#Not everyone has depression anxiety and chronical pain all in once
I just saw the post SERVICE DOGS HCS PLEASEEE !!!
HERE WE GO GANG! These are the one's I have so far! Feel free to suggest recs for any characters or disabilities y'all wanna see! (feel free to rec it even if it's for a character on the list)
Service Dog: Brown Newfoundland, Delta (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Occasional Psychosis 
The hair dye oh my god. He can rarely drag himself out of bed during depressive episodes but occasionally he’ll get a random burst of impulsivity and re-dye his hair. Most of the time he does the same shitty job at bleaching it blonde
Sharon and Randy officially divorced when he was fifteen. He got a little better now that there isn’t constant screaming or the threat of a drunk or high Randy doing something stupid
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a total mess-
Patched his relationship with Shelly
Misdiagnosis club AND public breakdown club
God his entire aura just radiates LOSER energy but he’s somehow insanely popular
Not cousins with Craig & Red in this AU but their parents are insanely close so they hang out a lot
Service Dog: Irish Setter, Saturn (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Epilepsy
Lowkey autistic but Saturn isn’t task trained for anything related to that
Goes non-verbal at times but it’s pretty spontaneous. Most people outside his group can’t tell if he’s actually non-verbal or just not talking to fuck with everyone
Peru drama was secretly worked out when they were twelve. Craig was hospitalized for a while when they were running tests to get a diagnosis, it was roughly a month long stay. He told Stan he’d call it even if Stan looked after Stripe until he was out. Tweek was away for the summer and he knew Stan wouldn’t let anything happen to her since he’s a massive animal lover
Gotta maintain the bitch personality 
Service Dog: Doberman, Latte (M)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Chronic Anxiety,
“Ah fuck, the magic school bus is waiting outside to take me back to rehab-”
I kid you not, he was absolutely terrified of Latte when he first got him
Which is funny because Latte is the sweetest goddamn thing, not at all like Fable whose a fucking demon shit
CPS was called on his parents right before senior year
Placed with the Broflovski’s so he and Kyle got closer
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Boxer, Haven (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black Giant Schnauzer, Noble (M)
Medical & Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Diabetes, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)[This one might be switched]
Tubie Kyle (I fucking LOVE this one)
For once I give Kyle an ED that doesn’t stem from body image issues
Humancentipad trauma bc I love being problematic about the episode
DESPISES his lows because it means he has to eat something
Also goes non-verbal but only during times of high stress
Noble is a program dog. Kyle got him when he was 14 and initially he was so against it. He wants to function independently but he really fucking can’t. As he grows older he learns to accept the help more
HATES mirrors. The Humancentipad incident left him with scars
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Harbor (M)
Medical Response & Mobility Aid Dog
Disabilities: Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Pain
Regularly hospitalized, fucking dies, and revives the next day
He trained Harbor mostly by himself (Wendy, Tolkien, and Kyle pitched in a bit and bought him books on training techniques)
MOM FRIEND! Bro I just love making Kenny one of the parental figures of the group. He’s just got a bag of shit he carries around for both himself and everyone else. Stan forgot to swap his bandages? Boom, Kenny’s got new ones. Kyle’s sugar is low? Boom, he’s got whatever little snack the boy is able to tolerate. Someone needs a distraction? Medical episode causes them to need a vomit bag? Boom, done. Mom friend Kenny
So fucking ADHD
Service Dog: Grey Great Dane, Kitty (F)
Mobility Aid Dog (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Papillon, Jax (M) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black German Shepherd, Nike (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Husky, Fable (F) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Golden Retriever, Bucky (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Misdiagnosis club
Went to multiple doctors from 13-15 who all told her it was all in her head
And she’s just sitting there like “bitch please, the only thing in my head is my girlfriend and how hot she is. Now tell me why I keep experiencing these symptoms-”
Service Dog: Chocolate Labrador, Isa (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
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themoonsbeloved · 4 months
I still need help
Its now the 8th of January and despite being told by my friend who spoke with her boss 3 weeks ago during their meeting that he was to hire me in the beginning of January and would reach out to me, he hasn't. I'm hoping somehow, eventually, when this man finally bothers to, he will contact me for a job offer since he reassured me back in november that he still intends to hire me. But since I have no idea when that will be, that means I'm left hanging completely.
long story short I am mentally ill and disabled who was dismissed from my last and only job that I struggled 2 years to get, only to be fired in 2 months in June because of my chronic fatigue and abusive managers. I rely a lot on my henna but bookings are not consistent enough to make regular income, and majority of the money ends up going to contributing to house bills for my family.
My therapy picks up again this week, very honestly been the only thing keeping me from harming myself at this point with how painful life has been and I want to be able to continue getting it low cost (£25 per session), my therapist is so amazing and we recently came to the understanding that I have complex-PTSD, and plan to look into it more this year. I'm too mentally ill to try and look for jobs right now and am basically doing 3 jobs already (one being joint caring duties with family members for my grandparents since I live with them, which I'm not paid for obviously) with inconsistent money coming in/sessional work that I will be paid for once completed further into the year.
I have so many other costs that are coming in the near future, like paying for more medication, and for more lazer hair removal sessions for my severe hirsutism, which usually is around £300 if I'm lucky to catch offers. This is another I thing I mentally can't afford to stop doing, struggling with severe hirsutism and the trauma of it all my life means its important I can feel and live somewhat comfortably in my body. Lazer hair isn't permanent and I'm looking into electrolysis, but again, I don't have that money yet and would prefer to not leave a huge gap where I don't do lazer and the mental torture of watching my body hair grow back. I also haven't gotten my eyes checked in over 3 years, and know I will need a change in perscription and need new glasses. I hate nothing more than what its come to. I'm just exhausted and burnt out from the constant anxiety and depressive episodes, I'm barely eating or sleeping, I'm sick of everything and everyone and I just wish god would give me a break.
With all of the above in mind I'm aiming for about £600. This is all basically to help me just function and continue getting the things that help me not succumb to my mental health issues. If anything, my birthday's coming up in feb so I would appreciate it if folks gave some money if they have the means to. Anything is fine at this point.
