#Look I just think Yuta should get to wreck as many former/current twunks and twinks as possible
banannabethchase · 11 months
"Don't say it like you don't like it." MattYuta
My Heart May Be Missing (But My Hands Will Make Up for It) - also on AO3
After the Yuta vs. Kenny match, Matt storms after Yuta and Claudio as they go backstage. But it's not exactly for retaliation.
Sarah I'm feeding you to a megalodon then feeding that megalodon to a Tyrannosaurus Rex afterwards. Title from Animal by The Cab.
Matt stomps backstage after Yuta, who is being half dragged by Claudio.
"You can leave him right here with me, thank you," Matt says in his best EVP command voice.
Claudio turns to him slowly, an eyebrow raised. "And why would I do that?"
"It's fine, Claudio," Yuta says, voice sounding pained. Matt tries to not look too smug about it. "I got this. It's only a Buck."
Matt scoffs. "Only a Buck. You know how hard I kicked your asses the other day? Just at Anarchy in the Arena I - "
He's cut off by Yuta shoving him into the first locker room door. It doesn't belong to the BCC or Elite, so Matt puts out a prayer that nobody will crash in on them.
"Oh, so you're dragging me around like a rag doll now?"
Yuta walks into Matt's space, crowding him against the wall. Matt really wishes he wasn't so into the way Yuta lords his height over Matt, the smarmy grin on his lips, the low laugh from his lips. "Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?"
"Quit being a bitch," Matt snaps.
Yuta's smile only grows more knowing, more sleazy. "Don't say it like you don't like it." He leans in and presses his mouth against Matt's. It's barely a kiss - more like a claim.
Matt fights off a shiver, a moan, any sort of response, but then settles his hands on Yuta's hips. "I didn't say I didn't like it," Matt breathes. He whimpers when Yuta's hand slides under his shirt, skimming against his stomach. "Just. You're being mean. You - oh - should cool it down. Just a little at least."
Yuta's laugh makes Matt desperate and stupid and, really, it's his fault Matt leans up and kisses him hard. Yuta keeps laughing into Matt's mouth, which should piss him off, but it only gets him harder. "You like it when I'm mean," Yuta says, dragging his lips along Matt's jaw. "You like it when I get you begging and whimpering and all marked up."
Matt hates how he whimpers in response to that, like it's a command, but he slides his hands up Yuta's bare, sweaty back, holding him closer. “I mean, if you’re gonna be a bitch anyway, I might as well get off on it.”
This time Yuta’s laugh is sweeter, more genuine. Matt wants to climb him like a tree. “You always do, don’t you.”
Matt gets his hands into Yuta’s waistband and shoves his gear pants down his hips. “Fuck me,” he begs. “Please, come on.”
“Not right now,” Yuta says, sucking a furious bruise into Matt’s neck. “No time.”
Matt whines. “Please?”
“Don’t beg. You know it makes me reckless.”
Matt shrugs. “Maybe I want you reckless.”
“We don’t have lube,” Yuta says firmly, pressing Matt against the wall. “And I’m not willing to do anything stupid that might hurt you.”
Matt pouts. “I’m stupid, and you’re doing me, so you’ve already lost on that level.”
“Stop – goddamn it, Matt,” Yuta growls. He grabs Matt’s jeans and pulls them down his hips, then spits in his hand. Matt’s about to say something, but then Yuta’s hand is around his cock and every word he’s ever known dissolves from his mind. “That’s better. So fuckin’ pretty when you shut the hell up.”
Matt would defend himself, but it’s easier to push his cock into the tight circle of Yuta’s fingers, moaning at the way Yuta’s teeth work at his skin. He’s going to be purple after this. He’s completely gone, head thrown back, when Yuta mutters something.
“I said,” Yuta says, speeding up his hand, “I better get a chance to fuck you before next week.”
“Yes,” Matt says, hips pistoning wildly, “yes, of course. Any time you want. Anything you want.”
Yuta’s evil little laugh rings in Matt’s ear, and he’s almost there, he’s almost there. “Don’t tempt a bad guy with a blank check.”
Matt laughs, feeling all his muscles tense in anticipation. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Yuta leans in for a kiss and bites Matt’s lower lip, and that’s it for Matt. He comes with a moan against Yuta’s mouth, but Yuta doesn’t let up, keeps stroking him until it’s too much and Matt’s batting at his hand.
Yuta laughs as he pulls his hand away. “Hmm,” he says, “maybe next time I use your come as lube,” he muses. “Fuck you raw when you’re all twitchy and oversensitive.”
