#NNA Tapes
twinsfawn · 9 months
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musicollage · 11 months
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Ahnnu ‎– Special Forces. 2017 : NNA.
! listen @ Bandcamp ★ buy me a coffee !
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trevlad-sounds · 6 months
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Saturday 02 December Mixtape 401 “Sad Palms EXCLUSIVE” Ambient, Drone, Experimental Electronic, Electroacoustic, Space music Tuesdays & Saturdays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to subscribe or tip so future shows can bloom.
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
Philippe Blache-Contra Spem Spero 00:31
Antarctic Wastelands, Julia Gjertsen, Snufmumriko, anthéne & Logic Moon-Sculpture 2 (by zarr.) 06:09
TALsounds-Palms 11:56
HHNOI-A Scrambled Anthem 17:25
Halftribe & awakened souls-Upstream 20:51
Lauge-Frazil Ice (Sebby Kowal Recycle) 23:48
Field Lines Cartographer-Golden Hour 27:45
Julie Byrne, Laugh Cry Laugh-'22 35:03
André 3000-That Night In Hawaii When I Turned Into A Panther And Started Making These Low Register Purring Tones That I Couldn't Control … Sh¥t Was Wild 36:43
Listening Center-An Opening, Like a Tunnel 46:17
Peter Bark, Rhucle-Dream Night 54:01
The South Coast Synth Ensemble-By The River 1:02:38
Anenon-Maine Piano 1:06:07
Steven Kemner-Seeping Root (Rinnovare Recycle) 1:06:51
Gallery Six-1 (City Of Dawn Recycle) 1:13:01
sevensy-Grey Winds 1:17:16
Henrik Meierkord-Suddig (Fionnlagh Recycle) 1:22:38
Pepo Galán-Niebla (Powlos Recycle) 1:26:03
Vince Clarke-Red Planet 1:29:36
36-Through The Other Side 1:33:53
Dr Atmo & Ramin-Sadworld-(Mōshonsensu Rework) 1:37:47
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abductionradiation · 1 year
Brooklyn, NY -- This week, Issei Herr shares new single “Aveu (The Beginning Is a Farewell) feat. Maria BC” from her upcoming album Distant Intervals. The track spans nearly 5 minutes long and you’ll find yourself lost in the lush instrumental layers. From the emotional swells of the cello to the heavenly vocal notes, “Aveu (The Beginning Is a Farewell) feat. Maria BC” captures an emotional vulnerability that can feel simultaneously daunting and lifechanging. Herr really immerses listeners in her world of sound - capturing us with just the most sensational swirls of sound and feelings. 
Distant Intervals by Issei Herr
Tour dates: 4/12 New York, NY - Trans Pecos 4/27 Boston, MA - The Lilypad 5/15 Los Angeles, CA - 2220 Arts 5/20 Los Angeles, CA - Floating 6/7 Tokyo, Japan - Forestlimit
Connect with Issei Herr:
Official Site | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Stephen Becker — A Calm That Shifts (NNA Tapes)
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Photo by Chris Weiss
A Calm That Shifts by Stephen Becker
Stephen Becker disguises the craft invested in his music by keeping melody front and center. Deftly fingerpicked guitars scaffold a host of instrumental embellishments, mostly played by Becker himself. And then there’s Becker’s voice, airy and multi-tracked, sitting high in the mix, like Elliott Smith at his most upbeat. The level of detail in the music invites close inspection, while the songcraft keeps everything moving along at a sprightly pace. It’s an enviable balancing act, and one that Becker walks with aplomb.
Though A Calm That Shifts is his solo debut, Becker’s involved in a long list of other bands, including Market, who put out the very fine The Consistent Brutal Bullshit Gong earlier in the year. Becker makes explicit reference to his involvement in other people’s projects on “Secondary Player” (“Let me play bass!”), while his lyrics play with the idea of blending into scenarios and patiently allowing situations to unfold rather than forcing matters. It gives the impression of a creative force both formidable and humble. 
Take “Unspoken,” for instance. It’s built around a deceptively simple see-sawing pair of acoustic guitar chords: a gorgeous, open major-seventh and its relative minor. Becker occasionally throws in some subtle passing chords to spice up the recipe, then when the song feels like it’s wrapping up, a drum machine fades into the picture. The song then takes a surprising left turn into a rhythmically complex coda, chock full of instrumental counterpoint, including piano and chugging bass. On an album full of wonderfully constructed instrumental parts, it’s perhaps A Calm That Shift’s finest moment. “Unspoken” is also a telling title given that Becker leads most of his songs from the front. Vocal melodies are afforded prominence, so when there’s an instrumental break, such as the blaringly loud electric guitar at the end of “Water In My Eyes,” it really stands out. Crisp drum parts also make a welcome addition to serpentine single “Disappearing Hand,” and finale “Home Isn’t Home” clearly doffs its cap to Phil Selway’s distinctive drum part from Radiohead’s “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi.”   