Thank you so much
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bralesscommie · 9 months
My Tolkien Headcanons
Silmarillion and Lotr characters
Has PTSD, possibly c-PTSD from the Third Kinslaying, losing his parents and growing up with the people who took away his home
Has sensory issues, mostly a hard time with crowds and loud noises (also for PTSD reasons), but also really hates some textures
Pretty bad migraines from foresight and tension headaches from anxiety to the point where a couple of times a month he can't work
Is a workaholic
Is bisexual
He/they in an elf way
Isn't white, it's kind of hard to tell his exact race with his very mixed genetics
Has anxiety from growing up in the chaotic house of Fëanor
Is depressed
Uses music as escapism
He/him but doesn't mind he/they
Is pretty fluid sexuality wise
C-PTSD from being chained to a mountain and also like everything else that's ever happened to him
Has depression
Chronic pain in his back and shoulder, as well as phantom pain in his amputated arm
Has some kind of personality disorder
Is gay
Has anxiety from and is traumatized by the escape from Gondolin
Was not ready to be a dad
Is definitely not white
Is traumatized by the Second Kinslaying, possibly PTSD
She/her, has thought about adding a they to her pronouns
Has anxiety and depression
Has anger issues but is learning healthy coping mechanisms
Has trauma from SA, and does her best to spread awareness
Enjoys being butch in everyday life, but will dress up feminine once in a while
Is bisexual
Is happy being poly, but doesn't mind being in monogamous relationships
Had really bad anxiety after Celebrían sailed, but is doing much better, though she still has occasional tension headaches
Sensory issues like her dad
Also similarly to her dad, she is mixed
Sapphic, but is open to very few men
Pretty mentally stable, at least considering everyone else around him
Is bisexual with a preference for women
Does not care about his pronouns, but is cis in some weird way?
Was born in an era with very few elflings, and as an only child hasn't had the opportunity to socialize at all
Rich whiteboy (gender neutral) privilege that they don't entirely recognize
Probably not neurotipical
Fluid sexuality, doesn't really like labels, but if asked persistantly will say he has a preference for men
He/she sometimes they
Has ADHD and anxiety
Struggles with ring addiction
Is acespec and gay
Has low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, and anxiety from his childhood with the Gaffer
Is brown
Officially he/they but prefers they/them
Is autistic
Has chronic pain post quest
Has chronic fatigue post quest
Possibly transmasc, he/they or he/him
If you would like to see other characters, or more on some characters, my ask box is always open
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
I was gonna post this as a reply for this post by @he4d-banger but it got too long so I’m making it a separate post.
I have talked about this before but I’ll talk again because I love talking about Cale’s complex emotional state.
More than pushing them away, Cale completely ignored his grief which has made him completely emotional constipated. This has lead to many side affects which get glossed over most of the time since we read the novel from Cale’s pov.
Some that I can remember from the top of my head right now are: dissociation, selective memory, depression, anxiety, stress and tons of physical problems like eating disorder, etc. which I’ll get into more another time. His self destructive tendencies based on the decisions he makes are all because of his emotional constipation.
Cale’s denial over his own symptoms has become chronic over the years even tho it’s fairly visible from other peoples perspective. Some instances I can remember where we see Cale’s condition from other peoples pov are: moments when Alberu tells him he’ll definitely get his slacker life, everyone’s reaction to him smiling after crying, Choi Han meeting younger Cale, the villains’ reaction when Cale gets angry, everyone telling him he’s too weak and skinny, Ron and Choi Han’s pov during side story 7 after Cale dreamed about CJS and LSH first death anniversary, etc. Everyone can recognize that he’s not well.
And about the venting on destroying stuff, that’s exactly correct. Many times when we see the fight from the other pov of the villain, most of the dialogue is about how angry and terrifying Cale looks. Of course part of that could be due to the effect of Dominating Aura, but they specifically mention Cale’s expression and the look in his eyes a lot. That’s what truly terrifies them. Cale doesn’t recognize this but he’s really expressive, everyone says that he’s very expressive and lets his emotions slip through his face.
Another case when he couldn’t control his emotions anymore was when he cried. An interesting fact is that people who aren’t used to crying and/or hold themselves back from crying, once they do actually cry they can’t stop the flow of tears and are motionless and/or rather calm and quiet. It’s that silent unstoppable crying that Cale displayed. His grief finally exploded after meeting LSH and he couldn’t understand the sadness he was feeling at that moment because the meeting ended with consolidation and relief. All the pain over the deaths of his best friends finally released.
That is a complete contrast to his reaction in side story 7 after the first anniversary of his team’s death. When he arrived home he just collapsed on the floor expressionless. Not once did he cry. But the way he collapsed at that moment said a lot about his state at the time. All the stress accumulated in his body from holding back his emotions all day today affected his physical health to total exhaustion
Actually in my opinion SS7 is one of the best chapters about examining Cale’s emotional state. There are multiple visible of him suppressing his emotions like: keeping a neutral expression all day around, refusing to mention what day it was tomorrow even though everyone knew, not closing his eyes in front of the grave because the memories would resurface, the small panic attack shown by his shortage of breath, background silence and feeling of heaviness, and you can see how burned out emotionally and physically he feels. The only way he wouldn’t feel these things was by working, as it is noted multiple times throughout the story that he never took days off.
And my favorite moment was when we see Cale waking up from the dream and very clearly experiencing signs of ptsd and a panic attack. He was feeling cold despite the entire house being heated with magic, cold sweat running down his face, shortage of breath as soon as he woke up and a distressed expression as shown from Ron and Choi Han’s pov He also felt the need to hear noises and pet the kids to make him feel a sense of attachment with reality since the silence in his memories made him feel suffocated. Tho Cale himself couldn’t recognize these symptoms.
That side story also shows how he has grown emotionally throughout the novel now becoming more emotionally open with others.
I can also go on about his selective memory, anxiety, get more into his self destructive lifestyle and about his obvious signs of depression during his team leader days and early part of the novel while touching on his childhood trauma, but this post is already long enough so I’ll leave those for another day.
