#Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude
lyraarylfyrefly · 6 months
everytime i see or remember poor little meow meows i think i don't have one and then i remember that i have had a poor little meow meow since i was little and din't know tumblr existed but i don't really know if he really classifies as one since i wouldn't even defend him, i just think his storyline is so fucking hilarious.
imagine possessing your descendant to get revenge on an immortal and getting the throne like you wanted 500 years ago, getting found out, possess your other descendant but not fully this time, btw he is married 4 times total two times 500 years ago, 1 for the royalty scam and another by the descendant but also he became him, he still does dark magic, he still tries to murder the immortal who's always been on the side of the good guys then after the good guys have won, he gets the throne through some bullshit, doesn't get to murder the immortal like he wanted to albeit the immortal is now some guy with magic and guess what his exploits aren't finished
next series, he is revealed to be a god in a human body that is above most of the gods we know bc guess what: instead of two layers of god there are now nonsensically a lot more, 3 bottom pantheons (they are still gods of couse so they're op), 2 creator gods + their siblings including the poor little meow meow, the real creator gods AND to create more nonsense the alternate universe pantheon of gods, I AM NOT FINISHED, HE CHEATS ON HIS WIFE WHO IS REVEALED TO TECHNICALLY BE HIS WIFE BC SHE'S HIS SISTER AND HER SOUL WAS SPLIT IN HALF
In short i find him hilarious bc everything goes his way eventually and the story is hilariously bad either way
feel free to add your own deranged summaries of your poor little meow meows in the reblogs
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drawnecromancy · 11 months
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Pas encore à 100% sûr de comment je dessine Wellan, il va probablement changer si je continue de le dessiner, mais eh. Une des conversations du bouquin qui me sont restées en tête. Je crois que ça vient du tome 2 ? Evidemment c'est pas mot-pour-mot ce qu'il y a dans le livre, je l'ai pas ouvert à côté de moi hahaha
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starsailorjannystan · 8 months
the knights of emerald whenever they need to travel somewhere :
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lueur-sd · 11 months
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Alors que l'Empereur Noir menace les différents Royaumes, la Confrérie des Chevaliers doit poursuivre ses entraînements et former de nouveaux guerriers. Humains, elfes, druides, sorciers... N'importe quelle créature peut se retrouver à intégrer le château d'Eroswall dès son plus jeune âge afin de devenir l'un des Chevaliers d'Ero. Lorsque ses parents ont découvert les aptitudes de leur fille Swan, qui avait environ 5 ans, c'est sans aucune hésitation qu'ils l'ont envoyée faire sa formation. Depuis, l'enfant n'a cessé d'améliorer ses capacités magiques mais également ses compétences au combat. Maniant l'épée et le bouclier avec force et grâce, elle sait également très bien se servir d'un arc, même si ce n'est pas son arme de prédilection. Sa famille maintenant, ce sont les autres Chevaliers d'Ero, avec qui elle a tissé des liens très forts.  Devenue une belle jeune femme plutôt confiante, Swan a souvent vu certains de ses frères d'armes lui faire la cour mais, jusqu'ici, aucun d'eux n'a su conquérir le cœur de la guerrière. Aujourd'hui, Swan doit partir au combat avec ses frères et soeurs d'arme. La menace est belle et bien présente, l'armée de l'Empereur Noir et ses guerriers insectes se rapprochent dangereusement du Royaume d'Eroswall... [ Inspirée des Chevaliers d'Emeraude ]
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jean-dieu · 25 days
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Just a lil meme for Raphaël.
Raphaël is an OC who's more than 10 years old now. I've created him when I was 13 years old. He's changed quite a lot, but the core of the character is somehow still the same.
There's many other inspiration I wanted to put in but since I was limited to 6 I chose to but the characters that inspired me when he was created.
1. Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler from X-men
2. Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist
3. Kira from Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude/Knights of Emerald
4. Sir Galahad
5. Joan of Arc/Jeanne d'Arc
6. The Sufferer from Homestuck
The novel Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo also had a HUGE impact too, the whole novel not just one character, so I'm just mentioning it there.
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Were you talking about books or movies? Any rec's?
