#Neoui ius-eul salanghala
harospex · 9 months
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I really enjoyed this progression in the back half of the first season of love thy neighbor.
We go from (images numbered left to right, top to bottom)
1-2) Jinju actively preventing Doyeon from expressing romantic feelings (Jinju also does this when Doyeon suggests date-like activities)
3-4) Doyeon confronting Jinju about their situation, and wanting to know how Jinju feels. Even if Jinju doesn't have romantic feelings, Doyeon needs to know. Jinju says she doesn't, but in an aside to herself, she suggests she might be more open to romance eventually.
5-10) Jinju, after narrowly escaping the loan sharks, not just letting Doyeon share her feelings but *demanding* it.
I am eager to see how their relationship develops, and I hope they can build something healthier once Jinju sees herself as an equal. And they <redact> that piece of shit husband!!
Side note: I hope season 2 has less sex depicted, even if Jinju and Doyeon keep on fucking all the time. Like, I think the amount of sex in season 1 makes sense (despite what I've seen other readers say) because they both have high sex drives. And: Jinju feels that she doesn't have anything else to offer Doyeon besides sex, while Doyeon feels that sex is a way to control Jinju/keep Jinju around. Sex has been their main method of communicating <whatever it is> they felt/feel towards each other. But going forward, I hope there is more verbal communication, especially now that Jinju has allowed Doyeon to express herself.
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