#Measuring ROI becomes tough.
alexmercer786 · 9 months
4 Reasons Why Co Working Space is good for smaller Business
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Smaller Businesses or new marketers are continually on the verge of having strict finances and should accommodate the facilities as well as the important Equipment within precise fees. Therefore Co-Working Spaces are the right answer for folks that are searching for a workplace in a price-effective measure.
Here are the top four reasons for the smaller enterprise to choose Co Working Spaces:
Ideal Place to Grow Team Space: Most small organizations either begin from a room inside the house or in a cafe however as the crew size will start growing; it turns difficult to hold the new hire inside the home or to rent out a huge office area. Therefore Meeting Room In Bangalore proves to be quite useful as they hire out area thus. All you want to do is to lease a desk and get your new personnel seated without paying big quantities.
Builds Community: As a small enterprise you\’re continually looking out to get an increasing number of initiatives that are necessary for the boom of the enterprise. While operating within the Co-Working Space In Bangalore one is capable of building a sturdy community and complements the networking. Through networking and community construction you\’re capable of getting much more exposure. Sometimes as a small business you lack the mentorship and abilities that could beautify the productiveness of your commercial enterprise. Through the help of Co-Working Spaces, one is capable of getting the help, steerage and discovering ways to adapt the important competencies.
Cost-Effective Support Staff: With small businesses, it will become tough to have a proper framework and precise administrative offerings so one can show out to be quite supportive for the duration of the carrying out of your work each day. A lot of Co-Working Spaces are supplying aid body of workers offerings at affordable charges which can be pretty lower-priced and price effective.
Flexibility: As a new business you have to work 24*7 to beautify the productiveness as well as the ROI of the enterprise. This can handiest be feasible if you have a sustainable and flexible work lifestyle on the way to increase the opportunity of reaching your goals by way of working on strange hours of the time. Co-Working Spaces In Bangalore provide several flexibilities in addition to the super quantity of scalability. Hence, the lowest line is the reality that those shared office areas help inside the increase as well as studying of the running tradition of the small corporations.
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pink-cic · 3 months
Is SEO job tough
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing websites and online content to rank higher in search engine results and drive more organic traffic. In today's digital age, where the vast majority of online experiences begin with a search query, SEO has become an indispensable component of any successful digital marketing strategy.
For those looking to dive into the field of digital marketing, the potential job prospects after learning SEO are a key consideration. This analysis investigates the employment opportunities available in the current job market for individuals who acquire SEO skills, providing insights into the demand and variety of roles that SEO expertise can open up
As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of establishing a strong online presence and reaching their target audience through search engines, the demand for skilled SEO professionals has been steadily growing. With more companies prioritizing their online visibility and seeking to gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape, the expertise of SEO specialists has become highly sought after.
As the digital landscape evolves, it brings into focus the demand for skilled SEO specialists. This investigation provides insights into how the job market is responding to the growing need for these professionals, considering the evolving requirements of the digital marketing industry. It's a valuable read for anyone looking to understand the career prospects in SEO
While an SEO job can be challenging, it can also be highly rewarding for those with the right skills, mindset, and dedication. The ever-evolving nature of search algorithms and user behavior necessitates a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. Successful SEO professionals must not only possess technical expertise but also the ability to analyze data, identify opportunities, and implement strategies that drive tangible results.
However, the rewards of an SEO career can be substantial. From the potential for high earning potential to the satisfaction of driving measurable business growth, SEO offers a dynamic and fulfilling career path for those willing to embrace its challenges. By staying ahead of industry trends, honing their skills, and demonstrating a track record of success, SEO professionals can unlock a wealth of opportunities for career advancement and personal growth.
In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the demanding nature of SEO, the technical and strategic challenges involved, the essential skills required for success, and the rewards and opportunities that make this field an attractive choice for those with the right mindset and dedication.
The Demanding Nature of SEO
The field of SEO is inherently demanding, requiring professionals to navigate a constantly evolving landscape of search algorithms, ranking factors, and user behavior. One of the biggest challenges in an SEO job is the need for continuous learning and adaptation.
Search engines like Google are constantly refining their algorithms to improve the quality of search results and provide a better user experience. This means that SEO professionals must stay up-to-date with the latest algorithm updates, best practices, and industry trends to ensure their strategies remain effective and compliant.
Additionally, SEO professionals face the pressure of delivering measurable results and demonstrating a clear return on investment (ROI) for their efforts. Businesses invest in SEO with the expectation of increased organic traffic, higher search engine rankings, and ultimately, improved conversions and revenue growth. Failure to meet these expectations can jeopardize job security and future opportunities.
Furthermore, SEO requires a multidisciplinary skillset that combines technical expertise, analytical abilities, and creative thinking. Professionals must have a solid understanding of website architecture, coding languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and SEO tools and analytics platforms. At the same time, they must possess strong analytical skills to interpret data, identify opportunities, and develop effective strategies.
The demanding nature of SEO also extends to the need for collaboration and communication. SEO professionals often work closely with cross-functional teams, such as content creators, developers, and marketing teams, to ensure a cohesive and integrated approach to optimization efforts.
While the demands of an SEO job can be significant, those who embrace the challenges and possess the right skills, mindset, and dedication can find the field highly rewarding and fulfilling.
Technical Challenges in SEO
One of the most significant challenges in an SEO job lies in the technical aspects of website optimization and search engine compliance. SEO professionals must possess a deep understanding of website architecture, coding languages, and various tools and platforms to effectively optimize websites for search engines.
Understanding website architecture and coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is crucial for identifying and resolving technical issues that may hinder search engine crawling and indexing. SEO professionals must be able to analyze website structure, code, and content to ensure optimal crawlability and indexability, which are essential for achieving high search engine rankings.
Proficiency in SEO tools and analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz, is also a necessity. These tools provide valuable insights into website performance, keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and competitor analysis, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategy development.
Keeping up with the latest algorithm updates and best practices is another technical challenge that SEO professionals face. Search engines like Google regularly update their algorithms to improve search quality and user experience, and failure to adapt to these changes can have significant consequences for website rankings and organic traffic.
Conducting thorough keyword research and on-page optimization is also a critical technical aspect of SEO. Professionals must have the ability to identify relevant keywords, analyze search intent, and optimize website content and metadata accordingly to improve visibility and relevance in search results.
Overcoming these technical challenges requires a combination of technical expertise, continuous learning, and a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking factors. Successful SEO professionals must stay ahead of the curve and continuously refine their technical skills to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Strategic and Analytical Challenges
While technical proficiency is essential in an SEO job, professionals also face significant strategic and analytical challenges that require a broader skillset and a deep understanding of business objectives and user behavior.
One of the key strategic challenges is developing effective SEO strategies that are aligned with an organization's overall business goals and target audience. SEO professionals must have the ability to analyze market trends, competitor landscapes, and user data to identify opportunities for growth and develop comprehensive optimization plans that drive measurable results.
Analyzing data and identifying opportunities for improvement is another critical aspect of an SEO professional's role. This involves interpreting complex data sets from various sources, such as website analytics, keyword research tools, and search engine ranking reports, to uncover insights and make data-driven decisions about content optimization, link building, and other SEO tactics.
Measuring and communicating the impact of SEO efforts is also a significant challenge. SEO professionals must be able to quantify the success of their strategies by tracking metrics such as organic traffic, search engine rankings, conversion rates, and revenue generated from organic search. Effectively communicating these results to stakeholders and demonstrating the return on investment (ROI) of SEO initiatives is crucial for securing ongoing support and resources.