A Calm That Shifts’ greatest strength is how subtly it insinuates its way into your consciousness. Gently expansive and modestly understated, these songs are both familiar and addictively unconventional. 
Tim Clarke
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rcmndedlisten · 2 years
Recommended Album: Rachika Nayar - ‘Heaven Come Crashing’
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A new galaxy just dropped, and it’s called Rachika Nayar’s Heaven Come Crashing. Following the buzz of the last year’s promising debut album, Our Hands Against the Dust, the Brooklyn-based guitar virtuoso and multi-instrumentalist's sophomore follow-up expands the celestial atmospheres discovered by M83 and Explosions In the Sky well over a decade ago through a brand new set of eyes where emotion is in motion at a constant centripetal force. The end result is one of the most sensory-entrancing examples of modern guitar art in which Nayar synthesizes her instrument with ambient colors and haloing vocal accents by songwriter Maria B.C. that blur the space between emotive rock, ambient electronic and trancelike dance music. True to its title, it’s an experience that hits from the heavens and overcomes this earth making everything feel infinite in the moment.
Highlights: "Death & Limerence", "Heaven Come Crashing", "Our Wretched Fate"
Heaven Come Crashing by Rachika Nayar
Rachika Nayar’s Heaven Come Crashing is available now on NNA Tapes.
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affairesasuivre · 10 months
Rachika Nayar – Heaven Come Crashing : musiques romantiques et nébuleuses
Heaven Come Crashing est le second opus de la jeune new-yorkaise de Brooklyn Rachika Nayar. On y entendra 10 titres en clair-obscur, enveloppant l’auditeur dans une atmosphère vaporeuse riche et rassurante.
Certaines musiques atmosphériques sont souvent décrites comme cinématographiques. Parce qu’elles dessinent des horizons sonores, des ambiances desquelles nul ne serait surpris de voir émerger un personnage inattendu. Ces musiques peuvent parfois sombrer dans la facilité qu’offre toute la technologie musicale actuelle. Rachika Nayar évite avec talent cet écueil en conservant son instrument de cœur à la base de toutes ses créations.
C’est à la guitare que l’ensemble des lignes musicales prend forme. Les sons sont ensuite totalement retravaillés, par sous-couches et par couches….jusqu’à en métamorphoser totalement la texture. Une œuvre de musicienne autant que de sculptrice.
Parfois, comme sur Gayatri, la guitare se fait reconnaissable, pareil à un ilot émergé au cœur de l’océan. On s’y accroche pour s’y ressourcer avant de partir de nouveau à la dérive volontaire dans les flots sonores riches d’écume.
Durant ces brefs instants, Rachika Nayar s’inspire en lui rendant hommage au son de Steve Reich.
Le titre donnant son nom à l’album Heaven Come Crashing illustre ce tumulte construit de nappes successives. Une ligne mélodique simple (comme on le retrouvera d’ailleurs sur le morceau Sleepless) est lentement, sagement déployée. Subtilement Maria bc vient murmurer à nos oreilles déjà conquises et faussement rassurées. Une première nappe très Drum & Bass se superpose, des vagues de basses lourdes et une lame déchirante de guitare brute s’ajoutent. Succédant à l’appel envoutant d’une sirène, voila l’auditeur en pleine tempête aussi brève qu’inattendue.
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L’ensemble de l’album s’écoute avec un plaisir immédiat qui ne se dément pas au fil des écoutes. Celles-ci, bien au contraire révèlent une diversité, une richesse et une subtilité que seuls les grands albums possèdent.
Rachika Nayar demeure fidèle au label NNA de sa première production Our Hands Against The Dusk (2021). Elle poursuit avec cohérence ce méticuleux travail de création, hybridant avec succès la guitare, quelques cordes et le piano avec les processus de modelage électronique du son.
Cette fusion n’est pas étrangère à la production d’un court EP intitulé « Fragments » (2021) et édité par le très pointu label RVNG Intl, lui aussi installé à Brooklyn. C’est en effet sur ce même label que des artistes aussi talentueuses que Holly Herndon ou Julia Holter se sont fait connaitre.
