#Lord Dingwall
ben-the-hyena · 1 year
I love the 2016-2017 Disney Princesses comics because they are very cute, quite funny and pretty, add a few cute good lore elements, and have characters bond
Notably it has Merida and her ex suitors having become friends after the movie's events which is adorable. None wanted marriage and she didn't want to put aside her tomboyish personalities they were allowed to have, so they all bonded over those as the clans made peace. That's adorable
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I also love the balance of consistency (Wee Dingwall is not stupid. He just has a resting high face especially when he is not happy to be there or doing that. And these strips understood that) and evolution (none used to understand Young MacGuffin now they do and just "translate" for us readers, they all used to be shocked and embarrassed Merida was superior to them now they gladly accept it and try to better themselves and show off to her not an unfriendly way, Wee Dingwall speaks more and even though Young MacIntosh is still proud and boasts a lot and still tries to impress the archery expert as if he would teach her anything, it no longer, he no longer seems to fit as many tantrums as before, mock or look down on others, seeing teens his age and a girl who not only is not a trophy for once in his life but a genuine friend as well as someone who had him and the others open their eyes about this arranged marriage thing, he became slightly more humble and seems to still be working on it and heading towards the right way. As for Merida herself, who used to roast and mock them with her dad, now she is more at peace now that they no longer pose a threat to her future and so became helpful, supporting and even when she makes fun it is more light hearted than anything and she aknowledges when they do good (such as no matter how shitty his desmonstration had been Young MacIntosh DID do a bullseye) and is no longer annoyed but amused or concerned about their antic
But my favorite strip is this one for everything is implies and the lore details and potential it gives, especially for how much the movie is about parent-child relationships
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The fact they all agreed to camp together and their parents agreed implying the clans are closer than ever and them, future clan leaders, will be closer than ever for having hunted together, fought together and camped around a fire in the middle of nowhere together in their youth
The confirmation Merida isn't/wasn't (it seems to take place after the movie but I guess even if the bond was mended and Elinor now accepts her daughter's tastes and opinions she still must expect her to keep practicing stuff essential for a Lady's future, or a compromise Merida accepts to do now they understand each other even if she doesn't like it) the only one to have to follow strict royal lessons but they all did which puts even more into perspective their roles in the movie and why they approved her choice
The implication that either the Lords are like Elinor at home being more up to the rules, serious and strict than Fergus and just being feral once together as men OR it has to do with gender and the mothers have to be like that to their daughters and so do the fathers to their sons
And the most boring tasks the dads give them have to do with their (dads' and/or sons') traits : Lord MacIntosh is very proud of his lineage and genes (he prides themselves in having the most beautiful hair) so he demands for his proud son to be proud for something useful for once such as about his own family heritage, Lord MacGuffin tries (enhance tries, that's not really how you help but he tries) to have his son more confident and more eloquent as a future leader who will have to be heard and understood by his people in his court or in battle, and then you have Lord Dingwall who just has his son do chores for him, which works with how bossy he is and how it must be his definition of making someone responsible, as well as how the Dingwalls seem to be more practical than show since whereas they are mocked for jist having a rock as sigil, it is a much better weapon than a caldron or a lyre and goes straight to the point without needless symbolism therefore chores must be more important for him in life for a leader than anything else
I am obviously overanalyzing some points, but these go perfectly with my HCs
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craftykoalatraveler · 1 month
King fergus and the lords:fighting each other
Queen elinor: sigh I'm surrounded by idiots
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In the future the young lords become lords of the clan after their fathers died and after a month young lords got married and had children
In memory of their fathers the young lords would tell their children tales of their grandfather's to keep the lords memory alive.
