#Medical play
skyredneck · 3 days
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iluvtboytummy · 1 month
Come on babe! Let's go blur the lines between "science experiment that goes against the laws of nature" and "rough filthy t4t gay sex"!
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fatguarddog · 2 months
Shady doctor that secretly makes sure you grow nice and fat thoughts
When you've finally gained enough that you're really noticing it and bring it up as a concern, they act all professional and get you to lay down on the bed I'm their office to properly examine you
It starts out normal, but slowly they start focusing on on your belly and other fattened parts, rubbing, squeezing and pinching them. They're murmuring to themselves about how nicely you're coming along and the levels of growth they expect you'll go through soon
Before you can raise an objection, they start rubbing your crotch, making you stifle a moan as it feels so good. You can't help but lean in to the touch and let them play with the body they designed for you, knowing full well that soon you'll be fattened putty in their hands as they grow you even bigger
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inthe-doghouse · 4 months
med kink combined with forcemasc is sooo. yeah
imagine having a doctor see so much wasted potential in you that he can’t just let that slide. he can’t keep treating you as a girl when he knows you could be so, so much more.
he plants the idea in your head that you’re really a boy, trapped in a body that needs transformation. you need to become the boy he knows you can be. you’re going on testosterone whether you like it or not. it’s for your own good. you’re not meant to be a girl.
he’d encourage all the changes happening to you, praising how horny T has made you and how you’ve lost the will to fight back. he’s loving how T is turning you into the perfect boy for him. he knew this would happen. he knew this is what’s best for you.
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alanaundercovers · 6 months
Lovely smoking girls with stethoscopes on. Listen to their heartbeats while they smoke.
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women-in-code-blue2 · 2 months
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Anonymous asked:
Meanest thing to a subby boy would be slow methodical stretching. Sub being laid out on a gynecologist chair, legs held open and naked body barely covered by a thin sheet. His tight pussy slowly being fingered open with no hope of orgasm. Sometimes his examiner will quietly comment about how swollen his clit is, or make note whenever she manages to slip another finger in. Eventually she gets an entire hand inside, now pushing further to tease his cervix. Painfully opened wide and ready for insemenation.
oh my god yes 🤤 bonus points if he’s strapped down and blindfolded! poor baby can feel a lot of uncomfortable sensations but doesn’t know what’s happening, just told he would be examined. but oh dear, why does it feel so cold down there? something is stretching, ah, now it’s hot, he doesn’t know what’s happening! meanwhile they’ve inserted a jumbo speculum, nearly a foot long, deep into his tummy and are pulling it open. he’s whimpering and moaning as they open up his cervix so wide they can clearly see the soft cavern in him, inviting the other doctors to come take a look!
source: mickeyimagines.tumblr.com archive on the wayback machine
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Part Two of "Kept Under Wraps" with KinoPayne
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medfemdom01 · 8 months
New personal pictures !!
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rottenlapdog · 2 months
sometimes my brain gets too into grey’s anatomy and i think about a doctor examining me and they’re sliding their hands all over my body and looking me in the eyes and tilting their head and asking me “how’s that feel? yeah?” and “does that hurt?? how badly does it hurt?? hm??”
them pushing their fingers inside me while i have to cover my mouth so no one hears what a mess they’re making of me. them still asking me how it feels while they listen and watch me as i struggle to not moan and instead form a coherent response to their question.
this is about such a specific character btw but anyways. all y’all need to know is the above information
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iluvtboytummy · 1 month
I need a mad scientist kind of dom... someone who will tie me down to a metal table. Someone who will take exact measurements of every important part of my body. Draw notes on my skin exactly what he will do. Force water down my throat because I can't take pills without help. Run cold, gloves hands over my skin. Force his fingers into my mouth to inspect my teeth. Experiment to see how long it takes for him to manipulate me into being a good, well-behaved dog. See how much my slutty body can take until I can't handle it. I'm not a person, I'm a little science experiment.
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heartshapdlover · 4 months
the thought of being numbed and paralyzed but fully awake and watching as she cuts me open to study my insides. i want to see my heart beat faster in my chest as she teases my clit on the operating table
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pinkanonwrites · 3 months
I love all these little drabbles going more into depth on the human kinks you talked about rahhahabaab
For medical kinks for them sexy medics. You talked about check ups and vivisection 🤭 would that role play check up with brainstorm be more like a alien examination or where he's simply the doctor and patient? How consensual would pharmas vivisection be? I need some THOUGHTS from youuu
Brainstorm is big into both check-up roleplay and 'alien lifeform study' roleplay. There's definitely a hint of fearplay in the latter too, grabbing and manhandling your soft form while he runs his examinations and experiments, you completely helpless to do anything to stop him. I think he's really good at roleplaying tbh, he strikes me as a freak like that.
