#Little Feet
guineapiggies · 9 months
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Via morochanmoruchan
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dira333 · 7 months
Little Feet - Touya x Reader
For my Follower Celebration. I wrote this in the Passing Peonies Universe, I hope my Anon Requester won't mind.
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The bell chimes as the door opens. Rico smiles as he gingerly makes his way through the shop, careful not to throw any plants of the shelves. Not for the first time Touya is amazed how he could have ended up with a job like this with a Quirk like his.
“Himiko.” Touya calls for her. “Your husband is here.”
Himiko is nothing but a flash of blond hair and a green apron as she moves past him, leaping into Rico’s arms with a shriek.
“Baby!” She peppers kisses over his face and Touya turns away to give them some privacy. 
You’ve come out from the back room as well, carrying a Bonsai in your arms.
“Let me.” He moves over to take the heavy plant from you, taking the time to press his mouth against your temple.
“We’re going out for lunch.” Himiko declares somewhere from behind him and he turns, comment ready when he notices something that has him freeze.
He knows Rico to be protective, kind and overall gentle with everything that he does. But this is new. 
Himiko is standing in front of him, holding his left hand with both of hers, playing with his wedding ring. That’s a common sight but Rico’s right hand is protectively splayed over Himiko’s belly in a way that can only mean one thing.
Your hand lands on his elbow a second too late, as his tongue moves faster than his brain.
“Are you pregnant?” He asks and Himiko’s eyes flick up to his, something like fear visible in her eyes.
“Yes.” Rico answers for his wife. “We are.” There is so much pride in his voice Touya can feel it settle around him, like the first snow of the year. 
You gush excitedly next to him and not for the first time it feels like there are two separate conversations going on. One between you and Rico and one between him and Himiko. 
He swallows thickly and thinks what he wants to say. What she needs to hear…
“They better call me Uncle Touya.” He says, “The kid, I mean.”
Himiko’s face changes in slow motion, her eyes grow big with surprise before they fill with a soft fondness she rarely shows openly to anyone but those closest to her.
“Course.” Rico says and looks down at Himiko. “Right?”
“Yeah.” She nods. “Of Course.”
They leave soon after for their lunch date, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask and step closer, take his hand and play with his fingers.
“I didn’t know they were planning to have children.”
“Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.” You shrug. “But they are happy and they have all means necessary to raise a happy and healthy child.”
“Do you want children?” He turns to look at you. “I mean I know you want children and I want them too but I’ve been so caught up in just living one day after the other, I forgot to think about that we’re getting older and-”
You laugh softly and kiss him. 
“We’re not that old yet, Touya. We still have time if you don’t feel ready yet.”
“How about that?” He asks. “I’ll make sure that each day turns out nice and you’ll take the planning for the future?”
You laugh again. “We’re already doing that anyway, Touya. But yes, let’s do it that way.”
Two yellow eyes blink back at Touya in a mess of chocolate pudding.
“Izumi.” He huffs softly and is rewarded with a bright, cheeky smile. “Yes, you know exactly what you did, I’m sure.”
The boy, barely one and a half years old yet big for his age, smashes his hands down into the mess covering his plate.
“I thought you loved chocolate pudding.” Touya grabs some wipes from the counter and starts wiping the boy's face, careful to be gentle.
With a groan, you wake up from your nap. Touya sends you a smile over the head of Izumi who’s at least not fighting against getting cleaned up.
“You’re already eating?” You ask, rubbing your face. “How long did I sleep?”
“Just long enough for Izumi to redecorate his face. When’s Himiko coming to pick him up? Did she say anything?”
“I don’t remember.” You yawn and sink down into the pillows again. “Gosh, I’m so tired.”
“That’s your coffee consumption coming back to haunt you.” He teases you and pulls Izumi out of his high chair.
The boy giggles happily as he gets carried over to where you are.
“Aunty.” He says softly, stretching out his arms towards you. Touya looks down at him, pride filling his chest. 
“Yes, that’s right Izumi. That’s Aunty. Can you say Uncle too?”
“Dada.” Izumi blinks up at him. 
“No, not Dada. Rico is Dada. You know, the big guy who puts you to bed every night?”
“Mama.” Izumi smiles brightly and you giggle at the defeated look on Touya’s face.
