frankenbridez · 2 months
looking through ca.meo is so humbling
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foxinys · 1 year
every month of 2022 tag game thingy thing / tagged by @euijin (doing this here<3), @hyunsung and @seungs thanku friends... 😿💛🌻
firstly don't expect much there are months where i only giffed once . and most likely there are no fav sets then so i will just add in random sets that i liked instead <3 i am a cheater i am felix <3
january: most popular - hyunjin being tired of felix this is the first time i giffed since like thunderous... where i showed up like twice and never again<3 / favourite - i do love hyunjin being tired of felix but now let's have changbin being tired of skz but also grape lino...
february: most popular - oddinary trailer this is like the only thing i giffed and it isn't a fav so let's go to the next month... / favourite - daengnyangz i love them and i love this part but also i love how lonely st came out
march: most popular - seungchan cobra hug i do like this one it was cute and chan was so happy... as for seungmin... he wanted to be out of there... / favourite - seungchan is cute but have u considered skz flying kisses or skz silly relay
april: most popular - jeongin mpl endings this was so cute... i should continue this... i agree w everyone here but also / favourite - mora's fave skz songs i love mora's sets a lot personally.. had to include..
may: most popular - fav ji maniac stages happy that y'all liked it... i did nawt... / favourite - i have several again... arirangz thunderous poses, vlog and 2min, vague hand gestures, self explanatory
june: most popular - hyunjin turning jeong into himself u see i thought this was cute but i also dislike how i made it so. glad y'all are happy... / favourite - u see i would say seungin but i also don't like how i made that so. jeongsung 🥲 also i like how this hyunjin turned out...
july: most popular - pretending i didn't delete this set and i actually made it in july it is seungbraces indeed sorry to u all... i was kidding... happy 20th anniversary to seungbraces btw, this is also my fav as well<3 / favourite
august: most popular - looks around... to no one's surprise except mine it's changbin bday i didn't realise how much y'all liked it... thanku i also love it too... / favourite
september: most popular - virgo line... who is the successor... none other than jisung congratulations jisung u won... nothing at all<3 / favourite - i have to include the rest of virgo line i can't separate them... felix / seungmin fun fact all of these were made last minute bc i can't plan for shit
october: most popular - chan bday u guys really liked this one... this one was made last minute so like, no. / favourite - sweats.. idk how to choose but like c143 relay i love giffing skz relays they're always so silly..., tmi time vague hand gestures, sboard i like how it turned out idk..., lino birth 😢
november: most popular - red jeongin another month where i only giffed one thing, i feel y'all but also i hate this set. / favourite - pretty maniac jeongin he's so pretty here... i mis s u long black haired jeongin come back to me don't make silly mistakes abt ur hair anymore 😿
december: most popular - y2k felix i understand y'all... but also / favourite - y2k maniac lino i just like how this came out...
