#NaruNeji Day
alybur635 · 2 months
It's their day today!!
Saw that @narutorarepaireventhub was hosting NejiNaru/NaruNeji day today and y'all KNOW I had to join it on it!
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
Niw we've heard SasuNeji, we've heard NaruNeji, but what about ShikaNeji?
That sounds familiar... I think they have some mutual respect to build a relationship on.
Actually it just crossed my mind... one day, maybe on a mission, Neji is taking a while fixing his hair and Shikamaru goes "You're being as troublesome as a girl like that!" or something and Neji stands up, turns to him, backs him into a wall/tree, maybe even kabedons him, glares right into his eyes until he's about to break or he can hear his heartbeat and says... "I am a man!"
Not my cup of tea, but that is funny.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
For some reason just started thinking about naruneji and its kinda funny to me because all I can think about it going from Neji's side is Neji realizes that he's morosexual and is vaguely disappointed in himself
Neji has a few days of deep crisis before he just takes a deep breath and looks himself in the mirror like "so he's loud and likes orange and is kind of dense. So what? Chin up Neji, we got this. It's not like he's royalty or anything."
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chaos-bubble · 3 years
I got a few new ideas for my AU!
They're on the four main ships.
Everything will be under the cut.
Neji asked Gai to attend his wedding as his father. Gai was crying and said yes.
Neji has big scars on his back and chest from the war.
Naruto and Neji getting together is kind of a mess. The war has been I’ve for a few months but Naruto has been having nightmares about the war, specifically about Neji dying. One night, the nightmare was especially bad, and Naruto bolted for Neji's where they talked about it and eventually kissed. They fell asleep after but talked about their relationship the morning after and started dating.
It took them a while to figure out a way to tell their friends they’re dating. Not so much Team Gai and Team 7 since both Teams knew about their respective teammate's feelings. Team 10 also wouldn’t be that big of a deal but Team 8 was what they were worried about especially Hinata. In the end, it turned out fine.
A more general headcanon for Naruto is that the entire day of the pain attack is a blur to him. He barely remembers it. Like he remembers fight Pain and later on talking with Nagato but the rest just blurs together. Because of that, he doesn’t remember Hinatas confession, that’s why he never talked to her about it.
Neji thought quite a bit about the whole last name thing that comes with marriage. He didn’t want Naruto to have the Hyuuga last name but it felt odd to practically abandon the Hyuuga name since he had fought for the Hyuuga to change it didn’t feel right to change his name right after he had managed to convince the Hyuuga of their wrongdoings. It wasn’t until Naruto said that they could do it like his parents. They were married but both still kept their last names. Neji liked that idea, he was certain however that if they ever had children they will have Narutos last name.
Sai didn't notice that he had feelings for Ino until he had a conversation with Sakura and Naruto.
Before they got together Ino would constantly talk to Shikamaru and Choji.
Sai doesn't really know what he's supposed to do and has many books to help him. Not everything in the books is useful for him.
Sai sometimes can be found drawing in a corner of the flower shop.
Ino started teaching Sai about flowers and their meanings. She also showed him how to do flower arrangements, which Sai turns out to be very good at.
Sai didn't really help out in the shop until Ino was on a mission for a few weeks and Inos mother asked for Sai's help. When Ino came back she was surprised to see Sai work in the shop.
Speaking of Sai working in the shop, he always handles the Karens. He is really good at it and has fun confusing them to no end. Ino and her mother always love to watch.
When Inojin was born Sai cried.
Obito has a hard time showing his affection, but Obito tries his best.
Kakashi constantly gives Obito the worst and most obnoxious pickup lines.
Obito always tells him to shut up after two pickup lines.
Obito is two seconds away from burning Kakashi's Icha Icha Paradise. He doesn't end up doing it because he loves Kakashi.
When Kakashi is at home/when he retired the two of them are surprisingly domestic.
Obito will never admit it but he actually really likes Kakashi's ninken. he always complains about them but not even ten minutes later is cuddling with one or all of them.
Obito likes to call Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and Sai his and Kakashi's brats.