A l’instar de ces artistes, Rachika Nayar déploie une musique protéiforme tout à la fois romantique et nébuleuse, insouciante mais sincère, complexe tout en étant accessible.
Si le concept même d’album est de plus en plus mis à mal alors que la musique s’écoute par playlist, Heaven Come Crashing existe aussi pour convaincre de la nécessité à se laisser porter par l’ensemble des compositions voulues par l’artiste.
Nicolas Duquenne
Rachika Nayar – Heaven Come Crashing
Label : NNA Tapes Records
Date de Parution : 26 aout 2022
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stranger-marauders · 2 years
seven: translation nation
chapter summary: Steve and Kate both have to go to work, but Kate holds a hesitation.
chapter warnings: smuttish, language, making out, alcoholism/alcohol abuse, steve likes kate's boobies
word count: 3.3k
series masterlist | masterlist
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WHEN KATE HAD finally arrived at Scoops, she wasn't quite expecting to have to translate a Russian communication with Robin.
Steve had told her a thousand times that she didn't have to help translate it. Kate, however, couldn't help but want to get involved. While somewhat of a secret of hers, she was totally a language dork—that was why she'd taken two in high school. While it had been different than translating either of the languages she spoke, she enjoyed the challenge Russian provided.
"So what languages do you speak?" Robin asked. Kate looked up at her with a confused look, but she elaborated. "Steve told me you speak four languages."
She scoffed, smiling as she shook her head. "Yeah, no, he's a liar. He counts Morse Code because of the alphabet."
"Dingus. What are the other two, then?"
"French and German."
"Wait, for real?" Robin asked, somewhat excitedly. "I speak French, too."
"Really?" Kate asked, matching her excitement. "Like actually, or enough to pass the class?"
"I read a lot of books and listen to tapes," she replied, trying to give Kate an idea about it. "I speak Italian and Spanish, too."
"Jesus, Italian?" Kate laughed. "How'd you manage Italian?"
"I've been playing French Horn since I was five, so I kinda—"
"Can you both stop talking and listen to the tape?" Dustin asked with an annoyed tone, rewinding the tape once again. He came to Scoops to decode it with Steve, not to let Robin and Kate get giddy over a language family that Russian didn't even belong to.
"Sorry, damn," Kate said sheepishly.
When they listened to it again, Robin twisted back around to face him. "Okay, that last part. Just one more time."
As Dustin rewinded the tape, both girls prepared to listen again for anything that stuck out to them.
"Dly-nna-ya," Kate said, drawing out the syllables. She wrote out the way she found it sounded in her notebook, staring at the word. "Obviously it starts with a 'D.'"
"D," Dustin repeated as he moved to the board. "The... The chair. The chair-looking thingy."
"Yeah, okay."
"L," Kate continued, looking at her paper as Robin started transcribing it down in the Cyrillic alphabet.
Once they'd gotten the rest of the phrase, Robin and Kate leaned out of the breakroom window to inform Steve of the good news. "We've got our first sentence."
"Oh, seriously?" Steve said, scooping ice cream into a cone.
"Nedelya dlinnaya," Kate replied.
"The week is long," Robin translated in a terrible Russian accent.
"Well, that's thrilling."
"I know, but progress," Robin said, slipping out the window.
"You still feeling okay?" Steve asked, touching her hand before Kate could slip out behind her.
She nodded, shrugging and smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine. Perfect. Having the time of my life in there. I think I'm gonna take Russian in college."
Steve chuckled. "All right, don't overwork yourself. Love you."
She saluted him with two fingers before she slipped out the window herself. "Love you, too, comrade." Before she could close the window shutters, however, she looked to the customers that Steve had been serving: her sister and Max Mayfield.
"Okay, here you go, you got a strawberry and then a vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream."
Kate only stared at Max and El in slight shock. Her sister was definitely not supposed to be anywhere near the mall, never mind inside of it to get free ice cream from her boyfriend.
"Wait a second. Are you even allowed to be here?" Steve asked, looking more specifically to El.
"No," Kate said from behind him, trying to get a closer look at her sister. She hadn't even realized that El and Max were friends now.
Both girls giggled as they ran away, and Kate only stared. She hadn't even noticed the horrified expression on Steve's face. He should've known that El wasn't supposed to be there, and now he had just given her ice cream? Then again, if he hadn't given her ice cream, what would she have done to him? Not only was there the opportunity for El to blow his brains out with her mind, but Max could also be really, really mean to him—
"We didn't see her here, got it?" Kate finally asked, looking to him with an unreadable expression.
He nodded, scratching the back of his neck. "Mhm, yep. Got it."
