#Most designs aren't entirely final btw.
loupy-mongoose · 1 month
After.... surprisingly little work in Scarlet, all things considered, to build it up...
Jamie's Dragon team is decided.
It's a bit long, so I'll put it under a cut. ^^
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Now hear me out....
Scyther is an honorary dragon in my mind. XD
I see Petal as being Jamie's "Throw them off" 'mon. You know how some gym leaders have one or two (Or more Lance) Pokemon that don't match the type, or just come close enough? That would be Petal.
Or, if she were a Paldean gym leader, she would Terastalize into Dragon.
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I still need to fully design and name this lady, lol. She's not a typical Altaria (but not shiny), as she's an adopt I got on the server, from @vanilla-waffles. I'll show that when I have things figured out. X3
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Ribbon is my apology to Jamie for what I make her go through with Petal. That's all I'm sharing right now.
He happens to have the same nature and characteristic as Cody, lol
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Now hear me out....
This is my apology to Jamie for...... everything.
She deserves to have the most epic of beasties.
She deserves to be the Queen of the Dragons.
She deserves cool things, darn it.
I've been far too cruel to her, and it's been nice to think of her having this life with her dragons~
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pathetic-gamer · 1 year
Fashion in Fódlan part iii: yet another very long and entirely unsolicited FE3H costume design analysis
This time, we're focusing specifically on the placement of quivers, because that's a very normal thing to get caught up in and I'm very normal.
[Part 1, focused on money and social aspects in all three countries; Part 2, focused on political aspects between church/empire; bonus part 2.5, regarding a crown]
This post came about because of this video from @blumineck (who posts lots of cool stuff btw, go check out his blog), which talks about quiver types and their purposes, pros and cons, etc.
Shall we?
So, while watching that video, I remembered for whatever reason that Cyril has a back quiver, but Ashe has a hip quiver.
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The reason my brain went there was that I immediately thought "Oh, Cyril actually does more hunting and physical labor than Ashe, and as demonstrated in the video, a back quiver is more practical for him. That makes sense - great attention to detail, FE3H character designers!"
I figured that would likely carry over to other characters, specifically our other canonically talented hunters. Therefore, Leonie and Petra should also have back quivers, yes?
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Wrong! Leonie has a hip quiver, and Petra has no quiver.
That's odd, so let's look into this a little deeper. Here are the other canon archers:
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You will note that Ignatz and Claude don't have quivers in their outfits, but Claude does wear a hip quiver in an animated 2d cutscene. Ignatz we've already determined is a bit if an anarchist, so nothing interesting there - he will be benched from the discussion.
The really notable thing here, which I'm sure you've picked up on, is that everyone except Cyril uses hip quivers.
Let's consider Claude again. Check out his final class, Barbarossa:
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What's that I spy? A back quiver???
Surely you can make the connection easily: Our two token Almyrans are the *only* people with back quivers.
So, why is that?
Let's return to the others, briefly. What do Ashe, Leonie, and Bernadetta all have in common? Their skills set them up for becoming bow knights. Shamir just wants to remain a sniper, but can go that direction as well.
Mounted archery almost always uses hip quivers, according to my research (*cough cough duck duck go image search "mounted archery"*), so it makes sense that all of our innate archers have those hip quivers.
What makes Claude and Cyril different? Well, thanks to Almyran typecasting, they are both placed on wyverns, not horses! That means significantly more mobility than the bow knights (bow knights aren't doing loop-de-loops), so they need their quivers to be more secure! Boom, mystery solved!
...or is it?
Of course not. It always goes deeper.
Tell me, history buffs: Throughout world history, who are among the most famous horse archers? What group of people most immediately comes to mind? Among whom, exactly, were armies of mounted archers a defining feature?
If you said Mongolians, you were right.
And how, pray tell, do Mongolian horseback archers wear their quivers?