Collaboration with cross-functional teams, such as content creators, developers, and marketing teams, is another strategic challenge in an SEO job. Effective communication, project management, and the ability to align SEO efforts with broader marketing and business objectives are essential for achieving successful outcomes.
Overcoming these strategic and analytical challenges requires a combination of critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, data analysis skills, and a deep understanding of user behavior and business objectives. Successful SEO professionals must possess the strategic mindset and analytical prowess to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and drive measurable results for their organizations.
Soft Skills Required for Success
While technical expertise and analytical abilities are crucial in an SEO job, soft skills play an equally important role in achieving success in this field. Effective communication, problem-solving, time management, and adaptability are among the key soft skills that SEO professionals must possess.
Strong communication and presentation skills are essential for collaborating with cross-functional teams, conveying complex technical information to non-technical stakeholders, and effectively presenting SEO strategies and results. SEO professionals must be able to articulate their ideas clearly, both in written and verbal form, and tailor their communication style to different audiences.
Problem-solving and critical thinking abilities are also vital in an SEO job. SEO professionals often encounter unique challenges and obstacles that require creative solutions. The ability to analyze problems from multiple perspectives, think critically, and develop innovative strategies is crucial for overcoming these challenges and driving continuous improvement.
Time management and project management skills are equally important, as SEO initiatives often involve multiple tasks, deadlines, and stakeholders. Effective time management ensures that tasks are prioritized and completed efficiently, while project management skills enable SEO professionals to coordinate efforts, manage resources, and ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget.
Adaptability and resilience are also essential soft skills in the ever-changing world of SEO. Search engine algorithms and user behavior are constantly evolving, and SEO professionals must be able to adapt their strategies and techniques accordingly. Resilience is key to overcoming setbacks and maintaining a positive mindset in the face of challenges.
By cultivating these soft skills alongside their technical and analytical expertise, SEO professionals can effectively navigate the demanding nature of their roles, collaborate with diverse teams, and drive successful outcomes for their organizations.
Rewards and Opportunities in SEO
Despite the challenges and demands of an SEO job, the field offers numerous rewards and opportunities for those who are willing to embrace its complexities and continuously hone their skills.
One of the most significant rewards in SEO is the potential for high earning potential, especially for experienced professionals. As businesses increasingly recognize the value of organic search traffic and online visibility, they are willing to invest in skilled SEO experts who can drive measurable results. Top-performing SEO professionals can command competitive salaries, with the potential for even higher earnings through freelancing, consulting, or entrepreneurial ventures.
Additionally, the field of SEO offers ample opportunities for career growth and advancement. As professionals gain experience and expertise, they can progress to leadership roles such as SEO Manager, SEO Director, or even become independent consultants or agency owners. These roles often involve strategic planning, team management, and overseeing comprehensive SEO initiatives for clients or organizations.
Another rewarding aspect of an SEO career is the opportunity for continuous learning and staying ahead of industry trends. The ever-evolving nature of search algorithms and user behavior necessitates a commitment to professional development, which can be intellectually stimulating and personally fulfilling for those passionate about the field.
Moreover, SEO professionals have the satisfaction of driving measurable results and contributing to the growth and success of businesses. By optimizing websites for search engines, increasing organic traffic, and improving user experiences, SEO efforts can directly impact key business metrics such as lead generation, conversions, and revenue growth.
Beyond the financial and career rewards, an SEO job also offers the opportunity to work in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, collaborate with diverse teams, and tackle complex challenges that require creative problem-solving and strategic thinking.
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zolvo-tech123 · 5 months
Expert Search Engine Marketing Solutions by Zolvo Tech Qatar
Digital marketing is changing quickly, so businesses that want to do well in Qatar's competitive market need to have a strong online presence. Strategic SEO services are one of the best ways to make your website more visible and get focused traffic to it. Zolvo Tech is known in Qatar as a trustworthy partner that can help companies reach their online marketing goals with its full range of search engine marketing services in qatar.
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Understanding sem: Search engine marketing (SEM) uses paid advertising to make a website more visible on search engine results pages (SERPs). This kind of digital marketing includes both Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which makes it easier to be seen online as a whole.
A Leader in search engine marketing Services in Qatar, Zolvo Tech Zolvo Tech is one of the best digital marketing companies in Qatar, and they are known for providing excellent SEM services that are specifically designed to meet the needs of businesses in the area. Zolvo Tech is now the first choice for businesses that want to use SEM to grow their businesses. They have a team of skilled pros and put the needs of their clients first.
Customised Solutions for Qatar's Market: Zolvo Tech knows how the Qatari market works and creates SEM tactics that work for the people there. The company customises its services by doing thorough market research to find buzzwords and trends that are unique to Qatar. This level of care makes sure that every SEM strategy is set up to succeed in its local environment.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads: Zolvo Tech's PPC programmes are made to get results right away that can be measured. Businesses can reach potential customers right when they are looking for the goods or services they offer by putting focused ads on search engines. Zolvo Tech fine-tunes pay-per-click (PPC) programmes to get the best return on investment (ROI), making sure that each click brings in quality leads and sales.
Search Engine Optimisation: Zolvo Tech is great at both pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimisation, which is an important part of search engine marketing that works on making a website more visible on its own. Zolvo Tech helps businesses move up in the search engine rankings by using smart on-page and off-page optimisation methods. This brings in steady organic traffic over time. zolvo tech provides best search engine marketing services in qatar.
method Based on openness and Data: Zolvo Tech is proud of its method to SEM, which is based on openness and data. Clients get regular reports that show how their efforts are doing. These reports include key measures like click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment. Businesses can make smart choices and improve their marketing strategies to get the best results thanks to this dedication to openness.
Because of how important it is for businesses to be seen online these days, Zolvo Tech has become a trusted partner for SEO services in Qatar. Focusing on custom solutions, the company gives businesses the tools they need to succeed in the tough online world. Zolvo Tech can help you improve your online profile and make your business grow, whether you want to start a targeted pay-per-click (PPC) strategy or make your website more visible in organic search results through SEO. Join forces with Zolvo Tech right now to get the most out of your online marketing in Qatar.
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webomates · 6 months
Challenges in UI Testing
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User Interface testing involves testing the functionality of any application from the end user’s point of view. It may or may not involve graphical elements. It essentially tests functionalities which require direct interaction with the end users.
The application undergoing testing may be robust in terms of performance, business logic handling, security etc. However, all this will be in vain if the end user does not have a favourable experience.
Hence, it is important to conduct user interface testing to ensure that besides the internal functioning, the user facing layer aka presentation layer is also properly verified and validated.
Every type of testing has its own advantages, pitfalls and challenges. In this article, we will talk about a few challenges faced while testing user interfaces.
Continuous changes in User Interface
With organizations following agile development approach, it is an obvious fact that applications evolve with every development cycle. The user interface changes can happen due to multiple reasons like new version release, changes in requirements, changes in functionality etc. 
Any such changes directly or indirectly impact the UI, thus rendering the test cases vulnerable to failures. Keeping pace with these changes becomes extremely difficult.
The business stakeholders are more concerned about how the changes have been correctly incorporated and are available to their customers with every new release. This clearly indicates the need for rigorous testing efforts.
Regression testing difficulties
In continuation from the previous point, regression testing becomes a daunting task when frequent changes are there. The changes may not necessarily be in the user interface, but could be in any other interfacing element or underlying logic or data. For example, If the field length of any element changes from 15 to 10, but user interfacing element is not updated with necessary checks in place, then there will be issues while testing, depending on the test conditions applied to that particular element.
