#Liquor store in wellington city
Tips for Choosing... a Liquor Store
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The best way to unwind is with a group of friends and a few well-crafted beverages. Nothing beats it for unwinding and taking it easy.
Whether you're throwing a party or simply hanging out with friends, it's always a good idea to locate a good liquor store. The best retailers will assist their clients by providing recommendations, background knowledge, and access to premium products. When it comes to the Liquor store in wellington city 
A Lot Of Choices
Find a store that specialises in what you're looking for. Several shops sell a variety of beers from local microbreweries. The products offered vary widely, from wine to expensive imported scotch and bourbon. The best stores will provide a diverse selection of products, from the everyday necessities to the rare and exotic.
The liquor shop must have items in a wide price range. Any and all of the available selections, from the most expensive to the least expensive, may find a home in a fully filled liquor cabinet.
The Saratoga shootout charges were dismissed but might be refiled at a later date
In recipes where the taste is meant to blend together, such baked products or mixed drinks, you don't necessarily need to purchase the finest grade brands.
In contrast, if you plan on drinking the booze on its own, you should get a higher-quality brand even if it costs more than a generic one.
Professional Opinions
You may easily rack up a hefty bar tab when entertaining often. Getting professional advice is especially important if your investment is sizeable.
The best bottle of alcohol can make or break an occasion, and the knowledgeable staff at top liquor stores can help you choose the right one. A description of the event and your prefered flavours or flavours should be ready at hand. Listen carefully to the advice they provide. So you need to choose the right Liquor centre there.
Going the extra mile for superior, individualised service may be well worth the effort. Furthermore, if you purchase at the same establishment on a frequent basis, the staff will get acquainted with your shopping preferences and needs. The more often you visit, the more enjoyable your interactions will be.
Encounter completely
Considering how handy something is is usually always a good idea, but it shouldn't be your only consideration.
The perfect version of this business has no dirt on the floor, is well arranged, and is situated in a safe neighbourhood.
The best bottle stores have pristine premises, wide product selections, and well-mannered staff members.
Finding these items at a liquor store will allow you to enjoy the tasty results of your search.
Finally, it's important to keep the whole buying journey in mind
You should look for a store that is conveniently located for you, such as near your home or on your way home from work. This is, however, only the first step. If a store is well-managed, the employees, products, and decor all reflect that. Find a firm that can differentiate itself from the rest of the pack. If you can get everything you need from a single store, it will greatly add to your enjoyment and calm.
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polyglotnotes · 1 year
American English to British English
airplane - aeroplane
apartment - flat
apartment building - block of flats
arugula - rocket
ATM - cashpoint/cash machine
attendance, take - register, take the
baby crib - cot
bachelor party - stag do
bachelorette party - hen do
bandaid - plaster
bangs - fringe
barf (verb) - chunder (verb)
bathrobe/robe - dressing gown
bathroom/restroom - loo (slang)
bathroom/washroom - toilet/bathroom
bathtub - bath
beets - beetroot
bell pepper - pepper/sweet pepper
Bic - biro
blinds - curtains
blood sausage/boudin noir - black pudding
broil (verb) - grill (verb)
bus - coach
camper van/RV - caravan
can - tin
candy - sweets
caravan - convoy
caregiver - carer
cart - trolley
cash register - till
checkers - draughts
checking account - current account
chic/classy/fancy - posh
closet - wardrobe
co-education/co-ed - mixed school
coach class - economy class
comforter - duvet
cookie - biscuit
corn - maize
corn starch - cornflour
cotton swab/Q-tip - cotton bud
couch - sittee
counterclockwise - anticlockwise
CPA (Certified Public Accountant) - Chartered Accountant
crosswalk - zebra crossing
custom-made - bespoke
diaper - nappy
downtown - city centre
eggplant - aubergine
elevator - lift
eraser - rubber
exclamation point - exclamation mark
expensive - dear
faculty member - academic staff
fall - autumn
faucet - tap
fire truck - fire engine
first floor - ground floor
fish sticks - fish fingers
flan (=sweet soft food) - flan (=fruit cake, not sweet)
flashlight - torch
flyby - flypast
freeway/highway - motorway
french fries - chips
French press - cafetiere
front desk - reception
furnace - central heating boiler
garbage can - dustbin
garbage collector - binman
gas/gasoline - petrol
gearshift - gearstick
grade - mark
green onion/scallion - spring onion
grocery store - grocery shop
ground beef - minced meat
ground/grounded - earth/earthed
ham - gammon
high beam (car) - full beam (car)
high school - secondary school
hot (sexy) - fit (sexy)
intersection - crossroads
janitor - caretaker
jumper dress - pinafore
jungle gym - climbing frame
kindergarten - preschool/nursery school
knickers - parcel
ladybug - ladybird
line - queue
liquor store - off license