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(I tried to find name of this archer to credit her but couldn't track it down. She was the winner of a competition that took place during a festival in Inner Mongolia, China at some point in the last like 15 years, so incredibly skilled. Wish I could point y'all in her direction for more cool stuff!)
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I'm not really gonna ask anything, just complain.
I'm tired of seeing puppet Amity and emperor Luz everywhere, what's even so special about it? What's the appeal???
People see 2 seconds scenes without context and make it that episode's entire content 🤦
I don't know if ep 3 came out already but I'm not looking forward anyways.
…Angst. Angst and new designs which are probably the two most powerful motivators for The Owl House fandom. Why do you think S2A felt like it damn near cut the fandom down to its size?
This actually has to do with kind of fandom culture in general. The most visible part of a fandom is its artists. Their work is quick to consume, easily posted and reposted (with credit you'd hope but… sigh) and the easiest to take inspiration directly from the show for. Every week there'd be at least one screencap redraw that the fandom would do whenever a new episode came out. Honestly, the finale's big Lumity screencap redraw is really awkward looking to me out of context. It's not hard to see why these are so popular though. The reference is directly in front of you, it's a moment people are already talking about and you yourself probably liked the posing too so why not redraw it? It's a hell of a lot easier to do than come up with a bespoke story concept based off of each episode in a series.
That isn't to call art easy or the like, just that fanart is the backbone to a fandom for a reason, at least in my opinion. Twitter has a character count limit. Reading Fanfiction on Instagram blows. Tumblr is the closest to a place where longer form videos and stories can be posted and they still take MUCH longer to consume and share and without as much guaranteed return on effort spent. There's a reason the internet as a whole LOVES art from a commercial and consumer standpoint, even if they also keep trying to screw over artists because yaaaaay capitalism.
But screencap redraws aren't going to be everything. The more potential in the story, the more people will be able to come up with evocative concepts and stories and even make comics about the show. This was a BIG part of the fandom's peak between S1 and 2. Everyone had their own take on how Lumity would get together. Everyone had their own idea for how Amity might confront her parents. Amity in general was just a font of inspiration and the concepts with Luz weren't played out or felt contradictory to the more cynical character we got in S2 so angst with her about her mom, her world, etc. like that was still something everyone was tapping into, especially since it felt like the portal being destroyed was such a big deal.
I made a large Twitter thread the other day btw about how just shit the Portal Door is from a narrative perspective, first as a nitpick in S1 and then just a genuine problem in S2, because of it being gone, but that's a different blog.
But post S2A… What did you have? Camila's promise was never going to end satisfactorily, to the point where it goes from a moment of Luz being a good daughter to an almost inhuman monster towards her friends because it is handled so poorly. Amity is pretty much resolved outside of being happy to be Luz's girlfriend because she's already stood up to her parents, integrated into the rest of the cast and even already addressed the only piece of angst the show ever allows for her with her relationship and that's being an obsessive enough girlfriend. Sorry, I mean a good enough girlfriend. sigh Gus has had an episode but was overshadowed, Willow has had like a half dozen lines this half a season, King has been pretty much absent since his episode, Raeda was still mostly an Eda episode with literally every element of that episode just to shove Momma Eda down your throat…
It's not surprising that post S2A, the fandom has felt in general much quieter. Minus A: Huntlow and B: whenever they get a new design they can turn into Luz/Lumity angst. Everyone remember the teaser for the Collector's design that was done during a livestream and how that consumed the fandom for a little while because of possessed Luz ideas?
The puppet Amity and Belos Luz hype was effectively that. It brought even the casual artists back because they had a new, easily evocative design available to them that also had very obvious potential for angst. How many "I'M NOT LIKE HIM" pictures came out regardless of how weak any parallel between Luz and Belos is? Luz crying over a temporarily dead Amity is saddening, even if she's been little more than a puppet for the writers for a while now.
