#Max Haltmann
mattis-flo · 5 months
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Kirby doodle's while I listened to final boss themes! excuse the many open spaces. im too lazy and tired to crop everything
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i-like-eyes · 7 months
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what the hell torsos??
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ask-morpho-knight · 4 months
Hey Morpho I got a question: Does Max Haltmann exist in the afterlife at all in this universe?
Was he able to escape complete erasure from Star Dream? Did a single fragment of him escape Star Dream's grasp to be capable of seeing the afterlife at all? Or nah, he's gone entirely?
If it's the latter... then man, it'll really suck for Susie if she can't even see her dad again when she passes. Have you ever spoken to her about what may have happened to her dad's soul?
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taranza-stan · 2 years
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Bonus Poll!
Inspired by mod telling one of their cousins about Kirby lore >:D /silly
Explaining Kirby lore was. extremely fun ^-^
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icedragonlizard · 2 months
Headcanons for Susie's birthdays
I have headcanons for what Susie's birthdays are like throughout her life... Planet Robobot's anniversary is the perfect day to post them!
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Susie experienced a massive deprivation of birthday celebrations. A large chunk of her life, her birthdays weren't even celebrated at all.
During the first several years of her life, her beloved father was there to celebrate little Susie's birthdays and spoil her rotten with presents. It was such a wonderful time for her. She loved every minute of it....
.... But that never happened ever again after she got sucked into the portal that sent her to Another Dimension. That changed it all forever.
That marks the beginning of Susie's birthdays going completely uncelebrated for a very long time. There was no way for her birthdays to be celebrated during her time in Another Dimension. Her father wasn't around to do it anymore. There was literally no other lifeform in Another Dimension that was willing to wish her a happy birthday... Susie didn't encounter anything aside from predatory sphere doomers that were ready to attack her time and time again.
Man, it would've helped out SO MUCH if she encountered Magolor at that place.
Susie tried to self-celebrate her first birthday in Another Dimension, but it felt very empty to do so. It didn't feel nearly the same as when her father was there to help celebrate it with her, and it didn't really did anything to cheer herself up because she was still utterly miserable to be stuck in this hell dimension. It was all-around tragic.
She was forced to concede to not having her birthdays receive any sort of celebration whatsoever for a long time. It was hard on her. She was spoiled so hard by everything her father did for her when she was little, it emotionally destroyed her to have all of that be forcibly taken away from her. She was deprived of so many things after she got banished to Another Dimension. She was robbed of so, so much.
She was stuck in that place for more than a decade. She's had to go that long without any birthday celebrations. That's... that's so long.
And to make matters worse, it didn't even stop there! When Susie finally escaped Another Dimension to see her dad again, her birthdays still weren't getting celebrated at all. The deprivation went on for even longer! On top of her dad not remembering her being his daughter at all and refusing to accept hugs from her, it would come as no surprise that he also didn't bother celebrating her birthdays at that point. He simply didn't have the emotional attachment to do so.
He didn't even celebrate his own birthdays anymore after Star Dream ate his mind.
It got to the point where Susie just saw her birthday as something insignificant. She was already used to not having it celebrated at all after being stuck in Another Dimension for so long, and so she just gave up on the mere idea of her birthday completely when her senile father couldn't be arsed to do anything for it. Everything that happened to Susie had eventually conditioned her into not caring about her birthday. That's what happens when one gets so deprived.
However... things change after the events of Planet Robobot, when Susie's father dies, and she makes friends for the first time in forever.
At one point, Kirby asked Susie when her birthday was. He was curious to know. Susie reluctantly answered. She told him what her birthday was, but by that point she didn't care about her birthday anymore. She said to him that she didn't celebrate it at all and didn't even see the point in doing so, since she has no family to celebrate it.
That response made Kirby sad. He's a little guy with an enormous heart. He cares so much about his friends, that's why he asks about their birthdays because he really wants to do something for them.