mailman - postman
math - maths
median strip - central reservation
mom and pop store - family business
mommy/mom - mummy/mum
motorcycle - motorbike
movies, the - cinema, the
open house - open day
overalls - dungarees
pajamas - pyjamas
panties - knickers
pants/slacks - trousers
paper towel - kitchen roll
parking - car park
pay raise - pay rise
period - full stop
pharmacy - chemist
pickle - gherkin
pimple/zit - spot
pitcher - jug
plastic wrap - clingfilm
potato chips - crisps
principal - headmaster
public holiday - bank holiday
puffer vest - gilet
purse - handbag
quotation marks - inverted commas
rappel (verb, climbing) - abseil (verb, climbing)
recess - breaktime
round-trip ticket - return ticket
rubber boots - wellington boots/wellies
rummage sale - jumble sale
schedule - timetable
scotch tape - sellotape
second floor - first floor
shots - jab
sidewalk (=pavement is concrete/tarmac road) - pavement (=road for pedestrians)
silverware/flatware - cutlery
sink - washbasin
sketchy - dodgy
sneakers - trainers
soccer - football
soda/pop/coke/tonic - fizzy drink
special election - by-election
spelunking - potholing
store - shop
stove - cooker
stroller - push chair
study (verb) - read (verb)
subway/metro - underground/tube
sweater - jumper
sweater vest - sleeveless jumper/slipover
swimming suit - swimsuit
table (= verb – delay) - table (= verb – suggest)
tap - faucet
teachers' lounge - staffroom
teleprompter - autocue
teller - cashier
thong (=shoe) - thong (=underwear)
tic-tac-toe - noughts and crosses
tire - tyre
traffic circle/rotary - roundabout
trailer park - caravan park
transportation - transport
truck - lorry
trunk - boot
undershirt - vest
underwear - pants
vacation - holiday
vacationers - holidaymakers
vest - waistcoat
wallet - purse
windbreaker - cagoule
windshield - windscreen
woods, the - wood, a
yard - garden
ZIP code - postcode
zipper - zip
zucchini - courgette
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Caught In His Bed, ‘Covered’ Detective,” Toronto Star. May 11, 1932. Page 2. ---- Latter Called Bluff By Pulling Off Blankets, However - Sent to Reformatory ---- Officers Crowe and McAllister were warmly commended by the bench and Albert A. Fisher, aged 26, was sent to the Ontario reformatory for 18 months plus a year following conviction on one charge of burglary and two of shopbreaking.
Detective-Sergeants Crowe and McAllister told how the accused had entered Levine’s store on Major St. via a cellar window and there had abstracted $60 from the till. Later they said he had entered Levine’s residence and had stolen his pants with $12 in the pockets. Finally accused had entered Menzies’ tire store on John St. and had stolen $135 worth of auto tubes and tires.
Visiting accused’s residence the officers found a part of the stolen property, 20 tubes and a tire.
‘He was in bed,’ said Officer Crowe, ‘and my partner, McAllister, had gone across the street to get Mr. Menzies. He pushed his finger through the bed clothes at me and told me to back out as he had me covered. I pulled the bedclothes off him. There was nothing there.’
‘I only came out of Prince Albert penitentiary 3 1/2 months ago,’ accused said. ‘I have tried hard. I ave scrubbed floors, put advertisements in the papers, and done any work I could get. I don’t want to lead a life of crime. I want to lead a clean life. All I ask is a chance. I am 26 and I have done six years in the penitentiary. Please show me a little leniency this time.’
‘I will give you a chance,’ decided the bench, ’you will not be sen back to the penitentiary but will go to the Ontario reformatory for 18 months definite and one year indeterminate.’
George Lawrence, who imbibed liquor despite the fact that he was obtaining city relief, was assessed $50 or one month in early court. Others charged with being drunk were handed over to the Salvation Army.
The vagrants charged included a youth named Onslow Taylor who is on probation and had failed to obey the rule to be in by 10 p.m. The bench gave him another chance, and put him in charge of Captain Wallace Bunton of the Salvation Army, telling him the next breach of probation will entail a six months’ term.
Charged with attempting to take his own life, Janova Andrej, was remanded till May 17 for observation at the psychiatric hospital.
A fraud charge preferred against F. R. Swallow was ordered withdrawn.
Had Stolen Fags Elmer O’Donnell pleaded not guilty to a charge of breaking into a poolroom at 204 Queen St. W. and stealing a quantity of cigarettes. He pleaded guilty to receiving a quantity of the stolen property.
Detective-Sergeant Johns said Officer Nemo had seen the accused at Wellington and Scott Sts. He had a parcel containing stolen cigarettes. The accused said they had been given him to sell by a man named McLean.
The theft charge was withdrawn and a conviction for receiving registered. Accused was then remanded for sentence on probation for two years.
Observed stealing articles in a 15-cent store, Mort Levine’s collection when he was apprehended was valued at $1.50. He pleaded not guilty and said he fully intended to pay for the goods.
‘You had been drinking?’ queried the bench. ‘Yes, sir.’
‘What?’ ‘Antifreeze.’
Accused was remanded till Thursday.
William Brophy pleaded guilty to obtaining $52.70 from the Barnardo hospital by fraud. He left without discharging his bill. The bench remanded him for sentence till called upon learning a brother had settled the account.
