#Later on in Family Feud we realize it was some random teachers
Not Sam and Dean expecting Crowley to give an eff about the timeline for people he doesn't even know at the cost of his own son
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
Helloo! Hm, if you don't mind, I have a request for some more of the modern omegaverse? Particularly how Leo and Takumi met, or the scene with good ol protective Ryoma :)
Alright here we go. I know nothing about this is specific to high school, but in my modern Omegaverse I always envisioned Leo and Takumi being high school sweethearts.
I had a lot of fun writing this, so it ended up being really damn long. Like, almost 40 pages. Couple of notes: I know Mikoto isn’t their canon mother but since she has an established relationship with all of the Hoshidan sibs I think she’s easier to write and makes more sense in Omegaverse. I based this on my high school’s class scheduling, which was four classes a semester, 90 minutes per class. We called them blocks but most places have ‘periods’ so they’re referred to as such for simplicity sake. Finally, I’ve arbitrarily decided that America’s drinking age is 18 in this fic because it should be.
Tags: Omegaverse, High School AU, Omega!Takumi, Alpha!Leo, falling in love, Lower Middle Class Leokumis, Mentions of child abuse/alcoholism
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17282396
“Alright are we ready?”
“Yep! On three!”
Takumi slid his finger under the lip of the envelope, and his friends followed suit.
“One… Two… Three!”
They all tore the glue seal, some more elegantly than others. Hinata got impatient half way through and just ripped the envelope down the middle. Oboro’s wasn’t much better, but at least she’d managed to tear it lengthwise like she was supposed to.
They all pulled out their class schedules at the same time and compared.
“Alright I have geometry first thing… Ugh.” He groaned. He liked math as much as the next guy, but that early in the morning?
“Damn, I have it third.” Oboro pointed out. “But we have the same teacher, so we can at least do the homework together.”
“Wait, I thought we were taking that next semester!”
They tried to schedule their class preferences so that they matched up, but that still didn’t guarantee they would get classes together. Hinata always mixed up at least one class and took it in the wrong semester.
“No, Hinata. We were going to take art next semester, remember?”
“Well shit.” He laughed. “You guys’ll still help me, right?”
Takumi rolled his eyes. “Of course.”
“C’mon Takumi, what do you have next?”
It didn’t take them long to hash out the schedules. He was on his own first period, but he and Oboro had gym together fourth period. He and Hinata shared American History during third period, which also meant they had lunch together. They were all taking different language courses anyways, so he knew he’d have at least one class by himself.
With that settled he was scanning his schedule again just to ensure they shared the same teachers.
“Fuck…” He muttered under his breath.
“What is it?”
“I just realized that we have Izana for history.”
Hinata was the oldest in his family and Oboro was an only child, so they didn’t have the ‘benefit’ of having older siblings go before them. Sometimes it was nice because he knew which teachers were good, and sometimes it was awful. If he had a quarter for every time a teacher said ‘Oh, Shirasagi? Are you Ryoma’s little brother? Well he was a joy to have in class!’ he’d be loaded.
“Ryoma and Hinoka both had him! They say he likes to play matchmaker with the Omegas in the class. Plus, he assigns a lot of group projects.”
“Ugh, great! You’ll be my partner right?”
“Obviously, dude.” Even though working with Hinata usually resulted in both of them getting distracted and goofing off until last minute, he wouldn’t have it any other way. As long as he got his A he didn’t really care how the project got done.
Though, he was concerned about a little more than just the group projects. There were definitely more Alphas in their school than Omegas, and ever since he’d presented he’d been dealing with dumb ‘matchmaking’ teachers. Heck, they were doing it before he’d even presented! And pretty much every time it happened the Alpha fell head over heels for him, and he absolutely did not reciprocate.
He couldn’t even count the number of calls Mama needed to make to the school about it on both hands. And whatever number that was, he’d probably have to double it to even get close to the number of overstepping Alphas Ryoma beat the shit out of on his behalf. In fact, most Alphas were beginning to treat being seated next to him as a death sentence, which wasn’t exactly doing wonders for his romantic life. The only Alphas in their grade willing to go within fifteen feet of him were Hinata and Oboro.
He tugged anxiously at his collar. Oboro seemed to notice because she finally changed the subject.