As Steve closed the gate to the ice cream shop entrance, locking it shut, he started talking about the Russian tape again. "I mean, it just... it just can't be right."
"It's definitely right, Steven."
"Honestly, I think it's great news," Dustin said.
"How is this great news?" Steve asked. "I mean, so much for being American heroes. It's total nonsense."
"It's not nonsense," Dustin replied. "It's too specific."
"It has to be a type of code," Kate elaborated, mostly to Steve.
"What do you mean, a code?"
"Like a super-secret spy code," Dustin replied.
"A code that would be useful for Ruskies, anyway," Kate added.
"That's a total stretch."
"I don't know, is it?" Robin asked.
"Both of you are buying into this?" Steve asked, unconvinced.
Robin sighed. "Listen, just for kicks, let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What'd you think they were gonna say, 'Fire the warhead at noon?'"
"Exactly," Dustin said.
"I mean, a code makes much more sense than anything else," Kate said. "Like, why would you not use a code to cover up some type of sensitive Soviet information?"
"So I guess that confirms your suspicion," Kate said.
"Evil Russians."
"I can't believe I'm about to agree with this strange child, but yeah, totally, evil Russians," Robin said.
"So how do we crack it?"
"We can try translating the rest of it tomorrow and hopefully a pattern emerges," Kate replied.
"A pattern," Dustin repeated. "Right, like maybe 'silver cat' is a meeting place?"
"Or a person," Robin said.
"Or a weapon."
"It's probably gonna take a super genius to crack it, but..."
"We've gotten this far," Kate said. She opened her mouth to say something to Steve as she turned to the side, but she quickly realized he was no longer beside her. "Hey, where's Steve?"
The group of three quickly turned around to find Steve standing in front of the mechanical horse near Scoops that seemed to operate all day, every day.
"Hey, Steve," Kate called as he started to pull change out of his pockets. "What are you doing?"
"Uh, it's a quarter. I need... Do you have a quarter?"
Kate chuckled as the three ran over to him. She dug in her pocketbook for a simple quarter, moving closer and closer to him.
"Sure you're tall enough for that ride?"
"Quarter!" Steve shouted as Kate threw one to him, and he put the coin into the machine as quickly as possible.
Once the music started to play, she knew exactly what Steve had been going on about.
"You need help getting up, little Stevie?"
"Would you just shut up and listen?" Steve said as Dustin chuckled.
After the song played for a moment, "Holy shit."
"It's the music," Kate said as Dustin pulled out the tape from his bag and played it.
"I don't understand," Robin said.
"It's the exact same song on the recording," Dustin explained.
"Maybe they have horses like this in Russia?"
"Indiana Flyer? I don't... I don't think so," Steve said, looking to the name of the horse. "This code, it... didn't come from Russia."
"It came from here," Kate said, and she could only stare in horror at the horse as it rocked to the music.
When Kate and Steve arrived back at the cabin, they found Max and El in her bedroom.
This had been the second time today that they'd found the two girls together again. Kate couldn't think of a time that Max and El had been alone together before then, and suddenly it appeared like they were best friends or something.
She turned to Steve, putting her ear against El's green bedroom door to hear them better.
"Is Mike a good kisser?"
"I don't know. He's my first boyfriend."
Kate's mouth fell open.
Steve gave her a worried expression. "What?"
"Mike and El broke up," Kate whispered almost inaudible.
"Oh shit," Steve said somewhat loudly, not even bothering to whisper.
Before Kate could reply to him, Max called out to them from inside El's room. "Hey, who the hell is that?"
"Just me and Steve," Kate said after giving Steve a pointed look, and El opened the door with her powers. They stood in the doorway awkwardly, trying to act as if they weren't listening to them.
"Oh," Max said sheepishly. If she would've known it was Kate, she wouldn't have been so brisk. "Hey."
"You guys okay?" Steve asked them, leaning against the doorframe. He had a hand on his hip, which perfectly accentuated his Scoops uniform (Kate wished she would've had a camera).
"Yeah, Popeye, we're doing great," Max replied, earning a giggle from El.
"Do you even know who Popeye is?" Kate asked, giving her sister a confused look.
She hesitated to respond. "No."
"Great. That's great," Steve said, moving to Kate's room as he sighed.
Kate shook her head, sighing slightly. "Okay, we'll, uh... leave you two alone. Don't, uh... do anything stupid?"
The two girls both smiled innocently at her. Almost too innocently for comfort. "We won't."