Hmm, well, "never really stopped consuming french/french canadian things" is half a lie when not about music because fanfics is 99% of what I consume these days buttttttt
Basically, something being fr can/fr wouldn't stop me from consuming it in itself, I just don't really watch/read anything in English either, so I only know old things from my childhood and idk how much they'd be good recs today, but for what it's worth...
Movies: Babine
Books: Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude (and all the prequels and sequels of this universe, but I'm still going through those so idk if they're as good, by Anne Robillard), Amos Daragon (by Bryan Perro, and I've also started recently his Wariwulf series and the first book is nice is all I can say for now)
Also bonus since you didn't ask for those but...
Series: Dans une galaxie près de chez vous (technically got 2 movies too, apparently-? 😂)
Music: Les Cowboys Fringants, Coeur de pirate, Marie-Mai
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jjeremysstash · 11 months
Per last reblog: this is why I stopped reading the A.N.G.E. Books
I don't remember the author but it's the same as for Les chevaliers d'émeraude.
In both book series she included a whole thing with lizard people. In the knight books it was a whole race who wanted to invade Enkidiev and the knights had to fight against them. In A.N.G.E, it was the whole shit with "actually lizard people control the world. Oh and Jesus was one of them"
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I’m not exactly sure how many people on Earth are familiar with the Knights of Emerald / Chevaliers d’Émeraude AND the Dark Crystal, but I’m hoping there’s at least one person out there that is familiar with both of these stabby starscream birdmen. 
For those unaware but interested:
SkekSil: Is birdman. Makes bird noises. Is cunning and smart. Only cares about himself. Pretends to care about the Emperor but only wants his throne. Will betray and kill anyone in order to get power. Has stabbed people. 
Asbeth: Pretty much the same thing + magic powers and daddy issues.
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drawnecromancy · 2 years
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Amecareth, empereur des Tanieth.
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yourlocalfrenchie · 4 years
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Encore un bouquin d'Anne Robillard acheté, lu et parti rejoindre ses semblables sur mes étagères ! Et décidément, cette troisième série s'avère être d'une qualité plus proche de celle de la première (Les Chevaliers d'Émeraude) que de celle de la deuxième (Les Héritiers d'Enkidiev, cette calamité). Comme toujours, ce tome finit sur un cliffhanger, simple mais efficace, qui va me faire transpirer jusqu'à la sortie du prochain 😦 Mais avant de parler de la fin, j'aurais dû mentionner que le contenu du tome épaissit encore l'intrigue et est très plaisant à lire, malgré un problème que j'ai directement soulevé sur la page Facebook de l'autrice et dont je vous joins la transcription ci-dessous.
Commentaire :
Je viens de terminer la lecture du tome 11 des Chevaliers d'Antarès, et bien que je me sois régalée, je souhaitais soulever quelque chose qui m'a fait tiquer. En effet, j'aimerais revenir sur la notion de consentement. Celui de Wallasse, ainsi que celui de Wellan, en particulier. Tous deux ont cédé à l'élue de leur cœur, mais aucun des deux n'a explicitement dit oui. Ils étaient tous les deux confus, et leurs amantes n'ont pas pour autant stoppé leurs avances. Je dis simplement que s'il s'était agi d'hommes agissant ainsi avec des personnages féminins, il y aurait probablement eu plus de commentaires comme le mien. Cette affaire me rappelle d'ailleurs drôlement celle d'une certaine Swan avec un certain Farrell, il y a si longtemps... Ne vous méprenez pas : j'étais tellement contente de voir Wellan et Sierra "conclure" enfin. Mais ma joie s'est trouvée ternie par ce point de crispation que je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de voir. Un "oui" n'est un "oui" que s'il est clairement exprimé. Il n'est pas non plus définitif. Une zone d'ombre est un "non" tout autant qu'un vrai "non" l'est. (Et tout cela n'a absolument rien à voir avec le fait que Wellan, étant baraqué et aussi magicien, était en capacité de repousser Sierra s'il ne voulait effectivement pas de cette relation. Il ne faut pas attendre de se retrouver dans une position de victime potentielle (même si l'on est en capacité physique de s'en sortir), il faut respecter le consentement des personnes AVANT d'en arriver à cette situation.)
- Lundi 13 juillet 2020
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xlonelyxdreamx · 5 years
So, I've been feeling nostalgic.
