#LawSan week 2023
mazout-fm · 6 months
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@lawsanweek2022 but it’s LawSan Week 2023 hell yeah !!
Random sketch I rererereredid before I reached something show-able lol
Cheers/Tchin tchin/Prost/Salud/Kampai/Na zdarovie etc.
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woodenela · 1 year
My only wishes/ resolutions for 2023 are being healthier and more free & goofy with my art💪😤
Thanks for sticking with me despite my lack of art lately, y'all are peaches💕 (Personal ramblings under the cut).
So you might've noticed the lack of art from my side for the last months. Reason is that my health isn't very good. The last two months especially were hard cause I couldn't really eat much and therefore had next to no energy. I pretty much spent my time in bed, only ever dragging my body to doctors if need be.
I have a desktop setup with a tablet, so no real means of drawing in bed, and I doubt even that would've worked since I just felt so weak all the time.
I've tried to funnel my love into reblogs, comments and twitter for the time being - I hope I'm not annoying you all too much, the love's gotta go somewhere haha💕
Things are hopefully looking up though. Left another 100 bucks at the doctor's today to get me on a three month medication plan to stabilize my innards, basically :') (gotta love "free" healthcare huh, if you ever want things to move forward, you gotta pay anyway)
Another appointment in two weeks with another doctor that'll cost me quite a penny too... I usually don't wanna nag and whine about this stuff but I really feel like whining right now, being sick is fucking expensive y'all!! I just hope that I'll get back my footing this year, be able to go outside again without having to fear getting sick and all. Maybe even be able to get a job again, that would be pretty dope.
Another resolution is being more free with my art. I'm always so pressed to make everything I draw neat and tidy and pretty; and while that is fun sometimes, it also really slows everything down and I lose interest in so many concepts. I also really wanna draw a Lawsan comic idea I have. These months in bed have given me ample time to dream stories up✨
I also just wanna draw more goofy things, not just One Piece stuff, but in general. Branch out a bit, have fun, make awful colour choices and get dirty with textures and effects :) Don't know if I'm gonna post non-fandom stuff here, probably not but we'll see.
For now I'm gonna take my disgusting-tasting medicine and look forward to brighter days, thanks for sticking around✌️
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