Kate closed the door behind her, which immediately led to the giggles of the two girls as "Angel" continued to blare in the background. In a way, Kate's heart warmed at the thought that Max and her sister were now friends. It seemed like an odd duo, but she figured that both of them probably got so tired of hanging out with all of those boys all the time. A friend like Max would be good for El: she needed someone that would help her speak her mind, to help her break out of Mike's shell (because Kate was very, very tired of her dad being so upset about Mike). Kate also liked Max a lot more than Mike, so she would take what she could get.
Whenever Kate walked into her room, shutting the door behind her, she found Steve had already put on another pair of shorts, digging through her drawers for a shirt. "Well, she's taking it better than I could have ever imagined."
"No shit," Steve replied, still looking for a shirt.
Kate's lips tugged upward as she moved to lean against her dresser, watching him as he dug through her drawers. She liked to admire him whenever he wasn't looking, mostly because she knew his ego didn't need any boosting when it came to how attractive he was. She loved to trace over his freckles with her eyes, his happy trail. The shorts he had on now sat low on his waist, leaving a bit less to the imagination. She, however, pushed it to the back of her mind—she, currently, was much more invested in her sister's relationship. "She obviously broke up with him. Figures. She was too good for him anyway."
When Steve finally found a shirt of his, he put it on top of her dresser, then put a hand on her jaw. "You done talking about the kids now?"
She gave him a pointed look, holding her hand over his. "If your sister just dumped her boyfriend, you'd be talking about it, too."
He chuckled, kissing her as he rubbed his thumb against her cheek. When her tongue slid over his, he sighed, putting one of his hands on her waist, moving under her tank top and flannel to touch her skin instead. 
She slid her flannel off of her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor as she wrapped her arms around his neck again, melting into another kiss as he pinned her against the wall. He hoisted her up, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist. Out of breath, he released her lips and began to make his way down her neck, making light nibbles as he moved. When she let out a soft moan when he landed at a particular spot, he smirked for half a second before moving back to the same spot, biting and sucking at it.
He moved back to her lips whenever she'd finally giggled, making him exhale heavily. His hand spanned the width of her cheek, fingertips grazing her hairline whilst his thumb managed to pull at her bottom lip, eager for more.
The loose change and random books on her desk fell to the floor whenever Steve picked her up and moved her on top of it, legs spreading for him to fit in between. One of his hands roamed up her thighs, pushing at the soft skin there until he hitched a knee up and over his hip, pressing himself into her. Kate broke the kiss for only a second to slip her tank top over her head, leaving her just in a bra and shorts.
Just for a moment, he pulled away, chest heaving, pressing their foreheads together. "They're on the other side of that wall."
"I'm not gonna be able to stop if we keep going, Kathy."
She stifled a laugh. "Okay."
With her words, Steve shrugged it off and moved down to her chest, kissing over the lace triangles that covered her chest. He looked back up to her again, almost as if he were asking for her approval. She nodded at him, and he unhooked her bra, leaving her topless as he held one of her breasts in his hand and his tongue traced over her nipple.
She moaned softly, immediately running her fingers deep through his hair, tugging in appreciation as she smiled at the sound it pulled from him. His eyes fluttered shut as he continued to kiss, nip, and suck at her breasts, his hands skimming up and down her sides before they settled on her ass. She wrapped her legs around his waist again, noticing the hardness pressed up against her thigh. She moved her hips slightly, making him let out a small moan.
As Steve moved to unbutton her shorts, the front door slapped open and shut, clunky footsteps seeming to follow.
Her father had come home, and he was absolutely pissed.
Kate quickly pushed Steve off of her, throwing on the t-shirt Steve had thrown on her dresser, and Steve quickly dug through the drawer he'd claimed in Kate's dresser, quickly throwing on a shirt of his own. Kate quickly rushed out of her bedroom, finding her father stumbling to El's bedroom door, a wine bottle in hand. "Hey! When I say three inches, three—"
When he slammed the green door open, he found Max and El laying on the floor, reading two magazines.
"Do you knock? Jeez!" Max shouted.
"Yeah! Jeez!" El repeated.
"Oh, hey," Hopper slurred.
When Steve had followed behind her, finally putting on a shirt, he watched Hopper just as Kate had. When he finally looked at her face, his heart dropped: she looked horrified.
It had been a long time since Jim Hopper had stumbled home late after a long night of drinking. Kate couldn't remember a time when her father had done it since they'd added El to their family, and it certainly hadn't been something she missed. The thought of him driving home like this from downtown made a chill run down her spine. She could only stare in horror as her father only made the situation with the two girls in El's room even more embarrassing and awkward.