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calliecat93 · 2 years
RIP Robbie Coltrane
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radiofreeskaro · 4 months
Radio Free Skaro #946 - More Than Sixty Years in the TARDIS
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs946.mp3 Download MP3 Radio Free Skaro returns to the stage at Gallifrey One with their kick-off show MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS IN THE TARDIS! Join the Three Who Rule, along with a bonus Two-Minute Time Lord segment from Chip Sudderth, as they talk to Doctor Who composer Segun Akinola, Doctor Who and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy documentarian Kevin Jon…
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sundove88 · 12 days
Brave (Sundove88’s Version) Casting
Bowser Jr, the impetuous but courageous son of Koopa King Bowser and Queen Merlina, is a skilled warrior who wants to carve out his own path in life. His defiance of an age-old tradition angers the Mushroom princesses and leads to chaos in the kingdom. Bowser Jr seeks help from an eccentric witch, who grants him an ill-fated wish. Now, Bowser Jr must discover the true meaning of courage and undo a beastly curse before it's too late.
Bowser Jr as Merida (Super Mario)
Bowser as King Fergus (Super Mario)
Merlina as Queen Elinor (Sonic and The Black Knight)
The Dark Queen as Bear!Elinor (Sonic and The Black Knight
Princess Daisy as Wee Dingwall (Super Mario)
Ryoma as Lord Dingwall (Fire Emblem)
Alucard as Lord Macintosh (Castlevania)
Princess Peach as Young Macintosh (Super Mario)
Princess Rosalina as Young MacGuffin (Super Mario)
King Dedede as Lord MacGuffin (Kirby)
Fatalis as Mor’Du (Monster Hunter)
Madame Grape as The Witch (Princess Peach Showtime)
Kamek as Maudie (Super Mario)
Huey, Dewey, and Louie as Harris, Hubert, and Hamish (Ducktales)
Great Izuchis as Bears!Harris, Hubert, and Hamish (Monster Hunter)
Here’s your hint to the next casting (It’s Cartoon Saloon):
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notasfilosoficas · 5 months
La verdadera posesión de un hombre es su memoria. En nada más es rico, en nada más es pobre"
John Alexander Smith
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Fue un filósofo, economista y académico inglés, nacido en Dingwall en abril de 1863, profesor de moral y metafísica en Waynflete, y académico en Balliol College en Oxford.
Su educación inicial fue en la Inverness Academy de la Universidad de Oxford, en la que fue admitido como expositor de Warner y erudito honorario en 1884. 
Desempeñó un papel innovador en la institución de la carrera de Filosofía, Política y economía de la Universidad de Oxford.
Elaboró una especie de filosofía neocraciana, en la que incluyó algunos elementos de la Gentile y que fue expuesta en su libro “Knowing and acting” en 1910.
Los puntos centrales de su doctrina son la afirmación de la historicidad de lo real, absorbida en una eternidad supratemporal y la afirmación de que lo real no es la naturaleza o la materia, sino únicamente el espíritu, que en su forma más alta, se realiza como autoconciencia y se despliega como filosofía.
Con lo anterior, Smith combate por una parte la teoría del absoluto acuñada por el filósofo inglés Francis Herbert Bradley, cuya metafísica es de un monismo radical, en donde, dado que la verdad se encuentra únicamente en la unidad del todo, toda afirmación de una multiplicidad de sustancias está en contraste con la realidad.
Para Smith, el pragmatismo es considerada “la no filosofía”, aunque curiosamente la influencia de este tendencia se llega a apreciar en algunos aspectos de su doctrina.
Sus logros visibles fueron sus trabajos con William David Ross el filósofo escocés reconocido por su trabajo en la ética y por su obra “The right and the good” (publicada en 1930).
Smith realizó junto con David Ross una traducción de 12 volúmenes de Aristóteles.
Smith contribuyó en las Conferencias Gifford, una serie anual de conferencias establecidas en 1887 por el testamento de Lord Gifford y cuyo propósito es difundir el estudio de la teología natural.
John Alexander Smith murió en diciembre de 1939 en Oxford a la edad de 76 años.
Fuentes: Wikipedia y mcnbiografias.com, wikiwand.com
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angelsandarsenic · 1 month
An ever after high oc?? In this economy??
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Guys im having so much trouble with outfits. I have a ton I could show but idk if they're good/eah enough
It is so hard to find Scottish female voices I was about to bite the bullet and make it Kelly macdonald  anywayyyyy there's a short version of their story under the cut i'm not gonna write out a whole long thing so pardon the blatant straightforwardness
Voice claims: Lachlan—Jamie Fraser, outlander  Saoirse—Laoghaire McKenzie—outlander
This story goes…a little differently. 
