#Mallard team
ramjam-jamming · 1 year
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This is my favorite type of trio, just
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Peak chosen family. Peak dynamic. Just great overall 10/10.
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boingodigitalart · 1 month
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Sleepover doodles for Webby Wednesday. First one with Pajama Daisy, Gosalyn, and Webby and the second with Team magic, Morgana, and Gosalyn playing Dungeons and Dragons together.
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academicgangster · 30 days
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love declarations, various
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beeps-mess · 1 year
Autistic Reader + NCIS Team (Part Two)
Once again, little drabbles of a gender-neutral reader with autism interacting with the NCIS team. This one has Jack, Ducky, Tony, Tim, Kasie, and Nick.
Part One
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Jack had picked up on your routine and habits quickly. She knew what time you arrived every morning, she knew how you took your coffee, and that you had to have a specific lid on the cup or else the texture made everything taste horrible when drinking. This information came into hand pretty soon after she noticed it. You had stayed at the office with Gibbs, working through different paperwork, and Tim had tried to be nice by picking you up coffee. Unfortunately, you had worked yourself to the bone, too tired to speak up when you felt the gross paper lid on your lips. Logically, Jack knew you were most likely semi-verbal, if not nonverbal, and waited until you had left to go to the restroom to explain the preference when it came to lid texture. By the time you came back, there was a plastic lid on the coffee cup, one that didn’t make you want to spit the drink back out. You spun around the room, seeing blonde hair retreat into her office before you could even call out her name. A plastic reusable lid showed up on your desk the next week, fitting onto the cups from the nearest coffee shop that had the paper lids.
In your early days at NCIS, you avoided the morgue, finding the smell of bleach too overwhelming. As time went on, you got attached to Ducky, facing the strong smell to talk to the doctor. You would go back and forth with random stories, Ducky having heard so many of your stories that he started telling them when they related to a case. At some point, the conversations always made it to the topic of documentaries, a shared love between the two of you. Most days there would be a suggestion on a topic or feedback on a recommendation documentary. At one point, the two of you ended up bumping into each other when checking out DVDs at the same location, deciding it would just be easier to watch them together. It became the normal thing for the two of you to get together twice a month to watch a documentary, the host deciding which one. It was a constant in your life, something you appreciated very much.
When Tony heard you liked a good amount of Steven Spielberg’s movies he was excited, hoping you would like some other classics, but he was wrong. You liked the Jurassic Park movies the most, the Indiana Jones and Back to the Future movies following closely but that was really it. Jaws was okay, Gremlins wasn’t really your thing, and you had a strange distaste for the Goonies, something that made Tony explode when you told him. It was even worse when you said Shrek was a piece of art. All of his other films were too emotional or just didn’t catch your eye. To put it simply, Tony was frustrated, thus, starting a tradition. Once a month you would sit down with Tony and a bowl of popcorn to watch any film he deemed a classic. It was hit and miss, some being great while others just seemed plain dumb. You did appreciate his consideration when it came to the loud noises in the movies, knowing when to turn the volume down or warning you. After multiple movies though, you felt that you needed to share too, causing a rotation to start. One month, he would choose one of his classics, the next, you would choose a sci-fi movie you liked. You didn’t notice how much you liked the silly tradition until he became an agent at sea, which stopped the movies. He would try to throw out movie suggestions but you could never sit down long enough to actually start the film, something he was amused by when he eventually came back.
Tim had stumbled onto you and Tony bickering about movies one day, which piqued his interest. Only really doing so because the topic of the bickering was whether or not Han Solo was a douche. Tony was of the opinion that he wasn’t but you were convinced he was. Tim realized his mistake the moment he realized the topic though. Never walk into a room where two people are bickering especially if it was between you and Tony regarding films. He was immediately asked his stance, causing the conversation to end quickly when he meekly agreed with you. The topic of Star Wars wasn’t brought up again for a while, with work taking up the majority of Tim and your conversations. The topic was finally brought up again when you mentioned going home and being bored, Tim offering for you to come over and watch Star Wars with him. From there, your friendship expanded. Free time at work was spent chatting about similar nerdy stuff and scheduling movie get-togethers.
Kasie had taken up Abby’s tradition of making apparel for new NCIS agents but also added the tradition of making yearly sweaters or caps for the team. Every winter season they were handed out, a cap going to Nick while everyone else would get a sweater. It was a cute tradition and one that you loved until she tried out a new type of yarn. It was horrible. The texture was uncomfortable and you left the sweater in the box for weeks after you got it. Kasie didn’t know until the yearly holiday get-together. Everyone had shown up wearing their gifts except you, who chose to wear the one from last year. She had frowned, only figuring out that you might’ve disliked the yarn texture then. The next week, a new sweater arrived on your desk, the same design and the old one was nowhere to be found.
It was common knowledge that Nick wasn’t the best with words, often panicking when people are emotional around him, so it was surprising for him to sit next to you while you sobbed your ass off. You had gotten deep into a case, becoming horribly sad when another person fell victim to the killer. Nick just sat with you, explaining he didn’t do words but if you needed company he was there. When he tried to stand your hand reached out, grasping his wrist, making him sit back down. He sat with you for an hour in silence.