“Well, we only have a few weeks left of summer! Let’s not waste it thinking about school!”
“Damn straight!” Hinata agreed.
“Come on, Mama said dinner would be done around six. And hey, she bought a ton of popcorn for movie night!”
The first day back was always the worst. Farewell to staying up until four am and waking up at noon, hello dragging his ass out of bed at seven am. At least Ryoma was a senior this year, so Mama let him take the car to school. Hinoka took shotgun and he sat in the back with Sakura. She was fiddling with the strap of her messenger bag and biting her lip nervously.
“You look cute today, baby sister.” She really did. He could tell she’d woken up early to do her hair and makeup, and she’d picked out one of her favorite dresses. It was a far cry from his ratty old jeans and tshirt or Hinoka’s athletic shorts and tank top. He hadn’t even bothered to comb his hair out when he woke up, he’d just thrown it in it’s regular ponytail. He almost envied his sisters’ shorter hair.
“T-Thanks! I’m just so n-nervous, you know?”
“You’ll see! High school isn’t so scary!” Hinoka threw over her shoulder from the passenger seat. “Heck, you’ll be sick of it before long!”
“Come on Hinoka. Let her have one day before you make her jaded.” Ryoma chuckled.
“You’ll do great.” He patted her hand. “Let me know if you get lost okay? I can help you walk to class.”
The day went pretty quickly. It was the first day, so most of the teachers were just going over their syllabi and doing some dumb icebreakers so the class could get to know each other. It was mind numbing, but at least he could doodle in his notebooks and just pretend to be paying attention.
He’d been silently dreading third period all day, and all was well until then. He wasn’t sure what he wanted. It would be nice to sit next to Hinata, but if Izana really was a matchmaker then that could make things awkward. Then again, he’d rather things be a little awkward with his best friend than get harassed by some Alpha that needed to learn the definition of ‘boundaries’.
Hinata was already inside the classroom. He waved at Takumi from around the middle of the classroom and motioned to the empty seat beside him. The desks were laid out very strangely: Each row had six desks, and  three columns consisting of two desks pushed together.
“No alphabetical order?”
Hinata shrugged. “He just told us to sit wherever.”
The man in question was currently behind his computer at the front of the room. The bell rang, but he still seemed intent on whatever he was working on. A few minutes of idle chatting later he stood up and stepped to the center of the room.
“Good afternoon everyone. I’ve created a randomized seating chart for you all. Please come sit in your new seat when I call your name.”
They were about ten desks in when the pattern became obvious. Of course every Omega just so happened to be paired with an alpha, despite the sizable portion of Betas in the class. Randomized. Sure.
“… Shirasagi, Takumi!” He squinted his eyes at the paper for a moment. “Weird, I think I had your brother. Or was it a sister?”
“It was both…” He mumbled dejectedly as he took his seat.
“Alright then let’s see… Windmire, Leo!”
Oh gods. Anyone but him.
Their brothers had been feuding since Ryoma’s freshman year, he couldn’t even remember what about. Something about a failed science project that both of them insisted wasn’t their fault. After that it was pretty much silently agreed upon that the Shirasagis would avoid the Windmires, and they would do the same. He’d never personally met Leo, but he’d heard stories. Mainly about how he was a stuck up pretty boy.
And yeah, just looking at him walk across the room he’d believe those rumors. He had a way about him that was hard to miss. He never slouched or shuffled; He strode along like he was above it all. And he was tall. At least six foot or so. Which, Takumi supposed wasn’t all that impressive for Alphas in general, but at fifteen or sixteen most of them were still growing and stood at around five foot eight to five foot ten. That meant he was constantly looking down his nose at everyone else. It was a little intimidating, at five foot six he’d pretty much stopped growing, and he was considered tall for an Omega. Sakura was only five foot two.
The blonde dropped his newly acquired textbook and notebooks down on the desk next to him. They didn’t say a word to each other as Izana finished assigning seats. It seemed like his siblings hadn’t exaggerated: Every Omega in the class was paired off with an Alpha. When that was done he handed out the syllabi and moved back to the front of the class to go over it.
“In this class I believe in learning the value of teamwork! So, you’ll have four group projects. Three due throughout the semester and one final project. Your project partners will be the person you’re sitting next to. No exceptions. These are big projects and will require outside work, so be sure to get your partner’s contact information.”