Matt nods, still a little dizzy. “Sure,” he says. “You could do that now, if you really want to.” He bats his eyelashes and turns on his best boo-boo eyes.
“Matt,” Yuta says, rolling his eyes. “Jesus fuckin’ –”
“Come here,” Matt says, “it’s your turn.” He drops to his knees and looks up at Yuta. “I mean, if you still want to?”
“If I ever deny a blowjob from you and your stupid perfect mouth, kill me,” Yuta deadpans. Matt turns them around so Yuta’s against the wall – the last time they did this, he’d almost fallen on top of Matt, and that’s not something he wants to replicate – and slides his mouth down around Yuta.
“Oh, god,” Yuta says. He knocks off Matt’s hat and threads his fingers into Matt’s hair.
Matt pulls off. “That – your hand is covered in come!”
“And so’s your hair now,” Yuta says, grinning down at Matt. “Come on, you have a hat. Don’t you like it when I pull your hair?”
“I hate that you have a point,” Matt grumbles, and he sinks back down onto Yuta’s cock, sparks up his spine as Yuta’s finger pull gently at his scalp. He would ask for a sharper tug, but Yuta usually refuses, and Matt doesn’t want to push.
Yuta’s hips circle slowly, giving Matt more guidance of where to suck and lick. He does his best to smile around Yuta’s cock when Yuta starts whimpering.
“Wanna – fuck, yes – fuck your mouth, please?” Yuta asks.
Matt gives him a thumbs up and relaxes his throat, and Yuta goes wild. Matt loves this part, when Yuta loses his calculated, focused persona and falls into something damned near wild abandon. He whimpers and gasps and calls Matt’s name, coming down his throat with his hand in Matt’s hair and his name on his lips. Matt swallows it all down, delighted.
He pulls off when Yuta runs his thumb along Matt’s jaw.
“I didn’t use the messy hand,” Yuta says, smiling down at Matt. He holds up the hand that had been in Matt’s hair. “See?”
Matt’s weirdly touched. “That’s – that’s kind of sweet.” He grabs his hat from the floor and settles it over his clean hair. “Thanks. Why’d you make me think you did?”
Yuta shrugs. “Figured you’d be into me getting you all messy.” He raises an eyebrow. “Maybe next time…”
Matt nods. “I hate that you’re right, but sure, yeah. Come in my hair or whatever.” He gets to his feet and fixes his pants, then petulantly folds his arms over his chest. “I have a match later, too, but do you want to meet up in my hotel room after all the tapings are done?”
Yuta’s smile shifts back to that delightful cruelty. “I thought you were supposed to have a horrible refractory time as you got older.”
“Don’t you dare call me old,” Matt says firmly.
Yuta reaches out and yanks Matt close with an arm around Matt’s waist. “I’ll call you anything I want, baby,” he growls, and kisses Matt so hard Matt sees stars. He pulls away from Matt after not long enough. “I mean. As long as it’s okay.”
“Oh, my god, it’s always okay.” Matt pauses. “Except old. Don’t call me old.”
“Duly noted.” Yuta winks at him, the little shit, and goes to the door. “I’ll talk to you in the hotel room.” He pats his pocket. “Text me your room number?”
Matt nods and waits the customary seven minutes before leaving, like they always do. He slides out the door and down the hallway, and jumps a foot when he hears someone behind him yell, “There you are!”
Adam strides down the hallway, already in gear. “Where have you been? Nick’s been texting you.”
“Um,” Matt says, searching for an answer. He searches. And searches. And then it’s been long enough that it’s weird, and Adam’s staring at Matt.
“You know what?” Adam says with a sigh. “We don’t have the time. Come on, Matty, let’s go get ready for the match.” He slings an arm around Matt’s shoulders, but he bumps into the brim of his hat and knocks it off Matt’s head. “Jesus.”
“What?” Matt’s hand flies to his hair, before he remembers that he doesn’t have come in his hair, actually.
“Your hair's a mess,” Adam says, poking at the top of Matt’s hair. “The hell happened to you?”
Matt shrugs. “No comment.”
Adam groans. “We’re gonna have to talk about your terrible sexual decisions someday, Matt.”
“Someday,” Matt says, pulling open the Elite locker room door. “Not today.”
He’s immediately met with Nick’s naked ass and –
“You’re nailing CLAUDIO?!” Adam screeches.
Covering his eyes with his hands as Adam scrambles to yank the door shut, Matt mutters, “Whose sexual decisions are terrible now?”
Mini playlist: Revelations - Kim Petras Animal - The Cab Love You 'Til It Hurts - The Donnas Hot Mess - Cobra Starship
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