“Not Mama either. If you keep this up, I won’t let you play with our daughter when she’s born, you hear me?”
“Don’t be mean, Touya.” You huff and pull Izumi closer to you. The boy looks up at Touya and curls around your belly as if he knows that someone important is growing inside of it.
His daughter is the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
She’s red faced and wrinkly, hands balled to fists and screaming her head off.
Her eyes are as blue as his, capturing him the first time she opens them.
There are no words for what he feels. Warmth is seeping into every fiber of his body as he holds her, little Touju. This is a new kind of fire and one he never wants to go out.
“Look at her.” He tells you as Touju drinks eagerly, one of her tiny hands free from the blanket she’s wrapped in. “She’s so perfect.”
He kisses your temple, presses his face into your hair to hide his tears. But you know him better than that, your free hand finding his. You offer him comfort with your touch, a hand to hold onto. 
“I wonder if my Dad felt this way.” He tells you in a whisper, the words barely getting past his throat. “When I was born.”
“I think he did. I can’t imagine a parent not feeling this way for their child.”
He curls around you on the small hospital bed, wishing he could freeze his moment forever. Just you and him and Touju and nothing to be afraid of, nothing that can hurt any of you.
“Why wasn’t he a better father then?” He asks, tears burning in his eyes, choking him. “Why-?”
“Touya.” Your voice is soft but firm enough to pull him out of his mind. 
“I don’t want to excuse your fathers behaviours in the past but you cannot forget that he did not have any support besides your mother. You’ve been able to utilize therapy and other support. You are not the same.”
He falls silent after that, bringing your joined hands up to rest them under Touju, holding her close.
You don’t speak either, allowing him to process the moment.
There’s no better thing than spending Sunday Mornings with his daughter on his chest while you sleep next to him.
Touju shares his tendency to wake up early, but as soon as she’s fed she falls quiet again. Her warm body fits perfectly against his and he smiles at her whenever she manages to lift her head to look at him.
There’s no better thing than her sweet babbling, her excited giggles or the face she makes when she eats, fully content with the world.
Touju might be the most loved child in the world.
His mother sewed her baby blanket by hand and the stuffed yellow duck that never leaves Touju’s side was made by your mother. 
His brothers and sister have a groupchat where they discuss who gets to babysit next and his father is known to hijack their plans by showing up first.
And then there’s Izumi.
The backroom is littered with pictures of the two children. 
Izumi holding Touju. The two of them cuddled up during a picnic. 
He’s close to his own little brother Yasushi, but he’s closer to Touju.
And when the worry comes knocking at Touya’s heart, your hand is there to hold his, to remind him… That you’re the one planning the future and he’s the one taking care of the day.
Touju’s fourth birthday has come and gone without any sign of her Quirk.
She’s not too interested in it either, not when there’s so much other stuff to do.
“Too-chan.” She climbs into his lap during breakfast. “Can I come to work with you today?”
“Hmm?” He looks down at her. “You want to come to work with me?”
“YES! I want to help with the garden too!”
“Are you sure? Izumi comes into the shop after school.”
That has her rethinking her wish, lower lip caught between her teeth as she ponders her plans.
Touya looks over to you and stretches out his hand to softly caress the swell of your belly. You rest your hand on his, halting him in his movement just in time to make him feel his son kick.
“Too-chan…” He looks down at his daughter who seems to have come to a decision.
“Can we come back home early? I want to spend time with Izumi.”
“No, baby. I can’t come back home early. We’re at a tight schedule with the garden. But I can ask Aunt Fuyumi to pick you up after work and walk you home? Is that okay?”
She furrows her brows, distraught by having to choose between spending time with her father or her best friend. 
“Okay.” She says finally. “But can we cuddle before we go to work?”
“Of course.”
Touju sinks into him, face pressed against his chest just like she’s done as a newborn. 
Touya moves, careful not to disturb Touju, until he sits right next to you, elbows knocking into each other.
“Hey beautiful.” He kisses you.
You hiss into his kiss and he looks down at your belly.
“Touju.” He tells his daughter quietly. “I think you need to teach Hyouta to be a bit nicer to Mama.”
They have gone over this so many times already, Touju’s rolling her eyes sassily as he explains again.
“This is important, Baby.” He tells her with his best Dad-voice. “Can you repeat what I just said?”
