friedelio · 10 months
E11 - Der Mensch wächst mit seinen Aufgaben
Meseritz nach Sieraków57 Kilometer, 380 Höhenmeter Heute ist der erste wirklich entspannte Tag in Polen. Er beginnt schon mit dem Frühstück – wir amüsieren uns königlich über die Riesenauswahl, die unser schönes und günstiges Hotel anbietet! Friedel hat zudem gestern eine Art „E11 light“-Strategie entwickelt: Er schmeißt unsere Wandertracks in eine Routenoptimierungs-Software, die daraus mit…
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markward-stahl · 1 year
Ein Reichsadler auf dem Gelände des 1938 errichteten Kasernenkomplexes Regenwurmlager der deutschen Wehrmacht in der Nähe der Stadt Meseritz.
Das Lager gehörte zur Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen und diente im Zweiten Weltkrieg als Ausbildungsstätte für verschiedene Sonderverbände, die gegen die britische Kolonialmacht im Nahen Osten eingesetzt werden sollten.
Darunter die Legion Freies Indien, die Deutsch-Arabische Legion sowie Kompanien von Iranern und Afghanen.
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“When the Baal Shem had a difficult task before him, he would go to a certain place in the woods, light a fire and meditate in prayer–and what he had set out to perform was done.
When a generation later the "Maggid" of Meseritz was faced with the same task he would go to the same place in the woods and say: "We can no longer light the fire, but we can still speak the prayers" - and what he wanted done became reality.
Again a generation later Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sassov had to perform this task. And he too went into the woods and said: We can no longer light a fire, nor do we know the secret meditations belonging to the prayer, but we do know the place in the woods to which it all belongs–and that must be sufficient; and sufficient it was.
But when another generation had passed and Rabbi Israel of Rishin was called upon to perform the task, he sat down on his golden chair in his castle and said: We cannot light the fire, we cannot speak the prayers, we do not know the place, but we can tell the story of how it was done.
And, the story which he told had the same effect as the actions of the other three.”
(Told by S.J. Agnon to Gershom Scholem. From 'Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism', Gershom G. Scholem, Schocken Books, 1954)
The Power of Echoes: I recall a version of this story, read to our group by my teacher, Rina. The version she read started with the need for a certain ritual to be performed to keep the world in being and finished with, "And even this was enough."
[Ian Sanders]
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ouroboros8ontology · 3 years
If one leaves out of account the lone effort at religious orientation made by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Ladi and his school, the so-called Habad-Hasidism, Hasidism seems to have produced no truly original Kabbalistic thought whatever. However, this interesting attempt to arrive at something like a synthesis of Issac Luria and the Maggid of Meseritz, despite the fact that it stands alone, provides in fact the best starting point for our investigation. It gives a new emphasis to psychology, instead of theosophy, a fact which must be deemed of the highest importance. To put it as briefly as possible, the distinctive feature of the new school is to be found in the fact that the secrets of the divine realm are presented in the guise of mystical psychology. It is by descending into the depths of his own self that man wanders through all the dimensions of the world; in his own self he lifts the barriers which separate one sphere from the other; in his own self, finally, he transcends the limits of natural existence and at the end of his way, without, as it were, a single step beyond himself, he discovers that God is “all in all” and there is “nothing but [Them]”. With every one of the endless stages of the theosophical world corresponding to a given state of the soul—actual or potential, but at any rate capable of being felt and perceived—Kabbalism becomes an instrument the precision of which is not infrequently rather astounding. What gives the writings of the Habad-school their distinctive feature is that striking mixture of enthusiastic worship of God and pantheistic, or rather acosmistic [in contrast to pantheism, denies the reality of the universe, seeing it as ultimately illusory, and only the infinite unmanifest Absolute as real], interpretation of the universe on the one hand, and intense preoccupation with the human mind and its impulses on the other.
Gershom Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism; Ninth Lecture: Hasidism: The Last Phase
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memolands · 2 years
Max Schreck - The legendary Count Orlok rests in Stahnsdorf
Max Schreck – The legendary Count Orlok rests in Stahnsdorf
Known professionally as Max Schreck, was a German actor, born in Berlin-Friedenau, on 6 September 1879. Schreck received his training at the Berliner Staatstheater (State Theatre of Berlin), completing it in 1902. He made his stage début in Meseritz and Speyer, and then toured Germany for two years. Max Schreck, best known for his lead role as the vampire Count Orlok in the film Nosferatu.…
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sakrumverum · 4 years
Christian (Christinus) von Meseritz stammte aus einfachen Verhältnissen und hatte sich, wie einige andere bereits christliche Polen, dem Mönch Benedikt, der aus Italien als Missionar nach Polen gesandt worden war, angeschlossen. Die Männer fristeten als Glaubensboten und Einsiedlermönche unter ärmlichen Bedingungen ein recht karges Leben. Eines Abends kamen fremde Männer zu ihnen, die sie freundlich aufnahmen und sie mit dem Wenigen, das sie hatten, bewirteten. Doch die Besucher gehörten zu einer Räuberbande, zeigten plötzlich ihr wahres Gesicht, misshandelten die Mönche und suchten "Schätze". Da sie aber bei den mittellosen Missionaren nichts Wertvolles finden konnten, gerieten die Räuber in Wut und erschlugen die frommen Männer. Dies geschah in der Nacht des 12.November 1003. Die sterblichen Überreste der ermordeten Glaubens-boten wurden später im Dom von Gnesen (Polen) beigesetzt. Land Europa Polen Stand Orden- und Klosterleben Stadt Gnesen
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dirjoh-blog · 5 years
Emmi G.