"I'm sorry," Hopper said, trying to make himself sound more put together. "I thought that, uh—"
"Mike's not here," Max said knowingly.
"Max wanted to have... a sleepover," El said. "Is that... okay?"
"Yeah?" Hopper said. "Yeah, yeah. Yeah." He looked at Max. "Your parents know about it?"
"Yup," she replied, popping the "P."
"Uh, yeah, it's cool," Hopper said. "That's... That's really cool."
Whenever he stopped talking, an awkward silence hung in the air.
"Did you need something?" Max asked.
"No, no," Hopper replied, almost in a daze. "Uh, I'll leave. I'll just let you... I'll leave you..." He stuttered until he finally shut the door, letting the two girls enjoy their time together. Whenever he noticed Steve and Kate's presence, he turned to them as the two only stared at him in horror.
"Hey, you two," Hopper said, smiling drunkenly.
"What happened?" Kate asked, eyes wide. Her father hadn't been this drunk in a long time. 
"Oh, nothin'. Joyce stood me up at Enzo's."
Kate sighed. She hadn't even realized Hopper had asked Joyce out on a date, let alone the fact that they were going on one tonight (or didn't go on, she assumed). "Dad..."
"It's not a big deal. I'm home with you now, so it's all good."
She frowned. "Dad, I don't... are you okay?"
"Oh yeah, I'm fine," her father answered, sitting and reclining back into his chair. "Just glad to be home with you kids."
"Why don't you two come sit," Hopper said, turning the TV on to a Magnum P.I. rerun. "We can enjoy ourselves."
Before Kate could object, Steve grabbed her hand, pulling her to the couch. "Sure."
"What the hell're you—"
"Just trust me, okay?" Steve said, sitting down on the couch. 
Kate looked to Steve, almost not believing what he was doing. She knew they needed to just leave the room, hide out in her room or something. Even though Steve's parents were home, she wasn't even opposed to going to his house instead. Anywhere would be better than right here right now, and she was absolutely sure of it. Hopper would eventually get better if they just left him alone, that or he wouldn't get any worse.
Whenever he shot her with the puppy dog eyes, though, she sighed, sitting on the couch next to him.
After a couple of hours, Kate had finally fallen asleep. Since then, she had curled into Steve, leaning her head on his chest. He hadn't moved a muscle since then—he knew how much she struggled with falling asleep. He didn't want to risk waking her up, even if it meant he and Hopper were left alone.
Hopper finally cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "You're a good kid, Steve."
He almost hadn't heard what he said. He could've sworn he could've imagined it. "What?"
"I said that you're a good kid."
Steve hesitated. "Really?"
"As much as it pains me to say it, yeah," Hopper said, shrugging slightly. "Out of any of 'em she could've picked, I'm glad it was you. There's not a son of a bitch in this town that gets her like you do."
Steve smiled. "That means a lot, sir."
Hopper looked at him with an unreadable expression. "You, uh… remember what you promised me last year?"
Steve almost laughed at the idea. How could he not remember? it had been that night when she had gotten so hurt, and she had been laying in Jonathan Byers's room, passed out from all the blood she'd lost. After she had almost died, Hopper had asked him to keep her safe, no matter what happened. Back then, it had seemed like a promise that would be difficult to keep, but it truly hadn't been. Not yet.
"Yeah. Yeah, I remember."
He hesitated. "Don't forget it."
Steve nodded. "I wasn't planning on it."
Hopper stood up, clapping him on the shoulder before walking into his room for the night.
That night, as well as the night she'd gotten so hurt, would be something he'd never forget.
