#Maker 2020 vs Maker 2030 Poster
y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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        The second phase of the project ‘Person Place Thing’ involves the identification of the ‘Maker’ within the chosen site and the speculation of the year 2030, where I have to embody and synthesis the life and profession of the Maker in order to initiate and design a Folly model of approximately 20 m sq to be located on the site.  
My maker is the creative designer that was hired by SYMT corporation to regulate the Tunnel (SITE), physically and commercially. The first speculation of the year 2030 was that the tunnel will transcends into a marketing destination where it will enhances the convenience and the experience of the customers through various implementation of technology such as smart algorithm, info sharing, real time - customized advertisement and etc. Fast forward to the future, the tunnel will reach its maximal advancement in the efficiency and delivery of convenience and will eventually transcends into the gate way to Nirvana, where the one that goes through it will be instantly full filled and is forever blissful. 
The Designer will advocate and ‘glorify’ Samyan Mitrtown complex through the manifestation of Nirvana by the implementation of the folly in the Tunnel [Site] which serves as an entrance to the luscious Mall.
click on keep reading to have a look at the initial proposal of Project 1.
The Emergence of A Landmark Tunnel
When a transit transcend and transform
      Most area and location are categorized into a distinct type of Architecture that corresponds to its observed characteristic and application, but are those associations ever-lasting?. The real question is to what extent is a tunnel a transit, under the circumstances of time and change.
My project introduce the paradigm perspective which challenges the established definition and further explore the identity of a transit under passage and time.
My site of preference is specifically of 20 m sq area furnished with transparent flooring material and is located within the ‘Chuerm-Mitr tunnel’. An underground tunnel, owned by SYMT corporations that provides a transit and connectivity between MRT Samyan, Charmchuree square and Samyan Mitrtown.
             The first and foremost proposal of Project 1 involves the identification of the site of one own interest concerning the area of a 20 m sq among the spine of Rama iv Rd [approx. Samyan mitrtown to Lumphini park].
            The site was chosen after I had done a research that reveals an inquisitive traits such as the popularity; the location with many overlapping of culture and diversity, both materially and communally. Which eventual leads to the emergence of the ‘Unforeseen landmark’; the center of diversity, the place where people come together and celebrate.
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y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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Project 2: MAKER l 2020VS2030 l DESIGN DEVELOPMENT
   In this page I start to track the routine of each anonymous maker and their impossible time that they can be come graffiti maker. like the street cleaner can become graffiti maker when they clean the bridge and disguise as cleaning but actually spraying.
I tried to show the 2020 vs 2030 
Which they change by technology. Maybe in the future people can choose to see the graffiti that they like. They don’t need to climb the bridge to spray but use vr to spray instead. But i am more appreciative in the way they use to do each graffiti than using technology to do the graffiti. I also locate the cctv and do the experiment about how the sunlight change over time so that I can find the right spot to place my folly.
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y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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Old Hand Corner: Project 2 Task 1 - Maker 2020 vs 2030
There are 3 stakeholders in the shop: the owner, the repairer, and the client. I choose the repairer as a maker because he is the person who delivers high-quality repairing service. A repairer is also the person who manage the materials on the site. 
In the poster 2020 Maker , shows that there’s no clear zone for the repairer and the materials. His routine duty is to repair the chair, clean the shop, and upload the chair to the client's car. Since Yongchai delivers customize and handmade services, the skill should be preserved in some way. In 2030, the maker is not only a repairer but also a demonstrator. Moreover, The waste materials outside the shop will be shredded and reused for various purposes instead of throwing away.
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Yongchai Knowledge Sharing Site
Since the maker is both repairer and demonstrator in 2030, the folly will be illustrated as a knowledge-sharing site where the visitor will participate in the seat repairing show. The visitor could come and sit inside, walk around, or climb up the folly. Another purpose of the folly is to give the sensory and atmosphere of the shop and Samyan neighborhood.  
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y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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Cloud Capsule, Site Summary Poster and Maker 2020 vs Maker 2030
I aim to challenge the traditional signage that normally is a platform for sharing messages from advertising company. After I found out that our thoughts are filled with clouds of information, I want to create something that will allow us to spread those thoughts. So, I create this Cloud Capsule. The capsule is a medium that allows everyone to share their own opinions and views to the society. It is a broadcasting machine that when use, the live will be broadcast on big platform like billboards so that other people could see. How big the platform is depends on the popularity of the broadcaster (more popular = bigger billboard) The capsule could generate activities around it so wherever the capsule is, it could revive that place.
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The capsule which is basically the broadcasting machine will be equipped with various popular objects for broadcaster to use. Cloud Capsules will be replaced with newer capsule every 6 months to keep the items up to date. 
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When Cloud Capsules become really popular, they will need a warehouse that will create and store them. Capsules will be distributed with trucks from here to the city and they will replace the out dated capsule with new one. The old one will be transfer back to the warehouse to exhibit inside a museum.
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y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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Light of Buddhism: Project2: Site Summary Poster, Maker 2020 vs Maker 2030 Poster and Programme and Schedule of Accommodation Poster
Going back to the making process, I studied candle light’s behaviours and how people interact with the candle. First of all, I tried to define the boundaries of the light, one candle light and how another light influences the first one. Moreover, I observed the candle’s placement in the site for the whole day in order to answer this question, to what extent does the candle light influence people’s behaviours. Lastly, as I have found the boundaries of the pure candle light without any disturbance of light sources such as sunlight and LED light in the site. I tried to define the intersection and imaginative light boundaries that cannot be seen with human’s eyes
For Maker 2020 vs Maker 2030, my maker is the light as the light can control people behaviours and in buddhism, ascetic and Biddhists have many interpretations of what the light symbolises. This is very fascinating to me to create the space with only the light and make the ascetics or believers to give the meaning to the light by themselves, leading them to be more self realisation. Furthermore, I decided to put the light in the glass bottle because the material quality of the glass creates the boundary effect to the light which is what I want to present.
For the schedule of accommodation and programme poster 2030, it indicates how the space is being transformed by the light. My folly’s aim is the construction of worship space from the light alone.
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y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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The Renewable Wax Folly -  Maker 2020 vs Maker 2030 Poster
Be Good to the Environment & Bring in More Visitors
The main focuses on this poster are to explore the possibilities of the environment in the future and bring in more visitors of the site.
Because in the future, the pollution amount will likely be high, we all need to reduce it some how, some designs, and ingredients of the makers have to change in order to reduce the damage to the environment in the future.
The site also has some potential to be a good place for visitors because some makers are unique, and they stand out, they might be the selling point of the site in the future.
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y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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Boundaries | Thresholds | Peripheries : Poster       
These project divided into 3 main parts: site summary, maker 2020 vs 2030, and folly programme. The first poster summarizes my previous project (site analysis). It mainly concerns with the maker. I decided to choose a postman as the maker of this project.  I think it is very interesting to know what are marker delivery and what type of things are they. Second poster, the content is about what would the maker be or doing in 2030. I have focused more on other companies. in my opinion, in 2030, highly technology will affect the postal system. As the number of sending mail on the graph rather drop, most of the postal companies will close until there is only 1 company. Last poster, my idea is to design a thing that everyone can share with.
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