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This is a picture of Emmi G/ A victim of the T4  euthanasia program. Killed because she was ‘different’.
What makes her story even sadder is the fact that we don’t even know her full name. All we know is that she was 16 when she was killed with an overdose of tranquilizers on December 7, 1942 in Meseritz-Obrawalde euthanasia center.
Even the date is heartbreaking  it was 1 day after the…
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fitnessbauer · 5 years
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Name: #Christian Bedeutung: Christian leitet sich vom lateinischen 'christianus' bzw. griechischen '#christianos' ab, was so viel wie '#christlich' bedeutet. Ursprünglich geht der Name auf das altgriechische Wort '#christos' zurück, was für 'gesalbt' und 'geweiht' steht. Es ist auch eine Herkunft aus dem Nordischen denkbar, wo 'Kir' für 'hart' und 'sten' für '#Stein/#Felsen' steht. Dieser Vorname lässt sich somit als 'Anhänger #Christi', der '#Gesalbte', der '#Geweihte' oder auch der '#Steinharte' interpretieren. Die nordische Form von Christian ist Karsten und steht für 'ein Fels in #Christus'. Namenspatron: Christian war ein Mönch, der im 11. Jahrhundert in einem Kloster im polnischen Meseritz lebte. Er wurde von Räubern getötet, als er dabei half, das Kloster zu verteidigen. Seine Reliquien liegen heute im polnischen Kazimierz Biskupi. www.ChristianBauer.at (hier: Warrior FitnessBox Bauer) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buyu7NqBFcB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nssf11jtoeic
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Muere Peter Berling, actor y escritor de la saga ‘Los hijos del Grial’
MÁS INFORMACIÓN “Yo también desciendo de Cristo” “La cruzada de los niños del medioevo surgió de otra Europa convulsa” El cineasta, actor y autor alemán Peter Berling (Meseritz-Obrawalde, antigua Posen-Prusia Occidental y actual Obrzyce, Polonia, 1934) falleció ayer miércoles en Roma a los 83 años. Berling, que trabajó en más de 100 películas como El nombre de la rosa, dirigida por Jean-Jacques…
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robertkwatson2-blog · 7 years
Jody Kriss NYC Real Estate | ERP, LLC
East River Partners took up a huge project ever since. The group plans to refurbish grand estates, and exactly what makes this so unique is that they were created by the world-famous architect C.P.H. Gilbert. Their vision is to turn them into totally contemporary houses. These structures lie in the upper west side of Manhattan, and it's their goal to preserve as much of the original outlook as possible, while changing the houses into something that any household would be proud to live in. It's also of excellent value to mix in with the look of the area, because it's one of the most acknowledged historically-marked locations in the nation.
As a matter of fact, all these homes will feature as much as three bedrooms, which is undoubtedly an uncommon thing in the realty market these days. And that is the bare minimum; the aim is to design a house with an even greater quantity of bedrooms. When the project is finished, these homes will be among the most glamorous houses offered. However, the functions of East River Partners and Jody Kriss New York city Projects certainly don't end here. Recently, the group set out to refurbish the Anshei Meseritz Synagogue located in the East Village in Manhattan. With the vision of totally appreciating its former splendor and historical role, the structure will be the host of a number of brand-new loft homes. Each of the apartment or condos will feature at least two bed rooms and potentially more. What makes the task so unique is the unique addition of stained glass, big space for numerous entertainment purposes, an elevator with private access, and a whole variety of fragile modern touches. This huge news for the entire nation, due to the fact that the building is of excellent historical importance. Jody Kriss will bring it back to life, and while the products within it will be replaced with newer ones, its spirit will have the ability to live on for centuries to come. Currently receiving approval from the New York City Preservation Commission, the events will be quickly set in motion.
