ford-ye-fiji · 1 year
Okay. So essentially.
There are several options.
First, Kaeya refers to Dainslief pointedly as a pure-blooded Khaenri'ahn, because of his ‘eyes’
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He says this as almost if he is not pure blooded. Unfortunately, that doesn’t confirm or deny. Their eyes are patterned the same, however, so I’m thinking, if Kaeya isn’t solely Khaenri'ahn, maybe that has something to do with the color.
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Kaeya's are a dark purple-blue whereas Dainsleif's are more of a lighter teal-blue. Chlothar's appear to be also a lighter blue.
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Either way, this isn’t very conclusive. Kaeya could or could not be a pure-blooded Khaenri'ahn. Well except there’s one singular problem. All pure-blooded Khaenri'ahns are cursed with immortality. And as we’ve learned, all non-pure-blooded Khaenri'ahn's were turned into hilichurls. So either Kaeya IS pure-blooded. Or, something very strange is going on with him.
We'll table that for later.
First, we know that Kaeya is definitely a descendent of the Alberich clan- more specifically he says of Chlothar, the founder the Abyss Order.
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Second, when Chlothar tells you Caribert's identity, he calls him, specifically, his illegitimate son. As if he might have another one floating around somewhere.
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Might he has another pure-blooded son out there? Could he be Kaeya’s ancestor? Maybe. That would also make Kaeya pure blooded, thus immortal, thus solving our problem. That’s one option.
Let's keep going. Another important piece of data is that Caribert's mother is from Mondstadt.
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This is only significant because, out of all seven nations to pick from, Kaeya's father also dropped him off in Mondstadt. It could just be a coincidence but, still. It might not be.
Anyway, moving on. I have no theories about what was under Caribert's mask that made him lose it and I truly have no idea why the Sinner's/the abyss's dark energy surrounded him. Either way, however, his fate remains unknown.
Except for this
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This seems to indicate that The Loom of Fate is not a thing or a person but some sort of concept/state of being. Either way Caribert is, for all intents and purposes, not here anymore.
The reason I say not here instead of dead is because we have no proof of death. We know Chlothar is dead, but not Caribert.
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Where does all this leave us?
Well, the first option is the simplest one. Kaeya is the descendant of Chlothar's legitimate child so he is a pure blooded Khaenri'ahn, hence why he is not a hilichurl.
The second option is that he could be a descendant of Caribert himself. As we know, somehow, Chlothar managed to cure his curse of immortality. Maybe that was through whatever happened with Caribert and the Loom of Fate. Maybe Caribert was able to cure himself. Maybe Kaeya is his descendant and thus a non-pure-blooded Khaenri'ahn who is also not a hilichurl.
The third option is that Kaeya is Caribert himself. It makes sense why he was dropped off in Mondstadt. It’s the home of his father's love. Now, the major problem with this one is that it doesn’t fit with what we currently know about the timeline. This occurred hundreds of years ago and Kaeya clearly had a childhood with the Ragnvindrs. I’m not ruling out this option though because Genshin always surprises me.
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Either way, “You are our last hope” feels very significant here. Perhaps it has to do with the Loom of Fate and why Kaeya is seemingly unaffected by the curse.
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