next chapter
@thatsonezesty13 @cece5298 @thepowerstoner @alovelytardis @coolchick333 @stand-tall-pineapple @littlet-holmes @guichu @cinderellacauseshebroke @blackbirddaredevil23 @mads-weasley @ilovemarauders @pearlstiare @liableperfections @khaylin27 @girlwiththerubyslippers @cyarikaaa @flicksturz
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jgthirlwell · 2 years
playlist 11.29.22
Tyondai Braxton Telekinesis (Nonesuch / New Amsterdam)  Horse Lords Comradely Objects (RVNG Intl.) Netherlands Kali Corvette (Three One G) Burial Antidawn EP / Streetlands EP (Hyperdub) Tess Tyler Fractals 1 and 2 (Bandcamp)  Gilla Band Most Normal (Rough Trade Records Ltd)  Blanck Mass Ted K OST (Sacred Bones)  Colin Stetson Chimaera I (Room 40) Ben Frost Broken Spectre / 1899 OST (Vinyl Factory / Invada)  Young Gods Data Mirage Tangram (TYG)  Leya Eyeline (NNA tapes) Hatis Noit Aura (Erased Tapes) Party Dozen The Real Work (Temporary Residence Limited) Fuck Money Self Titled (Three One G) Yonatan Gat American Quartet (Stone Tapes) Loraine James Building Something Beautiful For Me (Phantom Limb) Cinematic Orchestra In Motion #1(Ninja Tune) King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard Changes (KGLW) Persher Man With The Magic Soap (Thrill Jockey)  Volker Bertelmann All Quiet On The Western Front OST (Netflix Music) Kid Congo Powers Some New Kind Of Kick (Book)
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bandcampsnoop · 2 years
Healing Potpourri (Simi Sohota) is a San Francisco based musician who cut his teeth at KDVS in Davis, CA. There he was exposed to the amazing "stacks". Rows and rows, rooms and rooms, just wall to wall vinyl. I'm guessing he picked through Microdisney, The High Llamas (Sean O'Hagan does work with him on his new album), Beulah, and others.
I'm guessing artists as varied as Aaron Frazer, Kaz Mirblouk (also a KDVS acolyte) and Helado Negro might enjoy Healing Potpourri. Frankly, it sounds like it could be released on NNA Tapes (Tredici Bacci). Run For Cover Records (Boston, Massachusetts) is releasing the new album, "Paradise" in August 2022.
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sonmelier · 1 year
96. Ohyung | imagine naked!
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🇺🇸 Etats-Unis | NNA Tapes | 114 minutes | 11 morceaux
Un disque fleuve de près de deux heures, durant lesquelles le compositeur américain d’origine asiatique Robert Ouyang Rusli joue gracieusement avec le temps et avec la profondeur de champ. Profond et immersif, son univers sonore est d’une délicatesse infinie. 
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fuzzyreviewpatrol · 2 years
Stephen Becker A Calm That Shifts NNA Tapes Sometimes, artists hit it right on the nose when they come up with an album title, but often that is not the case, particularly when debut albums are concerned. Yet, here is a debut album that does exactly that — A Calm That Shifts — by Brooklyn […]
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musicollage · 1 year
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Rachika Nayar – Our Hands Against... 2021 : NNA Tapes.
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trevlad-sounds · 9 months
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Saturday 16 September Mixtape 371 “Surfing the Tunnels” Retro Space Electronic Idm Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom. https://www.mixcloud.com/djsofabed/
Trevlad-Surfing a Drone 00:31 Polypores-Diverging Reality Tunnels 01:31
TALsounds-Conveyor 04:32
Listening Center-Bridge Watching 06:10
Secret Circuit-Simulacrum 09:07
Brennan Fowler-Home 11:16
Orange Crate Art-Diaries from an Alaskan Housewife 17:49
CIALYN-Time Occlusion 21:48
Twilight Sequence-The Colour Of Twilight 25:39
Colleen-November 30:01
Skaefox-space 31:58
Poppy Ackroyd-The Calm Before 32:38
Uncle Fido-They Get Up 38:25
Comtron Soundlab-HOLBORN 9100\9120 - de vele gezichten van het Holborn 39:56
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abductionradiation · 1 year
Brooklyn, NY -- Cellist and composer Issei Herr will be releasing her debut album Distant Intervals on April 7 via NNA Tapes. Last week, she released double single “Prelude (An Eternity of Light)” and “Aubade (The Farewell Is a Beginning)” - a combined sonic epic that spans 8.5 minutes long. There’s a certain type of magic that develops when you hear these songs back to back - Herr’s masterful songwriting that really evokes a graceful wonder. The seamless flow from single to single builds a sweeping cinematic segue, full of bright and emotional grandeur. 
Connect with Issei Herr:
Official Site | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Tim Clarke’s 2022: Light at the end of the tunnel?
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The Smile photo by Alex Lake
I don’t want to curse anyone by saying it out loud, but could 2022 be the turning point after a truly horrendous couple of years? For me, the very fact that two-fifths of Radiohead put out an excellent album already makes this year notable. However, I was also lucky enough to get great new albums by favorites Big Thief, Dry Cleaning, and Aldous Harding. Plus, this year I’ve seen more live music than the previous two years combined. Here’s to 2023 continuing this upward trajectory of more great music, both recorded and live.
1. The Smile — A Light For Attracting Attention (XL)
Any Radiohead-related project is guaranteed to pique my interest, but one involving Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood? Having said that, even I was surprised at just how good A Light For Attracting Attention turned out. Veering from spectral balladry to twitchy post-punk, there’s not only variety here, but also a satisfying narrative arc, some great playing from all three members, plus the exciting prospect of another Smile album in the near future.
