aka-seco-svart · 3 months
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Deus mortem 🇲🇨 left to right:
Stormblast: drums
Necrosodom: guitars/vocals
L. th: bass
Tom Hermies: guitars
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danzameccanica · 3 years
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I Deus Mortem sono una band polacca relativamente nuova che debutta nel 2013 su Malignant Voices ma che nel 2019 entrerà nell’orbita della Terratur Possession col secondo album Kosmocide ottenendo buonissimi responsi dappertutto. I plausi sono aumentati ancora di più con l’EP The Fiery Blood. Sentire una band polacca con una produzione così ben definita fa tirare in ballo i soliti nomi quali Behemoth, Mgła o Bathuska ma, in realtà ci troviamo a sonorità molto più simili a Marduk, Funeral Mist e Watain soprattutto per quello che riguarda la sezione ritmica e la batteria davvero infernale. La soluzione è votata ad un violento blackmetal che utilizza synth e chitarre acustiche per forgiare un’aura quasi religious; “Down the Scorched Paradise” ricorda tanto Salvation quanto Maranatha o Casus Luciferi degli svedesi sopra citati mentre le urla di Necrosodom ricordano i registri ben modulati di Arioch. Se vogliamo proprio dirla tutta il batterista Stormblast non ha nulla da invidiare a Inferno dei Behemoth. Immaginate la band di Nergal con un paio di passi più verso il death metal mentre i Deus Mortem con un paio di passi verso il black metal, ma con una componente distruttiva e apocalittica simile e notevole.
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C’è spazio per assoli violenti, per attingere dai Mayhem più feroci; ci sono attimi di venefica e mefistofelica atmosfera (la prima parte di “Lord of All Graves”) e, nonostante melodie e produzione quasi cristallina non siamo di fronte a prodotti posticci come – ad esempio – Keep of Kalessin o Secrets of the Moon. Magistrale e d’effetto anche la chiusura, a cui la band dedica una parentesi particolarmente più melodica di ciò che abbiamo ascoltato fino ad’ora; ora più che mai sì che si può parlare di un mix ortodosso-esoterico davvero ben eseguito; un prodotto dove la violenza non rimane mai fino a sé stessa ma lascia ammirare diversi volti maligni, emergere uno per uno dalle anse di questo fiume infernale
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rp-kat · 5 years
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anurean99 · 2 years
Romance is Dead
Niensteadt... I will be hitting Abeline Kansas soon. Like wirhin the next two weeks. Do you have tracking & people location software on travel manifests?
(604)373-4066 I will be using my Canadian & D.C. Embassy Landlines through V.o.I.P. My white card is rubbed raw, its almost unlegible. When i get home i will probably be ran to osowatamie. Mostly because Ive managed my stock investments in ways that will kill anyone near me or who are mildly irritating, which everyone is. The bus stop is a Hardeès. When I get there I could use a pack of lucky strikes & lunch. I should have my own resource to buy: but be prepared to pay for my ass. I will be carrying a nuclear implosive. should it break, the whole bus will be sucked into oblibion as will everything for 20 miles. It will also nutralize dark matter, which Ive fallen into twice. Its truly beaitiful when dark matter creatures move. Its like black raw silk in the night. Wyoming Police where given a mission to sieze it, but i have that threat nutralized. Those who wanted it, must have been trying to bring dead & missing people back to life. Those mountains are fairly sulferic. Those mountains are fairly voodoo. Those mountains feed off hydro like an SOB. Hydrogen & Sulferic Amonia displace eachother naturally. anyone with an extra hydrogen cell naturally piss off their cops. while carrying a hydrogen isotope, drinking tons of jasmine or oolong, one might be perfectly invisible to someone from that kind of atmosphere. Joseph Arsenault should be locked up. Mostly for sex trafficking & fraud. i never gave him his job. Paula however might have. Just thought i would mention that again. I do so about once every three years. Eva... Do you want a job in government? Everyone has a german name. Theyre all Nazis. We need someone to be a Moreno and work in Kansas Government to keep it from being too racist. Like seriously... fuck them if the Angelic population wont start killing the Romance of Kansas willy nilly like on behalf of Humanity. -- J.C. Lambert https://tude.ml/