There could be multiple such scenarios, where any change in one element directly or indirectly impacts some other element. The test cases need to be updated on a regular basis to reflect every change.
There is a high probability that all possible scenarios are not covered and some bugs escape unnoticed in the build. This has a direct impact on the end user experience of the application.
Complex GUI elements
Visual representation of data, process, statistics etc is much easier to comprehend. No wonder the customers expect quick processes and visually appealing interfaces.
The data is dynamic in nature and sometimes can take time to process and present. Generating charts, diagrams, graphical representation etc makes it challenging to test such applications.
This is one such example. There are many other complex elements which make user experience much better, but also make testing a tough job.
If testing of such complex elements is not done properly, then the whole purpose of having them in place to elevate the end user experience gets defeated.
Automation efforts
Automating UI testing can be a challenging task as automation simulates end users using HTML locators. Details of challenges related to automation have been covered in our blog “Bane of Automation”.
Besides the factors mentioned in the said blog, script maintenance also becomes a herculean effort, given the fact that user interface is prone to frequent changes. Hence, choosing and implementing a right automation tool is only one part of the puzzle, the other side is to continuously maintain it.
ROI measurement of UI testing
UI testing requires a significant amount of investment in terms of time and effort, thus affecting monetary aspect as well. Changes in UI involve changes in tests of same or linked elements, thus adding to overall testing time. For the business stakeholders what really matters is the returns that they get for financial, human and technological resource investment. Giving a numerical value of ROI in UI testing becomes a tough task.
The success of any application or product is solely based on its acceptance by the end users. An application may be exceptionally good in functionality and high rated in performance, but it is of no use if it does not cater to positive end user experience. Thus, user Interface testing becomes extremely critical in the software release process, since it validates the user friendliness of the application.
Over the years the whole UI testing strategy has matured and we at Webomates have a well-defined process in place for all your User Interface testing needs.
Any changes in UI are reflected as updated test cases within 24 hours.
We use various UI Testing tools and different UI framework called Galen framework for visual testing of applications for UI verification. You can read more about Visual testing using Galen framework on our blog.
Additionally, our AI Defect Predictor helps in an in-depth analysis of any automation failures that may occur during testing.
If you are interested in learning more about the services offered by Webomates then please click here and schedule a demo, or reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also avail a free trial by clicking here.
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hackfuel · 9 months
4 Reasons Why Co Working Space is good for smaller Business
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Smaller Businesses or new marketers are continually on the verge of having strict finances and should accommodate the facilities as well as the important Equipment within precise fees. Therefore Co-Working Spaces are the right answer for folks that are searching for a workplace in a price-effective measure.
Here are the top four reasons for the smaller enterprise to choose Co Working Spaces:
Ideal Place to Grow Team Space: Most small organizations either begin from a room inside the house or in a cafe however as the crew size will start growing; it turns difficult to hold the new hire inside the home or to rent out a huge office area. Therefore Meeting Room In Bangalore proves to be quite useful as they hire out area thus. All you want to do is to lease a desk and get your new personnel seated without paying big quantities.
Builds Community: As a small enterprise you\’re continually looking out to get an increasing number of initiatives that are necessary for the boom of the enterprise. While operating within the Co-Working Space In Bangalore one is capable of building a sturdy community and complements the networking. Through networking and community construction you\’re capable of getting much more exposure. Sometimes as a small business you lack the mentorship and abilities that could beautify the productiveness of your commercial enterprise. Through the help of Co-Working Spaces, one is capable of getting the help, steerage and discovering ways to adapt the important competencies.
Cost-Effective Support Staff: With small businesses, it will become tough to have a proper framework and precise administrative offerings so one can show out to be quite supportive for the duration of the carrying out of your work each day. A lot of Co-Working Spaces are supplying aid body of workers offerings at affordable charges which can be pretty lower-priced and price effective.
Flexibility: As a new business you have to work 24*7 to beautify the productiveness as well as the ROI of the enterprise. This can handiest be feasible if you have a sustainable and flexible work lifestyle on the way to increase the opportunity of reaching your goals by way of working on strange hours of the time. Co-Working Spaces In Bangalore provide several flexibilities in addition to the super quantity of scalability. Hence, the lowest line is the reality that those shared office areas help inside the increase as well as studying of the running tradition of the small corporations.
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chicagowebdesignagency · 10 months
Why Is Chicago Web Design Agency Important For Small Business Owners?
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A strong online presence is critical for the success of every business, regardless of size, in today's digital world. Competition may be tough for small company owners in Chicago, Texas, making it even more crucial to stand out in a crowded field. One efficient strategy to do this is to hire a professional web design firm in Chicago that understands the local market and can construct a compelling online platform geared to the unique demands of small companies.
At our Chicago web design agency, we have a team of creative thinkers, competent programmers, and marketing professionals who use cutting-edge design and technology to increase your online presence. Prepare to take over the Chicago market with our one-of-a-kind and fashionable online solutions. Furthermore, this article will investigate why a web design firm is essential for small business owners and how it may greatly affect their development and success.
Importance of Web Design Agency for Small Business Owners
1.First Impressions Matter
A website is generally the first point of contact between a potential consumer and your business in the digital age. A well-designed website makes a good first impression by grabbing the attention of visitors and enticing them to explore deeper. Chicago web design companies can develop an aesthetically beautiful and user-friendly website that reflects the brand's identity and values, making a lasting impression on potential clients.
2.Tailored to Local Audience
A Chicago web design agency is well-versed in the local market and audience. They may alter the website's appearance and content to reflect the interests and needs of Chicago residents. This personalized method enables small businesses to communicate more personally with their target clientele, increasing the possibility of converting website visitors into loyal customers.
3.Mobile Optimization
A flexible website is essential for any business in today's mobile-driven environment. Mobile optimisation guarantees that the website adjusts to multiple screen sizes effortlessly, providing an ideal user experience on smartphones and tablets. A competent web design studio can construct a mobile-friendly website, ensuring that small companies do not miss out on prospective clients who use mobile devices to explore the web.
4.Search Engine Visibility
It is critical to have a visually appealing website, but it is also critical for potential consumers to locate it while searching online. Search engine optimization (SEO) increases a website's exposure on search engines such as Google. To boost a small business's search engine results and generate organic visitors, a web design agency in Chicago may employ successful SEO tactics such as relevant keywords, optimized content, and backlink development.
5.Focus on User Experience
The user experience (UX) of a website is crucial. Visitors may abandon a badly designed website with sluggish loading times, difficult navigation, or broken links, resulting in wasted chances for small companies. A skilled web design firm may prioritize UX, ensuring that the website is intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. This excellent user experience increases the likelihood of visitors becoming repeat buyers.
6. Integration of Marketing Tools
A web design company may incorporate numerous marketing tools into a website, allowing small firms to measure and analyze user behavior, engagement, and conversion rates. These insights may assist business owners in refining their marketing tactics, comprehending client preferences, and making data-driven decisions to maximize their online presence and ROI.
A professionally designed website is no longer a choice in the competitive business scene of Chicago, but rather a need for small company owners. A Chicago web design company delivers expertise, local market knowledge, and creative talents to small businesses, allowing them to develop a strong online presence and compete effectively in the digital sphere. The advantages of working with a web design agency are numerous, ranging from making a good first impression to optimizing search engines and offering an excellent user experience. They may make a substantial contribution to the growth and success of Chicago's small enterprises.