2. Big Thief — Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You (4AD)
Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You by Big Thief
After giving us two albums in 2019, Big Thief returned with a double album of surprising diversity and consistently high quality. At its best (“Little Things,” “Sparrow,” “Simulation Swarm”), DNWMIBIY feels like Big Thief could go anywhere from here, and if the rumors are true, there are as many more songs on the cutting-room floor as made it onto this 20-track monster. Here’s to another Big Thief album in 2023.
 3. Dry Cleaning — Stumpwork (4AD)
Dry Cleaning’s second album in two years catches this inimitable London band on a roll. There’s enough musical evolution from last year’s New Long Leg to ensure this isn’t just more of the same, though Florence Shaw’s lyrics and delivery are as funny as ever. Plus, Tom Dowse continues to be one of the most inventive and tuneful electric guitarists of recent years.
 4. Black Country, New Road — Ants from Up There (Ninja Tune)
Ants From Up There by Black Country, New Road
Much like Bowie passing away soon after the release of Blackstar, Isaac Wood leaving Black Country, New Road soon after the release of Ants from Up There is the kind of artistic move that feels preordained. This is a massive, ridiculous, intricate, and deeply moving album, and one that I doubt the remaining members of the band will top in Wood’s absence.
5. Stephen Becker — A Calm That Shifts (NNA Tapes)
Apparently, Stephen Becker worked on his solo debut for years between playing in countless other bands — and you can hear it. A Calm That Shifts is the kind of debut that spotlights a talent who has been quietly working in the margins of other people’s music for a long time, refining his craft. This is the kind of expansive folk-pop that has the songs, subtlety, and depth to slowly win you over.
 6. billy woods — Aethiopes (Backwoodz Studioz)
Aethiopes by billy woods
It’s rare I listen to hip-hop at all, let alone hear an album that blows me away, but getting billy woods’ Aethiopes in the Mid-Year Exchange was a revelation. I haven’t been this excited about a hip-hop album since Cannibal Ox’s The Cold Vein, way back in 2001. On Aethiopes, woods paints vivid pictures of urban desolation, set to producer Preservation’s woozy patchwork of old blues and jazz samples.
7. Aldous Harding — Warm Chris (4AD)
It’s hard to know how to take Aldous Harding’s shapeshifting vocal persona. On Warm Chris she’s more playful yet more seriously committed than ever to all the roles in her songwriting, making for some deliciously disorientating pop music. Perhaps not as consistent as her last full-length, Designer, but certainly as charming.
 8. Living Hour — Someday is Today (Next Door)
Though it includes my favorite song of the year in “Feelings Meeting,” Living Hour’s third album has plenty of other great songs. “Feelings Meeting” stands out as a thrilling shoegaze masterstroke, while most of the rest of the record is the kind of narcotized dream-pop Beach House do so well.
 9. Daniel Rossen — You Belong There (Warp)
You Belong There by Daniel Rossen
God knows when we’ll next get another Grizzly Bear record. Until then, Daniel Rossen’s solo debut will more than suffice. On You Belong There, his guitar playing is immaculate, and he doesn’t spare any indulgence on the arrangements either, layering instruments liberally across these stridently morose compositions.
10. Skullcrusher — Quiet the Room (Secretly Canadian)
Quiet the Room by Skullcrusher
It’s been a long time since I’ve heard an album playing in a record store full stop, let alone one that’s prompted me to ask at the desk what’s playing on the turntable. So it was with Skullcrusher. It immediately reminded me of Grouper, but less shy and less smothered in hazy melancholy. Quiet the Room is still a deeply introverted record, but one whose sounds are unafraid to shine, mainly thanks to Big Thief producer Andrew Sarlo’s sterling job at the desk. 
Another excellent ten (in alphabetical order):
Oren Ambarchi / Johan Berthling / Andreas Werliin — Ghosted (Drag City)
Ellen Arkbro & Johan Graden — I get along without you very well (Thrill Jockey)
Disassembler — A Wave From A Shore (Western Vinyl)
Goon — Hour of Green Evening (Demode)
Gwenno — Tresor (Heavenly)
Horse Lords — Comradely Objects (RVNG Intl.)
Cate Le Bon — Pompeii (Mexican Summer)
Market — The Consistent Brutal Bullshit Gong (Western Vinyl)
Shearwater — The Great Awakening (Polyborus)
Winged Wheel — No Island (12XU)
Tim Clarke
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