#Master Pravus
redvinylkitty · 7 months
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🐾: "Look what I found outside today!"
🖤: "MUSHROOMS!" he squealed.
"All hobbits have a passion for mushrooms, surpassing even the greediest likings of Big People." -J.R.R. Tolkien
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fansofvow · 2 years
Longsummer Nights 🌘
The first line of a short story can do so much. It's the sentence that hooks you, reels you in. It sets the tone, showcases the first glimpse of writing.
I thought it would be fun to look at the first sentence of every short story in the anthology:
"Seeds of Solace": River’s childhood home was tall and straight-backed, the very picture of discipline.
"Anniversary": Death came to Longsummer on a mild, moonlit night, in the hands of an old master and a pair of satin shoes.
"Virgin Cocktail": It all starts, quite simply, when Val is helping close up the bar.
"Heart of Stone": Nicolas Baudelaire walked Longsummer's historic district without a single thought spared for the people around him.
"A Simply Miraculous Invention": I've always been kinda scared of dolls.
"Indelible and Nocturnal": “I’ve won races, I’ve gotten podiums, but I’m hungry for more.”
"Corylus and Stone": Notorious Tree Strangler Allowed Second Chance
"Mending Ribbons": Every morning, Kai woke up wrapped in fresh, white linens and a warm body.
"Ancient History for Modern Lovers": There were a great many things about the twenty-first century that Xanthe Pravus appreciated.
"Le Chien Noir": Arriving in Belle Reve felt like stepping into another world —one to which Jay definitely didn't belong.
"The Antidote to Memory": It took Domi two weeks of hunting to find the door.
"Every Medicine, a Poison": Dr. Faucher's garden rivalled Eden.
"Labrys": There is always a monster at the center of the maze.
"What Happened at Wisteria House": Asha’s heart was in her throat as she prepared the spell, but she took comfort from the sound of her big sister’s voice through her earbuds.
"Toothpick": Three months after the funeral, Erika came to Longsummer.
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baraste-legacy · 5 years
About Reid
This is my first ever try at such things. Please be gentle… 😓
― your muse’s name:
Reid Fassin Tugruz Baraste, or Jedi Knight Baraste.
― a favorite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
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― two headcanons you have for your muse:
He was homeschooled in the Force by his mother, a failed, retired apprentice at the time (she got far better).
As a child, he used to play and have adventures with the megaracnoid tribes’ kids living in the forest near his town (think real big, chatty jumping spiders with voice boxes, as playful as Ghost in the Shell's Tachikoma).
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Listening to and singing HuttaPop girl bands music while doing his ship maintenance chores, tinkering with his armour and gadgets and the like (he used to be a mean sing-a-holo player, but Tython Temple's Masters frowned upon that noisy bunch’s cantina events and put an end to it).
Eating Nar Shaddaanian dehydrated noodles (he has to meditate the chemical plant-grade additives and flavourants away, afterwards).
Climbing! They don't call Reid “Space Goat” for nothing.
― seven people your muse loves / likes:
Him being a Jedi, knowing himself to be too prone to attachment, to the point that it's been a really serious issue at times, those are loaded words. Still…
His friend Euforia (former Sith Karumantha Xanadu, later brainwashed Jedi padawan Euforia, now… something else entirely, very much her own person).
His fellow Jedi Lachsandre ‘Sasja’ Paadmaiyen and the other 'Terrano's Seven' survivors. Those two have a bit of a bumpy history.
His older sister Shine, a SpecForce soldier.
His mom, Dominique, even if she keeps her distance as is proper for a Jedi.
His dad, Temujin, although he's hardly seen him in a decade, Tem being a high risk deliveries specialist.
His old Master and mentor, Pau Fen-Do. He was KIA, then got better, then got worse.
Shurieken Chelezar. It's not that he likes him, quite the opposite at times, but he can't help envy and admire his confidence and fortitude as a nutso Zabrak Jedi, and his long friendship with Euforia.
― a phobia your muse has:
None as such he can think of. As fears go, they are mostly about not measuring up as a Jedi, and they are justified ones. His biggest, deepest fear used to be being confirmed an unsalvageable loss after the Daan Terrano/Darth Pravus Incident. Hmm… actually… Yes, of course he has one phobia: He hates hoods. With a passion. Although there is no passion, there is serenity. Alright then, he hates hoods with serenity, for they lead to the Dark Side or the closest thing there is: An atrocious peripheral vision.