George Pollychuk was allowed suspended sentence on an aggravated assault charge and Ben Hamilton was remanded to allow him to obtain $50 damages.
Defence counsel urged Hamilton had a good record and had been gassed.
‘Why didn’t he stay gassed?’ asked the bench. ‘He also has a good criminal record; his occupation seems to be visiting liquor dives, rolling drunks, beating women and keeping disorderly houses.’
Charged with aggravated assault, Oliver Grossi, Stanley Des Roches, and Percy Smith were remanded till May 13 on bail of $500 each.
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arnoldjaime13 · 2 years
Blog Tour- THE SUN CASTS NO SHADOW by @RchrdsnMark With An Excerpt & $10 Amazon GC #Giveaway! @RockstarBkTours
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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE SUN CASTS NO SHADOW by Mark Richardson Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!
  About the Book:
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Author: Mark Richardson
Pub. Date: February 9, 2020
Publisher: Whiz Bang
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 178
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo
Wellington Thorneycroft is content picking pockets, taking Ambrosia, screwing prostitutes, and simply surviving in the hellish, walled City. But everything changes when he spots a spectral woman who wordlessly conveys the message: We’ll escape together. Suddenly, Thorneycroft’s life is turned upside down as he’s pulled along a circuitous path to an unknowable freedom: a path marked by violence, sex, and metaphysical dread.
"The Sun Casts No Shadow by Mark Richardson is a dark and twisted tale of a city's underbelly...A fascinating yarn that will captivate readers, The Sun Casts No Shadow easily earns five stars. Richardson has produced an exceptional work that readers will relish and avidly share for years to come."―Portland Book Review
"A lowly man searches for a way out of a seemingly inescapable City in the dystopian noir...Richardson coats his short, engaging novel in a gleefully dense atmosphere...A dark, stylish tale that revels in its ambiguity."―Kirkus Reviews
Strangely, when I think of the City, the trains are what first come to mind. Grimy and hulking, each evening a fleet would carry a small army of workers from the Factory to bleak neighbors and shanty towns where they lived out their dreary lives. 
I think of other things as well, such as: oppressive and unavoidable heat, heat so heavy it became a struggle just to walk. Troopers clearing the streets, bloodening heads with their billy clubs. Also, the red-light girls who would let me shoot my load on their tits, or wherever else I wanted, for a price. And there were the mansions on the crest of the ridge that circled high above the City; palatial estates that seemed to gaze down and lord over the rest of us. Legend had it that those mansions were the first structures built in the City, soon after its creation. For a time, they had served as homes for the Founding Fathers, but long ago had been commandeered by friends of Felix. 
Once, while I still lived at the orphanage, I scaled up the hill, past the mansions, until I made it to the Wall that circled the City. Looking up, I could see no end. The Wall climbed into the thick, oppressive layer of smog. I spent the entire day slowly walking along the circumference, searching for an opening, a way out, an escape hatch. No luck, there was no way out—not even a crack. I never returned. What was the point? We were all prisoners, scurrying rats fighting to survive. 
At the time that I spotted the woman with the black bangs, I’d been eking out a living as a thief and a robber. I stole from the high-end department stores where the wives and mistresses of Felix’s henchmen shopped, late-night convenience shops that peppered hardscrabble residential blocks, liquor stores and bars, and even private homes—you name it, I took from it. But mostly I picked pockets. And the pickings were easy. 
    About Mark Richardson:
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Mark Richardson is the author of the novels The Sun Casts No Shadow, and Hunt for the Troll.
 His short stories have appeared in numerous crime and literary publications, including Hobart, Fugue, Segue, Crime Factory, Switchback, and Nth Position.
Born in the Chicago area, he graduated from the University of Iowa, and promptly escaped the midwestern winters for sunny California, first living in Los Angeles and then San Francisco. He spent thirty years working as a writer and marketer for tech companies in Silicon Valley.
Mark now lives in the East Bay with his wife, two children, and the world’s cutest dog. He spends his time writing fiction, obsessing about the Chicago Cubs, attending his daughter’s softball games, and reading stacks of books. He loves genre-bending fiction, especially speculative writing with a noir flavor. In 2019, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and supports the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
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Giveaway Details:
1 winner will win a $10 Amazon GC courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours, International.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours
Kickoff Post
Writer of Wrongs
Guest Post
Mythical Books
Excerpt/IG Post
Guest Post
IG Post
Rajiv's Reviews
Review/IG Post
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog
Jazzy Book Reviews
Sadie's Spotlight
Excerpt/IG Post
Week Two:
Two Chicks on Books
Jaime's Book World
The Girl Who Reads
Review/IG Post
Prison Wife Reviews
Review/IG Post
Coffee and Wander Book Reviews
Review/IG Post
Review/IG Post
Two Points of Interest
The Momma Spot
Review/IG Post
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quadduck · 4 years
New Zealand vacation: cost for 6 weeks road trip with the camper
Simply enter your travel dates in the search mask on the left. Find your suitable vehicle model and simply book your motorhome holiday online. Our team of experts will be happy to advise you. To plan your individual vacation in advance, it is important to rent a motorhome in New Zealand. If you only have two or three people on your tours, it is usually sufficient to choose a camper.
