raindropsyndrome · 1 year
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takemakelove · 13 years
Wordpress June, July, September 2010
June 30, 2010
Let’s play:
Around the first week of June, about 26 days ago:
Aizen was able to sit up from lying on the floor. Chronologically, They were able to rollover and over, and were able to sit up unsupported, but only when we placed them in a sitting position. Once they fell from their sitting stance, they were unable to put themselves back into a sitting position until this week (for Aizen).
Demetri was finally able to army crawl! And quite stealthily at that too! He would zero in on the unsuspecting computer keyboard with the determination and style of a secret agent
Aizen was able to  pull himself to kneeing by using the couch, bumbo, bouncer, or Demetri as leverage. A week later, around their 9 month birthday, Aizen was able to pull himself to standing.
Just 10 days ago, Demetri was finally able to pull himself to standing. But he has been crawling around before then. He is no longer victim to Aizen’s use as a stool.
In my iphone note, i also wrote how I thought it was so cute when the play within arms reach of each other. They each have their own toy and one brother will occasionally, nonchalantly look at the toy his brother is holding. He would then decide if it is worth his time and he would either go for the steal or return back to the toy in his own hands.
This past week, both of my little boys have definitely been testing their boundaries. They are into exploring everything now. They crawl under their high chairs and dining table, and are always testing me to see how far i’ll let them into our bedroom hallway or onto the linoleum of the kitchen. This has led us to getting a baby gate to block the kitchen and bedroom hallway from their reach.
My babies are growing up so fast!
Sippy steps
July 8, 2010
As of the 4th of July, Aizen now completely refuses all pureed baby foods like from Gerber. He has been gradually becoming more and more impatient with eating for a while, but he won’t even take a bite anymore. Demetri will still take some bites but is growing more disinterested in it. But Demetri has also been refusing to drink any formula since Sunday. He’s been taking in less than 10oz a day, compared to the 18oz Aizen takes. It was only today that he hit 13oz, so let’s hope tomorrow he’ll take in more.
Aizen can now successfully drink from his sippy cup. I know because i put the same amount of water or juice in both cups, and after they’re done, I see that Aizen has taken half to a full oz of liquid. Demetri is still not into it.
We also went to the park on Tuesday, and I started noticing that Aizen will test out his balance – he always stands up holding on to something, but lately he’s been letting go and can stand on his own two feet for a half second or two, and then fall on his butt. This is exciting! Demetri–still nothing. He barely stands on his two feet holding onto something, but this is the way it always has been.
September 23, 2010
I haven’t been on this blog in so long that I even forgot the name of the host. WordPress. WordPress.com not .org -_-
Busyness-I’m back at school taking a larger course load with a more demanding study schedule, Darrell is back at work and the boys… are becoming a handful. They are very demanding now which makes it more difficult to find time to get on my laptop to type away about them-especially since as soon as I open this macbook, they perk up and come running and whining that I join them, away from the dining table, and to the floor space where they play. And if I bring the macbook down, they will come and try to run all 20 fingers across the keyboard and pull at the screen and try to gnaw at the sides. -_-
my absentee-ism is due to vacation and the laziness that comes with it. Darrell and I took a vacation to Hawai’i – just the two of us. The boys were left with family for 6 days. He proposed and I said yes. And we came home to cranky, overtired boys who were thrown completely off their routine and nap/sleep schedule. As Darrell put it – we came home to them ‘broken’. LOL – it still makes me chuckle when I think of Darrell trying to elicit a laugh or a giggle out of one of the boys by throwing him up in the air, but getting absolutely no cheer and instead we hear whines and cries and I can hear Darrell jokingly, but not really, exclaim “What happened?! They’re broken!”
Once we settled into routine again from vacation, it was party planning time as we prepared for their coming 1st birthday and baptism during labor day weekend. Darrell was on vacation again too, so a lot of our free time went to watching movies from netflix or getting decorations done or me being in school and work – not really time for blogging.
And now it’s almost been a month since their birthday and I realize that I need to document it soon or else all will be forgotten.
I want to blog about: their birthday/baptism party, their actual birthday, their 1st haircuts and Aizen taking his first few steps the other day. And I want to back-blog about Demetri finally catching up to Aizen and being able to pull to standing and stand independently for a while. And also about how much they babble and talk, how they love to clap when I saw “YAAYYYY” and they can wave both hands now. They love doing the ‘indian sound’ with their mouths and hands, how Aizen has bitten Demetri multiple times, hard enough to leave bruises and scars all over his body-even his face. I want to blog about how much they weighed in at their 1 yr doctor’s check-up and how they got the MMR vacine and now they both have had colds ever since and they both vomit a lot now. I want to whine and complain about how much they whine and complain around me because of how bad their separation anxiety is now that I’m leaving them for school when they are awake in the morning and sometimes won’t be home until dinnertime-and how much this kills me that I have to leave them for hours at a time-and how this affects Darrell sleep schedule- and how they are becoming difficult toddlers that give me hell with all their tantrums around me. I want to blog about how much they eat and drink now, how they use sippy-straw cups now and are only on 3 bottles of cow’s milk a day (hooray, no more formula!) I want to backlog about how they only take one nap a day right at noon and how long they can stay awake for. I want to blog about how they love their lovies, and steal each others, and how they laugh at each other and can also silently watch each other play and cheer each other on.
I want to record so much down…but alas, these topics won’t be in this log. I have an exam on Friday and I need to study now. This was just another distraction away from study time. I’ll take any excuse not to study
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