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bfpnola · 1 year
hey y’all, this is @reaux07 !! time for some honesty and vulnerability. while i’m not sure how many of our followers will see this post, i’d still like to share the following:
for years i’ve struggled with depression and anxiety alongside chronic illness and pain on top of running this nonprofit and its blogs. keeping multiple social media platforms active has been extremely difficult, to say the least, and more often than not, despite the number of our registered volunteers, it’s usually only me running our tumblr, our instagram, our facebook, our website, our linktr.ee, our twitter, our discord… and it’s tiring. especially when dealing with moving to a new city and now university on top of that.
as of late, i’m really starting to see, or maybe acknowledge, the effects of such pressure as my body and my energy begin to slow down and with that, so does the activity of all of our social media accounts. and as many of you probably know in this day and age, social media directly correlates to your outreach and the amount of people you can actually help and educate and serve. it’s frustrating because i know we can do SO much more, and we have before, but our activity just keeps on dwindling.
so i’m asking for everyone’s help in continuing to create an educational and supportive space. we need all the volunteers we can get to continue fulfilling our mission and we even have some donations we’d like divvy out through various workshops… but all of that is impossible without your help, in whatever shape that looks like. maybe you see posts that should be on our blog so you tag us! that’s helpful! maybe you work with us to start your own BFP chapter at your local high school or college. that’s helpful! maybe you help add free PDFs to our liberation library. that’s VERY helpful. and maybe you just reblog our posts. that’s still helpful and needed. whatever “help” looks like to you, we’re grateful for it. i’m grateful for it.
the more volunteers we have, the smaller everyone’s responsibilities can be and the more backups we can have, meaning we aren’t solely depending on a few people to push a large project through and when those few people need a break or back out, we aren’t left flailing!
i’m trying to learn to ask for help more often because as anyone who knows me personally can tell you, i tend to just finish everything myself, no matter how much it breaks my body and spirit down. but i don’t wanna continue perpetuating that individualist mindset any longer. (and i’d also like to not end up in yet another hospital this year.) i DO wanna continue building our global family and accept the help that we need and that the communities we wish to serve DESERVE, though.
so for now i’ll leave our staff application below:
and with that, i’m gonna go try and rest for once. please, have a good day. and please, take a note from me on what you shouldn’t be doing and take care of yourselves.
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obstinatecondolement · 8 months
Whenever I feel like this again I want to go back in time to tell my teenage self that they are not making it up and the pain they are in is not normal and they are not morally lacking for feeling too sick to go into school, or for having to come home sick so often with anxiety pain.
(um, having now written more of this post, I apparently have very intense feelings about this, so ... content warning for emotional abuse, ableism, and suicidal ideation)
Everyone being hard on me literally only made it worse and if even a token effort had been made to make school less upsetting for me instead of blaming me for being anxious and saying there was "no medical reason" for me to feel that fucking sick and in pain, so I must be faking it or being a wimp, maybe things would have turned out differently for me! It is not normal to be so sick and in so much pain people that think it might be appendicitis three fucking times! I was trying so hard and everyone told me I was a lying work-shy malingerer who refused to apply myself. I used to be so jealous when I'd hear about a distant cousin whose parents felt awful when they found out she wasn't faking being too tired to work and that she had a hole in her heart due to a congenital birth defect that made incredibly fatigued all the time, and they'd been getting angry with her and criticising her along similar lines to what people were telling me before she was diagnosed, when it "wasn't her fault." It wasn't my fault either! I used to fucking fantasise about being terminally ill, so I could die without directly killing myself, and so people would stop telling me there was "nothing wrong" with me and that "no one is sick all the time" (which, like, people with chronic illnesses and autoimmune conditions would like a word, lol).
People with psychosomatic pain are not faking it to get out of things! Psychosomatic does not mean that the pain isn't real! And feeling better if I was allowed to stay home doesn't mean that I was pretending to be sick to get out of going to school! Shockingly, when my acute anxiety was alleviated, I experienced less anxiety pain! But if it hadn't been I would have been in agony all day!
And like ... genuinely all that has changed is that this isn't a daily problem for me anymore. I still am treated like a naughty child when my mental illnesses flare up and I can't Meet My Commitments reliably. A friend once said to me, "Your family must be being very gentle with you right now" during a very severe depressive episode and it was like??? No??? Of course they aren't????? They are shouting at me every single day about how I am choosing to "opt out" of "living a normal adult life" and leeching off them. Like they always do when I get sick.
Whenever people are kind to me and don't treat me like a demanding lazy brat for being disabled, it's borderline triggering, because apparently it's that easy to be accomodating and to understand where I am coming from, and near strangers can show me more compassion than my entire immediate family do, and they can do it without even thinking twice about it.
If I was still in this much pain every day from anxiety they would never stop telling me it was my fault, and I would never ever get a reprieve from it, because they will never change.
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judgementdaysunshine · 3 months
From song lyrics prompt list: "I wanted to make you proud but I just got in your way" + "What do I have to do? To try to make you see? That this is who I am and it's all that I can be" + "I tried to keep this pain inside but I will never be alright" with Rey Mysterio?
But I know I must go on
Pairing: Rey Mysterio x Fem reader
Description: Rey helps you back on your feet after dealing with your inner demons and slowly healing from things that have haunted you
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"I tried to keep all this pain inside but it's eating away at me and I'll never be alright, I don't want to burden you" the words make Rey feel that he's been stabbed in his heart knowing that you had been through hell and back throughout your life. He caresses your face softly wiping the pouring tears away "You have been through so much but you've persevered through it all" you had been through a lot of trauma in your life the majority of it you have never healed from so haunted, followed, and affected you ever since they happened leading you to have chronic anxiety, depression, trust issues especially with men, a few mental and emotional breakdowns throughout your life, and panic disorder which took a bad toll on you whenever the anxiety got very bad but the first change in your life was when you met rey after joining WWE in early 2003 becoming friends and helping him through his rough divorce and even helping him fight for rights to his children earning him spilt custody which he thanked you for everytime he saw you the first three weeks afterwards. And he has helped you heal over the past two years ever since the two of you got together always being by your side to help you pick the pieces of your life up "I know you still have a long road ahead but that doesn't change your progress so far" the words warm and crack your heart all at once burying your head in your hands "I wanted to make you proud but I just got in your way" he lifts your head up with his fingers on your chin pressing warm kisses along your face before gently pressing his lips against your own wrapping his arms around you "Proud isn't the only feeling you've made me feel ever since I've known you" the words bring comfort to you before leaving your house and heading to the arena where things were good at first until your disastrous tag team match with Eddie where he yelled at you "You need to have heart! You need to be someone else and someone better!". Finally you crack with tears pouring down your face stopping in your tracks and turning around yelling at the top of your lungs "WHAT THE HELL DO I HAVE TO DO TO TRY AND MAKE YOU SEE THAT THIS IS WHO I AM AND IT'S ALL THAT I CAN BE! WHAT DO I HAVE TO FUCKING DO!?" if it hadn't been for rey running down the hall and Edge grabbing you over his shoulder when you try to grab eddie you would have definitely hit him or done worse shaking with quiet sobs as edge carried and put you down in rey's locker room breaking down in rey's arms and you cried more seeing edge beside you as well with the most heartbroken look on his face since the two of you were the closest thing to siblings than either of you had and seeing you completely broken down absolutely ate away at him turning and walking out full of rage hearing eddie put you down in front of everyone else "Mi vida listen to me you have been through hell and back and you're still on your feet and no matter what you have me and you have so many people that are with you through thick and thin" slowly you feel safe and calm in his arms jumping when you hear yelling and a smack running when you see edge on top of eddie almost strangling him "Edge hey stop! Clear skies edge clear skies" as soon as the words are heard edge gets off pulling you in his arms as he always did when he would hear you say clear or cloudy skies which let him know that you were having a rough day or feeling better from something "It hurt it did, but I know I must go on despite everything" you look down at eddie before walking away next in between edge and rey smiling big for the first time in a long time.