Our Best Web Design Companies in Chicago strives to provide tailored online solutions that promote growth and elevate brand identification to businesses in Chicago and beyond. We ensure that your online presence stands out in the Chicago market with our team of professional developers and creative designers. We create unique iOS and Android mobile apps that are feature-rich, user-friendly, and improve the user experience. We collaborate closely with you to understand your target demographic and create a compelling mobile app that matches your business goals.
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nbmsports · 11 months
These are America’s 10 worst states to live and work in
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With nearly twice as many job openings nationwide as there are workers available to fill them, companies are setting up shop where the workers are.Each year, as part of our overall assessment of state business climates, CNBC's America's Top States for Business study considers how welcoming each state is to workers and their families.Life, Health and Inclusion is one of the study's ten categories of competitiveness. And this year, with the nationwide worker shortage so severe, the category is taking on increased importance in our methodology.We consider multiple quality of life factors, including crime rates, environmental quality, and health care. We also look at the quality and availability of childcare, which is one of the most important factors in getting parents back into the workforce.Casting the widest possible net for workers means not turning anyone away. So we consider inclusiveness in state laws by measuring protections against discrimination, as well as voting rights. And with surveys showing a substantial percentage of women considering abortion restrictions when making a choice of where to live in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, reproductive rights are part of this year's equation as well.As North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, a Democrat, told CNBC after being named the No. 1 State for 2023, he is worried about gains that southern states have made to become economic powerhouses in recent decades. "You still see people going to Florida and Texas, but you begin to see deterioration over time. Site selectors will tell you these issues matter when it comes time for businesses to make tough decisions."Some states are putting out the welcome mat to attract the biggest, happiest, and most diverse workforce — America's Best States to Live and Work In. These are not those states. By the numbers, these are America's worst states to live and work in for 2023.
10. Florida
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reacts after signing HB 7, the Individual Freedom bill, also dubbed the "Stop Woke Act," at Mater Academy Charter Middle/High School in Hialeah Gardens, Florida, on April 22, 2022.Daniel A. Varela | Miami Herald | Getty ImagesFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis hopes to ride his "War on Woke" to the White House, but it is not winning his state points for quality of life. Supporters of the state's "Stop WOKE Act", which DeSantis signed into law in 2022, say it protects employees from diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives that DeSantis says are toxic. But many companies consider DEI an economic imperative, and courts have struck down parts of the law. The recent Supreme Court decision on affirmative action in higher education, however, is expected to lead to new legal challenges related to DEI programs in the corporate world.Florida is also one of the most difficult states to vote in, according to researchers at Northern Illinois University. DeSantis argues that none of this is stopping huge numbers of people from moving to Florida, and he has a point. The state leads the nation in just about every measure of migration. But rated strictly on Life, Health and Inclusion, the Sunshine State can be a dreary place.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 129 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: D)Strengths: Air Quality, Childcare, Worker ProtectionsWeaknesses: Inclusiveness, Reproductive Rights
9. Arkansas
Little Rock Police Department detectives and crime scene personnel collect evidence at the in Little Rock, Arkansas following a shooting.Benjamin Krain | | Getty ImagesFew states have suffered as badly from the scourge of illegal drugs as Arkansas, which has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, according to FBI statistics. Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders blamed the crime problem on lax penalties, as well as prison overcrowding that is forcing the state's prison system to release some violent offenders before they complete their entire sentences. In April, she signed legislation to stiffen penalties, curtail early releases, and fund new prison space. But crime is just one of the Natural State's problems. Another is health care, with, for example, just 42 dentists for every 100,000 residents, according to the United Health Foundation.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 118 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: D-)Strengths: Childcare, Air QualityWeaknesses: Crime, Inclusiveness, Reproductive Rights, Health Care
8. Tennessee
The Pride Parade at the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival on June 15, 2023 in Manchester, Tennessee.Douglas Mason | Getty Images Entertainment | Getty ImagesTennessee has enthusiastically passed laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, even if it has meant crossing the bounds of constitutionality — like a ban on drag shows where children are present, which a federal judge struck down in June. Or another law struck down by a federal judge in 2021 that would have required businesses to post a warning sign on restrooms where transgender people are allowed. But plenty of other laws have survived, like a transgender youth sports ban, and laws that provide religious exemptions allowing health care and child welfare professionals to deny service to transgender people.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 115 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: D-)Strengths: Childcare, Air QualityWeaknesses: Inclusiveness, Crime, Voting Rights
7. Indiana
Matt Carr | Stone | Getty ImagesWith fewer than 10 licensed childcare facilities per 100,000 residents, the Hoosier State is making it hard for some families to fully participate in the workforce. It is the second-worst figure in the nation (behind Louisiana), according to the advocacy group Child Care Aware. Protections against discrimination under state law are limited as well.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 113 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: D-)Strength: Crime RateWeaknesses: Childcare, Inclusiveness
6. Missouri
Giuliana Cangelosi, 11, left, and her mother Nichole Cangelosi share a moment together while attending a protest opposing the Supreme Court's ruling overturning federal protections for abortion rights Friday, June 24, 2022., in Mill Creek Park at Country Club Plaza. (Emily Curiel/The Kansas City Star/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)Emily Curiel | Kansas City Star | Getty ImagesThe Show Me State is showing abortion opponents the way. In 2019, the state became the first to enact a so-called "trigger law," which went into effect moments after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. The law, one of the strictest in the nation, bans all abortions except in the case of a medical emergency, which the abortion provider must prove. Also, Missouri's violent crime rate is among the nation's highest.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 98 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: F)Strength: Air QualityWeaknesses: Voting Rights, Reproductive Rights, Crime
4. (tie) Alabama
Voters stand in a long line that leads out the door to vote at Beulah Baptist Church polling station in Montgomery, Alabama.Jim Watson | AFP | Getty ImagesAlabama is one of America's unhealthiest states, with the fourth-highest rate of premature deaths. It is also one of the most difficult states to vote in, with no in-person early voting and restrictions on voting by mail, according to the Center for Election Innovation and Research. Worker protections are limited, as are protections against discrimination.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 86 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: F)Strength: Air QualityWeaknesses: Voting Rights, Worker Protections, Inclusiveness, Health
4. (tie) South Carolina
Senior woman checking blood sugar levels with a diabetes home test kit. Black middle class America family.Willie B. Thomas | Digitalvision | Getty ImagesSouth Carolina is an unhealthy state, both at home and on the job. The state has the nation's fifth-highest rate of occupational deaths, and it finishes in the top ten for frequent physical and mental distress overall. Legal protections for workers are limited, and the state's violent crime rate also finishes in the top ten.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 86 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: F)Strength: Air QualityWeaknesses: Health, Worker Protections, Inclusiveness, Crime, Voting Rights
3. Louisiana
Film image.Scott Zdon | Moment | Getty ImagesWith just 76 licensed childcare facilities in a state of 4.6 million people, no state does worse than Louisiana in this increasingly important quality of life metric. State lawmakers have begun trying to remedy that, approving $44 million in new funding in the final hours of the 2023 legislative session, quickly signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards. Louisiana won't solve its childcare problem overnight, but the new funding is a down payment on an improvement in the Pelican State's poor quality of life.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 76 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: F)Strengths: No metrics in the top 25Weaknesses: Child Care, Crime, Reproductive Rights