After the events of Brave, Clam Dunbroch continued to prosper, now in closer link than ever with the other clans. Princess Merida ascended to the throne, but she never did take a lover or have children. Hamish, Hubert and Harris, all grown up, went on to find their own partners and lead their own lives. Their eldest children—Shaun of Macguffin, Ailsa and Alec Macintosh, and Lachlan of Dingwall—are now all eligible for the Dunbroch throne
Now let’s turn back time a little bit.
The ancient kingdom is crumbling. The first prince has gone on a rampage and Isla has just watched her husband turn into a massive bear. 
She flees. 
It takes her two days to find the witch’s cottage. By then the spell had been set in stone, and the witch can tell the woman is with child. She’s not heartless, she wants to help, but all magic comes with a price. So she does the only other thing she knows how and shepherds them through the magic circle to the realm of the faeries, where no one will ever find them. 
Lachlan is certain he can win the competition for the throne. He wants it. His grandfather definitely wants it. He’s strong, skilled and fast and not afraid to knock his cousins out of the way, however close they may have been as children. Besides, he’s the Queen’s favorite—how could he lose?
The four clans have all gathered for three weeks of festivities and friendly competition before the actual games. After one too many ruthless victories, Lachlan gets in a fight with his cousins. After being scolded by his father for his behavior as well, the young prince has had enough and takes off into the woods to cool down. 
He brings back a girl.
An odd girl, to be sure, her thick braids make two strange piles on her head and she won’t ever tell him where she’s from, but there are no kingdoms or settlements around here, so a girl lost in the forest needs help! She introduces herself as Saoirse before the Queen and quickly gets welcomed to stay. 
Lachlan likes her at first. She’s fiery and mischievous and actually manages to beat him in combat. It’s just a sparring match, he tells himself, it doesn’t actually matter. Except it does matter. Because Saoirse is getting way too close to the Queen and she’s too good at everything for her- her existence to be natural. Lachlan's cousins loved her, meanwhile Lachlan himself was only growing more irritable and distant. Was she replacing him? What was more, there were rumors that the Queen wanted to let Saoirse, an outsider, compete for the throne! Too bad no one believed Lachlan when he tried to tell them. They all think he’s simply jealous. 
And then one night there’s a bear in the castle.
Understandably, Lachlan panics and draws his sword. He’s heard the stories. What happened to his father, his brothers and the late Queen Elinor. Heard about the demon bear Mor’du. If he doesn’t slay the beast then-
But just before Lachlan calls for help, the bear disappears and a wide eyed Saoirse is standing in its place. Her hair fell loose down her shoulders, revealing furry ears atop her head. 
“W-wait! It’s not- Lachlan listen-“
He had won. He had proof, right there under her hair! If he brought her before the Queen and lords, they’d probably kill her, but so what?
In a desperate flight for life, Saoirse ran through the palace as a bear to escape. The clans awoke with much clamor and the hunt was on, but the beast had disappeared into the night. 
The very next morning, the clans set out again, splitting into groups to canvas the forest more thoroughly. Lachlan set off on his own--he knew just where to go. 
He didn’t find the bear at the stone circle like before. He did find a wisp. A will-o-the wisp! Here to lead him to his fate, undoubtedly. 
Lachlan followed the little spirits eagerly, ignoring the way the trees grew thick and dark, and stone jutted further from the ground. At first, he thought the stone archway was a cave. Inside lay the bear, curled up by a pile of rubble, asleep.
“Wake up.” Lachlan kicked it. He had more honor than to kill a sleeping enemy. 
She transformed back as she startled awake. That was fine, a human was easier to drag back anyway. She was clutching a bow, a sword lay on the stone steps behind her. 
“Did you steal these from the castle?!”
“No, I made them you brute!”
Lachlan scoffed. “You made them?” 
“Yes. Did you think your weapons just popped out of thin air, your highness?”
“I- w- no. But you’re a beast, what the devil do you need weapons for?”
“I'm a human,” she hissed. It was then that Lachlan noticed. Stairs?? And were those carvings? 