They got together a little before the events of the last.
Sakura was the one to confess to Hinata, Hinata was a blushing mess afterwards.
They decided to both keep their respective last names but their daughters have both combined.
Hinata, being the better cook of the two, always makes one of Sakuras favourite foods after she had a stressful day at the hospital or when she comes home from a mission.
Hinata likes to kiss Sakura on her forehead.
They prefer doing their hobbies or any kind of work in the same room. They just like the other being around a lot.
When Sasuke realized he liked Suigetsu thought "Fuck".
Suigetsu likes to do Sasukes hair.
They got together sometime after Kakashi and Obito got married. They attended the wedding together with Suigetsu being his plus one.
They never got married, they don't feel the need to.
Sasuke enjoys holding Suigetsus hand in public, even if he doesn't have a free hand because of that.
Suigetsu will randomly kiss Sasuke on the cheek, throwing Sasuke off completely.
When Sasuke gets groceries he always gets jello or yoghurt for Suigetsu. Suigetsu on the other hand gets tomatoes for Sasuke.
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naruto-is-baby · 4 years
Hiii! Can i ask for you opinion about saduke retsuden and all the SSS ship?
tbh I don't even acknowledge any other Sasuke ships except sns (and maybe sasuino?)... cz like,why would i do that ,sasuke doesn't even show romantic human interactions with anybody except naruto. if we cut off the sns,sasuke comes off as emotionless.
But it's so weird.Sasuke is exactly the opposite.
To understand a character as complex as sasuke,we have to consider a few factors. First of all,the way he grew up. He always saw people only cared about his looks and status.Hell no one cared that he was alone and suffering. Everyone just wanted sasyuke-kun kinda like a trophy.
So,people who experience this type of shit obviously don't grow up with extreme fondness for others. He knows people are dumb fake bitches and he just doesn't bother with them.
The next thing is Sasuke is NOT emotionless.bitches say sasuke is traumatized that's why he doesn't know how to show affection... like,bitch what? idk? Uchihas are a clan that ENTIRELY is guided by their emotions..like, hello? sharingan is awaken?because of intense emotion to protect a loved one?....also who is the one that said shit like,"you're my one and only?" or "my body moved on its own" and jumped right in the fucking middle of a battle? or who annoyingly started to announce how he gotta kill a certain someone as his first introduction? or who unashamedly and instinctively protects his one and only in a war in front of the whole shinobi world? Uchiha Sasuke.
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Sasuke is not emotionless or has hard time expressing emotions,he just doesn't fake anything and doesn't go licking everyone's boots. He hunts bad people for sport and keeps his tiddies out the whole time.Bitch,if Uchiha Sasuke fancies you,you and the whole neighborhood will know (He ain't a pusi,He's a FUCKING Lion,a Leo)
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also naruto makes him human. Naruto's existence showed us that sasuke isn't a psycho avenger bitch. Naruto is his anchor and just naruto's memories kept Sasuke human even in the face of intense emotional turmoils. (Let's all remember how itachi lost his anchor shisui and went off the fucking rails).
now, i also like sasuino simply cz i love the platonic and genuine affection ino has for sasuke...however i can see,it still is one sided as fuck..sasuke doesn't return anything. (anyway,ino got best boy sai so I'm happy for my queen)
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So,i don't dismiss sasuke ships except sns because I'm an sns godzilla *rawrrr*... i dismiss them because they don't make any sense even in the slightest.
I'd like to mention another thing. like, i can see the appeal of Narugaara, naruneji,narushika, narusaku,even naruino cz naruto is whore THE SUN and he has lovey-dovey pleasant interactions with everyone. even i find myself shipping narugaa from time to time like gaara is just so much in Love with naruto i-
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(kankuro is done with your shit,gaara)
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anyway, as for sasuke,he just doesn't give a shit about anyone else except naruto same tbh
i don't give a fuck about sasuke Retsuden and y'all shouldn't too. Cz it's not written by kishi (he illustrated it)....when an artist's freedom is taken,the beauty and authenticity of the art is lost. That's exactly what happened with naruto. Naruto is a nice fic written by a good author then the author gets sucker punched in the face and then the pieces got edited by some bad homophobic editor who is VERY bad at writing and doesn't understand how human relationships work.
