#Matthew beard
k-wame · 6 hours
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Aaron Taylor Johnson & Matthew Beard CHATROOM (2010) | dir. Hideo Nakata
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citizenscreen · 5 months
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Matthew Beard Jr. (January 1, 1925 – January 8, 1981)
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mr-oscarwilde · 1 year
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Happy birthday Wilfred Owen! (b. 18th March 1893) ↳  Know that since mid-September, when you still regarded me as a tiresome little knocker on your door, I held you as Keats + Christ + Elijah + my Colonel + my father-confessor + Amenophis IV in profile. What's that mathematically? In effect it is this: that I love you, dispassionately, so much, so very much, dear Fellow, that the blasting little smile you wear on reading this can't hurt me in the least. If you consider what the above Names have severally done for me, you will know what you are doing. And you have fixed my Life – however short. You did not light me: I was always a mad comet; but you have fixed me. I spun round you a satellite for a month, but I shall swing out soon, a dark star in the orbit where you will blaze.
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makemerainbows · 9 months
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Vienna Blood S03E01
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mysoftboybensolo · 4 months
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"I don't care! I've told you a million times..." "And I've told you a million times, that I am too old for you, too poor, too dangerous...Tonks deserves someone young and whole." But she wants you. My Fancast: Freya Allan as Nymphadora Tonks Matthew Beard as Remus Lupin
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inviewofkohaku · 3 months
These two actors perform the Liebermann family in VIENNA BLOOD. Meanwhile they performed a couple that almost have break up in Magpie Murders. When I knew these casting, I came to smile.
Matthew Beard as Dr. Max Liebermann & Conleth Hill as Mendel Liebermann
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Conleth Hill as Alan Conway & Matthew Beard as James
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btw this shoot is good, isn't it?
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I could literally watch these two solve cases all day.
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luanna801 · 2 years
Jack Seward Portrayals, Rated According to Strong Jaw and Good Forehead
Aka, a post that exists because I think it’s hilarious that the only physical description we get of Jack is “the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead”, and, as Lucy has decreed that these are the only characteristics of his that matter, I will be rating his portrayals accordingly.
Please note that I have seen some of these adaptations and not others, and I definitely have Opinions about which I prefer, but that is not what this post is about! How much I like the adaptation overall, or even its portrayal of Jack Seward in terms of writing or acting, is not what we’re talking about here. These ratings will be SOLELY on the basis of Strong Jaw and Good Forehead, and as such I will be expecting to see full DCAU Superman jaw action, and... uhhhh...
... Look, I’ll be honest, I have no dang idea what a ““good forehead”” is supposed to look like. Or at least, I didn’t when I started writing this post. This was a journey, friends, and I hope you’ll join me on it.
1) Gustav Botz in Nosferatu (1922)
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This is Off-Brand Discount Dracula because F.W. Murnau didn’t legally get the rights to the book, so Dr. Seward is called Professor Sievers here, but he’s still recognizably the same character and gets a couple of his iconic scenes with Renfield. What he does not get, sadly, is his strong jaw and good forehead. I think the scruffy hairstyle and beard aren’t helping, but this actor isn’t really bringing the jaw-and-forehead action regardless.
1/10, a very disappointing start to the list.
2) Herbert Bunston in Dracula (1931)
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In this version, Seward is Mina’s dad (???) and thus considerably older than his book counterpart, but this doesn’t automatically disqualify him! Older gentlemen can have strong jaws and good foreheads, too! And honestly, I don’t think we’re doing too badly here. His forehead is certainly high, which... I guess is good? And his jaw is definitely decent. I can kind of imagine this being not too far from what book!Jack Seward would look like a few decades down the line.
3) Charles Lloyd-Pack in Horror of Dracula (1958)
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This man has the furthest thing from a strong jaw I’ve ever seen, and he has Donald Trump’s hairstyle. ABSOLUTELY no to all of it.
4) James Maxwell in Dracula (1968)
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James Maxwell!! I loved you as Henry VII in Shadow of the Tower!! I honestly think he’s a great casting choice, but that will NOT be biasing my rating here. And unfortunately, the feathered 70s bangs are keeping me from accurately assessing whether he has a Good Forehead(TM), and after careful consideration, I’ve decided that he leans more toward “pointy-chinned” than “strong-jawed”.
5) Mark Burns in Count Dracula (1977)
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Okay! Now we’re getting closer! Decent jaw, good cheekbones (not technically part of what we’re rating, but feels relevant) and he has a nice square forehead. A good effort overall!
6) Donald Pleasence in Dracula (1979)
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... Aaand, here we go again. You guys. You guys literally could not have gotten this more wrong if you tried, could you.
7) Richard E. Grant in Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
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Okay, I have to admit, this guy has a GREAT forehead. Like, I literally couldn’t have told you what a “good forehead” is until I saw him, but now I understand everything. I get why Lucy would have felt the need to comment on it! Look at it! It’s IMMACULATE. If Francis Ford Coppola got nothing else right, we have to give him this.
His jawline is also fine, maybe a bit more oval-faced than what I’d typically think of as “strong jaw”, but I have to rate this one high purely for the forehead excellence.
8) Tom Burke in Dracula (2006)
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I actually think he comes the closest to having a Strong Jaw of any of the actors we’ve looked at so far. His forehead, on the other hand, is kind of a milquetoast effort. In fairness, it’s all going to be downhill there after Richard E. Grant. If we could somehow combine them, would we have the perfect physical embodiment of Jack Seward?
(... That sounds like the kind of Mad Scientist-Curious question Jack Seward would ask himself and make readers raise their eyebrows for the next several centuries, honestly.)
9) Matthew Beard in Dracula (2020)
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Okay, I have never seen this adaptation and never plan to, but purely in terms of looks? Dang. I’m impressed. This guy has a GREAT look for Jack Seward. Nice forehead, nice jaw, but I’m going to briefly break my own rule and note that I really like his look as a whole. The hair is great, the intense broody emo boy vibes, the sense that he might just be very sad or might be about to snap entirely at any moment? Chef’s kiss.
... Knowing what I do about this adaptation, there’s a decent chance I’d hate the actual writing if I ever saw it, but that just makes it good that I haven’t!
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citizenscreen · 5 months
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Remembering Matthew Beard Jr., born on January 1, 1925 #botd
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camyfilms · 1 year
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Do you know, this morning... I was on a train that went through a city that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. I bought a ticket from a man who would likely be dead if it wasn't for you. I read up on my work... a whole field of scientific inquiry that only exists because of you. Now, if you wish you could have been normal... I can promise you I do not. The world is an infinitely better place precisely because you weren't.
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thisisaheist · 4 months
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corpyburd · 1 year
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Max & Oscar in Vienna Blood Season 3
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omg-alices · 1 year
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neverscreens · 9 months
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Part One, 311 Screencaps.
Part Two, 310 Screencaps.
All in GALLERIES. Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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I knew I recognised this fucker from somewhere
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2020 Dracula
(Left is Dracula and right is Jack Seward)
I studied it in literature this year, comparing the book and the series.
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