“Is this the ancient kingdom? Do you live here?”
“No. I just…come here sometimes.”
The look on her face made him think she might snap at him, but she kept herself in check. Instead, she said, “becoming the kingdom hero won’t make you loved, you know.”
“What? I’m loved, what are you talking about?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because you don’t act like it. Are we sure I’m the monster here?”
The girl huffed. “Well, I hope you figure yourself out soon, before it’s too late. You’re really lucky you know. You have so many people who care about you. Four whole clans at your fingertips.” Her own fingers traced a withered carving on cracked stone. She muttered something about “mum told me not to come back here” and stood. Lachlan readied his weapon again, not realizing he had ever lowered it. She didn’t attack him. She simply hefted another massive rock over to her spot from the other side of the cave and laid back down. “Do it then. Go on, I’m ready.”
Saoirse actually managed to look annoyed. “You’re planning to kill me right? For ‘attacking your castle’?” Her voice ridiculed him, yet she seemed completely serious. “Go on then.”
Lachlan actually dropped his weapon then. “What is wrong with you?” What was so important about the stone then that she wanted it close? “Don’t you- I mean okay, I understand being suicidal, but don’t you have someone who would miss you?”
Lachlan’s heart fell. He dropped down beside her. Surely she couldn’t be serious. “Where do you live?”
A mournful frown pushed her bottom lip out like she was about to cry. “Right here. I was supposed to live here. Ages ago. But it- it got destroyed.” As if an afterthought, she added, “I was never going to hurt you, you know.”
Lachlan finally took a look at the carvings she had rolled over to lean against. The four brothers, he could recognize easily enough. He had heard the story more than enough times for a lifetime from his father and aunt. There were people with them. The king, he assumed, was one, standing in the middle with the crown. The others were three women—the fourth brother didn’t have one, but he held a little boy in front of him. All of the brothers had a family, Lachlan realized. Even the eldest, though he didn’t seem to have a child yet. 
“We never learned about them,” the prince murmured.
“No, you wouldn’t have. They all died.”
“But- but this is all ancient.” She must be crazy. “You can’t live here.”
“Time moves a lot slower in the realm of the faeries.”
Now Lachlan looked at Saoirse like she was in fact crazy. Then it clicked. “The circle…”
Well, that's...kind of sad... “You’re another victim of the witch,” he surmised. He hadn’t thought they could turn into humans again but maybe she had gotten a different spell?
Saoirse snorted. “No, the witch is married to my mum now. She’s lovely, really. I’m-“
“A victim of Mor’du then? Did he kill your family?” 
Saoirse cut him off with a roll of her eyes. “Mor’du was my family ya gommy nyaff.”
All in all, they returned to the castle. Lachland apologized, made up with his family. Saoirse, with some trials of trust, was welcomed back as well. Eventually, Lachland does take the throne. Except there were never any competitive games. Or rather, the lead up was the competition, in a sense. The Queen wanted to test the heirs' genuine traits and familial bonds. With the ability to admit he was wrong and put family above himself, Lachlan passed with flying colors.
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cinematicct · 1 year
Brave (2012)
From Disney and Pixar, this movie is about a fiercely independent Scottish princess named Merida who defies an archaic custom to pursue her own destiny. Simultaneously, a beastly curse forces her to take action to save the kingdom.
A terrifically gifted voice cast includes: Kelly Macdonald as Princess Merida, Emma Thompson as Queen Elinor, Billy Connolly as King Fergus, Julie Walters as the Witch and Robbie Coltrane, Kevin McKidd and Craig Ferguson as Lords Dingwall, MacGuffin and Macintosh, respectively.
Kelly Macdonald delivers a fresh outlook on female independence in a way that differs completely from a quintessential Disney Princess. Emma Thompson’s vocal performance alone is an elegantly superb example of a monarch whose diplomatic stance comes into conflict with her daughter. Put those components together, we see a perfectly strained mother/daughter relationship that’s basically the heart of the story. Billy Connolly’s exuberant tone is an excellent way to convey a ruler who seems larger-than-life, but is really a judicious figure. Julie Walters is both a national treasure and master comedienne whose mannerisms are integrated in the Witch’s eccentric behavior.
