#Like bro- Tristan Clausen
m3l4nch0ly-h1ll · 8 months
People need to admit how weird and harmful cis male influencers are when they dress up feminine and go through their best efforts of looking and sounding like a feminine woman to 'troll' and 'trick' people and either laughing at or ignoring transphobic reactions directed towards themself and trans people. It's unsettling.
I'm all for cis men dressing feminine when they're being genuine but plenty of them do it to mock queer people and use their toxic masculinity to shame and mock effeminate cis men, gay cis men, and trans women. And even outside of toxic masculinity, they still use this to mock queer people no matter if they realize it or not, and claim to be women despite being cis men. Because all trans women are to them is a laughing stock for them to immitate.
Influencers like this are really disappointing, and it's especially more hurtful when it's an influencer I myself enjoy. And they either ignore the existence of trans women or do it in thought of them and enjoy the harm it causes and the hate it spreads. They need to stop encouraging their targets of 'trolling' to share and spread their bigotry and stop treating it as humor or something casual to ignore. Encouraging a bunch of bigots and cisnormative people to make transphobic remarks while you sit there and laugh or ignore them.
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