uutak-mythos · 4 years
The Echmer Of Yneslea
Yneslea is a large Archipelago in the Padomaic Sea, east even of Morrowind, in between Tamriel and Akavir. It, along with the other islands of the Padomaic Sea, were conquered by Emperor Uriel V in his failed conquest of Akavir. Where the Emperor met a race unseen by the people of Tamriel since the Battle Of Red Mountain. 
The Echmer were created by the Eastward Dwemer, the Noraken Clan, as a servant force, eventually inheriting the great brass cities of their masters after the Battle Of Red Mountain. 
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Today the Echmer have abandoned the Steam of the Dwemer in exchange of Gala, a product of the remains of the Earthbones not unlike fossil fuels. The Echmer are a studious and private people, open to outsiders but eager to keep their traditions to themselves. They have a great love of order and hierarchy, though not so much as to keep them from spontaneity. And while observing the Aedra and Daedra care little for the distinction between them, separating them instead into the Dead-Gods, Birth-Gods, Keeping-Gods, Wraith-Gods, and Effigy-Gods, all born of P’hanoikhei. They also practice Ancestor Worship, headed by a living god not unlike the Tribunal, who was once a mortal Echmer, a traveller goddess named Hrahndeyl.
The Echmeri food and arts are distinct from Tamriel, eating dishes composed of fruits, fish, and small insects, and exporting a product similar to Ice Cream into Tamriel. Their arts are composed not of plays but of large scale puppet shows, creating and controlling elaborate puppets to enact plays ranging from Histories to Religious content to Comedies, with puppets ranging in size from simple hand puppets and dolls to elaborate contraptions to size of mammoths.
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