#Nose surgery in indore
vonehospital · 2 years
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Read about the plastic surgery process, factors affecting the plastic surgery cost, and different surgeries costs in India and in various Indian cities by top plastic surgeon in Indore.
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Types of Facelifts
Older patients who want to get rid of loose or sagging skin around the neck and jaw often choose facelift surgery. Rhytidectomy, often known as a classic facelift, midface lift, and mini facelift are the three main forms of facelift surgery. A neck lift is a complimentary operation that will enhance the results of the facelift. Surgery is used in all four treatments to remove and replace your skin.
Customary Facelift:
The greatest candidates for traditional facelifts are older patients with loose or wrinkled skin.
The patient is first given local anesthesia to numb them before the treatment begins. The incision is the next procedure, and your surgeon will start by making cuts behind your ears and along your hairline behind your temples.
After cutting the skin, the surgeon will remove the appropriate amount of skin to tighten the skin on the face. Your surgeon will start stitching up the wound once the appropriate amount of skin has been removed. In order to hide scars, they will perform it along the natural hairline. You should be aware of this surgery's high level of invasiveness when considering it.
Lower and Middle Facelift:
The cheeks and eyelids are lifted during a mid facelift. Once more, local anesthesia is used to begin the procedure, and the surgeon outlines the region that needs to be removed from behind the ears and along the hairline. The excess skin around the ears and hairline will then start to be removed by the surgeon. The surgeon will ensure that the cheeks are positioned correctly on the face once again. To ensure minimal scarring, the surgeon will then start to sew the skin back together along the hairline.
The lower face, which includes the neck, cheeks, and jowls, undergoes a lower facelift. Local anesthesia is used to begin the procedure. The surgeon next makes a small incision behind the jaw and around the back of the ear. Following the removal of the extra skin from these locations, the wounds are repaired with stitches. Facial surgeon in Indore provide the best treatment of facelift.
In order to achieve the optimum results, these two procedures are frequently combined:
A little facelift:
Although it takes less time and has a less dramatic result, this technique is remarkably comparable to a traditional facelift. Fine lines and wrinkles cannot be removed with this technique.
Local anesthetic is first delivered into the patient in the necessary locations to begin the treatment. The surgeon will then make a few tiny incisions behind the ears and along the hairline. To tighten and lift the facial tissues, the surgeon will employ dissolvable stitches to link them to the fibrous tissues.
Neck Lift:
The neck is made to look younger and more toned through this treatment. Surgery for the neck is frequently performed in addition to facelift surgery. Once again, the operation begins with local anesthesia being used to numb the area. The surgeon will start making tiny incisions large enough for the liposuction cannula to slip into once the entire area has become completely numb. All essential neck fat will be liposuction away by the surgeon. Once all of the fat has been eliminated, tiny incisions are made around the jaw and behind the ears to remove any extra or sagging skin. The wound is then sewn up after all of the skin and fat have been removed.
All of these facelift operations require a similar length of time for recovery. You need to rest for the first several days following any of these procedures. This is due to the possibility of pain, swelling, or ache in your face. Resting will therefore help you recover. The swelling and the pain would have decreased and been more tolerable 2-3 weeks following the surgery. You'll start to feel entirely normal again three to a month after the operation and be able to perform all of your typical daily activities. Typically, it takes a few months before you can really appreciate the outcomes of operations like this.
Get one of the best facelift surgery in Indore.
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anuragbhargava · 2 months
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Understanding Nose Plastic Surgery Cost in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Explore the factors influencing nose plastic surgery cost in India, including surgical techniques, clinic location, and surgeon expertise. Learn how to navigate pricing considerations and find the best plastic surgeon in Indore for your aesthetic goals.
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Best Plastic Surgeon In Indore
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DR. ASHWINI DASH Best Plastic Surgeon In Indore obtained his MS(General Surgery) and MCh (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) from S.M.S Medical college and hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan. He is Currently Visiting as a Consultant in Apollo hospital ,Indore and Life Care Hospital, Indore.