2. Oklahoma
Dr. Franz Theard consults a woman seeking abortion from Oklahoma in his clinic, Womens Reproductive Clinic, a provider of abortions in Santa Teresa, New Mexico on May 7, 2022. Paul Ratje/The Washington Post via Getty ImagesPaul Ratje | The Washington Post | Getty ImagesOverall health in Oklahoma is not okay, with one of the nation's highest rates of drug abuse, and the second-highest rate of people without health insurance. The Sooner State's 1910 abortion ban remains among the strictest in the nation, even after its state supreme court struck down some parts of it, like the provision that required a medical emergency to justify an abortion. The law makes performing an abortion a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, unless the procedure is necessary to preserve the mother's life.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 75 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: F)Strength: Air QualityWeaknesses: Reproductive Rights, Health, Voting Rights
1. Texas
A Pride flag is seen held up in a crowd during preparation for a Queer March to the Texas State Capitol on April 15, 2023 in Austin, Texas. People from across Texas rallied together in protest against a slew of anti-LGBTQIA+ and drag bills being proposed among legislators.Brandon Bell | Getty ImagesHow could 200,000 college educated workers moving to Texas each year possibly be wrong? It depends on how you look at it. With the nation's highest percentage of people without health insurance and the second lowest number of primary care physicians per capita, all those new Texans are arriving to find a dismal health care system. Texas has the nation's thirteenth-highest violent crime rate, and it ranks thirty seventh for licensed childcare facilities per capita.The Lone Star State keeps hacking away at inclusiveness, with laws targeting the LGBTQ+ population, voting rights, and the nation's strictest abortion ban. Yes, there are enormous economic opportunities in Texas, and it is attracting people from far and wide. But this state also has some Texas-sized issues when it comes to life, health and inclusion. And it is one of the reasons that the state fell out of the overall top five for the first time in the 16-year history of CNBC's rankings.2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 53 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: F)Strengths: No metrics in the top 25Weaknesses: Reproductive Rights, Health, Voting Rights, Worker Protections, Inclusiveness Source link Read the full article
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hrtoolkitbyexela · 1 year
The Most Common Recruitment Process Challenges Hindering Business Growth
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In today's ever-evolving business world, competition is fierce. To attract, hire, and retain the best talent, organizations are striving to out-complete others in their industry. Hiring has become a tough nut to crack - irrespective of the fact whether you're hiring a mill worker or a CEO for a big giant - the challenge is industry-agnostic and universal. Attracting and convincing more senior talent, such as VPs, CTOs, or other C-suites, is more challenging these days; organizations have to take support from a plethora of executive search agencies - solely specializing in finding leaders. There are several other techniques to lure and hire the best talent for your company. While you struggle to fill roles and wonder how to make the top candidates lists, ensure your recruitment processes are well-organized and smooth.
74% of employers have hired the wrong person due to ineffective recruitment practices.
There are multiple reasons why traditional recruitment processes can go wrong. First, most companies often tend to pay more attention to the revenue-generating teams, completely freezing out human resources. This way, you never get to acknowledge the challenges your recruitment teams are facing. So, here's a list of challenges faced by the company's recruitment processes that will give you a comprehensive view of potential growth areas.
The most common challenges in the recruitment processes
Employee recruitment processes are the most complex processes human resource professionals have to deal with. From creating strategies to plans for recruitment, every action has an equal impact on the business's progress, for better or worse. There are employee recruitment tools and recruitment process outsourcing firms that make the process smoother. However, it is crucial to understand the challenges first. Here are some of the common challenges faced by the company's recruitment processes.
Forgetting about the measurable goals and metrics
Promoting the wrong brand image through recruitment marketing and the careers page
Not using the 'social' part of social media
Inconvenient application process
Absence of an employee referral program
Impersonal communication
The Bottom Line
If you are still using age-old techniques, recruiting processes can be challenging. Siloed processes tend to hinder organizational growth and must be acknowledged on priority. The above-listed challenges will help you get a comprehensive view of areas with scope for improvement. If you are still facing issues getting past these recruiting process challenges, you can opt to outsource your hiring practices to hire and retain the best talent. Exela HR Solutions is an exceptional HR outsourcing service provider that will help you attract, hire, and retain the best talent for your organizational requirements. Speak with our experts at Exela HR Solutions today and learn more about transforming your HR functions and maximizing ROIs!
To read the details of common challenges in the recruitment processes click on the link: https://ehrs.exelatech.in/blog/most-common-recruitment-process-challenges-hindering-business-growth
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franetic3 · 1 year
Digital Marketing And Its Importance
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Online Advertising
Undoubtedly, the new and smart strategies for the businesses are the need of the hour. The market is now full with small and large scales business, thus the biggest challenge that both the consumers and producers both have to face is the presence of different brands selling the same product. For example, if you go to a store for buying dark chocolate, you can easily find 6-7 brands selling the dark chocolate even at the same price. This is the level of competition, which producers are facing these days. Therefore, to make your product recognized by everyone it is important to standout your business presence in the online world with smart digital marketing tactics.
Online Advertising
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is a broad term that includes advertising, promoting, and strengthening the online presence of businesses through digital platforms. Some of the digital tactics that fall under the umbrella of 'Digital Marketing' are digital advertising, email marketing, content marketing, pay-per-click, online brochures, and more. Unlike other offline marketing efforts, digital marketing allows getting accurate results in real time. For example, if you put an advertisement in the newspaper, it is nearly impossible to estimate how many people flipped to that page and paid attention to that ad. While with digital marketing, you can easily measure your ROI of any aspect of your marketing efforts. According to Crux Creative Solutions Private Limited, one of the best online marketing agencies in Delhi NCR is here to explain why digital marketing has become so important.
Website Traffic: As discussed above, it is very difficult to understand how people are engaging with your brand through offline marketing. While online marketing helps you in identifying trends and patterns about how people are behaving with your brand. Hence, you can make better strategies in the future to attract more and more consumers to the website. Not only can this, with digital marketing you get the exact number of people who have viewed your website's homepage in real time by using digital analytics software. These stats help you in deciding which digital strategies to continue and which to stop using.
High Visibility on Search Engines: Search Engine Optimisation is another powerful digital marketing strategy that offers a variety of benefits to the business owners. As discussed, there is tough competition between the brands in the market. When we search any service on the search engine, we get 100s of results. Naturally, we believe in the top five searches because they are the most reliable website links according to Google. Thus, by optimizing your website content through digital marketing strategies, you can reach to more online buyers.
Content Performance: Online marketing lets you estimate your content performance. Let us understand this with an example, imagine you have delivered pamphlets and posters to a different sector of societies. The problem is that you have no idea how many people opened those posters or threw it in the dustbins. Now imagine that you have that same poster on your website. You can exactly measure how many people clicked that poster, how many closed that poster and the details of those who clicked the poster. This not only informs how engaging is your content also generates leads for your website.
Digital marketers at CRUX, the renowned digital marketing agency in Gurgaon offers the best campaign plans with excellent planning, adaptable strategies, and precise execution to cater to the needs of clients. After Fujifilm, Sony, Quantum Naturals, Park Hospital, and many more, we would love to have you in our client's list. Our set of services includes creative designing, SEO development, web development, content marketing, and more.