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tivajunkie · 4 months
Currently doing a rewatch and find it interesting to point out that the team picture that Ducky hid everything behind was what most of us consider the OG team - Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, McGee, Abby, Ducky, Palmer.
….should I be reading into that at all @harmandmac @indestinatus??
Why not put the stuff behind the picture of the current team?
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Mermay Month!!
Day 6: Fenton Crackshell Cabrera
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12-year-old me is so jealous right now... I tracked the episodes with my favorite animators to figure out how they did things.
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earanemith · 4 months
NCIS || all out of fight 21x02
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ratohet · 2 years
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Fellas is it gay to help your arch nemesis and take care of him
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therealalexhenry · 11 months
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celebrating july 4 with the team
happy independence day :)
it was actually your idea to celebrate the fourth of july, and the team immediately jumped on the idea. so you all started sorting out details of who was bringing what and where you would be celebrating
your house had a pretty decent sized backyard, so you all agreed to hang out there. tim was in charge of snacks, tony had the drinks, ziva and abby would be helping with decorations. ducky even agreed to bring the fireworks
for the next few days, it was all the team could talk about. admittedly, it might’ve gotten on gibbs’ nerves a bit- a lot. but you were excited, so you couldn’t help it
the day finally came, ziva and abby came by earlier to help you set up. there were string lights and flag decorations all over your backyard, and even some inside. you also brought out a table to put food and drinks on, for when tim and tony arrived
one by one everyone started arriving, tim first followed by tony. ducky and jimmy shortly after. all that was missing was your boss, although you knew these kinds of things weren’t really his thing so you weren’t expecting him to show up
you were all laughing and talking, enjoying the evening with your friends. you were glad you thought of this, and everyone else agreed
once you could hear fireworks starting to go off, you all made your way to the front of your house. you didn’t want anything in your backyard to accidentally catch on fire, and decided it’d be better to do it from the sidewalk
you, jimmy and abby were messing around with little bang snaps while the rest of them set off the bigger fireworks. you got distracted by it every time, giving jimmy and abby the chance to get you with the snaps
as you were all enjoying your night, gibbs finally showed up, although you didn’t notice at first. you threw a snap without looking where you had aimed, and it landed right at the feet of your boss, making you freeze instantly and look up at him
he just gave a slight smile and went to stand by the rest of you, watching the fireworks with ducky and occasionally setting one off himself
you stayed out there for hours, and eventually one by one they all started going home. at the end it was just you and gibbs, so you made your way to your backyard and he helped you clean up and get everything inside
it was late, so you offered he take your bed to sleep. he refused, however, and insisted he take the couch. after a bit of back and forth you finally gave in, and in your tired state you told him he could join you if he wanted as you made your way upstairs towards your bedroom
gibbs stayed on the couch the whole night, and the next morning when you made your way downstairs you were hit with the smell of coffee and breakfast. when you went to investigate, you saw gibbs standing by the stove, cooking away
you were too tired to say anything so you just went to sit down at the table while you waited for him to finish up
it was a bit of an awkward conversation at work when the team had seen you and gibbs show up at the same time, but they begrudgingly believed you when you claim nothing happened and you all went on with your day, although some of you were still hungover from the night before
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geekynightowl1997 · 4 months
Honestly it's probably a good thing that Nick Torres and Tony DiNozzo never have screen time together.
I think the team would go bonkers.
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boingodigitalart · 2 days
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My next two drawings for @duckversejune2024 hosted by @tokuvivor @queer-in-a-cornfield and @secret-tester for travel and vacation. First one I did involves a camping trip involving Daisy, Huey, Gosalyn and Honker. Second one involves a Team Magic and Morgana vacation.
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stormvanari · 1 year
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uhhhhhh new (and returning) cosmetics for the radioactive lizard; most of them revolve around culinary and food themes cause they’re a cook, but they ain’t shown here
Toxic Primadonna, Venomous Ventriloquist, Foul Beaker, Sour Strings, and Two-Faced Terror are cosmetics based on TOH (4) and DWD (1) separately, cause i am a nerd
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guiltyastiva · 1 year
Chapters: 3/?
Fandom: NCIS
Series: The Ziva Diaries
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Ziva David/Anthony DiNozzo, Ziva David/NCIS MCRT Team
Characters: Ziva David, Anthony DiNozzo, Abby Scuito, Timothy McGee, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Jimmy Palmer, Ducky Mallard, NCIS MCRT Team, Ellie Bishop, Leon Vance, Jenny Shepard
Additional Tags: Ziva POV, Romance, Humour, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional, Angst, Grief, Found Family
Summary: Have you ever wondered what Ziva was really thinking and feeling the moment she walked in to NCIS? What about when she shot Ari, went undercover with Tony as a married couple, or discovered McGee was writing about her in his book?
The Ziva Diaries is a brand new series, documenting entries from Ziva's diaries, throughout pivotal moments – from the moment she started at NCIS to the moment she left, and everything in between.
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