For More Information Visit Us- https://www.dradash.com/
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Title : Dr. Geetika paliwal Face Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon in india
In today's image-conscious society Enhance Your Beauty with Cosmetic Facial Surgery by Face Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon in india Dr. Geetika Paliwal, the desire to look and feel one's best is more prevalent than ever. With advancements in cosmetic surgery, achieving aesthetic goals has become increasingly accessible. Dr. Geetika Paliwal, a renowned expert in facial cosmetic surgery, offers a range of transformative procedures to help individuals enhance their natural beauty and boost self-confidence.
A facelift surgery by Face Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon in india  is a comprehensive solution to combat signs of aging such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. Dr. Geetika Paliwal employs advanced techniques to lift and tighten facial tissues, providing a rejuvenated and youthful appearance that looks natural and refreshed.
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, targets drooping eyelids and under-eye bags to restore a more rested and alert look. By removing excess skin and fat deposits, this procedure can rejuvenate the eyes and enhance overall facial aesthetics.
Rhinoplasty "nose job," surgery in india is a popular procedure that reshapes the nose to improve its size, shape, or symmetry. Whether it's correcting a bump on the bridge, refining the tip, or addressing breathing difficulties, rhinoplasty can significantly enhance facial harmony and proportion.
Lip reduction or augmentation surgery can enhance the shape and size of the lips, achieving a fuller, more balanced appearance that complements other facial features. Scar revision techniques are also available to minimize the visibility of scars and improve skin texture.
For those seeking to elevate their brow position and eliminate forehead wrinkles, a brow lift offers a long-lasting solution. Dr. Geetika Paliwal is the most trusted surgeon in indore  meticulously tailors the procedure to each patient's unique anatomy, ensuring optimal results with minimal scarring.
Additionally, dimple creation surgery offers a charming way to add a touch of allure to the smile, enhancing facial expressions and boosting self-esteem.
Under the expert care of Dr. Geetika Paliwal, Face Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon in india  patients can rest assured that they are in capable hands. With her expertise and dedication to patient satisfaction, she helps individuals achieve their aesthetic goals and rediscover confidence in their appearance. Whether it's refining facial contours, restoring youthfulness, or creating subtle enhancements, cosmetic facial surgery offers endless possibilities for enhancing natural beauty.
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Understanding Oral Facial Surgery: Procedures for Functional and Cosmetic Improvements
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Oral facial surgery encompasses a range of surgical procedures aimed at addressing functional and cosmetic concerns related to the mouth, jaw, and facial structures. This article provides an overview of oral facial surgery, highlighting the procedures commonly performed to achieve both functional and aesthetic improvements.
1. Orthognathic Surgery: Correcting Jaw Irregularities
Orthognathic surgery involves correcting jaw irregularities, such as an overbite, underbite, or open bite.
This procedure helps improve the alignment of the jaws, enabling better chewing, speech, and overall facial balance.
Orthognathic surgery often requires collaboration between oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, and other specialists.
2. Dental Implant Surgery: Restoring Missing Teeth
Dental implant surgery is a common procedure used to replace missing teeth with artificial tooth roots and prosthetic teeth.
Implants provide a stable foundation for dental restorations, restoring the functionality and aesthetics of the smile.
This surgery involves the placement of titanium implants into the jawbone, followed by the attachment of custom-made dental crowns, bridges, or dentures.
3. Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery: Repairing Facial Injuries
Maxillofacial trauma surgery focuses on repairing facial injuries resulting from accidents, sports-related incidents, or other trauma.
This procedure involves realigning fractured facial bones, repairing soft tissue injuries, and restoring facial aesthetics and function.
Maxillofacial trauma surgery aims to improve the patient's ability to eat, speak, and breathe properly while enhancing facial appearance. If you are looking for the best oral facial surgery treatment then consult a orthodontist in Indore for better teeth health.
4. Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery: Correcting Congenital Deformities
Cleft lip and palate surgery is performed to correct birth defects affecting the lip and/or roof of the mouth.
The procedure involves repairing the cleft and reconstructing the affected areas to restore normal oral function and facial aesthetics.
Cleft lip and palate surgery is typically done in multiple stages, starting in infancy and continuing into childhood and adolescence.
5. Facial Cosmetic Surgery: Enhancing Facial Features
Facial cosmetic surgery includes a variety of procedures aimed at improving the appearance of facial features.
Examples of facial cosmetic surgeries include rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), genioplasty (chin augmentation), and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).
These procedures can enhance facial harmony, correct asymmetry, and improve self-confidence by achieving desired aesthetic outcomes.
Oral facial surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures that serve both functional and cosmetic purposes. From orthognathic surgery for correcting jaw irregularities to dental implant surgery for replacing missing teeth, these procedures aim to improve oral health, restore facial function, and enhance facial aesthetics. Additionally, oral facial surgery plays a vital role in the repair of maxillofacial trauma and the correction of congenital deformities such as cleft lip and palate. 
For individuals seeking to enhance their facial features, facial cosmetic surgery offers various options to achieve desired aesthetic improvements. If you are considering oral facial surgery, it is essential to consult with implantologist in Indore who can `assess your specific needs and provide appropriate treatment options.
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marmmklinic · 1 year
Can A Hair Transplant Bring Your Confidence Again?
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Hair loss has two main types: temporary and permanent. Temporary Hair loss can take place due to reasons like stress, improper diet, seasonal effects, and improper hair care. If you see a receding hairline with signs of hair loss, it clearly means that you are facing permanent hair loss that takes place due to genetic and hormonal reasons. hair transplant in Indore is an effective treatment for permanent baldness or genetic hair loss. 
In this treatment, the surgeon borrows hair grafts from the back and both sides and transplants them into the bald region of your scalp. The surgeon removes hair from the back and sides of your scalp because these areas grow baldness-resistant hairs. 
How does hair loss damage your confidence?
According to social beliefs, your look depends on facial components like eyes, nose, forehead, and your hair. Therefore, most patients feel sad when they experience signs of permanent hair loss. 
Generally, hair loss patients face the following negative psychological effects:
Low self-esteem:
Hair loss patients face low self-esteem due to their negative thoughts. Patients of hair loss are not happy because of their bald scalp. Therefore, they think others are making fun of the because of their bald scalp. Because of this baseless belief, they face low self-esteem. 
Low confidence:
Since hair loss patients are full of negative thoughts because of their hair loss, they do not mingle with others confidently in social events. Some patients become introverted just because of their low level of confidence. 
Patients want to be a part of social events but they cannot face others due to the inferiority complex they have developed because of hair loss. So, they feel often depressed just because of their psychological condition. 
How can a hair transplant help?
As mentioned above, the hair specialist in Indore removes baldness-resistant hairs from the back and sides and transplants these hairs into the bald area of the patient’s scalp. 
This process involves a perfect plan that is based on your candidacy. Moreover, the doctor uses world-class techniques like follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant to treat your scalp. As a result, hair grows in transplanted areas with full strength and provides a natural look to the hair loss patient. 
After getting a natural look again, the level of confidence goes up naturally and the patient leaves negative thinking instantly as well. 
As you see, you can boost your confidence level again with the help of hair transplant surgery. 
However, you need to consider the following condition if you want to get positive results: 
Hair loss treatment with hair transplant surgery is very effective but you need a skilled surgeon to get favorable results. Therefore, choose your surgeon carefully. 
Do not believe in fake claims to save the cost. A lot of fake clinics are active in the hair transplant field. Always visit a hair clinic in Indore that is reliable and offer affordable hair loss transplant cost.