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In May the weather is less stable than in the other months of New Zealand's autumn. If you are on the South Island in May, snowfall can surprise you. No wonder, since May ushers in the winter in New Zealand. May is still ideal for a hiking holiday .
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With us you can book cheap flights, the ferry between the North and South Island in New Zealand and also travel cancellation insurance. So you have a contact person for all bookings. A 'dairy' is a corner shop with basic groceries, ice cream, newspapers and the like. In small towns, the local 'Dairys' have as much information as visitor centers. After a successful examination, it takes up to five days, then you will receive the certificate in the mail. In the meantime, the process has been changed and you will automatically receive a discount if you go to one of the links on our page and make an inquiry. A link attribute is stored in the links, which Camperoase automatically recognizes that the booker comes from my side.
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Travel from Auckland Britz campervan to Hamilton
A unique flora and fauna awaits you when you rent a camper.
In Australia we will also use the Aldi prepaid card, in New Zealand we will look at your recommendation.
A comfortable motorhome with Kitchen and sanitary room.
Some pitches - especially those advertised for Freedom Camping - are only permitted for these specially certified vehicles. Anyone who violates this rule and is caught must face high penalties. the internet is really not that easy. There is free WiFi in New Zealand's libraries. In the nearby vineyards you can taste New Zealand's best wines. Animal lovers will not miss out in Christchurch either.
Camper New Zealand: Traveling on the Islands
Your tour with the campervan through New Zealand starts in Wellington, where the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary invites you to hike and a ride with the Wellington Cable Cars ensures a very special experience. Once you've thoroughly explored the city, travel to Levin. At the Tokomaru Steam Engine Museum, you will learn about the importance of the railway for the city and the entire region.
What is the weather like in New Zealand in January?
When is the best time to travel to Australia? May to October: Australia's red heart. May to October: The north of Australia. October to April: The south of Australia. October to April: On the way between Sydney and Brisbane. November to March: Travel to Tasmania.
Afterwards, look forward to Martinborough, the gourmet capital with 25 boutique wineries and world-class restaurants. Only Wellington can keep up, the destination of the tour. You do not receive any bonus points, but you can take part in many savings offers. Beer and wine are available in all large supermarkets. Stronger drinks such as liqueur can only be obtained in a "liquor store". It looks like a large beverage market and your children are not allowed to enter this store with you. In general, you have to make sure that alcohol is not consumed everywhere in New Zealand.
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Rent a camper New Zealand and RV New Zealand online
Camper New Zealand - Price Comparison
Leave Auckland on State Highway 1. First you head to the Coromandel Peninsula with pristine beaches and lush forests - one of the most popular holiday regions in New Zealand. Beer and wine are available in all large supermarkets. Stronger drinks such as liqueur can only be obtained in a "liquor store". It looks like a large beverage market campervan hire New Zealand and your children are not allowed to enter this store with you. In general, in New Zealand you have to make sure that alcohol is not consumed everywhere.
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Although it is, the air is sometimes cooled by rain showers. This time of year is in the off-season and therefore only a few tourists can be found there. Manoeuvrable panel van or do you prefer attached living space? If you are planning a trip through New Zealand, you can book an individual vacation with the motorhome or caravan.
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For example, at the northernmost point of the island in Cape Reinga or in Rotorua with many geysers and hot springs. From Auckland, you can also start a nice tour of the island or explore part of the North Island and take the ferry to the South Island. Motorhome rental in Auckland If you want to travel in New Zealand by motorhome, you shouldn't take a long way on the day of arrival. Because the flight takes at least 24 hours and you will also be tired due to the time difference.
With great attention to your satisfaction, Spaceships NZ is an absolutely safe choice if you want to have an experienced team on your side.
Britz NZ - Personal service at Discover NZ offers a small selection, Britz NZ goes in a different direction with an incredible selection of motorhomes that are available for rent.
New Zealand can be explored in a relaxed manner, as there is enough space for larger groups.
It is sometimes the cheapest Form of camping in New Zealand.
You will experience even more nature in the next few days.
Nature and culture await you on the North Island of New Zealand. This is where the political history of New Zealand began, where the Maori culture is everywhere. Discover the bustling cities of Auckland and Wellington, volcanoes and beaches ... and a hobbit village. The delightful contrast between rocky mountains of volcanic origin, rippling waterfalls and fantastic beaches is what makes New Zealand's two main islands so attractive. In the north, the often snow-covered Mount Taranaki in Egmont National Park is a popular destination for hikers. Perhaps a caravan or a cult camper van is enough for you? No matter what you choose, you will find a suitable model on SHAREaCAMPER. Even when it comes to parking, a smaller motorhome is more pleasant. Both in cities and on campsites, there are often signs that show that the sites are not suitable for large campers. The well-known landmark of the city is the Wellington Cable Car. Experiences from customers and their travel reports have shown that good planning is necessary to keep the rental in New Zealand cheap for the motorhome. In Queenstown, WorldWide Campers works together with Mighty Campers and Jucy Campers, both companies offer good backpack campers. Backpack campers are very popular in New Zealand. We recommend making your reservation long enough in advance so that you too can be sure of receiving the motorhome of your choice. If you prefer to rent a more spacious motorhome in Queenstown, WorldWide Campers also offers motorhomes from Britz and Maui. Take a hike in Aoraki / Mt Cook National Park. The Hooker Valley Track, which starts at the White Horse Hill campsite, leads over suspension bridges and ends at the glacial lake with floating icebergs.
