#Lets all remember that art let's us draw ourselves eating grass and realize how wonderful that is
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
you absolutely already know this, but i adore your work. i think it's hard to avoid the pressure of being surrounded by people we might consider "true artists," but the fact is that, frankly, everyone who makes art is an artist.
before this year, i hadn't drawn a complete piece in nearly three years. the line work i did produce felt abysmal and i was tempted to give up. then, i saw your comic and i thought, "wow, that's really cute, and it looks like a fun style to emulate."
i drew you, pondering me, eating grass. and it WAS fun. i forgot how fun it could be. i can draw lesbian horses, or pony!WWX throwing a chicken, or me eating grass. i can even make shitty memes! and all of it, no matter how good or how bad, is fun again.
you bring a lot of fun to people here. that's something equally as important as people who cultivate fancy line work or expert level digital painting. i'm sure that's something you know, but i hope it never hurts to hear it.
happy first season, friend! i can't wait to see the rest.
As a chronic perfectionist, it's been a long journey for me to accept that 'done is better than nothing' and that the worst critical voice is my own. Sure there's people who've gone to professional art schools, and those with a more than a decade of experience on me, but honestly? Would I tell a child their sonic drawing isn't art? Just because they have no 'experience' or 'technique'? Absolutely not. So I'm no longer saying my efforts should not count as art.
At the end of the day, art is what we choose to make it. We have the power to create whatever we want. And we are going to use it to have fun! We never lost the love and fun for creation we all had as children, we just told ourselves it wasn't enough. But it really is B*)
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 1, Ch. 7
PART 1: WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Chapter 7 - The Lake Invitation
As much as I enjoyed Christmas and all the snowball fights Tonks made us have after Nova told her how much fun she had with Bill and me, I was glad to see the first hints of Spring. It meant that I could go to Hagrid's and play with Fang outside. It meant sitting with Nova in the Courtyard, watching her draw while I play with Pip who would probably be offended for the 100th time why is she not drawing him.
It also meant that I could finally invite her to the Black Lake as I was so busy with all the homework that I still had the book Bill got me for Christmas to finish. I finished the one he gave me for my birthday and it was time to start with Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland. I already had it but this one was a new edition meaning it had 2 more breeds and lots more details in it!
I woke up on a sunny Friday morning and since Gryffindors had classes with Ravenclaws all day I decided to ask Nova to accompany me to the Lake in Transfiguration class where we sat together.
I put on my jumper, glanced at the snowball Nova gave me for Christmas and was now placed on the desk next to my bed, and hurried down for breakfast.
We were still not practicing any spells in Defence Against the Dark Arts but we have learned about so many new creatures and as I was making notes I always made sure to circle those, Professor Rakepick told us lived in the Forbidden Forest, so that I could go an search for them when Hagrid finally decides to take me there.
“What are you doing today after Transfiguration?” Asked Jae while munching on a piece of fries at lunch.
“I was thinking of inviting Nova to the Lake since it's finally warm enough to sit on the ground. Want to come with?” I stole one of his fries.
“Nah, I was going to invite you to sneak into the Kitchens.”
“Why do you want to sneak into the Kitchens?” I asked puzzled.
“Well, the other day Tonks and Tulip were talking about it and were telling me all about how they got inside and I got curious. You know I like those sort of things.” I chuckled.
He did like to sneak around and lately Tulip and Tonks gave him quite some ideas.
“Unless you find a way to sneak into the Forbidden Forest, I'll pass.” I took another fry from his plate and for that one, he slapped my hand.
It was kind of incredible how our friendships intertwined. Nova met the girls on the train. I met Nova when she saved me from those Slytherins, which by the way left me alone now. Penny told me later that Snape made them test potions students from Year Five and Six made and apparently that did the trick.
Penny thus met Bill who she loved to study Potions with. She said that it was like taking advanced lessons, as she was copying from Bill's notes. Bill, however, didn't want to admit that even though he was in his Third Year, Penny was helping him with his homework.
Jae joined us for breakfast one morning and Tulip and Tonks immediately sensed that he likes to break or 'avoid' rules as he likes to call it and they were already making a plan to do something with the brooms on our next Flying lesson which was the only class we had with Hufflepuffs.
Nova and I took every opportunity we could get to go to Hagrid where he told us tales from his youth. We liked to daydream with him about all the creatures each of us would like to own.
I know it's cheesy to say but I thanked Merlin every night for giving me such awesome friends.
Mum wrote to me more often each week as I didn't go home for Christmas and she missed me and Bill. I think she finally realized that we were pretty chill and behaved compared to Fred and George.
As Transfiguration began and Professor McGonagall started to write notes for the Mending Charm I quickly scribbled a note for Nova and gave it to her, making sure McGonagall wouldn't see it.
Nova read it, smiled, and nodded with her eyes on our teacher, careful not to get in trouble in her favorite class.
Again, she was the first one to get the spell right and I have to say I didn't do that bad on this one as I managed to repair the watch in front of me on my third try. Nova let out a loud cheer and started clapping.
As I was the first Gryffindor to do it, I earned my House 5 points. But I think McGonagall did it out of pity for her own House as all she did was give points to Ravenclaw since Nova was on top of our class.
After lessons, Nova and I hurried to the Lake. We didn't have a blanket so we put our jackets on the ground.
“Thank you for inviting me, Charlie. What are we reading today?” She started eyeing my bag.
“How did you know we were going to read?” I asked rather sarcastically. She only chuckled as I pulled my book out.