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lilguiguinevere · 6 months
uh the ask game thingy ♿🌻⚕️🏳️‍🌈 for literally everyone in charisma house. go crazy go insane
smile. Under the cut cuz there's so fucking much
iori - bpd . Looks both ways. yeah that's about it. displays every symptom ever. i dont hc him with any specific phys disability but there is definitely one. WAIT I LIED chronic back pain. points at barometric pressure episode
♿️ What is their disability/disabilities? What are the symptoms that they show?
terra - to go along with my jokes about her being an old woman. joint pain. prolly arthritis but she hasn't looked into it cuz she doesn't think she needs to. also npd obviously. prolly some other shit who knows
rikai - legally blind i think. hoh also and she doesnt realize how fucking annoying her whistle is.
saru - fibromyalgia. once again not diagnosed but he knows it's there. his legs go numb often and when they're not numb they just hurt
ohse - forgive me for projecting here Smile. some sort of chronic pain disorder (knees mostly), anemia (frequently faints cuz of it ) . bpd (obv), chronic depression & anxiety . not projecting on this one but i think he has a missing toe cuz he dropped his knife on it and had to get rushed to the er by rikai once. also bad pain in wrists cuz Yk. Artist.
amahiko - ok getting his hypersexuality out of the way. there's that thing with his dick hurting when it rains. man. I dont know.
fumiya - she's diabetic to me & is also an osdd1b system ^_^ the silliest
torahime since u said he counts - also diabetic. Following getting hit by fumiyas motorcycle twice. I think he'd have some sort of chronic pain but idk. ALSO BPD WHICH IS AGAIN OBVIOUS and dpd.
and everyone is autistic.
🌻 Do they do anything that helps manage their disability? (Ie medication, hot and/or cold patches, set sleeping times, ect)
ohse Has depression and anxiety meds but he doesn't take them. torahime and fumiya take insulin. the house always has at least two bottles of different painkillers at all times courtesy of amahikos mother
(doing phys disabilities)
⚕️ How did they find out they were disabled?
iori - he overworked himself so bad and it started raining once and he just. Died.
terra - she still doesnt know
rikai - her parents were both legally blind so he got glasses at a young age and his eyesight deteriorated . with hoh she still doesn't know she just thinks.its like that for everyone
saru - one day in a gang fight he nearly collapsed and the pain never really went away so he hooked himself up wkth crutches. shrug
ohse - he just kinda. knew. he got mocked for walking weirdly so. it wadnt really a revelation
amahiko - his family is entirely doctors. next question
fumiya - i Dont Know. tbh.
torahime - well i would assume he found out when he got hit by the motorcycle ,
iori - never really complains unless prompted and will work through the pain til he drops cuz he's like that !
🏳️‍🌈 A random headcanon about them and their disability
terra - amahiko's mom is the first person she told about anything .
rikai - doesn't realize the whistle is loud cuz she can't hear anything clearly .
ohse - customized wrist brace, signed by all of the charismas and he cried so hard over it. they signed it when he was sleeping snd he woke up to it
amahiko - all of his stuff is hereditary i think
fumiya - sometimes sits there and talks to a headmate but will ONLY do it when terra is around and it creeps her tf out. also everyone can pry his sweets out of his cold dead hands
torahime - i dont have anything for him. but he cried after that call with the fucking idiot of all time cuz he was so embarrassed and nearly split
oh my fucking god.
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pzos-amiserableidiot · 3 months
Vent? Self diagnosing? Something like that
I’ve often thought there’s something wrong with me. Something that makes me alien, robotic, or simply different from everyone around me. I know that is wrong. There are people who shame my experiences and understand my feelings and that I’m never truly alone and I take comfort in that. However, it’s still weird and isolating. I know there are others who feel things like I do and think like I do and understand on a fundamental level why I react (or don’t) a certain way because they do the same.
That isn’t to say that I understand myself all of the time. I notice patterns in my behavior and can recognize when I’m hurting myself, emotionally, physically, and/or mentally (all at various levels of awareness and apathy depending on the situation ofc). But I have trouble defining it and putting a name to emotions I feel. I know I’m feeling something. I may even know it’s a positive/negative/yearning/upset/righteously angry/etc. feeling. But because I’m very shit at recognizing other feelings in my body, such as hunger or stress or pain until it begins to grow and start to overwhelm, I have trouble recognizing when something is a problem more than a feeling.