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walks-in-the-woods · 4 years
RVs, campervans & amp; Cars for rent, New Zealand
cheap campervan hire NZ
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In New Zealand there are campervans (which you can rent with or without a toilet) and mobile homes that always have a shower and toilet on board. The equipment is also crucial for choosing your camper in New Zealand. This includes the equipment of the kitchen. In order for you to be able to camp wild in New Zealand, your camper must also be "Self Contained" certified. Campers receive this award only if they meet the following requirements. You can stay in one place for 3 days without leaving garbage or sewage (black and gray). In short, campers must have a chemical toilet and a waste water tank on board.
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A transaction fee of 2.0% will be charged. Billing is done in New Zealand dollars. 5 days. New Zealand is a camper country, that much is clear. At every corner you can rent cute little campervans or white flashing luxury seven-seaters, depending on what your heart desires. Renting a motorhome in New Zealand is therefore the norm - however, it hits the travel budget properly and often makes the dream vacation particularly unaffordable for families. Then look, ask, look under the hood. The New Zealanders are not exactly known as tough traders, but a little talent in this area is certainly useful to make a bargain.
RV Rental at Apollo Motorhome Holidays
You can check the availability of our motorhomes and book your flight accordingly.
Summer in New Zealand is also the main season for a holiday.
Holiday Accomodation Parks are one of the leading campground chains that you can find all over New Zealand.
You can limit the results by entering the number of beds.
How expensive are 4 weeks in New Zealand?
All in all, the New Zealand costs for my husband Florian and me together amounted to around 3,000 euros. That makes about € 1,500 per person over four weeks, which roughly corresponds to a daily budget of € 50 per nose. These are also the travel expenses with which we both calculated at the beginning of our trip. These naturally include cities like Auckland, Queenstown, Wellington and Christchurch, which offer an insight into the life and culture of the residents. The 4 bed motorhome based on the Fiat is equipped with all the comforts you need for a vacation in New Zealand. Summer in New Zealand is also the main season for a vacation. On the one hand you can spend the perfect beach holiday in New Zealand and on the other hand you can experience the turn of the year at the other end of the world. The weather is stable and the temperatures are warm in summer.
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If you'd rather experience the nature around Wellington, you can visit Kapiti, for example. Kapiti is the perfect place to look at the untouched nature and to relax. Stronger drinks such as liqueur can only be obtained in a "liquor store". It looks like a large beverage market and your children are not allowed to enter this store with you. In general, in New Zealand you have to make sure that alcohol is not consumed everywhere. The kiwis, as the locals call themselves, have their own peculiarities. This includes not only left-hand traffic, but also the climate.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
(LONDON) — Britain on Tuesday became the first country in Europe to confirm more than 30,000 coronavirus deaths, and infections rose sharply again in Russia, even as other nations made great strides in containing the scourge. China marked its third week with no new reported deaths, while South Korea restarted its baseball season.
In the U.S., some states took continued steps to lift the lockdown restrictions that have thrown millions out of work, even as the country recorded thousands of new infections and deaths every day.
Britain appeared set to surpass Italy as Europe’s hardest-hit nation. The government said about 28,700 people with COVID-19 had died in hospitals, nursing homes and other settings, while Italy reported close to 29,100 fatalities. Both figures are almost certainly underestimates because they include only people who tested positive, and testing was not widespread in Italian and British nursing homes until recently.
Yet official British statistics released Tuesday on people who died with suspected COVID-19 put the country’s toll at more than 30,000 as of April 24, or one-third higher than the government count at the time. A comparable figure for Italy was not available.
In Russia, the number of infections rose sharply again, with Moscow reporting more than 10,000 new cases for three days in a row.
At the same time, many European countries that have relaxed strict lockdowns after new infections tapered off were watching their virus numbers warily.
“We know with great certainty that there will be a second wave — the majority of scientists are sure of that. And many also assume that there will be a third wave,” said Lothar Wieler, the head of Germany’s national disease control center.
Italy this week allowed 4.4 million people to go back to work and eased restrictions on personal movement for the first time in two months.
The coming weeks are essentially an “experiment” to see how the infection curve reacts to the easing of the West’s first lockdown, the head of infectious diseases at Italy’s Superior Institute of Health told the La Repubblica newspaper.
“We are not out of the epidemic. We are still in it,” said Dr. Giovanni Rezza. “I don’t want people to think there’s no more risk and we go back to normal.”