What makes Merida uniquely different is her extreme passion for adventure, tomboyish style and athletic skills. On that note, Merida loves riding her Clydesdale horse Angus and archery more than anything, which is a symbol of her defining trait as a female warrior. Although she has a softness of heart, she makes it clear that she doesn’t need a man to support her, nor does she wish to marry despite Elinor’s warning that refusal to adhere to tradition could lead to chaos.
In terms of observing the dynamic between a daughter and her mother, the film presents the protagonist struggling to maintain her own free will against the parent’s lectures on the rules of proper royal etiquette. The relationship is further complicated when Merida bargains for a spell that causes Elinor to transform into a bear in an attempt to change her fate. It is then that both mother and daughter must work out their differences and “mend the bond torn by pride” in order to break the curse.
The animation is not only mind-blowing, but it beautifully captures the gorgeous landscape of the Scottish Highlands in such extensive detail. Every strand/lock of Merida’s fiery red mane of hair (including the interwoven threads of the family tapestry made by Elinor) is down to a science. Elinor’s bear form is designed in the exact anatomy of a bear yet she is able to retain her human consciousness. Whenever Bear-Elinor is in her state of human mind, she’d stand/walk on her hind legs. As the spell gradually begins to take over her humanity, she’d be on all fours. Furthermore, the villain of the story is a demonic bear named Mor’du (which conveniently means “great black”). Unlike the sane, expressive bear version of Elinor, Mor’du is a ferocious manifestation of a dark soul trapped in the body of a bear. In addition, Elinor’s regal stature is reflected in her silky fur and flawless bear-like qualities, whereas Mor’du is a muscular hybrid of man and monster all in one. Last but not least, Merida’s younger identical triplet brothers-turned-bear cubs are the icing on the computer-generated cake.
The story is completely original in the sense that it’s not based on a preexisting fairy tale but rather one that pays homage to both the majestic and dark aspects of ancient folklore. Set in Scotland in the Middle Ages, the movie is packed with elements of magic and a sense of danger. One crucial element is a phosphorescent glow of spiritual fumes known as will-o’-the-wisps. According to legend, depending on the situation, it is said that a wisp can either guide a lost traveler to his/her destiny or lead down a dark path. In Merida’s case, she heads down a path she thought would resolve her parental issues but instead makes the reckless mistake of spreading peril across the kingdom. That’s when Merida has to look inside herself and unlock her inner bravery to set things right.
While not a musical, the film’s soundtrack contains a few original songs: two performed by Scottish folk singer Julie Fowlis (“Touch the Sky” and “Into the Open Air”) and one performed by English singer Birdie with backing vocals by English folk rock band Mumford & Sons (“Learn Me Right”). Not only that, but a flashback scene shows Elinor singing a lullaby to young Merida in Gaelic, during which Emma Thompson does her own singing.
Finally, although a standalone narrative, this film teaches the importance of discovering our fate (even if one is willing to challenge societal norms to do so) and understanding one another through mythical storytelling. What’s more, Brave helped set the stage for the creation of specific Pixar movies with more female-bonding experiences such as Inside Out. All in all, I recommend this visually pleasing Best Animated Feature Oscar winner to every fan of both Pixar and fantasy.
WARNING: this Pixar movie may be too scary for younger kids with scenes regarding Mor’du.
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
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So sad to hear that the voice of Lord Dingwall from Brave passed away.
May Robbie Coltrane’s memory be a blessing.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On June 5th 1592 an act of the Scottish Parliament came into force “concerning the Office of Lyoun King of Armes and his brether Heraldis”  
The Lord Lyon is still in use today and an important office in all heraldic matters.
The title, Lord Lyon - King of Arms, stems from an ancient tradition of sovereign appointment. The appointee is responsible for "granting armorial bearing of the recognition of clan chiefs". The Lord Lyon, who has his own procurator fiscal, investigates abuses of heraldic law.
The position may incorporate the much older Celtic office of royal Seanchaidh or of King’s Poet with responsibility for keeping the royal genealogy and attending the inauguration (later coronation) of the King.