A lot of things about Susie made Kirby really sad after they became friends. Even just losing her father was sad enough for him, but she had even told him some of her tragic story which absolutely broke his heart. He's came to see just how deprived she was of so many things. That she broke down crying when he gave her a hug for the first time was proof of deprivation of hugs. That she went through so many birthdays uncelebrated is also proof of deprivation. Just... uggghhhh!
She didn't deserve that. She deserved so much better than that, Kirby thought. He wanted to do something for Susie when her birthday finally came around. He felt like he had to! And so he did.
Who's to say that your birthdays can't also be celebrated by people that aren't family?
At one point, when Susie's birthday came up, she got met with something she never expected to see. It shocked her beyond belief.
Kirby, Taranza and Magolor arranged a surprise birthday party for her. Those were her three main friends at the time, and it seemed like they all cared enough to do something when her special came up.
Susie finally experiences celebration for her birthdays again. After well over a decade of literally zero celebration, it comes rushing at her like a train. These three people literally went out of their way to help Susie try to feel like her birthday meant something once again.
... At first, she didn't know how to respond. She was completely speechless as she was caught by total surprise at them doing this.
But then it reminded her of when her father celebrated her birthdays back when she was a little kid, and how much she loved that. Was it.... was it seriously that long ago when her birthday saw any sort of celebration? It.... it was. It was. And here it is, it's happening again.
Susie couldn't help it. After this pondering, she grew extremely emotional over this surprise party. She breaks down crying. Her emotions were all over the place during this party. It's not usual of her to do this, but she rushed to give hugs to Kirby, Taranza and Magolor to thank them for doing this. She didn't ask them to arrange a surprise birthday for her... they were under no obligation to do this, but they fact they chose to do it anyway made her emotions go crazy.
It meant the world to her that they did this.
They continued arranging these birthday parties for her over the years afterwards. And at some point, it no longer became just Kirby, Magolor and Taranza that were celebrating Susie's birthdays. The three Mage Sisters joined in on this after Susie became close enough friends with them to where they were interested in doing things for her birthday, too. There was a total of six people doing this for Susie.
Even after her first birthday party, she still finds herself getting really emotional at many of the following ones. After not having these for so long, it means absolutely everything to her that these happen. It makes her feel like an excited little kid when her friends come by to do this for her when the day comes each year. She loves it so much.
Susie cherishes these parties happening for her birthdays.
She's been having to relearn and unlearn a lot things after detaching herself from emotions for a long time. Post-Robobot is the best time for her, tbh. Her dad may be gone, and she's been really hurt by his death, but now she has friends that really care about her. They're the best thing to ever happen to her. Because of them, she's been starting to realize what it's like to feel loved again. That life will be okay.
Her friends are the reason she's been able to heal from her past trauma. They've thrown things at her like love, comfort, hugs, and giving her celebration during her birthdays. And after having none of that for so long, she slowly softens up as a person over time after getting all of this once again. She really needed all this, didn't she?
After what she's been through, this sort of thing was long overdue.
Susie... is still certainly not the most emotional person around. A lot of the time, she's still kind of stoic. And she doesn't have a lot of friends, as she's still not very open to making a bunch of them. But she really cherishes the friends that she DOES have, and they can easily elicit emotion out of her sometimes. Honestly, she's not sure what she would do without them. They've done so much for her.
Thanks to them, her birthday is a day of happiness and joy for her. After that not being the case for so long, they turn it around for her.
Going to give a special shout-out to Taranza, because he is Susie's closest friend. And he also does something peculiar in each of her birthdays: every time her party is over and the rest of her friends go home, he stays for a little bit. He and Susie have some heartfelt talks, and he makes sure she gets her barrage of tight comfy bear-hugs for her birthday. Susie loves Taranza's hugs. She loves how soft and fuzzy he is, and him having 6 arms adds on to the comfiness that she feels from his hugs. Over the years, he's been really good at comforting her, both emotionally and physically. Susie cherishes him a bunch.
