#Literally anyship will go
akai--kami · 7 years
I’m sad
This is literally so random but...
I’m like really REALLY sad right now
Can someone share some angst headcanons or what ever with me?
Any ship really I just need it, pls?
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thezomblr-blog1 · 6 years
tagged by: @a-poisonous-gamble​ tagging: @hellrager @oz-answers @a-goofy-zombie @kinkybccts @loveyourfears @ciiclops @spoiledfins @wooftm
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What is your OTP for your character?: Pretty sure it’s obvious to anyone that watches this blog that Damien/Brian is my ride or die ship. However I also ship Brian/Oz, the holy trinity of Damien/Brian/Oz and Damien/Brian/Liam. Along with Brian/Liam and Brian Vera. You can check out a more detailed answer on this here.
What are you willing to write when it comes to shipping? Literally anything. Romance ship, hate ships, clean, smut, toxic ship, etc. I usually don’t shy away from any topic or scene as long as it make sense for the characters involved. I usually end up adapting to my partner’s preferences since I’m not picky at all. You tell me your limits and I abide by them. Simple as that. 
That said I am a huge, huge fan of slow burn ships (although to anyone that watches this blog that probably makes sense haha). It just makes the development and payoff of any milestones they hit all that much more worth it.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?: Eh, I usually am playing with immortal characters, or characters with long lived life spans, etc. So I tend not to think about age gaps as the number itself tends to mean very little in the long run. I however will not play a ship with a minor character. That’s uncomfortable for me.  
Are you selective when shipping? Chemistry. I don’t like to do pre-established ships. It just feels wrong to me, I like seeing the progression of a relationship on this blog.This is due to how Brian interacts with people. He’s very closed off even towards his friends. Has a lot of baggage before a relationship is possible. The only exception was with Vera @a-poisonous-gamble who is his ex. 
How far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered NSFW? The moment it goes beyond teasing mostly. All depends on the context for me. 
Who are the characters that you ship your character with? Oops I guess I already kinda answered this question above. I will add on and say I am TOTALLY open to shipping with anyone. Canon or OC. It’s just difficult because Brian’s as Tsundere as they come. And he’s more than a little bit of an asshole. 
Does one have to ask to ship with you? I absolutely DO NOT mind if your character just comes at me with the flirts, come-ons,or even unrequited love/crushes.  As long as you understand that Brian is again an asshole, and tsundere as fuck which means he’s not always going to react well (which really is always going to be how the start of any relationship with Brian is going to be).  If you character is coming at me a lot with the flirts and the chemistry is flowing well -- Come talk to me! We can plot! If the chemistry is rough and the flirts are being denied? COME TALK TO ME! We can plot! Friendships, Romships, Hateships,Bromance, Anyships! I’m not scary to come talk to I promise. 
tl;dr: you dont have to ask! Just be aware that Brian might not return all affections at least right away.
How often do you like to ship? I’m all about character interaction. Fuck me up, my dude.O’m all for the ships - ALTHOUGH BRIAN MAKES IT SEEM LIKE I’M NOT I KNOW!  Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less? Once you’re in a ship with me .... expect fic, aes posts, random hcs, stupid situations, and PAIN. I could talk about our dudes all day.  But I dont need it to be a rom ship in order to be hyped about it! So more or less I think?
Are you multiship? I am! My main verse is always going to be the ship with @hellrager but I’m so open to other ships. On that note though, I probably wont be doing duplicate ships. Like you’re most likely not gonna find me romantic shipping with multiple Damiens, or multiple Liams, Veras, etc. It’s just easier to keep track of what’s happening with what ship that way for me personally. I do not expect that to be reciprocated! (Ie; any other Dame’s Brian interacts with will be platonic or some other type of relationship)
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom? Excuse me? You expect me to choose out of all the characters? I would say my top ones are obviously Dame/Brian - I also love Oz/Polly, and Vera/Amira. 
Finally, how does one ship with you? Throw your character at mine! The more they interact -- even if it’s just through stupid, silly crack asks and what have you -- the more likely Brian is to react favorably! You can also just come and talk to me. My DMs are always open and I’m always willing to give my Discord to mutuals. 
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