It's just how fandoms work. It's not even necessarily a bad thing. Dana has been VERY good at keeping the fandom alive during things like hiatuses. S1's hiatus is when the Betas were most popular because they dropped at a time when people were starting to wane from the show and now they had an entirely different angle to work from for anything Lumity they wanted to do alongside just good designs to draw. Most Lumity and Huntlow artists redo any piece that Dana does for the two ships. It's very effective for keeping a social media presence for your show honestly.
I won't even act like I'm above it. While I commissioned reference sheets for Rich Witch to make it easier to commission more artists for these characters, that wasn't the only reason. Rich Witch had a Reddit page (that I should clean up honestly) and its pinned thread includes the reference sheets and physical descriptions for the characters who don't have reference sheets. This is because I recognize that that makes fanart easier and that fanart is a lot easier to share than text blurbs. It is one of the ways to try and cultivate a following online nowadays or to help your fandom grow, at least in my opinion.
Can it be frustrating? Absolutely. I mean, Huntlow fanart has probably done way more damage to my interest in Hunter than anything else because it always emphasizes Hunter as nothing but a failure. Hell, it also emphasizes Willow's strength commonly and very little else about her character. Lumity has bored me for a long time in art because 90% of it is just cute fluff which isn't bad but it's not compelling. And I mocked both Belos Luz and Puppet Amity, despite the designs for them being good and the art being good, as shallow because narratively it means very little.
And the larger that disconnect becomes, the more frustrating a trend in the fandom is going to be. Plenty of people hate the Betas because they hate the edginess or the fact that a lot of people used them to start creating spicier material. There's not much anyone can do about that though. While a creator can try to promote a kinder fandom, fandoms are inherently too emotional and too large to really control outside of helping the show grow or find a new audience. It's just a part of that culture.
And frankly, I'm going to be bothered by the toxicity and inhumanity (guess what fandom will dox you for liking a ship between a bi girl and a straight guy?) of fandoms long before their art trends.
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happy belated birthday mate!!
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could you tell me more about eros?
thank you !!!! *eats the cake*
okay so eros originally started out as just c!ranboos mom but then i gave her a bit of backstory and it spiraled from there. uh spoilers for the results of the poll btw. (its also kinda long)
so eros is the goddess of love & has domain over war. war does not have a specific deity because it is so complicated. instead, three gods with related domains (what the deity is in charge of) reside over it.
eros came about as the result of The Big War (i haven't decided on a name yet) which was a war between Hysteria (god of the mind, soul, emotions, humanity, etc) and The God of Flesh, Bone, and Blood (not techno !!! just the god itself). They've always had a hatred for each other, and it ended up in a war that lasted like. thousands of years. At this point, humanity was long gone, most animals & plants were dead, other deities were suffering, and the Nether & the Overworld were in ruins. The two gods planned a last fight to the death (at the pressure of other gods who wanted the war to be over) in the Overworld, and they decided on a piece of land that was covered in apocalyptic snow/ash (pure white). They fight and blah blah it takes so fucking long. Finally, Hysteria and the Blood God draw blood at the same time, and that blood mixes with the snow. At this point, they are both tired, and they aren't quite sure of their hatred anymore. Its the end of the world, and they are fighting, but they were created together and they must work together. So, at this moment, a new god was born !!!! This god was Eros, who's appearance created a true between her parents and started The New Timeline (as the old world was unsalvageable).
Eros was created as a teenager, so she could take care of herself. However, she did not have any experience, so she didn't make the best of decisions. She was very lonely, as she longed to experience love. She could not get it, because Hysteria was much too busy overseeing the progress of humanity, and had many, many children, so Eros did not stick out. She was normally much too scared to go see the Blood God, as they were scary and closed off. So, she wandered the Earth, typically sticking to the Overworld.
Eventually, she figured out that "hey, my parents are the two other war gods! if i start a war big enough, i can make them pay attention to me and we can hang out and be a family !!!" so she does that. and it does work! so she does it again. and again. and again.