All of this to say I think I’ve been feeling touch deprived. I think for years. Or maybe deprived of the feeling of safety??? Unsure. I crave affection and hugs and physical touch and words of affirmation from those I truly trust and care about and feel safe with. However, I’m only ever around my little sister often enough to get safe feeling hugs around once or twice a week since I’ve moved out for college. I rarely see the friends I feel safe enough to seek hugs and attention from (I think the last I saw them was to watch the Barbie movie). I have only two friends in college who I’d say I’d be okay hugging (one more than the other but still uncomfortable feeling) and we also rarely see each other (maybe once or twice a month). I like and get along with my roommate but she still triggers my fight or flight and I’m incredibly aware of where she is at all times (we live together fine and have talked and bonded a bit but still). All in all, I rarely receive touch from anyone outside of the weekends, and even then the hugs are brief (my sister isn’t too fond of touch and my parents hugs feel choking and I hate them)
The symptoms of being touch blend in a lot with everything I’ve ever felt. I’ve suffered from depression since third grade and anxiety probably longer. I’m doing better now but they still hit every now and then. Plus college raises your stress levels so no dice there. The thing that has brought it to my attention the most was my hyper awareness of every brush of the skin and touch someone gave me. An accidental shoulder bump to a stray hand hitting me while someone gesticulates. Even someone leaning over to grab something and being close enough to feel the heat from their skin sears itself into my memory. It’s not quite burning but the touch seems to linger and I can still feel it days later. I think I want to cry about it sometimes. I’ve gotten good enough at telling my emotions and thoughts apart to know I’m nothing thinking about it because of anxiety. I think it’s a yearning. I’ve gotten clingier to my sister and the family when I see them. It’s weird and off putting how much I crave to the attention and hugs from people I used to feel mostly anxious and vaguely happy with.
I think I used to suffer from this a lot when I was in elementary school. 4th and 5th grade, when my world was a rollercoaster of ending, being revived, and ending once more. And middle school I was weary and constantly felt wrong footed, slowly I grew to have friends and they were affectionate. I healed and know I think I’m recognizing I’m returning to a warped version of that state before. I know how to deal with my depression, anxiety, many chronic illnesses, stress and school now. I am in a better place mentally than I was before. I do not quite know how to deal with this.
I have a weighted blanket that was supposed to be for my anxiety but now helps chase away the chill of the absence of something (someone?). It’s heightening my anxiety and I think causing my hallucinations to start up again. It’s causing my back to feel colder and more vulnerable than ever (it’s reminding me of middle school and needing a heavy jacket or backpack on me nearly at all times to help chase away the chill despite the weather reaching the 90-100s. When it wasn’t one of those it was a wall or chair or couch against my back, pressing myself firmly against it until the chill/eyes watching/wings trying to break free went away). I’m unsure if there’s anything more I can be doing. I am socializing just fine (I am the treasurer of the Pride club so I can’t exactly escape a certain level of socialization even if I wanted to) and I am exercising regularly (the campus may be small but my classes have the luck in being on the opposite sides of campus) and I am sleeping regularly and showering and generally doing my best to take care of myself.
I tried once, a long time ago back in elementary and again in middle, to try and be more touchy. To get that touch I craved and achieve my goal of being (what I used to view) a very friendly person who people feel safe with. But, it always made my skin crawl, my anxiety spike, and feel so incredibly awkward and weird. I concluded that I’m simply not the kind of person who can pull off or be a touchy friendly person. (I then turned to trying to tell people how much I cared verbally, this I managed to learn and do). However, because of my weird reactions to touch (mostly freezing or flinching) and not being very good at reciprocating, my friends had the impression I didn’t like touch all that much. And I can exactly deny that.
I hate random adults touching me. I feel uncomfortable if a stranger or someone I barely know acts too friendly touch wise. I hate when my dad rubs my back or does his weird supposed-to-be-comforting/calming rub on my arm. I hate when mom cuddles me. (It’s not that I don’t crave their hugs and affection, it’s more 50/50. I just hate when they do it without my permission. Or for too long. Or touch a spot on my back or rub my back that my brain registers as wrong. I stop feeling safe and more trapped and suffocated. Like I’m being held my claws or chains. I also know it’s impossible to ask for them to know when it’s okay to touch me and when, so I put up with as much as I can.) So when it comes to me trying to figure out if I’m touch starved, I get even more unsure.
Yes, I crave touch, but only from those I trust and feel safe with. However, the amount of touch and affection I crave is immense. I drive myself into a spiral imagining receiving positive non sexual touch from my real friends to fictional characters. I imagine cuddling, holding hands, hugs, laying on top off each other, a head on a shoulder, a hand clapping a back, etc. And then I’m thrusted back into reality and my anxiety spikes at asking for any of that let alone actually trying. I feel like anything outside sitting next to each, a hug or handshake or high five or maybe holding hands would cause me to climb out of my skin. And I’m unsure if that’s a positive or negative response. The only person I’m completely comfortable with is my sister, but I know enough that relying on one person for emotional support is ill advised and as she isn’t big on touch it would probably be ill received. Plus, we only see each other on weekends right now.
I hesitate to say that I have no one to go to for help with this. I have friends and I know they’d be willing to help as they’re all very kind people. But I’m unsure if I’d calm down from being anxious enough to enjoy it, with a few of them I can barely handle sitting close enough to press shoulders.
I believe I’m managing fine (not great but not too bad) right now anyways. After writing this all out i think it’s safe to say I’m touch deprived. I’ll just have to be more aware of that when trying to figure out why I’m feeling bad/stressed/overwhelmed. I’ll also do my best to talk to my friends more (Google says that helps along with some other things).
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lumu · 5 months
My Time with Snoozelings
I was selected to be an alpha tester for Snoozelings, and the alpha closes tonight. Snoozelings is a low-key pet sim that focuses on encouraging mindfulness and self-care. I wanted to document my time with the site so far, and also explain some of the features.
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Early Access sales for Snoozelings will be opening later this week (21Dec23), and EA will open in Spring 2024. In 2025, the game will open to everyone.
As opposed to most pet sims, where your goal is to care for your pets, Snoozelings require no food or regular attention. Instead, most site actions encourage you to take care of yourself! The first and biggest example of this is the journal.
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You can select between journaling for chronic pain or mental health so far, but the developer plans to add more. I chose mental health. The journal has you rate your depression and anxiety, sleep, water intake, and other similar factors. It also has you track habits.
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These screenshots show only a portion of the journal. I found it most helpful to do my daily journal at night.
Crafting and exploring in this game are fairly typical of the genre-- you can explore once every 2 hours per Snoozeling, and craft items such as materials, clothing, dye, more farm plots, and more pet beds with the resources. The game also has farming.
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Unfortunately, I watered my farm before grabbing a screenshot, but the game prompts you to drink some water before watering your plots in-game. I found this to be a great reminder to hydrate, and definitely noticed that I was better with drinking water during the alpha compared to my (dehydrated) baseline!
The game does not have a typical economy; there are no player shops or player to player sales, which is by design to prevent competition. However, there is a daily raffle! Players can donate items to be raffled off the next day, and if your item is selected from the pool to be raffled, you receive a special kindness token currency item, which can be exchanged for unique clothing and useful items.
