#Niagara pagan fest
tyetknot · 1 year
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The Niagara Region Pagan Fest is turning out to be a fantastic time!
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tyetknot · 2 years
The Adoration of Re
Praise be to Re, Lord of Creation, God of the Sun, Lord of the Two Horizons. Self-created at the moment of Creation, Father of the primeval Gods Shu and Tefnut who are air and moisture, grandfather of Geb and Nut who are the Earth and sky, great-grandfather of Osiris, Heru-er, Set, Isis, and Nephthys, you are the mightiest and most glorious of the divine assembly of the Gods and wisely do you rule over them and over all Creation. Daily you pass over us as you sail across the sky in the Boat of Millions of Years, surveying your domain. Grace us with your benevolent gaze, O Ra who delights in the establishment of Ma’at. Your crown is the very disk of the Sun, and we ask you to shine down upon us with your gentle and sustaining light and warmth. Avert from us your mighty and terrible Eye, and reserve its dreadful fire for those who delight in wrongdoing. We burn sweet incense for you, radiant Lord of the Sun, and do you honour and praise. We welcome you in peace. Hail, welcome, and blessed be.
- A call I wrote for a Summer Solstice ritual I performed for Niagara Region Pagan fest this past weekend.
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tyetknot · 6 years
I had an amazing day at the first Niagara Region Pagan Fest! The weather was great, there was a good selection of vendors, and some fellow Initiates were running a solar ritual that they asked me to assist with. I had a great time and I'll absolutely go next year, possibly as a vendor.
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tyetknot · 5 years
Got together with my student this evening and did a DSIC. I've got a festival I'll be selling at this weekend (Niagara Pagan Fest woop woop!) and I'm asking for a little help with sales.
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