Kirby, Magolor and the Mage Sisters all deserve a thanks as well. They, along with Taranza, are the ones that help Susie relearn the special meaning of her birthdays. She's gotten back something she lost here. And it's a really wonderful thing for her. She deserved this.
Happy birthday, Susie!
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sortanonymous · 3 months
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Sectonia model by @none_ofbusiness on Twitter
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desultory-novice · 5 months
Okay, back where we were left off at the Magoland Branch AU Magolor only had his sight partially restored, but in the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch AU his sight was fully restored. So how did that happen anyways?
Also, how long did it take between the conclusion of the Magoland Branch AU and the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch​ AU?
(Double question because I want lore.)
(Also, how long will it be till my other ask is done? I'm not rushing it or anything, (Take your time Dess! (^v^)​) I'm just curious about how long will it take.)
>How long did it take?
It took... X amount of time! XD ...I dunno! Noir SHOULD have been in hell since almost the beginning, since he was the first or second to die also his life has just been hell since the day his parents died....
Like Noir, who acted as "dead" as possible in the hopes of actually dying, the deceased probably stuck to their own personal purgatories and never really did much positive interacting, outside of people who formed odd connections all on their own, like Joronia and Max, who quickly bonded over their love of rich, fancy things. >w<
Max: "01001101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110111 01100001 01111001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110010 01101110 01110100 00111111"
Joronia: "Oooh, do not even get me started on tea in this place!"(1)
("How does Joronia know binary? Why, she's the smartest, strongest, most beautiful queen ever! Of course she knows binary!" - Taranza)
The paradigm changed when Marx found Magolor's tormented soul and convinced the Crown to give Magolor control of his body back. Magolor, trapped in a series of troubled and confusing hallucinations due to how horrific and constant the pain of having a large, wrathful tree feeding off of and growing inside him was, blindly used the crown's limitless power to create an actual theme park.
"Timeline-wise" I'd say once Elfilin and Adeleine started interacting more, Fecty probably said some off-handed remark to "the human girl" (ie: "...your eyes are the exact same color as that boy in hell...") that clued X-over Adeleine into the location/existence of her X-over brother and they had a big, tearful reunion and here we are!
(1) PS: "Hell" here is not full of demons and pitchforks, but it is uncomfortably *bright* (the sun is ever-burning and the sky goes through a cycle of golden hour-orange to fever-dream dark with shades of electric pink at night) and also, there is a larger than average amount of fire. A whole lake made of it, in fact!
>Why does Magolor have both eyes?
That was an accident on my part because I drew him from memory for the first Apologies x-over, forgetting he’s only supposed to have one eye due to still being half rooted to the crown.
I kept up with it after because, eh~ the souls are supposed to be healing slowly after "A Perfect Circle," so maybe his other eye came back on its own to show he’s reclaiming more of himself...?
(Kind wish I hadn’t made that mistake though because I was weirdly attached to one-eyed Mago Soul’s design. But he can’t just go and lose it again now for no reason. ^^)
Speaking of the first crossover and “continuity errors,” Noir wore his scarf more like an actual scarf in that one to dress in the style of the Hell branch (aka, a mix of alive and dead) but he is back to looking like regular Swordsman in “Again.” That was because I purposefully wanted the first image to fool people as to where/when this was happening, and also make it work as a legitimate visual introduction to the script portion of “Again.” Which it does, btw. That first page fairly accurately fits Noir’s experiences in DL3. ^^
I know it's shallow reasoning, but let's just go with it! If I ever return to the x-over plotline, I’ll try to indicate that properly by giving him the wrapped scarf again. ...While I’m being grilled on Hell-Branch Lore, I’m debating whether Max and Joronia are still around. I’m tempted to say “yes” and they are just healed like Magolor. (Mostly because I don’t have that many characters to work with and I think Max would be ALL IN on the “Hell is a Business Hotspot” storyline(?) we’re in.)