I've been rereading some books from when I was younger. First, it was the Harry Potter english books, then 2 other series that are in french : Leonis, then Les Chevaliers D'Émeraude. Now, I'm reading Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak.
I remember liking the first 2 books and wanted to read the series in its entirety. My friend @knife-collecting-crow , was kind enough to lend me the first one. I'm about 30mins in and I believe I found a typo.
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If I find more, I will add to this post. Anyone else found great typos in books they like??
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celestial-leaves · 5 years
Things you didn’t say at all
Emerald Knight Complex. 2027
The room was chilly. A stagnant cold that sunk into the very flesh and rooted itself in the bones. It did not come from an air conditioner turned up to high, or even from the weather. Outside it was lovely, the sun was rising, deep hues of orange and pink lighting up the sky. Inside, however it was freezing. The sort of cold brought on by pure unmitigated hatred. Hadrian wanted to sigh, to shift restlessly and cross his arms. Such a thing was not possible though, this was not his body and its real owner was holding himself as tight as a wooden plank. Across the room the source of all this chaos, lounged in an armchair, the picture of insouciance. Long black hair barely restrained by a collection of pink hairclips. Thick lashes that hung low over his gray eyes, tanned skin, full lips, and a smirk to infuriate the calmest of men. He was good looking, a fact that was not helped by his half-dressed state.
Hadrian sighed mentally again, wishing that he could reach out and fix that loose collar, perhaps even tug it over that narrow shoulder it kept falling off. His host sighed gustily, and he felt the pinch of nails as the magician clenched his fists. The door slammed open, bouncing off the wall with a resounding crack. The last two members of this meeting strode in, or more accurately one stomped in and the other was hauled in like a disobedient cat. Clearly, his host-
Hadrian rolled his eyes again, before continuing his train of thought despite the interruption. <<Clearly, you think the same. I can feel you trying not to smile,>> he thought at the Crystal Magician.  
<<Using my name is the least you could do,>> Abnar thought back, his mental personal even went as far as to turn up its nose, before it turned away, glaring at the newcomers.
Hadrian sunk deeper into the mental plane, his form shifted as it did, the clink of chains loud in his ears. He watched as Wellan, the current Knight-Commander, shoved young Kira forwards. The girl caught herself neatly and hissed at him her ears practically flat against her head. Her tail lashed angrily. Hadrian could not find it within himself to blame her, if her dress was anything to go by, she’d been pulled straight from her bed. The princess fixed her clothing with several muttered words, unfit for a young lady to utter. That done, she sulkily cast herself into an empty chair, curling up there like a grumpy kitten.
There was a long moment of silence, the renegade king and the knight-commander attempting to disembowel each other with their eyes. Eventually, Onyx tossed his head and looked away. Wellan turned his glare onto them. Hadrian felt his host stiffen further.
“Is he still in there?” Wellan growled.
“Yes,” Abnar said, “research into finding a method to extract him as been inconclusive.”
Wellan gave a nod, his eyes growing colder, without looking away from Abnar he spoke again, “Have you discovered a way to fix your screw-up, girl?” He asked. Kira flinched at his words, and she sunk further into the chair.
Hadrian bristled instinctively, for all her faults Kira was still one of his descendants. There had been no need for that tone.
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Onyx said. He remained unperturbed even as every other eye swung to him in surprise.
<<What is he playing at?>> Abnar’s thoughts pressed into him, and Hadrian shrugged back. Taking advantage, he swept his own gaze over his friend, noting the faint lines around his eyes and the way his tongue swept out to lick his lips. <<Focus!>> Abnar snapped, disgusted. Hadrian pulled back long enough to glare at the magician, but when he turned his attention back on Onyx the latter was staring straight at him. Hatred brewing darkly in his eyes, but for a moment he saw a flash of warmth. Oh, Hadrian thought. Of course.
<<Of course, what?>> Abnar sounded exasperated.
<<Nothing you need to worry about,>> Hadrian replied. He retreated from the magician’s questioning, shutting him out as best he could.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Wellan was saying, “your presence here is by lucky circumstance. You are no more welcome than a cockroach would be.”
