#My headcanon worldstate involves my Amell running off to find Morrigan first thing; leaving the Orlesian Warden to take his spot in Awakenin
the-greyest-warden · 3 years
I see a lot of people on here hoping that the DA4 protagonist is The Inquisitor, and to each their own, but I sincerely hope not.
I don’t want to be Awakeninged again.
And by that I mean that I don’t want to be a protagonist I’ve already played, with their own romance, put into a new game with pretty much an ENTIRE PARTY OF COMPANIONS I WOULD LIKE TO ROMANCE.
The companions of Dragon Age: Awakenings and The Warden were absolutely TEEMING with sexual tension, and it felt like the only reason The Warden didn’t fuck any of them was because they are usually already in a relationship from Origins(no such excuse for the Orlesian Warden 👀)
I’ll be honest, the romances are a BIG part of what I look forward to in Dragon Age, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. I would VASTLY prefer a new protagonist with a new set of romance options.
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