See more about Jody here:
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->https://www.crunchbase.com/person/jody-kriss
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->http://www.downtownmagazinenyc.com/the-real-new-york-jody-kriss-east-river-partners/
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kenneth18neal-blog · 7 years
New York City Projects by Jody Kriss
East River Partners used up a big project ever since. The group prepares to renovate grand estates, and what makes this so unique is the fact that they were designed by the world-famous architect C.P.H. Gilbert. Their vision is to turn them into completely contemporary houses. These structures are located in the upper west side of Manhattan, and it's their aim to protect as much of the original outlook as possible, while changing the homes into something that any household would be happy to reside in. It's likewise of great value to mix in with the look of the neighbourhood, since it's one of the most acknowledged historically-marked locations in the nation.
As a matter of truth, all of these homes will include as much as 3 bed rooms, which is indeed a rare thing in the real estate market these days. Which is the bare minimum; the objective is to create a home with an even higher quantity of bed rooms. When the job is completed, these houses will be one of the most elegant homes readily available. Nevertheless, the workings of East River Partners and Jody Kriss New York Projects certainly do not end here. Just recently, the group set out to refurbish the Anshei Meseritz Synagogue located in the East Village in Manhattan. With the vision of totally respecting its former splendor and historical role, the structure will be the host of several brand-new loft apartment or condos. Each of the apartment or condos will include a minimum of 2 bedrooms and perhaps more. What makes the project so distinct is the unique addition of stained glass, huge space for different entertainment purposes, an elevator with private access, and an entire selection of delicate modern-day touches. This is big news for the whole nation, because the structure is of great historical value. Jody Kriss will bring it back to life, and while the products inside of it will be replaced with more recent ones, its spirit will have the ability to reside on for centuries to come. Already getting approval from the New York City Preservation Commission, the occasions will be rapidly set in movement.
See more about Jody here:
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->https://www.crunchbase.com/person/jody-kriss
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->http://www.downtownmagazinenyc.com/the-real-new-york-jody-kriss-east-river-partners/
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friedelio · 11 months
E11 - Wir wollten Abenteuer, wir kriegen Abenteuer!
Von Lubievice nach Miedzyrzecz (Meseritz)69 Kilometer, 491 Höhenmeter Oh Mann! Hier ist echt alles eine Herausforderung! Wir dachten, wir beginnen heute den Tag mal ganz smooth und probieren aus, wir es wäre, wenn wir den R1 fahren würden. Die erste Hälfte der heutigen Tour düsen wir also über den internationalen Radweg und brauchen für die ersten 30 Kilometer nur ca. zwei Stunden. Die…
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New York City Projects by Jody Kriss
East River Partners used up a big project ever since. The group prepares to refurbish grand estates, and what makes this so special is the fact that they were designed by the world-famous architect C.P.H. Gilbert. Their vision is to turn them into completely modern houses. These buildings lie in the upper west side of Manhattan, and it's their aim to preserve as much of the original outlook as possible, while changing the homes into something that any household would be happy to reside in. It's likewise of fantastic value to mix in with the appearance of the neighbourhood, given that it is among the most recognized historically-marked places in the country.
As a matter of reality, all of these homes will feature as much as three bed rooms, which is certainly an unusual thing in the property market of today. Which is the bare minimum; the objective is to develop a house with an even higher amount of bedrooms. When the job is finished, these apartment or condos will be one of the most elegant homes offered. However, the operations of East River Partners and Jody Kriss New York Projects certainly do not end here. Just recently, the group set out to refurbish the Anshei Meseritz Synagogue situated in the East Village in Manhattan. With the vision of totally respecting its former glory and historic role, the structure will be the host of numerous brand-new loft houses. Each of the apartments will include at least two bedrooms and potentially more. What makes the project so distinct is the special addition of stained glass, huge space for various home entertainment functions, an elevator with private gain access to, and a whole array of fragile modern touches. This huge news for the whole nation, since the building is of excellent historical value. Jody Kriss will bring it back to life, and while the materials within it will be changed with newer ones, its spirit will have the ability to live on for centuries to come. Currently receiving approval from the New York City Preservation Commission, the events will be rapidly set in motion.
See more about Jody here:
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->https://www.crunchbase.com/person/jody-kriss
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->http://www.downtownmagazinenyc.com/the-real-new-york-jody-kriss-east-river-partners/
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emilyvsanto12-blog · 7 years
New York City Projects by Jody Kriss
East River Partners used up a huge task ever since. The group plans to renovate grand mansions, and exactly what makes this so special is the fact that they were created by the world-famous architect C.P.H. Gilbert. Their vision is to turn them into entirely modern-day houses. These buildings are located in the upper west side of Manhattan, and it's their objective to maintain as much of the original outlook as possible, while changing the houses into something that any family would be proud to reside in. It's likewise of great importance to mix in with the look of the neighbourhood, since it is among the most acknowledged historically-marked places in the nation.