Widely seen as a success story, South Korea reported only three new cases of the virus, its lowest total since Feb. 18. Schools will reopen in phases starting with high school seniors on May 13, but the highlight Tuesday was the baseball season, which began with no spectators allowed.
Cheerleaders danced beneath rows of empty seats, and umpires wore face masks as one of the world’s first major professional sports returned to action in games broadcast around the globe. Players and coaches were subjected to fever screenings before entering stadiums.
With major league baseball in the U.S. still mulling plans on what to do about its own season, American sports network ESPN signed a contract to broadcast six South Korean games per week, starting with Tuesday’s season opener between Daegu’s Samsung Lions and Changwon-based NC Dinos, which the Dinos won 4-0.
The country’s professional soccer leagues will kick off Friday, also without spectators.
In China, it has been three weeks since any new deaths have been reported in the country where the pandemic began late last year. Just one new case of infection was confirmed, and fewer than 400 patients are still being treated for COVID-19, health officials said.
Other places in the Asia-Pacific region have also suppressed outbreaks, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand, which has reported no new cases for two days. But experts said India, a nation of 1.3 billion people, has yet to see the peak of its outbreak.
In Britain, which unlike other European nations remains in lockdown, a trial began Tuesday of a mobile phone app that authorities hope will help contain the outbreak. The app, which warns people if they have been near an infected individual, is being tested on the Isle of Wight, off England’s southern coast. The government hopes it can be rolled out across the country later this month.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to soon detail a route out of the nationwide lockdown that began March 23 and runs through Thursday. Critics say Johnson’s Conservative government responded too slowly when COVID-19 began to spread, failed to contain the outbreak by not widely testing people with symptoms, then failed to trace and isolate the contacts of those infected.
Countries that did that, including South Korea and Germany, have recorded much lower death rates than those that did not.
The British government’s chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance, acknowledged that “if we’d managed to ramp up testing capacity quicker it would have been beneficial.”
In France, scientists released a study saying they may have identified a possible case of the coronavirus dating back to December, about a month before the first cases were officially confirmed in Europe. Outside experts said the study was interesting but not conclusive.
Governments around the world have reported 3.6 million infections and more than a quarter-million deaths, including nearly 69,000 in the United States. Deliberately concealed outbreaks, low testing rates and the severe strain the disease has placed on health care systems mean the true scale of the pandemic is undoubtedly much greater.
Several states have been moving to relax restrictions even as daily new infections in the U.S. exceed 20,000 and daily deaths are well over 1,000, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.
When and how to ease lockdowns will remain a key policy question for governments and cities for months, if not years.
After India relaxed some lockdown restrictions on Monday, thousands of people turned up at liquor stores without following social distancing recommendations. Police used batons to disperse the crowds. On Tuesday, Indian authorities imposed a special tax of 70% on liquor purchases.
Rising reported from Berlin and Perry reported from Wellington, New Zealand. Associated Press journalists around the world contributed to this report.
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jasonheart1 · 6 years
Denver seeks public input on alcohol policy
DENVER — On Wednesday night, the City and County of Denver Department of Parks and Recreation will hold a public comment session on proposed changes to the parks alcohol policy. The meeting begins at 5:30 at the Wellington Webb Municipal building at 201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 4.F.6.
The department is considering a number of changes to simplify alcohol rules, in wake of a state law that will allow full strength beer in grocery stores in 2019. Denver and many other cities have historically followed state law, restricting alcohol consumption in parks to beer that is 3.2 percent alcohol.
Under the proposed changes, individuals would be allowed to bring full-strength beer and wine to parks. Glass bottles would not be allowed. Hard liquor would not be allowed.
For special events and festivals, many of the current restrictions would be lifted, allowing organizers to sell and serve all types of alcohol beverages as long as they have the appropriate permit.
A comparison of the current rules and proposed changes can be seen here.
Denver7 recently took a 360 view of the proposed alcohol policy changes, and found people are split on the issue. The city conducted an online survey on the issue and received about 4,450 responses over several months.
from Local News https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/do-you-want-more-alcohol-in-denver-parks-city-seeks-public-input-on-alcohol-policy
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wayneooverton · 6 years
7 reasons why New Zealand’s coffee culture rules
Growing up as an American, I had a very specific view on cafe culture, one well portrayed on the big screen with oversized, complicated drink orders, an overabundance of disposable cups, and a wifi connection so good you could easily turn your tiny cafe table into your own personal office space. I knew nothing about New Zealand coffee.
I quickly learned there were basically two types of coffee: sugary, complicated drinks I didn’t understand or drip coffee from a pot that had been sitting on warmer for 4 hours that tastes like ash.
Although I thought of myself as a true coffee lover, I had no idea what I was in for the first time I tried to order coffee in New Zealand. I ordered a cappuccino and when asked whether I wanted chocolate or cinnamon on top, I said neither because I thought I’d be charged extra.
Over the past few years, I’ve come to cherish New Zealand coffee which has come to be an identifying thread in the fabric of the country, even working full time at a cafe in Wanaka. Here are some handy tips for those of you navigating the unique cafe scene in New Zealand – don’t mess it up!