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mooniety · 4 months
I know I already commented asking this so I'm sorry, but about that post of Susie's death wish to shorten her life and be with her father again, isn't it not going to work? Weren't Haltmann and his soul completely deleted from existence by Star Dream? Because if she reaches the afterlife and finds out that her death wish was doomed to fail and her dad doesn't exist anymore, then that would just make it even sadder :(
That or maybe Susie knows that and yet just doesn't have an afterlife? idk
sup man, it's cool --i tend to be quite shy when i get comments so i end up usually never replying, it's a pretty unfortunate cycle, apologies for that ^^;
however, i will let you know that i did in fact read your comment & wanted to make a follow up regarding it, so thank you for the comment & ask as well!
in summary, yes, susie's idea of a death wish isn't going to work & wasn't meant to work - however, rather than haltmann's soul being deleted from existence, i instead went with the approach that what star dream did was "corrupt" haltmann's soul - encrypting the "data" of his soul in a foreign, complex encryption algorithm closely related to the ancients' own high class encryption methods, its decryption key only known to star dream (who is now gone, so it cannot be decrypted.)
in addition, with star dream basically EXPLODING after its defeat to kirby, not only is haltmann's soul forever stuck in an impenetrable encrypted state, this encrypted data is literally spread in pieces of variable amounts all across the galaxy-- the location of each piece unknown, especially with some of the broken pieces of star dream most likely still drifting across space & maybe even other dimensions
i imagine this is how haltmann supposedly "lost" his memories of susie over time - rather than truly losing his memories, star dream was sealing them away via encryption as a monkey's paw deal for attempting to wish susie back to life
& in a way, haltmann's wish IS met - susie would manage to survive for a decade before returning from the another dimension, thus star dream, although disgustingly, rightfully took away haltmann's memories of her (i have further headcanons regarding susie being stuck in the another dimension, but i believe that is for another time)
focusing back on susie however, she indeed has knowledge of her father's current state, finding out about his encrypted memories through attempts to decrypt them herself while working under him at hwc & later finding about the state of his soul when attempting to recover hwc after star dream's destruction
her entire mentality from this awareness is a depressing form of nihilism constantly hanging over her, all in which she desperately attempts to hide behind a facade: "if the person i love the most in this world no longer exists, i no longer have any point for existing"
(un)fortunately for her, i like happy endings & even more, torturing her!™️ thus over time she regains the will to live with her newfound loved ones/found family during her time with kirby & co as well as live a longer lifespan than the one she initially hoped for (expecting to only live up to her late 60s at the very most without any robotic implants but instead living over a century)
when she finally reaches the afterlife, it's likely that haltmann may not be there, especially with his soul being the equivalent of a destroyed hard drive containing high official confidential government data, but ideas change over time & for now, i'd like the exact answer of that to be vague, as for me, susie's story is a story of hope, even in the most desolate of situations
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idothingsandstuffs · 6 months
Susie and magolor haltman siblings au.
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I had this au idea for a while now. Basically, the concept of this au is that Max haltmann managed to save susie after the incident while she was still a child and before he could forget why he was doing it in the first place. But susie doesn't wanna leave her new found adopted brother behind so she brings magolor with her and Max is like "Yeah, I am rich enough to take care of another child) and they live together, and have happily everafter. Susie grows up to be the vice president of the company and magolor is the secretary.
Oh, and also this is my headcanon for how they are in the animeverse.
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mistilteinn-magolor · 8 months
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nyaagolor · 1 year
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Babygirl-ification for a comm
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maybe-arts · 2 years
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sooooo yeah this is why i needed day 17 to go first hahahaha :)
i admit - i didn't want to take low hanging fruit of "Forgotten Land". so i instead went for someone else who's been forgotten in her game.
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my psychological hell grows wider and wider each day
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