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itscomhes · 1 year
Importance of Digital Marketing Compared to Old-Time Newspaper Marketing
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There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Healthcare Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
Source: https://comhes.com/
#There is no denying that the Internet#coupled with technological advancements#has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier#the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s gen#there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.#What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?#In healthcare#digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored#Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India#The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 an#the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion b#with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)#Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?#The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising method#broadcasts#direct mail#telephone#and outdoor advertising like billboards. However#conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:#Very costly#Almost no direct interaction with the audience#Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.#No room for customizations to target a specific audience#Measuring ROI becomes tough.#The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.#Receiving feedback is not easy.#Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?#As per ClickZ#the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channe#websites
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Digital Marketing And Its Importance
Undoubtedly, the new and smart strategies for the businesses are the need of the hour. The market is now full with small and large scales business, thus the biggest challenge that both the consumers and producers both have to face is the presence of different brands selling the same product. For example, if you go to a store for buying dark chocolate, you can easily find 6-7 brands selling the dark chocolate even at the same price. This is the level of competition, which producers are facing these days. Therefore, to make your product recognized by everyone it is important to standout your business presence in the online world with smart digital marketing tactics web design
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What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is a broad term that includes advertising, promoting, and strengthening the online presence of businesses through digital platforms. Some of the digital tactics that fall under the umbrella of 'Digital Marketing' are digital advertising, email marketing, content marketing, pay-per-click, online brochures, and more. Unlike other offline marketing efforts, digital marketing allows getting accurate results in real time. For example, if you put an advertisement in the newspaper, it is nearly impossible to estimate how many people flipped to that page and paid attention to that ad. While with digital marketing, you can easily measure your ROI of any aspect of your marketing efforts. According to Crux Creative Solutions Private Limited, one of the best online marketing agencies in Delhi NCR is here to explain why digital marketing has become so important.
Website Traffic: As discussed above, it is very difficult to understand how people are engaging with your brand through offline marketing. While online marketing helps you in identifying trends and patterns about how people are behaving with your brand. Hence, you can make better strategies in the future to attract more and more consumers to the website. Not only can this, with digital marketing you get the exact number of people who have viewed your website's homepage in real time by using digital analytics software. These stats help you in deciding which digital strategies to continue and which to stop using.
High Visibility on Search Engines: Search Engine Optimisation is another powerful digital marketing strategy that offers a variety of benefits to the business owners. As discussed, there is tough competition between the brands in the market. When we search any service on the search engine, we get 100s of results. Naturally, we believe in the top five searches because they are the most reliable website links according to Google. Thus, by optimizing your website content through digital marketing strategies, you can reach to more online buyers.
Content Performance: Online marketing lets you estimate your content performance. Let us understand this with an example, imagine you have delivered pamphlets and posters to a different sector of societies. The problem is that you have no idea how many people opened those posters or threw it in the dustbins. Now imagine that you have that same poster on your website. You can exactly measure how many people clicked that poster, how many closed that poster and the details of those who clicked the poster. This not only informs how engaging is your content also generates leads for your website.
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swiftscion · 1 year
As the most successful scammers of the group, “Marth” and “Roy” are your biggest targets. A chance encounter in a large town brings you face to face with the two, but things turn complicated when a crowd forms in support of the imposters. A gaggle of fans proudly support these “down-to-earth princes”, viciously defending them against your supposed slander. Try as you might, just one sensuous “babygirl” from Marth is enough to rally the crowd against you. The puffed-up “Roy” goes as far as to say they are undefeatable in their strength and purity of heart… but can they prove it? [Grants Sword +1]
“Purity of heart’s hard to measure, but strength...” 
The silvered sheen of a sword sings as it is unsheathed. Its note, played loud and clear like a tuning fork, cuts through the errant noise of the crowd sharper than its edge; the mere sight of a weapon is enough to shut any clamoring up. Good old strength. Wind blowing past a sword’s naked blade is both the means and ends of proving strength. When it clashes with another, it demands that quality--forces two bodies to push forward in a way where only one can come out on top. And drawing as Larcei does speaks her mind without a word: she intends to wield her strength over this joker.
“Let’s see it,” she challenges, her eyes locking onto her target, “You think you’re so tough?! Bring it on! I’ll cut your tongue off and teach you to regret those words!” 
Of course, she cannot have just the silence. Her emotions must, as they always have, as they always do, rise to the surface of her skin and flare up with their vivid colors. Red-hot anger mixes with dandelion-hued excitement, at the thought of being able to put these posers in their place. The truth is, she’s been waiting for the chance to cleave them ever since she heard of her exploits--Roy just gave her an opening.
But Marth isn’t off the hook, either. She turns half a gaze to Kris--her ally and fellow lion--assuming he’s just as ready as she is. “And seeing as how it’s two-on-one... You!” a gloved finger shoots out at the Altean hoax, never ready to forgive the way he schmoozes over innocent girls, “I fight fair. Draw your sword, unless the great Marth is too chicken to fight a pair of students!” 
Though the crowd has now begun to boo Larcei and her display of bravado, no part of it moves to break up the fight. To hell with her reputation. She couldn’t care for their opinion of her, so long as they hold the princes in high enough regard that they expect them to mop the floor with her and Kris. She’ll prove them--all of them--wrong, and teach another good-for-nothing the dangers of a silvered tongue. 
Knees bend, arms hold steady, heart becomes one with blade; Larcei enters her battle stance. No longer is the tip of her stellar sword pointed at the fakers for a challenge. Its grip is perfectly balanced, ready to strike out after Isaachian feet launch off these cobbled floors. It stares them down prepared to kill, or at least hurt and maim--since the former might get Larcei into trouble. 
Marth and Roy each look to the other with more confusion than confidence. But they resolve that they cannot back down, not when their pride as princes hangs in the balance. So they, too, prepare to engage. Their prop Falchion and Binding Blade enter the courtyard of readied swords. Decorative though they may be, each is still made of tempered steel, and steel knows how to hunt.
“Kris,” she whispers, “when one goes down, don’t let the other escape. They’re both going to pay for this...!” 
//starter for @unsungblade
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11 Benefits Of Digital Marketing Courses in Laxmi Nagar
As the digital world continues to evolve, so too do the marketing opportunities available to businesses. Digital marketing can deliver measurable results, create brand awareness, and drive sales faster than ever before. For these reasons, digital marketing courses in Laxmi Nagar are becoming increasingly popular. These digital marketing courses allow you to learn the skills necessary to become a successful digital marketer and help you develop a career in this field. If you're considering taking one of these courses but aren't sure what kind of benefits it can provide, then read on! Here we will explore 11 benefits of taking a digital marketing course in Laxmi Nagar.
Digital Marketing Strategy for eCommerce Business
Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow an eCommerce business. By creating a digital marketing strategy, businesses can reach a larger audience and generate more sales. There are many benefits of taking a digital marketing course, including: 1. Increased traffic to the website: A digital marketing course will teach you how to optimize your website for search engines, which will result in more traffic. 2. More leads and conversions: By learning how to properly market your business online, you'll generate more leads and conversions. 3. Improved brand awareness: Taking a digital marketing course will help you build strong branding for your eCommerce business, which will improve brand awareness and recognition. 4. Competitive advantage: With so many businesses competing online, it's important to have a competitive edge. Taking a digital marketing course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to stand out from your competitors. 5. Increased ROI: Digital marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business. With a higher ROI, you'll be able to invest more in other areas of your business and see even more growth.
What Is Digital Marketing Strategy?