The Lord Lyon is the sole King of Arms in Scotland. He is Head of the Heraldic Executive and the Judge of the Court of the Lord Lyon which has jurisdiction over all heraldic business in Scotland.
On ceremonial occasions the Lord Lyon is accompanied by Her Majesty’s Officers of Arms, all of whom are members of the Royal Household. They are at present Rothesay Herald, Snawdoun Herald and Marchmont Herald, Ormond Pursuivant, Dingwall Pursuivant and Unicorn Pursuivant.
The Officers of Arms may be consulted on matters of heraldry and genealogy by members of the public and may represent their clients before the Lyon Court. An Act of the Scottish Parliament of 1592 gave the Lord Lyon responsibility for prosecuting as a criminal offence anyone who uses unauthorised Arms. The Court has its own Procurator Fiscal an independent official prosecutor.
In 1672 a further Act of the Scottish Parliament authorised the creation of the Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland. This Register is maintained by the Lyon Clerk and Keeper of the Records and contains an official copy of every Coat of Arms granted in Scotland since 1672.
Anyone can create their own coat of arms for your family. it is the Lord Lyon, and his deputies that will do a search to verify it is unique and register  your design. Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount a poet and diplomat during   the Scottish Renascence was the first official Lord Lyon from  1542–1554 but  the actual office of Lord Lyon predates the year 1399, with Henry Greve recorded as the first holder during the reign of Robert III. There is an oft-repeated statement that Robert the Bruce created a Lyon King of Arms in 1318, but this is open to considerable doubt. The story seems to have been originated in the fifteenth century by a sub-prior of Arbroath Abbey, one William de Pittenweem. However, the Exchequer and other Records do not support the assertion and it is not until 1377 that the office of “Lyoun Herauld” is known to have existed.
The Rev. Canon Dr. Morrow is the present day Lord Lyon, he was appointed in 2014.  
The first pic is the arms of Lord Lyon, next is Sir David Lindsay of the Mount who was Lord Lyon from 1542 to 1554. A poet and diplomat during Renaissance Scotland, then the Seal  of the Lord Lyon King of Arms, created in 1673, depicting the arms of the Lord Lyon, lastly is  Lord Lyon King of Arms' crown
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Something I am sad for about the fact Pixar wants us to forget Brave exists and won't do any sequel or show is how much I wanted to see how were the homes of the other 3 clans. How it looks like. Their wives (who are either as crazy as them or as done as Elinor). If they love their wives and it's mutual or they stick together because they have to. If the wiveq are alive at all or if at least one of the Lords is a widow. If they have other kids, and if so how many and what genders (Lord Dingwall must not since he presents his son as his only son, but Lord MacGuffin sure does since he presents his as his eldest ; Lord MacIntosh doesn't indicate anything so we are up to imagine for him). What kinds of dads they are at home. How they lead their clans without a rival to fight with. How their houses or castles look like. How Merida and her clan in general are like and act in theirs and towards their members. How much buddies have Merida and the boys have become as merchandise implies ; same for their old men. If Merida would ever end up with Young MacGuffin because this ship is adorable (and was meant to be canon ! And his voice actor did say his characters likes her. And she DID peek)
We were so robbed
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craftykoalatraveler · 11 months
Disney brave Modern au
Lord macguffin screams to the point he faints when basically on any high fast rides at theme parks lord dingwall and macintosh find it funny
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Something always wonders me did the lords get in trouble for almost starting a war when they got back cause I have a feeling they are to be in trouble
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tvparapobres · 9 months
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mymanymerrymuses · 1 year
I know I've been going off about Ryan SO MUCH but there's like no fan content about him (at least not that I can find) and that means I have to make my own so I'm doing that a lot.
Here's my current thought about him:
I love the moment Wee Dingwall goes feral, because Ryan sees him coming and just. Straight up hides behind his dad XD
Just "Ah! Dad, help!". And it's my favourite thing.
"Yes princess, choose me for I am a strong warrior AH DAD SAVE ME!"
Boy loves and trusts his dad and I love that for him.
Also then it's Ryan that punches Lord Dingwall like. He's trying to protect his dad but also he knows he cannot take on Wee Dingwall and win XD
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