Louis Tomlinson Concert Help!
I was invited to a Louis Tomlinson concert (it’s next weekend!) by a friend who is a fan and would love to be a good concert buddy! Which of his songs should I be listening to before the concert?? (I literally know 1-2 of Louis songs! Please help!).
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I’m looking for a concert buddy. Because my friends don’t have the same music taste as me and I reaaallly wanna see some artists live. :D
I’m from The Netherlands so it would be useful if you are from The Netherlands, Germany or Belgium. :). (That’s the reason I’m typing English cuz I don’t speak German.
I’m willing to travel to Germany or Belgium for a concert if necessary :)
I’m 17 years old so being around that age would be cool. 
I wanna go to:
- Louis Tomlinson (March 19th 2020, Amsterdam) (Or maybe one in Belgium or Germany if that’s more realistic for you) :))
- Harry Styles (May 6th 2020, Amsterdam) (Or maybe one in Belgium or Germany if that’s more realistic for you) :))
- Maybe Queen + Adam Lambert but I’m not sure yet cuz that’s expensive! 
If you have any artists you wanna go to let me know cuz maybe I like that artist too :D
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Louis Tomlinson Concert Vibes
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