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The game also has a forum, and while it was only alpha testers so far, it has a lovely community. :)
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Finally, the sidebar has a daily affirmation, and also a handy "to-do" list, which shows all of the tasks you are able to do at the moment and links to them if you click. I found this really helpful for remembering when my crafting was done, or when I needed to water my farm.
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All screenshots shown are my own, and reflect the alpha state of the site. There are several more features, some planned for EA and some already implemented! Personally, I'm really looking forward to more journal types, and maybe someday the addition of relaxing mini games. Overall, the site is very casual, and has no punishment for skipping tasks/not being on for a while. I wasn't asked to make this post, and wanted to do so before my Snoozelings were reset in preparation for EA so I could remember my time with the site, and maybe help some others discover it!
The website is https://snoozelings.com/, and the upper right of the site links to the Snoozelings social media. The discord is the best place for news, and I'd encourage you to check it out if you think you'd enjoy the game!
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The Transformative Power of Alcohol Detox Programs At Leona Valley
People have always thought of alcohol as a sign of fun, ease, and even sophistication. It’s a part of everything we do, from clinking champagne glasses at a wedding to having a beer after work to relax. Still, even though this tradition has been with us for millenia, it’s important to know that drinking can hide some very serious risks, mental and biological. Behind the glass is a complicated web of effects, especially if you drink it often. With the social appeal of drinking, the urgent need for Alcohol Detox Programs is often forgotten. Alcohol’s Silent Siege on the Body Drinking too much alcohol over a long period of time isn’t just dangerous; it’s a fight against your body. Over time, drinking too much can and will damage some of our most Important Organs and tissues. The liver, for example, which breaks down and gets rid of dangerous chemicals, often takes the most damage from this. Diseases like fatty liver, hepatitis, and even cirrhosis can develop, putting the health of the whole body at risk. But that’s not the end of the attack. Heart problems, stomach problems, and a weaker immune system can all be traced back to drinking for a long time. The magnitude of this destruction shows how much damage could be done that can’t be fixed and can even be lethal. This shows how urgent it is to find solutions like alcohol detox programs. Our Brain Is In A “Storm” Not only does booze hurt the body, but it also hurts the mind. Our brain, which is where we think, feel, and make decisions, is constantly being attacked. Chronic alcohol use can change the way our brains work, which can lead to dangerous habits and, eventually, addiction. This change in the shape of the brain affects memory, attention, and mood, which can lead to memory loss and mental health problems. The emotional cost? It’s staggering, and sometimes people see it when there are many things that can’t be undone. Depression, anxiety, and bouts of aggression can become frequent, unwelcome visitors, complicating the path to sobriety. Troubled Families -The Unseen Victims While the drinker has to deal with physical and mental pain, their families have to deal with their own problems. When promises are broken and strange behavior is the usual, faith starts to fall apart. Unpredictability is especially hard on children, who often feel guilty or start to worry about things. Partners and spouses are constantly juggling between support and despair, and they often wonder what part they played in their loved one’s problem. This complicated dance of pain, hope, and confusion shows the wide range of feelings that drinking brings to a family. The Silent Echoes of Society Alcoholism has effects that go far beyond the person and their immediate group. People lose their jobs not only because they are not efficient, but also because they can’t get along with their coworkers. Once-cared-for and-cherished relationships fall apart under the weight of lies and broken promises. From driving under the influence to fights at home, the legal consequences can be big and bad. In the end, alcoholism isn’t just a personal problem; it’s a social problem that needs everyone’s attention and action. The Lighthouse in the Storm in Leona Valley Fortunately there is an alternative, there is Leona Valley Recovery Center, which has some of the best alcohol detox programs in the country. Recognizing the multifaceted challenges of alcoholism, Leona Valley pioneers a holistic approach to recovery. Detox, which is often seen as the first important step, is taken seriously. We understand that it is not only just about making the body clean; it’s also about setting the tone for a new, fresh life. Is a detox program really important to the process of getting better? Yes, for sure. It’s the bridge that gets people from a state of dependence to a state of renewal and sets the stage for complete repair.
Moving Towards Dawn A common saying says that every journey and bug adventure starts with one step. For many people who are stuck by booze, the first step is realizing that they need to change. Alcohol detox programs, like the ones we have at Leona Valley, offer more than just a way out. They promise a new start, a life without the shadows of the bottle. If you or someone you care about has been struggling with drinking, take a moment to think about the way forward. With help, determination, and unwavering faith in yourself, a better, sober future isn’t just an option; it’s a promise. We want to give our clients the best care and service possible. Like we’ve mentioned, we have a wide range of services and programs for people who want to get over their addictions. Call the Leona Valley team to set up a meeting and get more information about our services.
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mccabereddy70 · 8 months
How To Lose Interior Thigh Fats (Plus What To not Do)
No matter what pressure you choose, kratom is taking the world by storm for its potential weight loss and pain remedy talents. It has been used as a stimulant, a chronic pain remedy, a diarrhea remedy, and even for opiate withdrawal remedy. Moreover, obesity may lead to psychological issues resembling low vanity, anxiety, depression, and even consuming disorders. Researchers aren’t optimistic whether or not fatigue results in weight acquire or the opposite approach around, however one factor is bound. Lower carb intake. Overview your each day meal plan and be sure you aren’t consuming too many carbs. Be sure you aren’t getting too many carbs from sneaky sources like vegetables, peanut butter, processed meats, and over-the-counter medications. However, fat is important for offering energy and cushioning vital organs like the guts.
Simply telling folks to eat much less and move more isn’t sufficient - one of the primary causes of this subject runs much deeper than self-management. This calorie deficit is what causes weight loss. These same opiate receptors within the brain are those responsible for triggering food cravings. This launch of endorphins can calm the triggering impact of anxiety and battle the urge to eat fatty foods. Food sensitivities can sluggish progress and impair health. Carry weights. By lifting weights, you'll construct muscle mass and modestly improve your metabolic charge and fat loss. What is behind the seemingly unpredictable and unique nature of your weight loss fee?
