#Mr barrow usually has a card or two up his sleeve
Thomas when he sees Stowell being rude to Branson:
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queenmelancholy · 5 months
Downton Abbey | Thomas Barrow
Top 5 quotes from my favourite character under five categories
/ I’m not foul, Mr. Carson. I’m not the same as you, but I’m not foul.
/ You’re not a victim. Don’t let them make you into one.
/ It is not against the law to hope, is it?
/ I arrived here as a boy. I leave as a man.
/ But remember, I will always be your friend wherever I am.
/ You are stronger than you think. And you’re wrong about me. I mind what people say.
/ There are times I would like to belong. Does that sound funny?
/ To change me. To make me more like other people… other men.
/ I envy you. A happy couple and everyone’s so pleased for you. I can’t imagine what that’s like.
/ You’ve got me wrong. You all have… It’s too late. The damage has been done.
/ I don’t think that would be sensible, Mr. Bates. We can’t have you wobbly at both ends.
/ Only technically.
/ I hope not, for his mother’s sake.
/ Really? And what do you feel about transubstantiation?
/ What about the Black Bottom, m’lady?
/ It’s Mr. Barrow to you.
/ What?
/ Because I feel like it.
/ *pouting*
/ *standing in the background looking bored*
Other characters on Thomas
/ No man is an island, Carson. Not even Thomas Barrow.
/ I don’t know if you’re a good or a bad thing, Mr. Barrow. But we’ve all been together for a long time.
/ You are your own worst enemy.
/ Can’t Barrow come up with something? / You’re right, Mr. Barrow usually has a card or two up his sleeve. / Well, tell him to get one out of his sleeve and play it. Pronto.
/ You don’t need to explain, Barrow. I wish you well. And I hope you’ll be as happy as our cruel world allows.
Bonus: Mr. Bawwow!!!
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