if u went thru all of these thank u but also gws... i'm indecisive and speak a lot thank u for coming to my ted talk see u next year
i shall tag: @jizung , @connecteds , @seungminhos , @huiracha and @strayz ofc u don't have to do it if u don't want to... and if u've done it already pls show me 👺
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lovedcult · 3 years
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happy birthday to the bestie @summerlost​​ 💗💭 !!!!!!!!!!!!!  jia. 🙈 what a crazy year it's been. all these memories we've made together. girl you crazy 😫but im not even about to put all that on tumblr 😂. congrats on another trip around the sun, im so proud of you ❤ love u girlie see u at the club LMFAOO😂❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉 
( jk ur real bday message is under the read more ilu HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABEY )
literally me preparing this message just hours before ur birthday but i was determined to have it ready by the time it hit midnight for u so HERE I AM HELLO 🤍 going to try and make this letter heartfelt and cute because we never say things like this to each other but u really have become such an important person in my life in such a short time u just mean very much to me and i really do want you to know just wonderful and special u are to me !! we have only known each other ?? like 5 months ? is that right ? girl idk but within those 5 months we have managed to talk to each other like every single day except maybe 2 days isn’t that so crazy ? so i want to thank u for always keeping me company and crying over txt with me and just being such a warm source of happiness in my life, it really has been so wonderful to get to know you and to be ur friend 🤍 
going to list some things that you’ve done for me that maybe you don’t know you’ve done for me but you deserve to know .. i know i said i was gonna get mushy here but good ness .. anyway it’s so nice to wake up to messages from u everyday and to go to sleep after talking to u all day and knowing that i will have a friend whenever i need it like fr i don’t know how we do it because i am usually so bad at communication rip ..... it has just always felt so easy to talk to you and we clicked right away and there was never a moment of awkwardness like there can be when first meeting someone which thank god .  i’m more comfy with u than i have been with some friends i’ve known for 5+ years and i think that says a lot about our friendship as well as you as a person. we talk literally all the time and it just makes me so happy, i look forward to talking to u every day 💗 whether its about our ships or personal lives or random shite or my godson pumpkin it never matters to me, i am just so happy you are here and that i get to know you
did you know i like never listened to taylor swift before meeting u ? apart from that one time i saw her live in concert when i was like 12 but i don’t even remember that NSNSNSN but i’ll have you know the songs you’ve showed me are special to me now and i enjoy listening to them and she will now forever remind me of u! i have a tendency to try to get into things and like what my friends like so just know whenever you show me stuff i will file it in the heart shaped jia folder in my brain and keep it there forever. literally no matter what it is. tht goes for pacrim too that was so random but i became obsessed with it right after u showed it to me and i’ve actually watched it twice more after we watched it together <3 speaking of, i hope we can have more movie nights together or just cute lil kosmi dates in general because they are so fun and we have a watchlist piling up already so we should crack that open when we can … whenever ur nawt busy being a doctor or whatever
reminds me; do u remember that time i panicked because i ate burnt chicken nuggets and u told me i was gonna get c*ncer ? girl fun times NMDCNBJSAKFJSFJSDV just so you know i WILL be directing any of my future health concerns to u because i might just break otherwise bc i don’t know how to survive and we don’t want that i don’t think so glad i have a smart sexy big brain friend like u in my life
i hope you have a wonderful wonderful wonderful day today which you just might because it’s also txt comeback today ( u fuckin lucky bitch i cant believe they are obsessed with u ) you deserve it so much !! you work so hard all of the time and i know school can be stressful as well as life but i really am so proud of u because u are doing great things and it will all pay off. u are never alone through any of it either so when it gets too hard u will always have me beside u !!! promise !!!! i love u lots !!!!! even tho ur a gemini !!!! but ur my gemini !!!!!!!
also want to mention how just WONDERFUL it has been writing with u omg ??? we have 11 official plots going on rn as well as a bunch of unofficial ones and it has just been the loveliest experience getting to write and ship with u with every single one of them and it’s just been so fun. u are such a talented writer and u put so much effort and thought into all of ur muses which i immensely applaud u for. you should know this already though considering i am vocally in love with all of them ( when jungjae finally d words i will be coming to sweep up sooyeon i really dont care what u have to say its out of ur hands ? let it go ) … jia best rp partner .. i’ve never had a writing partner that gets so involved with our plots the way you do with me and shows the interest that you do and it means so very much to me, i feel very lucky and im forever thankful u messaged me the day u did and introduced urself because i am a scared bitch and probably would have just admired u from afar on the dash instead <3 i hope we can have 327234 more plots and ships in the future because u have managed to make each of them so special. 
i feel like this letter is so all over the place but am i gonna go back in and make it prettier ? naur because im a mess writing it so ur getting the full heidy emotional love spill experience .. this is the first bday im spending with u so i had to write u this & let u know just how much u mean to me . literally thinking abt u all the time and am always hoping u are happy and having good days on the other side of the world <3 ur just that wonderful. thank u for being my friend beyond the rpc and i hope the future can bring us even closer together !!!! i love u so much stinky ( with affection ) stay sexy ......... <33333
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us btw
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