1. Espresso is king
I thought I was a fancy coffee drinker before coming to New Zealand because I had used a French Press before and I even knew someone who had a Chemex. I came to New Zealand and asked for a coffee and was met with a blank stare. Drip coffee hardly exists in New Zealand and there are a million types of espresso drinks so of course, my request for a coffee was confusing. (Tip: the closest you’ll get to drip coffee is an Americano which is espresso diluted with a lot of hot water.)
Unlike drip coffee where the beans are soaked in hot water, espresso is the method of extracting coffee through tightly compacted, finely ground coffee beans with very hot water and extreme pressure. This means the flavor is usually strong and bold and will give you a real kick in the pants after a sip.
Short black, long black, short macchiato, americano, long macchiato, flat white, latte, cappuccino, mochaccino, piccolo, affogato, and vienna are all common espresso drinks. In New Zealand, most drinks are double shot and the variation of the drinks come from the milk (or water) quantities and milk texture. If you don’t know what you’re getting, asking your barista. They will be happy to explain the difference between their New Zealand coffee selections.
2. It’s all about quality, not quantity
In New Zealand, a shorter drink is a stronger drink so the hearty coffee lovers pride themselves in drinking out miniature cups that look like they were made for woodland elves. They frown upon mucking up a drink with too many ingredients and most will stick to the espresso base, milk/water, maybe sugar and very rarely syrup.
Fun fact: Because all of the espresso drinks start with the same coffee shot, all of the coffees have the same amount of caffeine in them. So, ordering a larger size coffee will not get you more caffeinated!
If you want an extra kick, order a few more shots of espresso in your drink.
3. Cafes are the epicenter of social hour
Unlike North America, New Zealand has truly stayed true to its British roots by placing the utmost importance on tea time and social hour. Morning and afternoon tea are routine events for most Kiwis even though it usually has nothing to do with tea at all. Every day around 10 am and 3 pm, Kiwis take a break from their work day and treat themselves to a hot beverage and snack often with their friends or family.
The act of getting coffee in a cafe is almost as important as the coffee itself. And the cafe game is strong in New Zealand, especially in quirky cities like Wellington and Dunedin. 
Where to wine, dine and caffeinate in Wellington, New Zealand
New Zealand is still slow to catch on to the wifi cafe culture and Kiwis tend to like it that way. The cafe is a social gathering to be spent with others, not a place to be glued to your laptop for six hours. In fact, most cafes still won’t even offer wifi to their guests to preserve the culture and to lightly encourage their customers not to linger too long.
4. Every place has an expensive espresso machine
The waiting room in the dentist office? The dodgy petrol station down the road? The liquor store?
It seems like every establishment in New Zealand has some extravagant form of espresso readily available. While I can’t vouch for it being the best coffee in the world, massive kudos to the small shops serving up fresh brew in the most random places.
You often have to try to find bad New Zealand coffee here.
5. New Zealand cafes favor minimal waste
The cafe culture in New Zealand is not one that looks kindly on take away cups. Sure, you can get a takeaway coffee pretty much anywhere but most Kiwis tend to prefer to enjoy their coffee in a real cup, especially since most takeaway cups around the world ACTUALLY aren’t recyclable.
If you do have to take your coffee on the go, cafes highly encourage their customers to bring in their own reusable takeaway cup. In fact, some cafes will even offer a discount if you bring in your own cup!
High fives for saving the planet and caffeinating the world!
Two of my favorite glass reusable cups are Sol Cups locally based out of Bondi in Sydney and Joco Cups; they are so cute. And once you go reusable, it’s hard to accept paper cups.
6. Flat whites are the national drink
While not officially true, flat whites are perhaps the most popular coffee drink in New Zealand.
This drink is roughly 1/3 espresso an 2/3 steamed milk with minimal foam. This is the drink you order if you’re just looking for some excellent latte art.
The exact origins of the flat white remain a mystery with Australia and New Zealand both laying claims to fame on the creamy, milky beverage. Add this to the mix along with Russel Crowe and pavlova for controversial and polarizing New Zealand/Australia conversation topics.
7. Cafes know how to do food 
Sure, New Zealand cafes are mostly about the coffee but they can definitely hold their own when it comes to food too.
Seriously, New Zealand knows how to do a damn good brunch.
Because of the small size of the country, a lot of food is relatively locally sourced. Also, there seems to be no bigger crime than buying non-cage free eggs so pretty much every cafe is guaranteed to have delicious eggs with healthy orange yolks. New Zealand is also well onto the gluten-free and vegan/vegetarian trends so there are plenty of food options to those who have a restrictive diet.
Between the epic coffee culture and delicious cafe scene, New Zealand is a good spot for those who love to a good cup of coffee.
Are you a big New Zealand coffee fan too? Where’s your favorite cafe? Love coffee culture too? Share!