Tagged by: vikobelo
Tagging: …I don't know anybody! 😂
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diviinitas-moved · 5 years
About the word Pravus in Latin, V isn't pronounced in Latin It's a W sound soo Prawus? Master Prawus! 🤣🤣🤣
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Italian it became and like Italian it will be pronounced.
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diviinitatis · 2 years
@mahlyenki-dyavol liked for an iconless starter
I’d tell you you look like a deer in headlights when the press catches you but that’d be too kind, D’Ablo snickered. His fingers flew over the keyboard, typing an email to the defense lawyer on the other side of the case. Most of it was him subtly calling the other man an idiot, but it was hidden under polite-enough language that he could deny it if confronted. His handless arm lied on the armrest, mostly unused over the past few years. Sinking into the floor and avoiding eye contact makes you look weak. You’re god, Master Pravus. He knew Vlad hated it when he used that title. It was why his use had only picked up since the establishment of a shaky, bitter truce. Act like it. Your powers are a waste, otherwise.
To be fair, Vlad had grown more confident, more self-assured. Quite similar to Tomas, honestly, though that was a comparison D’Ablo kept to himself. His dislike for the media was undeniable-- and who could blame him? They ran smear campaigns after smear campaigns for years. Still, it was a bad look.
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qofawamaso · 2 years
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receptikuvaronline · 4 years
„Sastanak se sa budućnošću" od 21. do 25. septembra u Beogradu
New Post has been published on https://recepti-kuvar.rs/sastanak-se-sa-buducnoscu-od-21-do-25-septembra-u-beogradu/?%E2%80%9ESastanak+se+sa+budu%C4%87no%C5%A1%C4%87u%22+od+21.+do+25.+septembra+u+Beogradu Recepti+i+Kuvar+online
„Sastanak se sa budućnošću" od 21. do 25. septembra u Beogradu
Premijerka Srbije Ana Brnabić otvorila je sinoć u rezidenciji ambasadora Finske Treću AFA nedelju inovacija i ocenila da ulaganja u tu oblast pospešuju veći ekonomski rast i kvalitetniji život gradjana a doprinose i jedom od ciljeva Vlade ka kreiranju privrede zasnovane na znanju i inovacijama. Premijerka Brnabić je tom prilikom izmedju ostalog rekla da je cilj vlade transformacija srpske privrede u kojoj bi rast zasnovan na investicijama prerastao u rast zasnovan na inovacijama krativnosti i dodatoj vrednosti i dodala da je to način da Srbija raste i napreduje po mnogo bržoj stopi od postojeće.
Domaćin otvaranja Nedelje inovacija Nj. E. ambassador Finske Kimo Lahdevirta prisutne je  pozdravio istakavši da Finska teži tome da razvoj veštačke inteligencija bude zasnovan na poverenju i usmeren na čoveka, sa fokusom na efikasnoj primeni u domenu biznisa i javnih usluga. “Kao mala zemlja, Finska ne može da se nadmeće sa velikim igračima. Iz tog razloga mi moramo da se usmerimo na oblasti gde su naše snage i u kojima možemo biti konkurentni,” rekao je ambassador Lahdevirta.
Premijerka Brnabić je naglasila da Srbija želi da se pozicionira kao regionalni lider i postavi temelje za kontinuirana poboljšanja i zato Vlada u tom cilju ulaže približno 90 miliona evra u programe planirane Strategijom za razvoj veštačke inteligencije. Po njenim rečima, Strategija je usvojena krajem decemba 2019. godine, čime je Srbija postala prva zemlja u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i 26. u svetu koja ima takav dokument. „Cilj je da ubrzamo razvoj inovacionog sistema, koji je ključ za efikasniji i dinamičniji rast, a to je ono što je potrebno i Srbiji i regionu,“ objasnila je predsednica Vlade. Brnabić je podsetila na to da je Vlada u poslednje četiri godine mnogo uradila i na polju infrastrukturnih ulaganja, koja su veća od 100 miliona evra. „Uloženo je u infrastrukturu za razvoj inovacija i istraživanje, razvoj startap kompanija i nauku,“ rekla je premijerka, podsetivši da su završeni naučno-tehnološki parkovi u Beogradu, Novom Sadu, Nišu i Čačku. Predsednica Vlade je ukazala na to da se radi i na izgradnji dodatne zgrade za Elektronski fakultet u Nišu i Fakultet tehničkih nauka, i najavila da će narednog meseca početi izgradnja