On 3/19/22, 9:57 AM John Lambert <[email protected]> wrote:- -- J.C. Lambert https://anurean.ml/ On 3/19/22, 9:51 AM John Lambert <[email protected]> wrote:each time a package pops up... the family of an unliked state employee will be killed, dissected, buchered and cannibalized. Thats what it means to sell out base stock while in a mental instution. This will effect the families of the people closest to me and the persons liked the least. I like things more rhan I like people. I like funerals more rhan I like psychologists. I like paliperidone more than I like Jesus. Thats why I eat Zombie Acoutremints, which work better than a paliperidone injection. So... Lets go to the mental institution and take our paliperidone injection while eating zombie acoutremints. Lets smile and laugh because the children of our psychologists are being wantonly murdered, dissected, and necrosodomized. Why? Because Im a sell out and I need things on Amazon. amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/30CCLDIRL9Z4/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2 And... because I identify BMG as not so much entertainment... but dope. just dope. because dope is more entertaining than television or movies. the music is nice tho. i like it when hookers from mexico complain that we are evil and start screaming. my favorite word... "neccisito" its a whole new level of creepy when you just smile at a hispanic woman and say "no. no neccesito" and unzip your pants. The same way Krumme did for years in his office. -- J.C. Lambert https://anurean.ml/ On 3/19/22, 9:31 AM John Lambert <[email protected]> wrote:Im seriously gping to sell out... and it will kill everyone who have sat there being cunts to me my entire life. And when I do... I think I will sit there with a bunch of toys and crap and a pistol.... And move back into my Childhood & Teenage Attic. Paula... Do you want to party? At 9 Neosho... Maybe annother old common address. Lets sit down with three bubbah cats in Emporia... Lets treat them with penecillin so you hate them and their microbes less... Lets treat our own selves too... And sit there and mindfuck the kids and police.... And enjoy oir privacy again. -- J.C. Lambert https://tude.ml/ On 3/19/22, 9:14 AM John Lambert <[email protected]> wrote:Bezos... When I return to Kansas... Any and all stock in BMG will be for sale. I want things. Just crap off Amazon. I want to collect my crap while in the mental institution or whilest subjected to Eddie's black latin ass and the orangutang psychologist. So... it would be just packages delivered that have to be inspected which will inherintly piss off of the common conservative psychologist. As a BMG shareholder... the moment that stock Sales, Kansas will be kicked off their drug schedule. everyone will lose their ability to score cannibal class drugs and become subjected ro the cannibal hoarde. even i could be if the stock sales... So once Buffalo Media Stock capsizes... I will be needing a pistol or four with a life time supply of ammunition as part of the transaction. In my book... Paliperidone & Waner Bros both are the same package deal. they also come with a name change. The moment I sell out... The State of Kansas will be invaded and everyone will be dead. The same way you probably are for having stepped foot on studio and stated you owned WB. Thanks for ownership of Amazon. However i want things not your fucking company. I dont want a job either asshole. I dont want a car of life in the USA nigger. I want you people dead and off my doings. That is moreso directed and applies moreso to niggerbitch Krumme. See... the sale of that stock.... means NOBODY in Kansas has an opinion and can be killed at will by other states. Its the mafia protection note of all Kansas Society. Kansans, get killed quickly when its thought theyre from Nebraska. Nebraskans who are alive insituations such as mine: are only alove as its thought theyre from Kansas. So when my ass sells out... Krumme will be homosexually raped and murdered as will most of my educators. Which is why people from Kansas have to buy into my scene with 45x
of their networth for me to work with them. people forget that. So you alive Bezos? If so, send me crap. I will be taking off to Kansas soon. When i get to wherever I will change my address. Infact, let me remove my address now. - -- J.C. Lambert https://anurean.ml/
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rp-kat · 6 years
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rp-kat · 6 years
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rp-kat · 7 years
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Infernal War
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