The post 7 reasons why New Zealand’s coffee culture rules appeared first on Young Adventuress.
from Young Adventuress http://ift.tt/2GmRXYn
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What Kind of Liquor Store Would You Choose?: The Right Idea
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Having a few good pals around for a round of drinks is one of the best ways to unwind. Nothing beats this for unwinding and taking it easy. Whether you're throwing a party or simply hanging out with friends, it's important to choose a reliable liquor store. The best shops will assist their clientele by providing them with recommendations, extensive knowledge of their products, and access to high-quality items. There is a Diverse Offering of Choices when it comes to the Retailer of Alcoholic Beverages in Wellington City. Go to a store that has just what you're looking for. Numerous shops have a varied beer variety from local microbreweries. Products vary from cheap domestic bourbon and scotch to costly overseas kinds of both. The best stores provide a comprehensive selection of both everyday necessities and unique, hard-to-find products. A search with Liquor stores open near me can be quite useful. There should be a wide price range represented in the liquor shop's selection. Any and all of the available selections, from the most expensive to the least cheapest, may be kept in a fully filled liquor cabinet. The Saratoga gunfight charges were withdrawn, but they might be refiled in the future. In cases when the end result will have a taste that is meant to interact with other flavors, such as when baking or preparing mixed drinks, it is not always necessary to use the best grade brands. On the other hand, if you plan on drinking the alcoholic beverage on its own, you should invest in a higher-end brand even if it costs more than a store-brand equivalent. Recommendations from Experts A large bar tab may rapidly accumulate when you throw parties on a regular basis. It is crucial to get the advice of an expert before making a large investment. The quality of the bottle of alcohol offered can make or break an occasion, and the knowledgeable staff at the best liquor stores can help you make the right choice. A description of the happening and your chosen flavor(s) should be at the ready. Heed the advice they provide you very carefully. Therefore, when you reach there, choose the Nearest liquor store. If you want superior and personalized service, it might pay you to go the extra mile. Another perk of shopping at the same establishment again is that the staff will come to know you and your preferences via repeated interactions. Your interactions with the other visitors will improve with each visit. Interminable interaction with It's wise to consider how easy something is to use, but it shouldn't be the only thing you consider. The ideal version of this business would have spotless floors, be well organized, and be situated in a safe area. The most outstanding bottle stores have spotless interiors, a wide variety of products, and helpful staff. If you are able to track them down at a bottle store, you will be rewarded with the sweet rewards of your work. Conclusion You should look for a store that is conveniently located, such as near to your home or along your regular commute path. However, this is only the first step. Employees, products, and the store's aesthetic all speak to the quality of management. Look for a firm that can differentiate itself from the pack, and employ them. If you can get all you need in a single outing, you'll experience a big uptick in both pleasure and calm.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Four Are Held After Attack On Klingblie,” Border Cities Star. September 20, 1921. Page 7. ---- Charges Arise Out of Malden Farmer’s Assault ---- Norman Sells Pleads Guilty; Archie Trojand Convicted --- Emerson La Marsh, Archie Troland, Norman Sells and Jack Richard, all of Windsor, were remanded until next Wednesday in police court on charges growing out of an assault on Herman Klingbile, a farmer residing on lot 31 Malden road.
Sells, who lives at 118 Bridge avenue and Richards who resides at 10 Campbell avenue, pleaded guilty to having liquor in a place other than a private dwelling. Trojand, whose address is 140 Wellington avenue, was convicted of common assault. LaMarsh, 131 Wellington avenue, was held in view of developments which may take place.
A charge against Richard of stealing a silver watch from Klingblie was dismissed.
Klingblie Gives Evidence Klingblie testified that Sells was a friend of his. He said that Sells brought the three other men to the Klingblie farm about 2 o’clock Wednesday morning. They had four cases of liquor with them and wanted to store it at his place, he said. He objected but the men persisted, he said. Sells advised him to do whatever they told him, he asserted, and he admitted them. Continuing his testimony he said the men brought one of the case in the house, opening it and took out a bottle. They forced him to drink with them, he said. Two more bottles were opened and the men took turns at sleeping on the bed, he asserted, three of them sleeping while a fourth watched the whisky.
Attack is Feared About 6 o’clock they claimed one of the cases was missing. An argument about this ensued outside the house and he feared he was going to be attacked, he said, as one of the men showed him a bullet and also said he had a gun. He commenced to run and was chased by Trojand and struck several times in the face, he claimed. In the meantime his young son went for the police.
H. A. Chenier, county constable, Sandwich west, told of being summoned by Klingbie’s son. He came to the farm and found Selis and Richards.
Found Men in Wood He said he also found Trojand and La Marsh in a wood near the farm. Both of them were asleep and very drunk and the four cases of whisky were lying near them, he said. Klingblie’s watch was found on Richards, he said.
Richards examined on this point said he had found the watch during the altercation which occurred and picked it up to save it from being stepped on. He did not know at the time whether it belonged to Klingbie or one of the other men and in the subsequent excitement forgot to make enquiries. The original charge against him on this point was robbery which Crown Attorney George Urquhart agreed to reduce to theft. Judge Gundy dismissed the charge.
Police claim that the liquor which the men had was stolen from Mrs. J. Ecker, 161 Wellington avenue, a week ago.
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