The concept behind calorie counting is which you could eat whatever you select, however you must make sure that you train sufficiently to eliminate those calories. The first humans didn’t have Walmart, grocery shops, and restaurants round every corner - that they had wild plants to forage and animals to hunt that will or may not be there the next day. I can happily say that we have helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over time. People have been fairly inactive all through the lockdowns, so everyone is starting their very own journey once more. If a person is overweight, they are at increased danger of growing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary heart attacks, heart disease, and stroke. Along with decreasing the chance of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and excessive blood strain, it may cut back the danger of a number of totally different cancers. It may additionally increase the levels of oxygen in the blood. The three week food regimen system evaluation - will Brian Flatt’s food plan work?
The higher the caloric deficit, the nearer your protein intake needs to be to the upper finish of the vary. When https://bestwaystoloseweight.org are restricted for a couple of days, the physique will start to supply ketones. He adds, “As nicely as sleep, you need to guarantee that you are correctly hydrating with a number of litres of water all through the day and nourishing your physique with an adequate protein intake. And but, despite how apparent it's that being obese is unhealthy, obesity rates are nonetheless climbing. Don't go there - not yet, at the least. Sleep for at least 8 to 9 hours each night time. Many customers reported an elevated degree of focus and motivation after taking kratom.
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Exploring the Benefits of Marijuana: Your Ultimate Guide to Guelph's Premier Cannabis Store
In recent years, the perception of marijuana has undergone a dramatic transformation. What was once viewed as a controversial substance is now increasingly recognized for its potential therapeutic benefits and economic opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of marijuana and explore the offerings of Guelph's premier cannabis store. From its historical significance to its medical applications, and from its legal status to its economic impact, we'll cover it all. So, whether you're a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or simply curious about its potential, this article is your go-to resource.
Marijuana has traversed a remarkable journey from being an illicit substance to gaining acceptance as a potential source of relief for various medical conditions. The medical community has progressively recognized its therapeutic properties, leading to its legalization for medicinal and recreational use in numerous regions, including Guelph.
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The Evolution of Marijuana Perception
The perception of marijuana has shifted over time. Once characterized solely by stigma, it is now viewed as a plant with a myriad of beneficial compounds. Its historical use in ancient cultures for medicinal purposes showcases its time-tested significance.
Unveiling the Medicinal Properties
A Brief History of Medical Cannabis
The utilization of cannabis for medical reasons dates back centuries, with ancient civilizations harnessing its potential to alleviate pain and discomfort. Today, medical cannabis continues to be explored for its potential in treating a wide array of conditions.
Treating Chronic Pain and Inflammation
One of the most prominent applications of medical cannabis is in managing chronic pain and inflammation. The compounds within cannabis, known as cannabinoids, interact with the body's endocannabinoid system to provide relief.
Managing Mental Health Conditions
Emerging research suggests that cannabis could play a role in managing certain mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. However, cautious and informed usage is crucial, as individual responses can vary.
Addressing Neurological Disorders
In some cases, medical cannabis has shown promise in alleviating symptoms of neurological disorders like epilepsy. Certain strains rich in CBD (cannabidiol) have garnered attention for their potential anticonvulsant properties.
The Legal Landscape in Guelph
Understanding Recreational Use Regulations
Guelph follows the legal framework set by the province regarding the recreational use of cannabis. Individuals of legal age can purchase and possess limited amounts for personal use.
Accessing Medical Marijuana
For those seeking medical cannabis, Guelph provides avenues for accessing it through authorized dispensaries. Patients with qualifying conditions can obtain a prescription from their healthcare provider.
Guelph's Premier Marijuana Store: A Haven for Cannabis Enthusiasts
Wide Range of Strains and Products
Guelph's premier cannabis store boasts a diverse selection of strains and products to cater to varying preferences and needs. From flower to edibles and concentrates, there's something for everyone.
Expert Staff and Customer Education
The knowledgeable staff at the store are dedicated to guiding customers through their choices. They provide insights into different strains, consumption methods, and dosage recommendations.
Creating a Welcoming Environment
The store's ambiance is designed to provide a welcoming and comfortable space for enthusiasts and newcomers alike. The goal is to foster a sense of community and shared interest.
The Economic Impact of the Cannabis Industry
Job Creation and Economic Growth
The cannabis industry has led to the creation of numerous jobs, spanning cultivation, distribution, retail, and more. This surge in employment has contributed significantly to the local economy.
Tax Revenue Contribution
The sale of cannabis products generates tax revenue that can be allocated to various public services and initiatives. This revenue stream can have a positive impact on Guelph's infrastructure and development.
Promoting Responsible Consumption
Guidelines for Safe Usage
Responsible consumption of cannabis is essential to ensure a positive experience. Adhering to recommended dosage guidelines and avoiding overuse is crucial to prevent adverse effects.
Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies
While cannabis has potential benefits, it's important to acknowledge potential risks, such as impaired cognitive function and dependency. Educating consumers about these risks and providing resources for support is paramount.
Marijuana and Beyond: Future Possibilities
Ongoing Research and Discoveries
The realm of cannabis research is ongoing, with scientists continuously uncovering new facets of its potential. From novel cannabinoids to previously undiscovered applications, the future holds exciting prospects.
Exploring New Applications
Beyond its current applications, researchers are delving into new possibilities for cannabis, including its potential in skincare, wellness products, and even as a sustainable material source.
In conclusion, the perception of marijuana has evolved, leading to its acceptance for both medical and recreational purposes. Guelph's premier cannabis store stands as a testament to the changing landscape, offering a variety of products, expert guidance, and a welcoming atmosphere. As we look ahead, the cannabis industry's economic impact and potential applications continue to inspire curiosity and innovation.
Here you can find our refernce post:https://buybulkcannabis.blogspot.com/2023/08/exploring-benefits-of-marijuana-your.html
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chooseyourhorizon · 9 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Ketamine Therapy
Ketamine therapy is a promising treatment for depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. It's also used to treat chronic pain and has even been shown to reverse opioid addiction. Here's everything you need to know about this new therapy.
What is Ketamine Therapy?
Ketamine is a drug that's used as an anesthetic and pain reliever in humans. It's also used to treat conditions such as depression, PTSD and chronic pain.
Ketamine therapy is the use of ketamine to treat conditions such as depression, PTSD and chronic pain. The treatment can be administered at clinics in Los Angeles like Ketamine Treatment Centers of America (KTCA).
How Does Ketamine Therapy Work?
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that works by blocking the NMDA receptor, which is involved in pain processing. The drug has also been shown to have antidepressant effects, which can be beneficial for people suffering from depression or other mood disorders like anxiety and PTSD.