nove zgrade i za Institut BioSense u Novom Sadu. „Važno je podstaći mlade i omogućiti da se ne plaše da inoviraju, da sami pokrenu kompanije u kojima mogu da se bave naukom i istraživanjima i zato je ključna komponenta reforma obrazovanja“, naglasila je Brnabić i dodala da ulaganja u obrazovanje podrazumevaju transformaciju obrazovanja kako bi mladi učili kako da misle, a ne šta da misle. Ona je podsetila na obavezno programiranje u osnovnim školama i najavila da će sledeće godine izaći i prva generacija koja će znati programiranje i kodiranje i biti znatno spremnija za svet od dosadašnjih generacija. „Tu je digitalni svet – novi predmet od 1. razreda osnovne škole po uzoru na Finsku, formiraju se specijalizovana odeljenja za informatiku u srednjim školama koje godišnje upiše 1.000 učenika, a od toga više od 40 odsto devojčica“, predočila je Brnabić.  „Važno je“, dodala je, i to što je na fakultete između ostalog uveden i program Master 4.0, uspostavljena je saradnja sa privatnim sektorom i stranim univerzitetima, obezbeđena je i pravna sigurnost i trasparentnost i dat jasan signal koja će vrsta kompanija biti podržana. Želimo da to bude zamajac za razvoj, reformu i rast, rekla je premijerka i dodala da će tome doprineti i osnivanje Nacionalnog fonda za nauku a sprovedena je i reforma pravnog okruženja za industrije zasnovane na znanju: zakoni o intelektualnoj svojini, e-trgovini, fondovima i korporativnom pravu.“ Brnabić je podsetila i na to da je IT najbrže rastući sektor u Srbiji, čiji godišnji rast je više od 20 odsto, pri čemu je čak u vreme pandemije bio 4,5 odsto.
Ambasador Finske u Beogradu Kimo Lahdevirta naveo je da ta zemlja teži tome da razvoj veštačke inteligencija bude zasnovan na poverenju i usmeren na čoveka, s fokusom na efikasnoj primeni u domenu biznisa i javnih usluga. Lahdevirta je naveo da Vlada Finske radi na programu „Aurora“, čiji cilj je da se stvori veštačka inteligencija, koja će učestvovati u odabiru javnih usluga, kao na primer kad neko traži novi posao.
Tokom večeri su se video porukom prisutnima obratili i izvršni direktor kompanije Telenor Mike Michel prezentacijom pod nazivom “Podrška budućim generacijama za inkluzivni, budući razvoj koga pokreću inovacije” i Teemu Roos sa Univerziteta u Helsinkiju govorivši na temu “Elementi veštačke inteligencije”.
Nedelja inovacija će se ove godine održati od 21. do 25. septembra a tema će biti „Sastanak sa budućnošću“ sa posebnim fokusom na podizanje svesti o tome kako brzorastuće tehnologije utiču na promenu ekonomije, društva i načina na koji radimo i živimo. U prilogu saopštenja šaljemo fotografiju i agendu za naredne događaje u okviru AFA Nedelje inovacija 2020.
Izvor: saopštenje za medije Nord Communications, Vanja Kovačev
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siiberiian · 7 years
-vikas and tristian cuddling under a pile of blankets and furs and dogs -GAY BABIES like outside vikas is like "lmao humans are weak and weird" but with just tristian its like "except this one" -vikas' initial plan was to give tristian the option of being a vampire when he was a bit older :') so his former drudge can join that new order that the pravus powers granted -I MEAN under a president tristian gets to travel alongside his master and see the entire world instead of one little poor village -as soon as partying and hunting is over, drunk vikas not leaving tristian alone to attend to chores and just being a giant grizzly lmao
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ticeseimene · 5 years
Intervju sa Anesom Berilo
Anesa Berilo, naša vrijedna iskra. Završila je I ciklus studija na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, nakon čega je upisala master studij na istom fakultetu. Kao jedan od najuspješnijih studenata sigurni smo da svojim savjetima može pomoći svim mladim ljudima koji trenutno studiraju ili planiraju upisati fakultet.
 1. Prvi upisni rok na fakultete je nedavno završen. S obzirom na tržište rada budućim studentima nije lahko pri izboru kojim putem krenuti. Koji fakultet izabrati, kako donijeti pravu odluku? Da li ići logikom tržišta rada, odnosno u kojoj branši postoji bolja mogućnost za zaposljenje ili ipak odabrati ono što volimo i u čemu smo dobri. Koji je po tebi pravi izbor? 
