ofmermaidstories · 2 years
me when not the drabbling or the proper writing or even the drawing is working out:
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heartbxnd-blog · 5 years
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition        [Accepting]
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?            
Reminder that this isn’t aimed at anyone in specific, these are just my views on the matter.      
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I am sick of:
Redeeming arcs for villains/muses who aren’t good. Whatever happened to those who just don’t have the chance to step back?? Or don’t want to?? (hint: my Lance);
Very young children getting away with everything/fixing everything/everyone bowes down to the young kid and excuse them bc: ‘they’re just a child uou’ (If I tell you that my muse doesn’t like young kids/toddlers, that isn’t an invitation for your muse to ‘try’ and change that bc ‘uwu MY child is special’).;
ThErE cAn’T bE cOnFrOnTaTiOn/dIsAgReEmEnT BeTwEeN oUr MuSeS, my soft boi can’t handle it uwu he GON CRY (Hey do u know what make stories good? Confrontation/Disagreements between the characters);
Everyone giving some kind of mental disorder to their muses, bc apparently it is fun AND EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE IT. And if u don’t then ur white cis gender ableist manspreading uwu (I have already discussed in the past how pissed off I get, at the way most people seem to treat this subject).
I refuse to rp:
Family relationships with the muses that want NOTHING to do with it. (Unless I have agreed to it, otherwise don’t do this. It doesn’t matter if my muse is a child or an elderly one, your muse won’t start acting like their parent/grandparent just bc you find it “cute”. This is just forcing an unwanted shipping, stop that.)
‘My muse is gonna fix yours up uwu it is gonna be so epic/romantic uwu’
Since my muse has defeated yours- it means that mine gets to do whatever they want to and yours can’t do shit about it uwu
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I LOVE my conversations with people
8:42 AM - H o o d B a n d o: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
8:43 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: reee
8:43 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: indeed
8:43 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: do you take the short bus?
8:43 AM - H o o d B a n d o: yeah
8:43 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: me too
8:43 AM - H o o d B a n d o: i ride with the midgets
8:43 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: its okay mijo
8:43 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: better than the LONG bus
8:43 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: if you ask me
8:43 AM - H o o d B a n d o: i wouldn't want a long bus up my ass either
8:44 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: haha
8:44 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: smart ass
8:44 AM - H o o d B a n d o: lol
8:44 AM - H o o d B a n d o: i close on my house in a month
8:44 AM - H o o d B a n d o: i'm excited
8:44 AM - H o o d B a n d o: yet nervous.
8:45 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: itll be fine
8:45 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: whats to worry about
8:45 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: im excited for you
8:45 AM - H o o d B a n d o: affording tings.
8:46 AM - H o o d B a n d o: things
8:46 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: you afford things now, no?
8:47 AM - H o o d B a n d o: yeah but this house is bigger
8:47 AM - H o o d B a n d o: utilities are gonna cost more
8:47 AM - H o o d B a n d o: plus the cost of the mortgage is more expensive than what i was paying for rent.
8:49 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: youll make your way
8:49 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: dont worry
8:49 AM - H o o d B a n d o: i'll make your mom's way
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: bet you would
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: if thats what you wanted
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: its a choice you see
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: you choose
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: you choose wisely my friend
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: dont fret
8:50 AM - H o o d B a n d o: lolz
8:50 AM - H o o d B a n d o: are your parents still together
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: yes
8:50 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: well, see I have 2 dads
8:51 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: one mom
8:51 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: so...
8:51 AM - H o o d B a n d o: wat
8:51 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: my biological parents are separated
8:51 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: but I love them nonetheless
8:51 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: my mom is with.. what youd call my "step," father
8:51 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: but he's been nothing but a dad to me
8:52 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: so I guess it depends on who youre asking
8:52 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: how* youre asking
8:52 AM - H o o d B a n d o: do they both fight occasionally for the supreme title of father.
8:52 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: no
8:52 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: not at all
8:52 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: they both have a respect and understand for who my "father," is
8:52 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: they party together
8:52 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: actually...
8:53 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: the only problem they ever have is in regards to my mother
8:53 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: go figure
8:53 AM - H o o d B a n d o: yeah i guess you damn women are pretty complicated
8:54 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: hahaha
8:54 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: YASSS
8:54 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: indeed, I couldnt disagree
8:54 AM - H o o d B a n d o: you weirdos
8:54 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: sure, call me what you want
8:54 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: I prefer the term blessed
8:54 AM - H o o d B a n d o: w-e-i-r-d-o
8:54 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: perspective though..
8:55 AM - H o o d B a n d o: you have to carry a kid for 9 months, you earn less money than i do and you bleed once a month
8:55 AM - H o o d B a n d o: how the fuck is that blessed
8:55 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: wait...
8:55 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: hold up
8:55 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: most of that is a choice
8:55 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: though I do not enjoy the bleeding
8:55 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: the rest..
8:55 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: YOURE WELCOME
8:55 AM - H o o d B a n d o: i'm talking about the wage gap nigga
8:55 AM - H o o d B a n d o: WAGE GAP.
8:55 AM - H o o d B a n d o: YOU EARN LESS CUS U GOT A VAGINA
8:56 AM - H o o d B a n d o: if i came to your hospital or care home or wherever you're a nurse at i'd earn more than you
8:56 AM - H o o d B a n d o: because i'm a man
8:56 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: well.. thats only temporary
8:56 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: and its pretty bias if you ask me
8:56 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: I wont deny it, nonetheless
8:56 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: it makes me feel...
8:56 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: like I want to GO HARDER
8:56 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: ya know
8:57 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: "anything you can do, I can do better"
8:57 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: type shit
8:58 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: so I thank you
8:58 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: for the motivation
8:58 AM - H o o d B a n d o: work hard
8:58 AM - H o o d B a n d o: work fucking hard m8
8:58 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: party harder
8:59 AM - H o o d B a n d o: i'm having pizza today
8:59 AM - H o o d B a n d o: party nigga
8:59 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: and you remember that shit... next time a bitch is shoving a tube down your throat
8:59 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: the other shit
9:00 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: pizza...
9:00 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: is delicious
9:01 AM - H o o d B a n d o: good thing i don't have tubes down my throat often
9:01 AM - H o o d B a n d o: lol
9:01 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: only when it counts!
9:01 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: meaning when youre dying
9:01 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: or puking up your fucking guts
9:02 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: or you feel like you cant breathe
9:02 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: than... it matters
9:03 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: listen as a weirdo.. I have to give you some perspective on things, simpleton
9:03 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: youve done knocked the lady up... a couple times... bought a house with the gal
9:03 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: youre gonna have to put a ring on it soon
9:03 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: time is ticking
9:03 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: simpleton
9:05 AM - Her Majesty the Queen: do you feel the pressure?
0 notes
joy-in-opera · 7 years
Me: *Starts driving to work.* Brain: *Starts having a hyperventilating anxiety attack over nothing.* Me: *Feels tingly and vision starts to blur.* Me: “OI! I’M GOING TO BLACK-OUT AND CRASH!!!” Brain: “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” Me: “Oh FFS, knOCK IT OFF!” Brain: *Calms down after a minute or two.* Me: “Come on man, it’s not like we’ve never been late to work before... ffs...” Brain: “But I decided to start caring about it. You got a text too...” Me: “And? I’m going to just be two minutes late. They’ll understand. No biggy.” Brain: “Yes biggy...” Me: “Shush you.”
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