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choithram-hospital · 2 years
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The Department of Ear, Nose and Throat provides comprehensive care for all types of ear ailments along with audiology and speech therapy, cochlear implant surgery and post operative rehabilitation. The detailed list of our services is provided in the services section.
know more :  ENT Hospital in Indore | Ear, Nose, Throat
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Rhinoplasty for Wide Nose: How Does It Work
Rhinoplasty for Wide Nose: How Does It Work 
● Your Consultation 
● Ideal Candidates 
● Your Procedure 
● Procedure Risk 
● Recovery and Downtime 
● Your Consultation 
Most cosmetic procedures begin with a consultation so that your suitability for the  procedure can be determined, as not everyone qualifies. 
You will have a meeting with a cosmetic surgeon for rhinoplasty. 
Your doctor may ask you to provide medical records or disclose any medications you  are currently taking, including supplements, so the medications you take will not  interfere with your recovery or the procedure. 
When it comes to wide nose jobs, pictures of before and after can give you an idea of  what's possible with this type of surgery. 
Your consultation is your chance to discuss any questions you may have about any step  in the treatment process so that you fully understand what is going on. 
Keep your questions in mind ahead of time so you don't forget anything during this  consultation. 
● Ideal Candidates 
If you are considering a wide nose bridge rhinoplasty, there are a number of factors that  must be considered before you choose one. 
The procedure works best for those who are physically mature, including your nasal  maturity. 
Candidates who have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of their surgery and  are not disillusioned by the appearance of their current appearance are ideal  candidates.
● Your Procedure 
Usually, patients undergo a procedure under general anesthesia, hospitalization is  required for a day or two.  
There are two options as to whether a rhinoplasty is performed, open or closed . In a closed procedure, incisions are placed within the nostrils. 
In open rhinoplasty, an additional, external incision is required on Columella. 
If an external incision is required, it will result in scar which is hardly visible in due course  of time.  
In the nose, skin will be folded back to reveal the inner nasal structures. Your surgeon will be able to reconstruct your nose with ease. 
Your cosmetic surgeon can recommend the right approach for your rhinoplasty incision,  so you can achieve your treatment goals. 
● Recovery and Downtime 
Rhinoplasty results are not visible just after surgery as there is swelling of the nose due to  the procedure which takes 2-3 weeks to resolve. Results become better day by day. 
Procedure Time: 2-5 Hours 
Hospital Stay: 1-2 Days 
Recovery Time: 2-4 Weeks 
Dr geetika paliwal 
Dr. Geetika is the best plastic surgeon in Indore, specialized in Burns, Plastic & Cosmetic  surgeries. 
Official handle :- https://drgeetikapaliwal.com/ 
+91 702 402 3943 
+91 992 666 3943
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gblhospital105-blog · 4 years
Best doctor for hair transplant surgery in Indore - Dr. Ekta Mishra
Dr. Ekta Mishra is one of the Best doctors for hair transplant surgery in Indore. If you are planning for hair transplant surgery with affordable price, come in  GBL hospital Indore. Book an appointment today, visit https://www.gblhospital.com/  and now call us +91 8962008009 and for more information.
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drnishantkhare · 5 years
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A proportionate face is definitely a beautiful face and the shape of your nose plays a vital role in achieving that. Rhinoplasty will help you look more beautiful and attractive by correcting the shape of your nose which is in balance with the rest of your face. Book your appointment now: 7771944400
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Dr Ashwini Dash is one of the best plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Indore, also he provides best rhinoplasty surgery in Indore. Who provide best plastic surgery in Indore and even central India. Provided best rhinoplasty In Indore, nose reshaping .He provides all types of cosmetic surgeries like rhinoplasty, otoplasty, lip correction and beautification, buttock enhancement, chin correction, neck lift/ correction, breast surgical procedures, thin lift, abdomen and torso correction, whole body & mega liposuction, facelift and facial. Call us for more details about rhinoplasty cost in Indore at 99772-66772. https://www.dradash.com/rhinoplasty-nose-job-surgery-indore/
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anuragbhargava · 2 months
Understanding Nose Plastic Surgery Cost in India: Insights from Expert Plastic Surgeon in Indore
Explore the intricacies of nose plastic surgery cost in India with our comprehensive guide. Discover key factors influencing pricing, expert insights from top plastic surgeons in Indore, and essential considerations for your rhinoplasty journey.