Kada sam prije četiri godine morala da donesem svoju životnu odluku, nisam imala nikakvih poteškoća. Završila sam Srednju ekonomsku školu u Sarajevu, tako da sam nastavila koračati prema već započetom cilju. U šestom razredu sam sebi rekla ti ćes upisati Ekonomsku školu, a poslije toga Ekonomski fakultet, smjer Finansijski menadžment. Već tada sam znala šta me privlači i šta želim da budem. Mislim da je najbolje upisati ono čime želiš da se baviš ili ćes se u suprotnom kajati svaki dan kada dođes na posao koji ne voliš. Kada sam se ja upisivala, mogli smo aplicirati samo na jedan fakultet, a sada je to moguće čak na tri. Budućim studentima je na taj način olakšan izbor, dok je naša odluka morala biti konačna. Kada izađu konačne liste mogu vidjeti koja je najbolja i najpovoljnija opcija za njih. Najispravnija odluka bi bila da upišu nešto što vole, ali da na tržištu rada postoji i dovoljna potražnja za tim zanimanjem.
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 2. Da li si se pokajala što si upisala Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, nadaš li se zaposljenju po završetku studija? 
Da sam se pokajala sigurno ne bih upisala i master studij na istom fakultetu. Smatram da je ova odluka jedna od najboljih u mom životu. Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu ima brojne akreditacije koje ga svrstavaju u 5% najboljih visokoškolskih institucija u cijelom svijetu. Mislim da to dovoljno govori o kakvom fakultetu je riječ. Pored toga studenti fakulteta su osnovali CEO konferenciju - najveću konferenciju za mlade u regionu i Studentske pohode s kojima je sigurno većina putovala. Kada ljudima odgovoriš na pitanje šta studiras, većina ti kaže da ćes se teško zaposliti. Međutim to nije istina. Istina je da ekonomista ima možda i najviše, ali postoji i najveća potražnja za njima na tržištu. Ne poznajem osobu koja je tražila posao, a da ga nije pronašla. Trenutno u mojoj grupi na masteru rade skoro svi. Ja se ubrajam u onaj dio grupe koji želi da u roku završi fakultet i da onda upliva u poslovne vode.  
3. Ispite si uvijek polagala u roku, sa jako dobrim ocjenama. Kako organizovati fakultetske obaveze, sve stići? Imaš li neki svoj način učenja, koji bi studentima pomogao i olakšao  „teške“ dane pred ispitne rokove?
Ključ uspjeha je dobra organizacija vremena.  Prvo uradim sve seminarske radove, a nakon toga počinjem sa učenjem. Ako odredite kada i koliko ćete učiti, ne možete ostvariti loše rezultate. Ja sam tip osobe koja ne može da uči navečer i koja može biti skoncentrisana maksimalno dva sata na učenje u toku dana. Zaključila sam da je moje idealno vrijeme za učenje od 12 do 14, s tim da nakon 45 minuta uvijek napravim kraću pauzu radi odmora. Učim naglas zato što brzo izgubim koncentraciju ako ne čujem to što čitam. Ova metoda učenja se u mom slučaju pokazala vrlo efikasnom, ali naravno svako mora otkriti sta njemu najviše odgovara. Vrlo često izlazim i imam mnogo prijatelja koji vam mogu potvrditi da nikada nisu bili zapostavljeni čak ni u ispitnim sedmicama.
 4. Otkud zanimanje za politiku? Jesi li stava da ukoliko se mi ne bavimo politikom, ona će se nama baviti svakako? Zašto si glasala za gospodina Hadžikadića i postala član Platforme za Progres? Šta te se tiče? Misliš li da su promjene moguće?
Moram priznati da me politika nikada nije zanimala i da sam bila mišljenja “ko god da pobijedi i dođe na vlast neće nam biti bolje.” Toliko sam bila politički neaktivna da na prošlim izborima čak i nisam čula za profesora Hadžikadića. Nakon izbora sam saznala da je dobio blizu 60.000 glasova i tada sam željela da saznam ko je on i zašto je odjednom dobio toliko povjerenje građana. Čitala sam njegove intervjue i tek tada mi je postalo jasno o kakvom čovjeku se radi. Tada se moje mišljenje promijenilo da u moru političara ipak postoji neko ko nije sličan ostalim. Učlanila sam se na dan Osnivačke skupštine 25.11.2018, a aktivni član sam postala u februaru. Promjene su itekako moguće, ali svi se moramo probuditi i poduzeti sve što je u našoj moći da bi se te promjene i dogodile. Član sam Marketing aktive Općine Ilidže i jedna od kreatora projekta “Tiče se i mene” koji je do sada veoma dobro prihvaćen. Mladi moraju biti svjesni da politika nije “igra starijih” i da samo oni mogu odlučivati o našoj budućnosti. Moramo se smatrati ravnopravnim učesnicima koji se na kreativniji način mogu izboriti za bolje sutra.