As a matter of truth, all of these houses will feature as much as 3 bed rooms, which is indeed an unusual thing in the real estate market these days. Which is the bare minimum; the objective is to design a home with an even higher amount of bed rooms. When the job is completed, these houses will be one of the most elegant houses available. Nevertheless, the operations of East River Partners and Jody Kriss New York Projects certainly do not end here. Recently, the group set out to remodel the Anshei Meseritz Synagogue located in the East Village in Manhattan. With the vision of totally respecting its previous splendor and historic function, the building will be the host of numerous brand-new loft apartments. Each of the houses will include a minimum of 2 bed rooms and potentially more. Exactly what makes the project so unique is the special addition of stained glass, big area for different entertainment purposes, an elevator with personal access, and a whole range of fragile contemporary touches. This is big news for the entire nation, due to the fact that the structure is of fantastic historic significance. Jody Kriss will bring it back to life, and while the materials inside of it will be replaced with more recent ones, its spirit will be able to reside on for centuries to come. Already getting approval from the New York City Preservation Commission, the events will be quickly set in motion.
See more about Jody here:
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->https://www.crunchbase.com/person/jody-kriss
<!--td border: 1px solid #ccc;br mso-data-placement:same-cell;-->http://www.downtownmagazinenyc.com/the-real-new-york-jody-kriss-east-river-partners/
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ouroboros8ontology · 3 years
The revival of a new mythology in the world of Hasidism, to which attention has been drawn occasionally, especially by Martin Buber, draws not the least part of its strength from its connection between the magical and the mystical faculties of its heroes. When all is said and done it is this myth which represents the greatest creative expression of Hasidism. In the place of the theoretical disquisition, or at least side by side with it, you get the Hasidic tale. Around the lives of the great Zaddikim, above all Rabbi Israel of Rishin, the founder of the Eastern Galician Hasidic dynasty, have laid down the whole treasure of their ideas in such tales. Their Torah took the form of an inexhaustible fountain of storytelling. Nothing at all has remained theory, everything has become a story.—And so perhaps I may also be permitted to close these lectures by telling you a story of which the subject, if you like, is the fairy history of Hasidism itself. And here it is, as I have heard it told by the great Hebrew novelist and story-teller, S. J. Agnon:
When the Baal Shem had a difficult task before him, he would go to a certain place in the woods, light a fire and meditate in prayer—and what he had set out to perform was done. When a generation later the “Maggid” of Meseritz was faced with the same task he would go the same place in the woods and say: We can no longer light the fire, but we can still speak the prayers—and what he wanted done became reality. Again a generation later Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sassov had to perform this task. And he too went into the woods and said: We can no longer light a fire, nor do we know the secret meditations belonging to the prayer, but we do know the place in the woods to which it all belongs—and that must be sufficient; and sufficient it was. But when another generation had passed and Rabbi Israel of Rishin was called upon to perform the task, he sat down on his golden chair in his castle and said: We cannot light the fire, we cannot speak the prayers, we do not know the place, but we can tell the story of how it was done. And, the story-teller adds, the story which he told had the same effect as the actions of the other three.
You can say if you will that this profound little anecdote symbolizes the decay of a great movement. You can also say that it reflects the transformation of all its values, a transformation so profound that in the end all that remained of the mystery was the tale. That is the position in which we find ourselves today, or in which Jewish mysticism finds itself. The story is not ended, it has not yet become history, and the secret life it holds can break out tomorrow in you or in me. Under what aspects this invisible stream of Jewish mysticism will again come to the surface we cannot tell. But I have come here to speak to you of the main tendencies of Jewish mysticism as we know them. To speak of the mystical course which, in the great cataclysm now stirring the Jewish people more deeply than in the entire history of Exile, destiny may still have in store for us—and I for one believe that there is such a course—is the task of prophets, not of professors.
Gershom Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism; Ninth Lecture: Hasidism: The Last Phase
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sakrumverum · 5 years
Christian (Christinus) von Meseritz stammte aus einfachen Verhältnissen und hatte sich, wie einige andere bereits christliche Polen, dem Mönch Benedikt, der aus Italien als Missionar nach Polen gesandt worden war, angeschlossen. Die Männer fristeten als Glaubensboten und Einsiedlermönche unter ärmlichen Bedingungen ein recht karges Leben. Eines Abends kamen fremde Männer zu ihnen, die sie freundlich aufnahmen und sie mit dem Wenigen, das sie hatten, bewirteten. Doch die Besucher gehörten zu einer Räuberbande, zeigten plötzlich ihr wahres Gesicht, misshandelten die Mönche und suchten "Schätze". Da sie aber bei den mittellosen Missionaren nichts Wertvolles finden konnten, gerieten die Räuber in Wut und erschlugen die frommen Männer. Dies geschah in der Nacht des 12.November 1003. Die sterblichen Überreste der ermordeten Glaubens-boten wurden später im Dom von Gnesen (Polen) beigesetzt. Land Europa Polen Stand Orden- und Klosterleben Stadt Gnesen
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