#Lucas Ramball
canadachronicles · 1 year
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What am I mad about today?
In the Star Wars movies Obi-Wan literally gets fucked over from start to finish ESPECIALLY by Qui-gon Jinn, who literally manipulated him into forcing the counsel to let him take Annikan EVEN THOUGH THEY FUCKING KNEW IT WASNT OK and then he slayed all the Jedi children and Obi-Wan still tried to tell him he loved him to come back to the light side. This poor fuck has been on a never ending roller coaster fuck fest through no fault of his own and no one ever mentions it in any sort of Star Wars fan dialogue.
I haven’t seen newer movies so idk but off the Original 6, Obi wan got fucked. I used to think Quigon was a good guy when I was a kid and now I’m like YOU RUINED EVERYTHING. I have a lot more to say but I wanted to get this out bc o went on a very long rant about it to my partner and I’m pretty sure they’re done with my shit so now you all get my shit.
TLDR; Star Wars fucked Obi-Wan the entire time and I’m mad about it to this day. I didn’t elaborate well bc I’m in a manic frenzy but the point stands.
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