#Now granted i might not remember some stuff and thus have inadvertently told some lies here so feel free to correct me
atanx ยท 1 year
Okay: how fucked up is it that Nishiki was buried next to Kazama of all fucking people instead of, uh, I don't know, maybe his SISTER???
It's honestly frightening how Yuko was just erased from the narrative. For all intents and purposes, she was just a plot device, a contributing factor to Nishiki's downwards spiral. It's understandable why even fandom forgets about her (no character model, no voice, no personality whatsoever) but in-universe, it's really fucking insane.
Like you're trying to tell me that Nishiki, Yuko, Kiryu and Yumi used to be really close as kids. I think it's in an RGGOnline story that Yuko was the one who helped Yumi open up when she arrived. But for some reason, when the game series starts (even in Y0) Yuko is suddenly just "Nishiki's little sister", which is bizarrely distant of them.
Like what could have happened, in-universe, that just made everyone except for Nishiki forget about Yuko?
Sure, you could make an argument along the lines of, "due to her condition, visitation rights were limited". But even if so, that wouldn't be grounds to become straight up APATHETIC towards her. Even if they couldn't visit (which I doubt they couldn't) they could have exchanged letters and gifts via Nishiki, could have shown more interest in her well-being, could have had conversations through the phone with her. You'd do all of that and more for someone you (allegedly) view as a sibling.
And the pre ten years in the joint stuff aside, why did Kiryu never ask about Yuko? (At least from what I remember) Like does he even know that she's dead? That would be an explanation for them not burying the Nishikis together but it also wouldn't make sense because if Yuko were still alive you'd think she'd be in the picture.
And Kiryu KNOWS that Nishiki hated Kazama enough to shoot him. Why bury Nishiki next to (I think literally in between them) Yumi and Kazama?? Considering how much Nishiki cared for his sister, wouldn't it be more proper and merciful to reunite them in death? I'd understand it if the game stated that for example there isn't actually a vacant grave next to Yuko's or that Kiryu didn't know where it was or something.
But Yuko literally doesn't get brought up at all in the ending. She served her purpose as a narrative device and that's it.
I seriously believe that this is just a flaw in the writing. They fleshed out the story and forgot to make it make sense upon closer inspection. And that's definitely forgivable from a media-consumption perspective. Even though YK1 has many, many writing flaws I did still enjoy it. But it's just so wrong and cruel in-universe.
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