as for sasuke's current canon relationship, if i acknowledged that as romance,then I'd also have to say that my 9 years bonding with my loving boyfriend is false and I'm actually in love with my neighbor's dog cz i tap her on the head sometimes (iykyk)
p.s: i hope by SSS you meant sasu*aku? idk of you meant something else my one braincell didn't understand it. lemme know.
also,Have a nice day and lots of love for the ask, Love
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permetscore · 7 years
5 6 7 5 30 9
thank u kayla 4 my life
5 is done!!
6) byakugan, sharingan, or rinnegan
ok as far that i want 2 have?? rinnegan bc it gives u godmode for seemingly no chakra cost. however rinnegan is also ugly and as a concept annoying. my fave is prob byakugan
7) which battle was your favorite
this might change as i watch more of the anime bc the manga battles tend to not be... v memorable. but of the anime battles ive watched my fave part was in the final naruto sasuke battle where theyre just fucking punching each other in the middle of this river bc theyre both too stubborn to just call it a fucking day. its so sad and funny. iconic
kayla why did u ask me 5 twice. do u rly wanna know how id cheat during the chuunin exams. i answered it in a diff ask but thank u
30) otp
im a fucking normie so the answer is narusasu. tho im ofc a fan of other naru ships like narugaa and naruneji. sakuino is also god tier
9) favorite male ninja’s outfit
i also answered this 1 and my answr was leather kiba w an honorable mention to child sasuke in cat ears, but im gonna give an additional honorable mention to sai’s ensemble just, all the time. hes got a good tummy and he knows it and im proud of him and all his choices
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naruto-is-baby · 3 years
Hello! I'm a new follower, love the blog. I'm shy tho so I'll be on anon for now.
I have a couple fun basic questions. Do you ship anything besides SNS (or NejiNaru)? Do you ship characters based off of canon chemistry or just how fun/nice they look together? Also are their any characters you never ship with anyone?
(If you don't mind I can share mine after you)
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okay obviously sns is my OTP, the next close one is hashimada (they started homosexuality in konoha YES). for the other ones : narugaara, naruneji, itachi-shisui, itachi deidara, sasodei, inosai, naruino,sasuke ino, kibahina. I'm pretty open to any ship except sasusa*u or naruh*na.
i think my reason behind shipping two characters is a mix between both canon logic and visuals! but sometimes purely because shipping is super fun! 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》
also idk if you've seen this, naruto can be shipped with almost every character cz he whore he has such amazing relationship with everyone!
i like sasuke x ino, they had the most potential among other sasuke ships beside sns! (not from Sasuke's part,he gay but ino had genuine feelings towards him and it makes me really soft. also they look AMAZING together,sasuino fanarts are my guilty pleasure!)
for the itachi ships (except itashisu/shiita), i do it simply for fun and the visuals. itachi faced a lot of unfortunate events, that didn't let him explore his romantic life properly, he was gay shisui isn't his cousin they were sitting on a tree KISSING so obviously itachi ships are for fun.
i like kiba x hinata too, the dynamics are NEAT!
naruhina would be good too, if kishimoto didn't kill off neji to build them, now nh gives me bad flashbacks and stress 💀
I don't like the sakura ships cz she doesn't need a partner,she needs therapy (canon Sakura's personality makes me very uncomfortable, so I don't post much about her I'm sorry sakura fans 🥺)
i don't post much /like ships about shikamaru too, his personality makes me LIVID. he is very disrespectful towards women GUILLOTINE. and i think characters like shikamaru's shouldn't be on a children's show cz he subtly promotes misogyny.
i don't like shipping hidan with anyone, cz he needs therapy and some jailtime
there are just so many characters in Naruto and many have such interesting dynamics! i love it!
Curious to hear about your favourite ones and if you don't mind, I'd like to know your opinions for the above questions as well!
Have a great day
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