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thinkitloudgdc-blog · 5 years
Nose is the most defining parts of your face. But if the nose is not symmetrical to your face, it can throw off your facial balance. Rhinoplasty or nose surgery, sometimes referred to as nose reshaping or a nose job is a surgery designed to improve the shape of the nose for cosmetic purposes as well as sometimes for function. It helps to restructure your nose shape to bring it into harmony with the rest of your face.
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marmmclinc-blog · 5 years
Rhinoplasty in Indore: Procedure, Purpose, Recovery
Nose reshaping is an amazing procedure to change the appearance of the face. However, for more effective results, Rhinoplasty in Indore is recommended by the experts of the Marmm Klinik. Modern skilled surgeons perform the surgery to improve the shape, size, and functions of the nose and the goals of the surgery are changing constantly. New studies and reaches are changing and increasing the scope of rhinoplasty. This is the reason, the patients are able to undergo the surgery with the help of advanced and world-class facilities at the Marmm Klinik.
Main Objectives of Rhinoplasty in Marmm Klinik
As mentioned above, rhinoplasty is a nose reshaping surgery. it means it is performed to bring positive changes in the proportion and symmetry of the nose. It is done with the help of surgical steps in which the surgeon open the nasal structures to change the shape and size of the nose.
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The experts of the Marmm Klinik may perform the surgery for cosmetic reasons. It means the goals of the patients are just aesthetic and he does not want functional improvements. In simpler words, the surgeon has to focus on the beauty of the nose.
Furthermore, patients with medical reasons also come to the clinic. The examples of these medical conditions are accidental nose injuries, birth defects, traumatic effects on the nose, breathing problems like sinusitis and snoring etc.
Rhinoplasty Procedure
The point should be noted that rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure. It means you do not have to stay overnight in the clinic. The procedure is started with the administration of general anesthesia so the patient is supposed to sleep during the surgery. If the surgeon decides to use only local anesthesia, the nose will be numb to feel no pain.
After this step, the surgeon makes appropriate cuts to open the nose structures. Then the surgeon reconstructs the inner nasal bone and cartilage to provide a more pleasing look to the nose.
Recovery Period
The use of a nasal splint is a normal step after the surgery and the patients must wear the splint for at least 1 week. The patient will observe mild swelling or brushing around the eyes but these signs might stay for two weeks. Over the next six months, you will see visible results without any side effects. Just after the surgery heavy activities are not allowed and you have to meet the surgeon before starting your daily routine.
Are You Thinking To Get a Nose Reshaping Surgery?
If you are thinking to get the nose job surgery, you need an appointment with your surgeon to have an initial consultation. When you sit with your surgeon, you may talk about your goals and expectations. Tell the doctor about your issues that you want to improve.
The surgeon is going to evaluate the basic structure of your nose with other facial features. After this step, he may provide a clear picture of your goals. If the expectations are realistic, he will reach the further steps. The surgeon may ask about your health, lifestyle, addictions, and medications to ensure a safe and successful surgery. If all goes well, he will treat you according to your expectations.
You may come to the Marmm Klinik for Rhinoplasty in Indore any time without any hesitation because the surgeons are all ready to treat your nose.
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery department of GBL Hospital Indore is well known for its world class surgery and the best healthcare facilities by the India’s best Surgery doctors. Here at GBL Hospital Indore we perform the Cosmetic surgery in Nose Correction, Nose Reshaping, Hair Transplant, Breast & Fat reduction surgery and Reconstructive Surgery in Facial Deformities, Cleft Lip & Palate Surgery. We here at GBL Hospital Indore ensure the best combination of skills and technology to reach the highest standard of the Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery. Our team is dedicated to excellence to provide quality and affordable treatment to our patients.
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