“So poetic,” Onyx hummed, “fortunately for you my presence is much more beneficial. Isn’t it, magician?” His head tilted mockingly, and a mental image flung itself into their heads. Kira yelped. Wellan snarled. Abnar recoiled with an outraged cry. Hadrian for his part turned red, the memory of that kiss, surging to the front of his mind. He blinked it away, surprised to find himself in control of the body. “Old friend,” Onyx purred, he flickered, appearing in front of Hadrian in a careless flaunt of magic. His hands reached up to gently cup his face, gray eyes glistening.
“Nice hair accessories,” Hadrian replied, already the magician was fighting for control of his body, but the former king pushed him back without much effort. “You’ve caused much chaos again,” he continued softly. “has it been worth it?”
Onyx smiled up at him, baring his sharp teeth. To some the gesture might have been threatening, but Hadrian knew better, even now the renegade’s eyes were crinkling and a dimple had appeared in his cheek. It was stupidly endearing, and Hadrian felt his disapproval soften. “Must you always be so careless,” he muttered and gave in to the urge to rearrange Onyx’s clothing. The latter leaned into his hands, still smiling that wolfish grin.
“If that self-centered magical maggot begs nicely, I’ll drag him out of his bondage,” Onyx said.
“It was his body originally,” Hadrian said, finished with their task is hands came to rest on the smaller man’s shouders.  
“You need a body as well, one much sturdier than this one.” Fingers flexed against Hadrian’s cheeks, sharp nails digging into the flesh. Hadrian felt no pain, though Abnar must of for his thrashing redoubled.
“I’m a ghost far past its prime,” Hadrian tried again, “I’m of no use to this world.”
Onyx frowned at him, words swimming in his gaze but he spoke none of them. He had always been that way, silent about the important facts, unless forced to anger, and then it always exploded out of him leaving broken bodies in its wake.
“That’s not true!”
As one they turned. Kira had recovered from her embarrassment and was now standing in the armchair. “That’s not true,” she repeated. “You are very useful to me. I told you, I need your help!”
“To become a Squire,” Hadrian reminded her, “which you have become, have you not?”
The 10-year-old shrugged mutinously. “Doesn’t mean I don’t need your help still, Uncle Wellan is going to kick me out for sure!” She gestured towards the knight, who had been surprisingly silent through this debacle.
“No, he will not,” Onyx said, the cloth with which he had bound the knight-commander grew tighter.
“Onyx,” Hadrian scolded, but a smile was fighting its way onto his lips. “You shouldn’t turn people into burritos.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, ghost,” Onyx replied. He bit his lip, seemingly struggling to form words, but they were not given the opportunity to emerge.
Abnar had chosen that moment to wrest back control of his body, and he sent the renegade flying with a vicious shove. Onyx landed hard on the ground, and immediately rolled to his feet, his sword appearing in his hand, but even as he did chains were wrapping around his ankles. He struck at them, snarling, and rolling away under the table.
<<Magician.>> Hadrian snapped reaching out to grasp at Abnar’s wrist. <<Stop! You cannot defeat him!>>
<<Killing him would be blessing on the lands,>> Abnar replied, but he did not set the table on fire. Instead he turned his attention on freeing Wellan. The latter burst out of confinement, red in the face, and eyes glowing disturbingly.
“He is gone,” Abnar said grumpily. “This was a waste of time.” He strode from the room despite Hadrian’s protests.
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wolfieartsandwrites · 6 years
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Bonjour j’ai à nouveau 13 ans
(Non en vrai, quand la rentrée arrive, je suis nostalgique et je retombe dans les romans qui ont fait mon adolescence et Les Chevaliers d’Emeraude étaient super importants pour moi et maintenant que j’ai le niveau pour dessiner les personnages que je préférais, je ne me prive pas !)
(Oui, je vais en faire plein)
Kira c’est l’héroïne chargée par une prophétie de détruire Amcareth, et elle est drôle, badass, super forte, féminine, grande gueule, elle sait ce qu’elle vaut et elle l’affirme. Un modèle depuis l’enfance ♥
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jeanne-g-g · 7 years
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I went on my DeviantArt account and saw so many old artworks xD I had to redraw something !
So, third version of Kira from The Knight of Emerald, since I started reading it. I’m amazed to see how much I improved this past years and months !
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