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 5. Za kraj kako misliš da pokrenemo mlade ljude? Kako da ih probudimo iz dubokog sna? Kako da ih animiramo da jasno i glasno kažu TIČE SE I MENE?!
Projekat “Tiče se i mene” je i pokrenut baš iz tih razloga. Cilj je da mladi primijete ono što radimo i da sami požele da postanu član našeg tima. Pored dobrih rezultat rada, sklopili smo i mnoga prijateljstva. Naše aktivnosti mogu pratiti na instagram profilu @tice.se.i.mene i na facebook stranici Platforma za progres - Opština Ilidža. Uskoro planiramo pokrenuti i youtube kanal na kojem ćemo snimati emisije i radne akcije naše ekipe. Sve to radimo kako bi ljudi primijetili kakve osobe su članovi/iskre Platforme za progres i koliko se ističemo i razlikujemo od ostalih. Ako ne stavimo interes države ispred ličnog interesa, nikome neće biti bolje. Nadam se da će ljudi to što prije shvatiti i odlučiti da nam daju svoj doprinos.
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Review: ObZen by Meshuggah
You know, I was never really supposed to like Meshuggah or listen to Meshuggah. I always felt that the music was not for me and I didn't find the point in it. But one night I was just scrolling through Youtube and I came across this video of Tomas Haake playing Bleed live, and thus my mind was blown. The sheer agression that Meshuggah brought to the table blew me away and the complexity of their rhythms and riffs still puzzle me, and I love it so much. So here is my long overdue, first album review and it is of my favourite Meshuggah album.
From the first quiet and muted notes of the first song, Combustion, one knows that they are in for a treat. As Haake counts down on the hats and the song actually explodes, or should I say combusts, into action I am crushed down with aggressive downbeat drum patterns and the Meshuggah signature guitar tone. To be honest Combustion ends as quickly as it starts, it is after all a measly four minutes long. It's agressive from beginning to end, with only a few breaks in between so one can catch their breath. Amazing opener.
The aggressive theme, unsurprisingly, continues with the next song Electric Red. This song has never quite impressed me like other songs on the album, I think that it overall is quite good but it just doesn't stand out as much as most of the other songs. The song is solid, but lacks the interesting characteristics or sections that other songs have.
Ah, Bleed. How I adore this song, and with good reason too. This is the most popular and well known Meshuggah song by far, probably because of the galloping riff. No. It is most certainly the riff. It probably took eons to master the phaselocking of the guitars and drums so that everything sounds tight, not to mention the time and musicality required to come up with such a complex pattern. I saw a Youtube comment related to the drumming in this song. It was: "Haake's legs probably herta lot after this song." That is my favourite comment. Ever.
And after Bleed we arrive to Lethargica, another song that falls in the same category as Electric Red. The song is quite good, my favourite part being the super low guitar and bass notes in the verses, they are the kind of notes that cause earthquakes when played. The mellow part in the middle creates an awesome atmosphere and the abrupt explosion back to reality is a great display of contrast in Meshuggah's songs. Overall a pretty great song.
The title track. It's short and sweet and honestly it needn't be more. Discordant notes bring a warm Meshuggah feel and lots of triplets just enforce that feeling of Meshuggahness. Amazing.
The Spiteful Snake is my least favourite track on the album. I find it kind of boring and care not to talk about it too much. Maybe too slow for my liking considering the mellowness and the lack of flash. If the song were sped up a bit, I'd like it more. The middle break and the parts after that redeem the song a bit though.
Pineal Gland Optics is more of the Meshuggah-machine chugging along. The song brings very little new to the table but is a solid song overall. If the next song were like this one, I'd start to get quite bored. Fancy that.
Luckily I am not bored, for the last two songs of the album are phenomenal. Pravus isn't ashamed with itself, and starts off so aggressively Bleed would be envious. The verses really show off Haake's stamina with constant bass drum strokes, and they basically never stop. The guitars following the bass drum patterns fill out the song nicely and compliment the song.
