lottery ticket just might be the winner. 😂
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😆with the 2025 lotto ticket thingy, i maintain it was just a wry joke but at the very least it’s been nifty to have something to fall back on. anything sooner than that would be a pleasant surprise!
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big-urchin-energy · 3 months
unreal for people who are 30 to list their preferred ages for flat shares 25-99 like. so you'd rather live with a 95 year old than someone who's 24
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lilnasxvevo · 6 months
Huh. I have a little bit of heel slippage in my new boots and I re-laced them in a way that’s supposed to help with heel slippage and it actually worked. Those shits are firmly in place now.
Thanks, Journeys?
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zuble · 11 months
oh my god new obey me lesson tonight and i just remembered how the last update ended. if anything crazy happens and you need spoilers tagged just know that i tag mine as “nightbringer liveblog”
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puff-hugs · 1 year
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gingershnek · 5 months
A Hot Take-
A Small Hill I will Ravenously defend-
A Short Speech I will deliver proudly from my broken soap box:
19 is the worst number
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kineticallyanywhere · 2 years
nothing but respect for anyone trying to figure out a dnads timeline because according to Matt: 
Grant is 13
Darryl drove Grant home from the hospital when he was born
Grant is 12
Darryl is in his 30s
Darryl didn’t learn to drive until he was 32
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howdyfriend · 1 year
26 5 12 4 1 4 1 25 15 14 6 18 9 4 1 25 9 13 19 15 5 24 3 9 20 5 4!!!!! 25 9 16 16 5 5!!!!!
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