“If I feel funny, I have to step back from other people and hold up my hands in case my quirk is coming in. I have to find the nearest grown up and wait until the feeling passes.”
“Exactly. You’re doing great, baby. Until we know what your quirk is it’s best to be cautious, okay?”
“Are you afraid that it’s going to be fire like Grandpa?” Touju asks as she takes his hand to walk the short distance from the car to the garden they’re working in today.
“Any quirk can be dangerous when used wrong.” He explains and she cocks her head to the side to look at him.
“But Aunty Himiko was afraid, right? Izumi told me that she cried a lot before his quirk got in.”
“Aunty Himiko has been treated badly because of her quirk in the past. She didn’t want Izumi to be treated the same.”
“I think Izumi’s quirk is the coolest.” Touju exclaims with confidence. “He should become the next Symbol of Hope.”
“You think so?” He brushes a hand through her hair that she wanted to keep open today. 
“Yeah! He’s like the Phantom Thief, but cooler!”
“Well, you gotta tell Uncle Izuku then.”
“I did. Uncle Zuku said he thinks that it’s a great idea.”
“That sounds like him. Now, come on. We got to get to work.”
He turns away from her for a second to unlock the heavy gate to the garden. 
When he turns back, Touju look at him in a way he hasn’t seen before.
“Are you okay, Baby?”
“I feel weird.” She says, her voice high with anxiety. “Is that my Quirk coming in?”
“That depends. Take a deep breathe, okay? Like that. You’re doing great, Baby.”
Touju takes a deep breathe, then another. Her hands, still so tiny against his own, shake in front of her as they hold a perfect golden flame.
Touya sinks on his knees and puts his hands beneath hers, holding them steady.
“Look at it.” He says, his voice soft. “This is your gift.”
“Like Grandpa?” Touju asks, her voice breathy. 
“And Uncle Shouto and me. This is your quirk.”
“Are you mad that it’s fire?” Touju’s voice shakes like her hands had before. The flame disappears as if it hadn’t been there at all.
Touya pulls her close, wraps her up tightly in his arms.
“No.” He says, knowing that it’s the truth. “I could never.”
@misfit-megumi @shoulmate @pixiesavvy @the2ndl @neko-my-cat @chelseaquake @tiredslepz @frozen-phoenix17 @spltbtch @touyasprettydoll @dream-girl-stuff @fuzztacular
Tagged all my Passing Peonies Friends.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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qualifiedaquarian · 1 year
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 10 months
Look at those little feet!
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This made me aww, so I had to share. 💕
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jjba-smash-or-pass · 4 months
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feetrneat · 1 year
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guineapiggies · 3 months
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Via oups_le_chon
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lestappenheart · 1 year
Stop, he's so tiny 🤏🏻
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White dressed princess and black dressed bodyguards
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Blooper au:
There are several tiny narancia figure to use for the little feet fight to show the scale in some scene. Giorno stole all of it and place it in random spot. Some of the blooper involved the cameraman zooming in on a mini narancia while the gang is laughing
- 💙
it’s a mix of Narancia Figures and costumes that are entirely green bodysuits except for a face on like. The stomach or wherever the height is
And oh my god yes. The fuckers are hidden EVERYWHERE during the episode and no one knows how Giorno did it without anyone noticing.
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timurs-things · 1 year
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jvyhoney · 2 years
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I’m in the shower but look how cute my toes came out
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writingandmybrain · 6 months
I long for missed possibilities. For the wedding I will never have. For a house and a spouse and little feet padding around. I miss all the high school parties I never got invited to. The relationships that everyone and everything talk about. I miss the chance to do any drugs because I’d probably rat them out. I missed my wild child phase. I wish I’d been young when I was young. I wish I wasn’t longing for a past I never had and a future that seems farther than the sun.
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jimzmonument · 2 years
Quick bird sketches. Look at my children! Don't tell the others, but I think #4's my favorite. Gosh, the stance of #6 makes it a close second though.
Call out to @cartooningsss for inspiring me to make some wildlife art.
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lasquadraarchive · 1 year
Bro ripped the chair ☠️☠️
be so so fr-🐑
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guineapiggies · 3 months
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Via house.hippos
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crackletoons · 2 years
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Been playing with Penup.
Featuring Little Feat, Virgil (my oc), and Pongorma & Wayne
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