And thus we arrive to Dancers to a Discordant System. The behemoth of the album and truly a song to be reckoned with. Starting off slow and then building to an aggressive intro is quite Meshuggah-y as displayed in for example Combustion. The verses are suprising though, because the lyrics are whispered. This is one of those Meshuggah songs for which I have learned the lyrics, because they are quite amazing, and very quotable. Stand out parts for me are the bridge, the final lyrics and the outro. They make a strong statement and back eachother up beautifully and end the album with an exclamation mark. Truly fantastic.
In conclusion
Favourite track: Bleed
Least favourite track: The Spiteful Snake
Overall score: 9/10
So that was my first review here. As I am reading it back I realise that I should talk about lyrics more, elaborate on them. That I shall do for my next reviews, I want this to be a learning process and a perhaps a display on how I might improve. Great.
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redvinylkitty · 4 months
Master Pravus and me exchanged our Xmas pressies on camera on our vlog channel. Wanna see what we gave each other? | Go Here | Thanks for checking out our channel.
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trolltubers · 5 years
Many sweeps ago for Evanor???
The old grandfather clock with the cobwebs still draping it was the loudest thing in the hive. A rustblood woman sat at the other end of the table away from the younger Evanor. Her cerulean pipe in her hand she inhaled. 
“Evanor, I’m sure you know why I’m here.” 
The purpleblood shook her head, nothing was sent explaining what she was talking about. The rustblood looking serious as she’s always been, got up from her seat. Pushing the chair back under the table neatly. The sound of her heels clicking as she walked, her back faced Evanor when she reached a window. Looking out at the forest that surrounded the hive. 
“A rustbloods lifespan, tell me, how long does it last?” 
“I...50 sweeps?” 
“Very good. How about a ceruleans?” 
“.....I think longer than that but, what does that have to do with your request?” 
The rustblood gripped her pipe only to relax after. Frustrating as it may be. 
“Evanor, I don’t have much longer on this planet. I’m 45 sweeps and I’m not getting any younger.” 
“I mean that’s unfortunate that your caste only gets 50 sw-” 
“I don’t want 50 sweeps.” 
“But, Ms. Pravus, I don’t know what you WANT from me.” 
“I want what you have. Longer life.” 
Evanor seemed shocked by her forwardness. She was only 20 sweeps and was still trying to master scrying. “I...I’m not sure if I can fulfill your request...I-” 
“Oh, Evanor, you’re a smart girl. I’m sure you’ll figure out something.” It sounded more threatening than endearing. 
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swdjb · 7 years
via Dark Brotherhood
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New Post has been published on Kinematografija
New Post has been published on http://www.kinematografija.net/predstavljamo-prvi-trailer-plakat-lego-ninjago-filma-1095/
Predstavljamo prvi trailer i plakat Lego® Ninjago filma
Od studija koji je složio LEGO®FILM i LEGO® BATMAN FILM, dolazi nova avantura LEGO® franšize, LEGO® NINJAGO FILM.
Mladi Lloyd aka Zelena Ninja će se zajedno sa svojim prijateljima, koji su svi tajni ratnici, boriti za Ninjago grad. Pod vodstvom mudrog kung fu majstora Wua, morat će pobijediti zlog Garmadona, koji je ujedno otac mladog Lloyda. U ovoj epskoj borbi oca i sina, nedisciplinirani tim suvremenih ninja morat će naučiti surađivati zajedno kako bi oslobodili svoju pravu snagu.
U originalnoj verziji Jackie Chan (“Kung Fu Panda,”The Karate Kid”) daje glas Master Wuu, Justin Theroux (“Magamind 2,” “The Leftovers”) je Garmadon, Dave Franco (“Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising”) je Lloyd, a Olivia Munn (“X-Men: Apocalypse”) Lloydova mama, Koko.
Producenti su Dan Lin, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller i Roy Lee, koji su ranije surađivali na ostalim LEGO® filmovima, zajedno s Maryannom Gargerom (“Flushed Away”).  Chris McKay, Seth Grahame-Smith, Jill Wilfert, i Keith Malone su izvršni producenti. Scenaristi su Hilary Winston, Bob Logan i Paul Fisher, a inspiracija za cijelu priču potječe od LEGO® igračaka.
LEGO® NINJAGO FILM u distribuciji Blitz, u sva kina stiže u rujnu 2017. godine.
Izvor: Blitzgroup
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redvinylkitty · 4 months
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The way he holds my hand.
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