Digital marketing strategy is the process of planning, creating, and executing a marketing plan that uses digital channels to reach and engage customers. A good digital marketing strategy will help you to achieve your business goals by using the most effective and efficient means possible. Some benefits of having a good digital marketing strategy include: 1. Increased reach: With a well-executed digital marketing strategy, you can reach a larger audience more easily than with traditional marketing methods. This is because people are increasingly spending time online and are more likely to see your content if it is placed where they are already looking. 2. Greater engagement: Digital channels allow you to create more engaging content than traditional methods. This content can be in the form of videos, blogs, infographics, or even interactive quizzes. When done well, this type of content will capture attention and encourage people to stay on your site longer – which can lead to conversions. 3. More data: A digital marketing campaign provides you with more data than other forms of marketing so that you can track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed. This data includes things like website traffic, click-through rates, leads generated, and even sales numbers. 4. Cost-effective: Digital marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business – especially if you take advantage of free or low-cost channels like social media or email marketing. Even paid advertising platforms like Google AdWords can
How to start your career in digital marketing course?
If you're looking to start your career in digital marketing, you can't go wrong with a digital marketing course in Laxmi Nagar. Laxmi Nagar is home to some of the best digital marketing courses in the country. With so many options to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a digital marketing course in Laxmi Nagar: 1. Make sure the course is accredited. There are a lot of fly-by-night digital marketing courses out there. You want to make sure you're getting your education from a reputable source. 2. Choose a course that covers all the basics. A good digital marketing course will cover everything from SEO to social media marketing to email marketing. 3. Make sure the course is updated regularly. The world of digital marketing changes quickly, so you want to make sure your course is keeping up with the latest trends and best practices.
Read Our Related Post - Best Digital Marketing Course In Laxmi Nagar
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kingresan · 1 year
digital marketing service in bangladesh
As the world becomes more and more digital, businesses are starting to wake up to the fact that they need to have a strong online presence if they want to stay relevant and competitive. And with so many businesses vying for attention online, it can be tough to stand out from the crowd. That's where we come in. We're a digital marketing service based in Bangladesh, and we specialize in helping businesses boost their online visibility and reach their target audiences. Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales, we can tailor a digital marketing strategy that will help you achieve your goals. So if you're ready to take your business to the next level, contact us today!
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is the process of using electronic channels to promote or market products and services to consumers and businesses. This can include online advertising, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and more. Digital marketing has become increasingly important for businesses over the past decade as technology has advanced and the world has become more connected. With more people using the internet and interacting with digital devices on a daily basis, there are more opportunities for businesses to reach their target audiences through various digital channels. However, with so many different channels and strategies available, it can be difficult to know where to start or what will work best for your business. That's where a digital marketing service can help. A digital marketing service can provide expert guidance and support to help you plan and execute a successful digital marketing strategy that meets your business goals.
What services does digital marketing include?
Digital marketing services can include a wide variety of activities and strategies, all designed to help businesses reach their target audiences online. Some of the most common services include: -Search engine optimization (SEO): This is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). -Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: This is a form of advertising where you pay for each click on your ad, regardless of whether or not it leads to a sale. -Social media marketing: This involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms in order to build relationships and engage with potential and existing customers. -Content marketing: This strategy focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience, and ultimately drive profitable customer action.
What are the benefits of digital marketing?
Digital marketing has a number of benefits over traditional marketing techniques. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it is much more cost-effective. With digital marketing, businesses can reach a wider audience with less money spent on advertising and promotion. Another big benefit is that digital marketing is much more targeted than traditional marketing. Businesses can use data to target their ads and content to people who are more likely to be interested in what they have to offer. This means that businesses can get better results from their digital marketing campaigns, and they can save money by not wasting their time and resources on ads that won’t reach the right people. Digital marketing also offers a number of other advantages, such as the ability to track results and measure ROI. With traditional marketing, it can be difficult to know how effective your campaign has been. With digital marketing, businesses can track every click and view, so they can see exactly how many people are seeing their ads and taking action from them. This information can then be used to improve future campaigns.
How can I get started with digital marketing in Bangladesh?
There are a number of ways to get started with digital marketing in Bangladesh. One way is to join a digital marketing agency. Another way is to start your own digital marketing business. If you want to join a digital marketing agency, you will need to find an agency that suits your skills and interests. You can then contact the agency and inquire about their services. If you want to start your own digital marketing business, you will need to create a business plan and find clients. You can start by offering your services to local businesses. You can also build a website and use social media to promote your business.
Case studies of successful digital marketing campaigns in Bangladesh
There are many examples of successful digital marketing campaigns in Bangladesh. A few of these are highlighted below: 1. The 'Deshi Digital' Campaign by Grameenphone: This was a nationwide campaign aimed at promoting the use of mobile internet among the people of Bangladesh. It featured a series of TV commercials, radio ads and online videos that showed how mobile internet can be used in everyday life to make things easier. The campaign was very successful and helped increase the number of mobile internet users in Bangladesh significantly. 2. The 'Safe Drive Save Life' Campaign by Airtel Bangladesh: This was a safety awareness campaign that used digital marketing channels to reach out to its target audience. The campaign urged people to be more careful while driving and to avoid accidents. It featured a series of TV commercials, radio ads, online videos and social media posts that were very effective in creating awareness about road safety. 3. The 'E-Commerce for All' Campaign by bKash: This was a nationwide campaign aimed at promoting the use of e-commerce among the people of Bangladesh. It featured a series of TV commercials, radio ads, online videos and social media posts that explained how e-commerce can be used in everyday life to make things easier. The campaign was very successful and helped increase the number of people using e-commerce in Bangladesh significantly.
Overall, we can say that hiring a digital marketing agency in Bangladesh is a great way to improve your online presence and reach a wider audience. If you're looking for help with your digital marketing efforts, we highly recommend reaching out to an agency like ours. We specialize in helping businesses of all sizes grow their online visibility and achieve their goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you take your business to the next level.
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10 tips to sell your home for more money
Although it may be easier to sell your home in a seller's market, you should still put effort into making your home look presentable and valuable to potential buyers. There are a few key steps you can take to increase the asking price of your home, from working with an experienced real estate agent to making simple renovations and improvements. By taking these measures, you will be able to sell your home for more money and in a shorter time frame. If you're looking to increase the odds of selling your home and making top dollar, experts say utilizing these 10 tips will help separate you from the competition.
1. Find a trusted real estate agent
If you want to sell your home fast and for top dollar, working with an experienced real estate agent is key. According to the National Association of Realtors, in 2021 homes that were sold without the help of a professional agent had a median price of only $260,000. Whereas, homes that did have an agent sold at much higher rates, with a median price tag of $318,000. When choosing someone to represent you during this process, be sure interview multiple candidates so you can find someone alignment with who could make this experience as seamless as possible for all parties involved.
2. Invest in value-adding improvements
It's tough to decide which home improvements are worth the money, but thankfully there is data to help make the decision easier. According to Remodeling magazine, garage door replacements have the highest ROI of any other project, averaging just under 94%. If you're looking to invest in your home, consider upgrading your kitchen says Realtor Jade Lee-Duffy of TXR Homes in San Diego, California. “The heart of the home is the kitchen, and many buyers will judge a property by its kitchen,” she says. “While a complete overhaul of this space can run into the tens of thousands, a minor update is where you can gain the greatest return. Think about resurfacing cabinets, replacing countertops, a fresh coat of paint or updating the fixtures and hardware.” According to Katie Severance, a Realtor with Douglas Elliman in Palm Beach, Florida, renovating a bathroom is another smart investment. “Renovated kitchens and baths are the ‘money rooms’ — those that add the most value to a home,” she says.