We squeezed closer together on our jackets so that the book was half on me and half on her. We already read the old edition together and I lent it to Nova to read in peace when I got the new one in December so we were searching for the pages with new information.
When we were done reading or rather decided that perhaps we should leave a few pages for another time, we laid on the grass and talked about how cool it would be if we had access to the Creatures Reserve here at Hogwarts.
Apparently, it's supposed to be a secret for anyone below Third Year as Professor Kettleburn takes the Third Years there for their first class. There is also supposed to be an assignment that you pick one creature and take care of it for the whole school year.
We got the information from Hagrid, who upon telling us said something between the lines“Shouldn't 'ave said that. Yeh were not supposed teh know 'bout that”.
“I bet there are Kneazles in there that would be cute. Or imagine if we get an assignment to take care of little Crup puppies!” Said Nova excitedly as we couldn't help ourselves but play one of our favorite games where we guessed and wrote down as many creatures as we could think of. We decided to save the list until the Third Year and whoever got more creatures right, would buy the other Butterbeer in Hogsmeade.
“I bet they have Salamanders.” I said thoughtfully.
“Ooh, which one fire or frost?” She asked in a high pitched voice. I chuckled at her, knowing she loved Salamanders and I still remember when she told me that she was begging her dad to buy her one for her 10th birthday.
“I think both.” I teased her, knowing that sooner or later we would end up at Hagrid's begging him for more information about the Reserve.
We also made a plan that when Hagrid decides to tell me how to get into the Forbidden Forest or accompanies me, I would ask him if Nova can come too. I was surprised when I told her that Hagrid was letting me go in my Second Year and she immediately wanted to go to his hut to get invited along.
When I was growing up and watched every one of my younger siblings I couldn't help but wonder why was I the only one with such love for animals. Percy definitely couldn't stand them. He wouldn't even help degnoming the garden. Something Fred and George had the most fun doing. I, on the other hand, wanted to befriend them ever since I could talk, mum told me. I couldn't understand, and still protest sometimes, why we couldn't keep them or why couldn't I have one for a pet.
Of course, I help my brothers get rid of them because mum would have my head otherwise, but sometimes Bill hides one or two from the twins so that I can play with them before we have to take them away. Bill is the best big brother.
It was getting dark and as usual, I forgot to tell Bill where I was going and I couldn't let him flip out again. Just last week Nova and I lost track of time while we were at Hagrid's and Bill couldn't find me for an hour. We found him in the Owlery while taking Pip back, already scribbling a note to mum that he lost me and that she should disown him as a son.
We decided to go to the Great Hall and see if any of our friends were still at dinner. We sat down next to Penny and a Ravenclaw boy I couldn't remember the name of.
“Hi, Penny.” Nova and I said at the same time.
“Hi, Murphy.” Nova greeted the boy. Murphy, that what his name was! Penny was helping him study Potions; as she did for half of the First Years.
“Where are Tonks and Tulip?” Nova whispered, trying not to disturb their study session while putting some mashed potatoes on her plate.
Before Penny could answer her, Tulip, Tonks, and Jae came rushing into the Great Hall.
They sat next to us and when they finally caught their breath they started laughing their hearts out.
“What happened to you lot?” I asked.
“We...we...we...” Tonks tried her best.
“We were...” Jae started but burst out laughing again.
Tulip took a deep breath to collect herself. “So we sneaked into the Kitchens and gathered as many sweets as we possibly could.”
“You mean steal?” Penny glared at them.
“You know you don't have to do that as all food appears at dinner anyway?”Murphy asked.
“Ah, Murph, you wouldn't understand.” Tonks wiped her eyes as tears of laugher covered her face.
“You were saying?” I turned back to Tulip.
“So we decided to go back when we couldn't carry anything else and we were almost out when Tonks bumped into someone, all her sweets fell from her hands onto the floor.” Tulip burst out laughing again.
“I looked up and there was Dumbledore!” Jae said. We all gasped.
“Oh, no! How many points did we lose this time?” Penny groaned.
“Relax Penny, none!” Grinned Tonks. “He looked at us through his glasses, chuckled, and let us through.” She took one of the muffins from Tulip and started eating it.
“Dumbledore chuckled?” I asked as I couldn't imagine him doing so.
“Okay, perhaps he smiled not chuckled.” Jae rolled his eyes. “It doesn't matter it was cracking!”
After dinner, Jae and I said goodbye to Murphy and the girls and head over to our dormitories.
“Thanks for introducing me to Tonks and Tulip, mate.” He said as we were going up the Grand Staircase. I grinned.
“You're welcome. That way I get to spend more time with Nova.”
“Were you talking about animals again?” His voice hoping it wasn't true. I simply nodded. “You HAVE to come with us more often, a little mischief will do you good.” He was convinced that if he picked a proper prank or mischievous adventure he could 'turn' Nova and me to what he called the 'right side'.
“Come off it, mate.” I shook my head. When we got to the Fat Lady's Portrait, Bill was standing in front of it with crossed arms.
“Were you at dinner?” His eyes now narrowed.
“Yes, Bill. I was at the Lake with Nova and then went up for dinner. Right, Jae?” I turned to him for affirmation.
“Affirmative!” He nodded quickly.
Bill could get quite angry with me when he was worried and I think Jae started to fear him as he was avoiding his eyes lately. That made me chuckle.
Bill let us both inside and I couldn't wait for him to get his Prefect's badge in the mail in two years as I couldn't see anyone else do a better job than him.
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