During this time, Eros has also started several cults to do her bidding. She was hoping for maybe some semblance of love from them, and she did get it, but it wasn't very good. But she didn't have anything else, so she kept them.
After a big ass war that had horrific consequences, some other gods popped in and was like. "hey can u tone it down a bit? I'm tired of rebuilding entire forests and shit because of u." and she was like sure. yeah. okay.
So, she turned over a new leaf ! She started finding other ways to experience love. she stopped her hardcore cults and started gather small groups that weren't like. terrifying and scary and were more like just friends. she tried to disguise herself as mortal to make friends, but it hurt way too much when they died.
Around this time, she just started messing with people. (btw, the New Timeline is our world.) She would disguise herself as mortal and become a famous fashion designer (she did this several times), or pretend to be a noble to get into a royal ball (and then reveal herself and freak everyone out). She liked to dance, sing, and model the most.
One day, while exploring with her cultists (around human maturity 21-23???), she found an end portal ! having never seen one before, she went in. there, she was greeted by the newly crowned Queen Erebus (queen of the endermen).
They fell in love !!!!! awww i love them !!!!
As queen, she often volunteers with projects, and creates many charities and arts programs. She doesn't do much of the queen duties, but she will help out if erebus needs it.
Erebus was the one to bring up the idea of a child, but eros was the one to find the ritual to make it happen.
When the Collision happened (worlds smashed together , creating multiple servers (so things such as MCC can happen) which reseted the timeline) several gods were spontaneously created, one of which closed off the end (right as ranboo had fallen through the portal lmao). As such, she has mourned and studied (along side z) to find a way to reopen the end.
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rabbitheadcanonspuyo · 11 months
Some Tee headcanons
Before the headcanons begin, meet Shokuri (she is important)
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She was originally gonna be named "Aku" (no relation to the character from Samurai Jack), but "aku" just means "evil" in Japanese, nothing else. So Shokuri it is (from "shoku, meaning "eclipse"). Her design was a bit based on Dark Marle.
Also, most of the characters seen in Puyo western release for Windows-DOS and Mac, Qwirks, do exist in my headcanon version of the Tetris world, which is why Feefle is here (Feegleiz the family pet, even though Shokuri owned it before taking in Tee).
Anyway to headcanons-
Shokuri was at the receiving end of a doorstep baby when she first met and took in Tee. (His biological older sister was the one who placed the basket and he was only a day old at least).
She had no idea where he came from and didn't have anyone who would take him so she ended up being the one to take initiative. She was rather bitter about it at first, but the kid grew on her.
The flying disc he uses as a weapon was a gift from his biological parents that was placed in a box in his basket. Its original condition upon being gifted was "battle-worn, but still rather usable", but then Ex noticed the condition of the disc during their first battle and refurbished it when Tee joined the Tetra Crew.
Shokuri taught Tee the basics of Tetris and how to convert the energy released by line clears into spells. When he became part of the Tetra Crew, he trained with Ess and Ai to learn some of the more advanced stuff (including how spins work) as well as how to play quicker.
Tee was always smart. Like, his child self could easily put two and two together if he's seen a pattern a couple of times.
He didn't just mature in a day. Tee saw and got the opportunity to battle Ex when he was 9 or 10 and lost the battle. It's canonically known that before the battle with Ex, Tee was cocky and had a huge ego. After losing (back to headcanon), his ego dropped, but he was still a bit cocky and hot-headed. He only became less cocky with subsequent losses, but still kept the hot-headedness.
This only changed almost a month after he finally won a match against Ex (back then, Tee was 12), when the latter had to take on the role of Keeper of Dimensions. To say having a 12-year-old in charge of an entire ship is kind of a bad idea, but the rest of the crew couldn't exactly be able to be captain to varying degrees (the amnesia that set in a day after Ex left didn't help). He wasn't in the right mind to lead either, but took the responsibility because someone needed to lead. He had to wise up beyond his years just so he can lead without too much issue.