3. Up your curb appeal
Curb appeal is important because it's your chance to make a good first impression.“Make sure your front yard is free of debris, the bushes are pruned and the grass has been cut,” says Lee-Duffy. “Also, add some bright potted plants by the front door to make buyers feel welcome.” Severance says that some easy updates that can really help improve your home's curb appeal include touching up the exterior paint, adding window flower boxes, and installing a new mailbox. “Adding rich-looking mulch around shrubs and trees can really bring out the charm,” she adds.
4. Get a pre-listing inspection
Another step to think about when you're preparing to sell your home is getting a professional inspection. “You don’t want any unexpected surprises,” says Lee-Duffy. “It’s best to find out beforehand if there are any issues that you can fix before buyers find out on their own.” That would give them the advantage in negotiations for a lower price, or--in a worse case scenario--a way to back out of the deal. So it may be worth spending a few hundred dollars to put your mind at ease. There is, however, a downside to a pre-listing inspection. “Beware, because once a seller becomes aware of an existing defect and does not correct it prior to listing, they are obligated to disclose it to a buyer,” says Severance. “Defects that a buyer learns were known but not disclosed, prior to accepting an offer, can kill the deal.”
5. Highlight the positive with professional photos
Investing in professional photography can help increase your home's resale value. “The majority of people search for properties online,” says Lee-Duffy. “If the photos pop, it can translate into a higher sales price — and sell faster, too.” There are some things you may want to keep to yourself when listing your home online. “I advise against photographing every square foot of the home,” says Severance. “The goal of photographs is not to give all the goodies away online; it’s to make a buyer want to see more — to whet their whistle enough to entice them to see it in person. If they don’t come see the house, they probably aren’t making an offer.”
6. Stage your home
Severance believes that two guidelines should be followed when staging a home: using less décor and maintaining a neutral color scheme. “It’s very important to capture buyers’ interest from the front door,” she says. “Pay extra attention to the entry hall and invest heavily in staging this part of the house. Repaint; place flowers; buy a new area rug, an impressive mirror or a dramatic piece of art.” Declutter your home to make it appear bigger and more open. This means removing large pieces of furniture, getting rid of visual distractions, and minimizing the number of appliances on counters. “And don’t forget to stage the deck or patio, because that is an extension of the house that can make a small home feel much larger than it is,” Severance adds. If you want to increase your home's value by improving its staging, then you have two options: do it yourself or hire a professional. On average, hiring a pro will cost about $1,728.
7. Set the right asking price
If you want to sell your home, setting the right price is key. A fair asking price will result in more buyers scheduling a viewing. “Setting the price too high can be detrimental and prevent buyers from walking through your front door,” says Lee-Duffy. “If you want to be conservative, always price on the lower end to entice maximum buyer interest.” It can be tricky to find the sweet spot of pricing for profit yet not overpricing, but that is where an experienced agent's expertise comes in handy. They will know your house's true value and how much you could potentially make from the sale. “Good pricing requires the expertise to thread the needle,” says Severance. “List at a number that is lower than comparable properties, in order to draw attention to it, but not so low that you will be disappointed if you only get one offer right at list price.” If you can manage to interest enough buyers, you may be able to start a bidding war.
8. Remove personal items
“The goal of any showing is for the buyer to envision their own belongings in the space,” says Severance. Therefore, even though family photos and other mementos might seem like they don't affect how much money your home sells for, they really do matter — especially if you're still living in the house while trying to sell it. “Buyers are thinking of their own furniture, where it will go and how it will fit. It’s the house they came to see, not the items inside of it,” she says. If potential buyers are too busy focused on personal items in the space, then they won't be able to see themselves living there and making an offer.
9. Be ready to move fast
By preparing in advance, you will be able to more quickly respond when your property is listed and offers start rolling in. “Fill out all the necessary documents, such as any seller disclosures, and have paperwork for recent repair work, home renovation costs and utility bills on-hand for any buyer requests that come in,” says Lee-Duffy. Sellers who are slow in reaction time or unresponsive can lose buyers, adds Severance. “If the buyer feels that they are not being dealt with fairly, they are very likely to walk away,” she says.
10. Use your head, not your heart
Lastly, try to see things clearly and without emotion — your home is now a product for sale, not just "home." Be aware of what you would be willing to concede if buyers made requests. It's not uncommon for visitors to ask for repairs or credits, but as the seller it's easy to get offended. “It’s important to take emotion out of it and remember that the buyer usually doesn’t expect to get everything they ask for,” says Severance. “Take a closer look at which requests are valid and fair, and offer something. The cost to you is not in giving the concession — it’s the expense of losing the buyer, putting the property back on the market, starting all over again and getting a potentially lower offer.”
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aqaushivi · 2 years
Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Your Business
When the world has turned into a global village most of the activities are being done digitally and so is marketing. Digital marketing plays a vital role in boosting the growth of small businesses. Most consumers have shifted to a digital platform for their day-to-day needs. 
This is enough for you to know the benefits of digital marketing. So here Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing. 
1. Digital Marketing is the most powerful form of marketing 
From engaging customers to increasing your reach digital marketing does everything for you. There are numerous live examples of small businesses that started their business from their home and now are performing excellently. Hence this makes digital marketing indeed a very powerful tool.
2. One of the most cost-effective ways of marketing. 
A mere post has the potential to reach Millions of target customers all at one click which makes it a very cost-effective tool. It's an added factor for small businesses. Usually, small businesses do not want to invest a lot in advertising due to a lack of funds. Here digital marketing can help you.
3. Most Measurable form of marketing 
With the help of digital marketing, it's easy for you to calculate your growth over a period of time. Measuring your day-to-day performance will help you to perform in the right direction and make your business customer-centric. Appropriate strategies will improve  ROI and reduce unecessary costs of the business.
4. Identify and target your potential customer. 
Social media platforms are a pool of active users but not all of them can become your potential customers. Here comes the role of digital marketing. It helps you to identify and sample your target audience which later increases productivity. 
5. Most people buy products online. 
Whatever question pops into your head randomly, where do you go to find the answers? Search engines like google right? 
And so do your customers. By creating content that is optimized by search engines you can increase the visibility of your business on online platforms. More visibility will increase more chances of getting potential customers.
6. Social media platforms entail potential customers. 
As I already said social media is a pool of active users and Digital marketing will help you to reach out to them. Social media has the biggest scope of digital marketing as it helps in successful conversions through customers.
7. Connects you with mobile customers
Irrespective of what device a user is using the internet digital marketing will help you to reach out to them whether it's the phone, tablet, computer, or laptop via digital marketing your potential customers are just a few clicks away. 
8. Easily adapt your strategies and tactics. 
Digital marketing will help you in knowing what's trending and modify your current strategies accordingly. Here digital marketing takes an edge over traditional marketing as it may take weeks to finally decide what tactic is working for your business. 
9. Less time consuming
Once you get a hold of how to use digital marketing tools you are all set to go. It is definitely less time-consuming than the traditional methods of marketing. Because of this you can make quick modifications to your tactics and save crucial time. 
10. Your business becomes more competitive. 
Without digital marketing, your business wouldn't even have an existence over the internet. Through digital marketing, your business gets more visibility, and more exposure and hence becomes more competitive. You can increase the traction of consumers and give a tough fight to your competitors.
To sum up 
Digital Marketing is of utmost importance in today's world and every business especially small businesses that is looking for a way to get exposure must find out what digital marketing has to offer to them. it'll be a true game changer for your business.
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