It's important to note that ketamine isn't a cure-all for every patient; it won't work for everyone with depression or anxiety, just as any other medication wouldn't work for everyone who takes it (for example: SSRIs). If you're interested in trying ketamine therapy, talk with your doctor about whether or not this treatment would be appropriate for you based on your specific diagnosis and history of psychiatric illness.
What Conditions Can Ketamine Therapy Treat?
Ketamine is a unique drug that can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including:
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Pain management and chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and migraines.
Where Can I Get Ketamine Therapy in Los Angeles?
Ketamine therapy is available at many clinics in Los Angeles and other cities. To find a ketamine clinic near you, search for "ketamine therapy" on Google Maps and click on the first result (I'll link to one below).
If you don't have any experience with psychedelic drugs or are nervous about taking them, it's important to make sure that the clinic you choose offers safe practices and has good reviews from patients who have undergone treatment there. Check out their website to see if they provide information about their staff qualifications, certifications and licenses; what kind of experience they have treating depression; whether they offer insurance reimbursement (if applicable); who else is allowed into sessions beyond just patients; etcetera!
You should also ask yourself: Would I feel comfortable spending time with this person? Do I trust them? Are they someone who would listen carefully enough so that my needs were met during treatment sessions? This can be especially important if you're dealing with trauma related issues because some therapists may not be able to help relieve your symptoms unless they themselves understand what those symptoms are from firsthand experience - which brings us back around again...
Find out more about ketamine therapy.
Ketamine therapy is a new form of treatment that uses ketamine to treat patients with conditions like depression, PTSD and other mental health issues.
Ketamine is an FDA-approved drug that's been used for decades as an anesthetic in hospitals. It's also used illegally as a party drug under names like Special K or Cat Valium because it makes you feel relaxed, calm and happy--but it can also cause hallucinations if you take too much. The way ketamine works on your brain is different from how most antidepressants work: instead of changing how much serotonin (the "happy" chemical) there is in your brain, it blocks something called glutamate receptors so they don't get overloaded with too much stimulation at once--which leads to feelings of depression and anxiety when there isn't enough serotonin available for them to use properly!
At Choose Your Horizon, we offer ketamine therapy in Los Angeles.
Our mission is to help people find their best selves. We do this by providing the highest quality ketamine treatments for depression and anxiety.
We know that life can be tough sometimes, but we also know that you have the power to make it better. We want to help you get there.
Choose Your Horizon 4136 Del Rey Ave, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 +1 410 886 7398 https://www.chooseketamine.com/https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10854176009822741710
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rascal-shark · 11 months
not to be egotistical but-
there’s only two writing/art double majors at my whole 30k+ person university including me. i’ve been against (read: we are tentative friends but i’m competitive as fuck so i secretly see them as a rival, it ain’t healthy but live for the fight when it’s all you’ve got etc etc).this other person, and they post every single thing they draw to 10 servers with the same copy paste message attatched - they’re not otherwise active on these servers. it’s clearly for attention, just based on our irl interactions and their chats on our mental health club’s server vent chat (we both have PTSD/depression/ADHD/anxiety, whatever.) and they get like 4-8 reacts per server, so like a hundred interactions overall.
i will never say this to their face, but they have one semester left (super senior) and their art looks like it’s done by a total novice. they say they want to be an animator and focus on humans, they have two animations and it’s just 1. laggy eyes blinking with NO squash and stretch and 2. 3-frame hand drawing - little movement. they don’t know anatomy at all and they just draw themselves in one of three poses. (also no tea but they draw their hair as a level 7 light brown when they’re like. a level 2.)
meanwhile, i’m learning the basics of human anatomy. i’ve spent around 30 hours on the pelvis bone alone in the last month (along with more time on the spine and ribcage from all angles)and i’m working from the skeleton to the muscles to the clothes. i want to be a master. i don’t care about attention, i know i’ll suck as i learn, i don’t want to be focused on a performance instead of diligent studying that will benefit me long-term. i’m playing the long game.
but MAN is it hard to see them soak up the praise once a week on our 5 mutual servers from a sketch with awful awful stiff-procreate-ipad-on-their-lap lineart quality that they tote around like a boytoy in hot girl summer to everyone they can find. my stuff isn’t as impressive; a page of ovaloid cylinders (pevlic bone shape), a page of literal eggs with cross contours (ribcage), a page of long cylinders (spine). it has the mechanical qualities of someone with chronic wrist tendintis (why try to hide my wobbles if it’s just for my own understanding?) it’s repetition, it’s ravenous; even motel art is leagues better.
i impress no one. i would lose artfight. i am lost in my own pages. i am jokes told to no one, “so this is the bone that’s causing me chronic pain,” a captain holt “BONE?” thrown into a speechless night. but it hurts to see them winning. i’ll keep my head down and keep going, i guess.
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healthwellwisher · 1 year
Pro Players CBD Gummies Buy !
►❱❱Product Name ➺ ProPlayers CBD Gummies ►❱❱Composition ➺ Natural Organic Compound ►❱❱Main Benefits  ➺Improve Metabolism & Help in Pain Relief ►❱❱Side-Effects ➺ NA ►❱❱Availability ➺Online ►❱❱Ingredients ➺ 100% Natural ►❱❱Rating  ➺★★★★★ ➤➤❱❱➢Official Website — #USA Buy Now Here — Click Here
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► Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now ◄
Pro Players CBD Gummies are the best solution for reclaiming control of your life. Due to how effective and long-lasting these CBD gummies are, everyone chooses to heal this way. These gummies are already among the top sellers on the market thanks to their all-natural and powerful ingredients. Once you have your own bottles of these gummies, you can rely on experiencing pain relief and living a life devoid of negativity. You might put an end to your agony permanently once you have access to your own supply of these CBD edibles. Numerous men and women can now live happier, pain-free lives around the nation. If this sounds like something you need, don't wait to do it. By selecting any of the photographs on this website, you can receive the best Pro Player CBD Price at this time.
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The most straightforward and healthy approach of healing is there in front of you. Taking these CBD gummies is the best way to heal your body and mind for optimal wellness and pleasure. People who regularly consume these gummies report feeling more happy and fulfilled. These gummies are the quickest, most natural way to heal your spirit! Many thousands of men and women who take these gummies on a regular basis report total pain relief!
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More Info:-
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