The way I see Tee's relationship with Ringo is this: they aren't romantically involved due to the age gap (Ringo in my hc is 15 and Tee is 18-ish), but they are close friends.
His hair isn't dyed. Lavender is his natural hair color (the same could be said for all but one of his crewmates (his human ones btw) and their hair colors, as well as Ex having gray hair).
Even after the events of the first PuyoTet when the Tetra Crew met Ex again after all these years, Tee still has no idea how he met O. He never really saw or noticed him until sometime early on in his leadership, yet he still doesn't remember it (it's been years).
Tee actually has the third largest amount of psychic potential, with Ai being second. Jay and Elle beat them both by a wide margin.
Also worth noting, everyone originating from the Tetris world in my headcanon has psychic power that mimics the appearance and power of magic, rather than true magic like in the Puyo world.
I should have drawn baby Tee in the illustration a bit bigger...
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Ok but I need to complain about a design inconsistency when it comes to the Genie that bothers me to the core
His bracelets
Ok hear me out.
So you know how Genie has these gold bracelets on him, right? So has them for most of the movie until the end of the movie when Aladdin sets him free. The bracelets come off as a symbol of him being free from his position of being enslaved. Pretty neat right?
For some reason tho everytime Disney makes Genie after the events of the movie, they always keep his bracelets.
The first time I noticed it was in a Disney princess book. As a kid I owned a lot of Disney princess books and I wanted to read them again. Specifically the Aladdin ones. So I was reading this one about Jasmine disguising herself to be able to participate in a race Agrabah is having. The story goes that the sultan tells Al and Jas that there is gonna be a race Agrabah is participating in and sultan is worried cause they always lose each time they participate. Jas volunteers herself but sultan refuses her offer cause he doesn't want her to get hurt so then Al volunteers himself and sultan obviously accepts that offer. Problem is that Midnight, Jasmine's horse aka the fastest horse in Agrabah, doesn't like him. Long story short, Jas disguises herself, takes Midnight, and proves her dad wrong by winning the race alongside Aladdin. That means that Agrabah has two champions right? No. The race was to only use a horse and it turns out the horse Al was using was Genie this entire time(btw that must've been the weirdest conversation that led to Genie helping him with the race) so Jasmine technically is the only champion. Now I would like to direct your attention to the final illustration in the story.
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This story takes place AFTER the movie yet he still has the bracelets.
Here's a GIF that I found of Genie from Aladdin and the King of Thieves talking to Jasmine
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Still has his bracelets
Here's a screenshot of Genie about to hug Al in that same movie
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Bracelets still there
Here's a GIF from Return of Jafar where Genie puts his hand on his face in shock
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This may be me just nitpicking but like was it really that FUCKING hard to draw Genie WITHOUT his bracelets?!?!
"What if those bracelets are actually ones that he bought himself and aren't the ones he had when he was bound to the lamp?" I guess you could say those are some bracelets he bought himself that happen to look exactly like his old ones but like
Why the FUCK would ANYONE buy something that look exactly like the things that literally symbolized your slavery. That just makes no fucking sense.
I guess the reason why it bothers me so much is because Genie's whole thing was to finally be free and to be his own master. That's why he liked Al so much. He didn't think about himself, instead asked what Genie would wish for and promised him to give him just that. Something he thought was an IMPOSSIBLE dream was actually going to come true. That's he helped Al with his whole Jasmine situation instead of just granting his wish and leaving the rest up to Al. That's why he was so upset when Al told him he couldn't free him. That's why the final scene is so heartwarming. The bracelets come off like shackles, he glances in disbelief at his empty wrists, and becomes overjoyed about the fact he doesn't have to help anymore horrible, selfish people. To never have to do anything against his will EVER AGAIN. To be free.
Because Disney can't draw him without those four lines he's got that form the bracelets, that just all gets completely thrown out of the window. Maybe there's an explanation for why he has them. If any of y'all have the answer please tell me cause this gonna bother me till the end of time.
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