As for Pharma, I feel like he sates his dark passenger by finding people with medical debt and health issues and making them an offer they simply cannot afford to refuse (hence the dubcon aspect). Is it morally reprehensible for your giant metal robot doctor to have his cock in one hand while he's removing your appendix? Absolutely. Can you afford to subject yourself to further US medical debt? Absolutely not. If it's any consolation, he's shockingly good at what he does. He's just gonna jack off about it basically the whole time, and talk way too lewdly about the entire ordeal.
He also has to make sure you aren't going to back out at the last minute, so having you strapped down like a pinned insect on display is basically a guarantee.
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rainbow-lite · 11 months
TW // medical play
doctor visits have never been something you exactly look forward to. you get an anxious feeling every time. the neutral hues that seem to repeat themselves in every clinic. the cold, sterile metals that have a way of making you feel watched. and, of course, your current situation doesn't help alleviate this anxiety.
a knock emanates from the other side of the door. it opens, revealing a tall figure in a white coat. you exchange formalities, and they take a seat at their office chair.
"so, i understand you've been experiencing some distressing thoughts?"
you nod sheepishly.
"may i ask you to describe what you've been thinking about?"
you bristle at the question, inhaling sharply and trying to maintain your composure. there's no reason to worry; surely, a medical professional would be knowledgeable about this sort of thing.
"uhm... i mostly think about..."
the doctor glances up at you through rimmed glasses.
"...fantasies... involving, uh- medical aspects."
you manage to choke the words out, feeling your face grow warm as the doctor records your answer on a clipboard.
"when did these... fantasies... start occurring?"
"uhm, it's been a little while now..."
"can you give an estimate?"
you pause. of course the question is necessary, but did the doctor really have to ask it? you press your thighs together.
"a couple weeks, i think. more like a month..."
the doctor nods and continues writing for a moment. your face has to be pink by now.
"have you tried any methods to alleviate the discomfort you feel?"
a nervous giggle escapes your mouth. you're starting to regret making this appointment altogether.
"i've tried, uhm... touching myself."
you pause again.
"it hasn't really helped, though."
another nod from the doctor. you stare at the floor. it's getting hard to focus on the questions.
"have you tried having a partner help you?"
"i don't have a partner, but i'd like to have someone help me."
it comes out of your mouth before you can properly think about it. why the hell did you just say that?
the doctor scrawls one last note before setting aside the clipboard and rising to their feet.
"well, i think you'll be fine. plenty of people have thoughts like this; it's nothing to be embarrassed about."
you breathe a sigh of relief. "that's good to hear, i was pretty worried." you say with a laugh. that appointment wasn't so bad! now, to just collect an excuse for work and-
the lock clicks.
"before you leave, however, i'd like to perform a physical examination. just to be sure."
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fatguarddog · 11 months
Imagining myself as a mad scientist testing the limits of the human stomach capacity, finding gainers and feedees to be willing subjects for me
Stuffing them to their full capacity and then clinically observing the results, restraining them as I prod and poke at their overstuffed bodies, recording audio of all their gurgles and whines, taking measurements of their distended bellies to track progress, running my latex gloved hands over their aching skin to see all their reactions, talking about them into a little voice recorder as if they're not even there
Getting a little curious one day and seeing how being stuffed to capacity affects their sexual pleasure, since so many of my subjects moan so lewdly when I'm examining them, gently stimulating them to see if touching their fattened bellies helps them achieve climax, once again speaking clinically and scientifically while they whine and beg... it's a bit distracting for my notes so perhaps I'll have to start gagging them as they grow bigger, they should know their mouths are only for feeding from now on
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hubrisinnate · 6 months
Oh my god I'm vibrating over the thought of a doctor tying me up once a week to inject testosterone only for a couple hours to touch and grope my body, seeing how my fat and muscle is redistributing. He'd measure how bog my dick is getting and by the time it's poking out if my labia has been measuring for weeks, months, and he praises me on all the growth he's seeing. This woukd all cumulate in this doctor giving me a hand job, praising me and stroking me as I'm cumming against the pads of his fingers, it's never enough each week, but he'll be back next Sunday to see how big my dick is next week.
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