He heard the Alpha beside him audibly groan. He was, quite frankly, a little offended. Sure he and Hinata goofed off, but he was still a straight A student damn it! Where did this asshole get off?
They suffered silently through the remaining eighty minutes of class until lunch. When the bell rang he reluctantly turned to his seatmate.
“So…” He was loathe to do it, but unfortunately he had to. “We should probably exchange numbers.”
The Alpha rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone.
“I’m sorry, do you have a problem with me?”
“Just don’t tank my grade. It’s bad enough that I have to associate with a Shirasagi, but an Omega?”
Ah, there it was. The old stereotype that an Omega couldn’t be smart, too. Boy, was this asshole in for a rude awakening.
“Look, I’m not happy about this either.” He growled as he typed his number in. “But I’m not about to get a B just because I’m stuck with you as a partner.”
With the exchange done he collected up his backpack and met up with Hinata, who was waiting by the door for him.
“Ugh, can you believe that guy!” He groused, shoving his sandwich into his mouth. Hinata was similarly scarfing down his food, but they were sitting on their own because Oboro had a different lunch.
Between complaining he was also scanning the room for Sakura. She’d texted him that they had the same lunch and he wanted to make sure she wasn’t sitting on her own. He finally caught sight of her – she was kind of hard to miss with the pink hair – sitting a few tables away with her friend Hana and some blonde girl he’d never met. Reasonably assured she was in good hands, he continued his complaining about Leo.
“I mean, the nerve of the guy! Implying that I can’t do work just because I’m an Omega!”
“Yeah, I can’t believe it either.” Hinata added through a mouthful of chips. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I would have failed algebra if it wasn’t for you.”
“Exactly! I mean–” He realized quickly that he probably shouldn’t be insulting his friend’s intelligence just to prove a point. “Sorry, Hinata.”
His friend just waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. Come on, let’s talk about something else.”
He tried to keep his attention off of the blonde Alpha, but he kept catching him out of the corner of his eye and getting infuriated all over again.
The rest of the day was, thankfully, pretty uneventful. He’d almost forgotten all about Leo and his prissy attitude until he got home and he and Sakura were helping Mama with dinner. He and Sakura were chopping up vegetables while she prepared the meats. Hinoka was still at baseball practice and Ryoma was in his room working on his college essays.
“So how was school?”
“Great!” Sakura started excitedly chattering. “Hana and I have a lot of classes together s-so that was good! And I met a r-really nice girl named Elise in first period!”
“That’s great, sweetie! What about you Takumi, did you have fun? Make any new friends?”
He shrugged. “Not really. But there was this one guy in my history class…”
“Oh? You met a boy?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Mama! It’s not like that! He’s… He’s completely insufferable!” He let out a frustrated sigh. “Mister Izana paired us up for every class project, and this dumb Alpha thinks I’m stupid just because I’m an Omega!”
“Oh dear… Well I’m sure it won’t be so bad. Once he gets to know you I’m sure he’ll warm up.”
“I dunno, he’s a Windmire. They’re, like, predisposed to hate us or something!”
“I’m sure he can’t be that bad. You know what I always say, never judge a book by its cover!”
“Yes, Mama.” He rolled his eyes. Of course she didn’t get it. She hadn’t even met Leo, she had no idea how rude he’d been!
He finished up slicing the vegetables and Mama shooed them both out of the kitchen so she could finish cooking. He didn’t have much to do since there wasn’t any homework, so he decided to bum around on his laptop until dinner.
He hadn’t really intended to start cyberstalking Leo, it had just kind of happened. It started when he tried looking up the Alpha’s social media, but the guy was a ghost. None of the Windmires seemed to have any online presence, and the only pictures he found were from what he was guessing were Leo’s friends. He’d just wanted to get a general idea of the guy, but after an hour of coming up blank finding anything became an obsession. How could he not have anything online? It was just so weird!
He finally stopped when Mama called them all down to dinner, and he realized how ridiculous he was being. So what if he couldn’t find any information? Why should he care about this asshole anyways? He shut the laptop and hurried to the dining room.
The first month or so went by without too many problems. He and Leo mostly just ignored each other during class, and once it was over he made a quick escape to lunch with Hinata. They didn’t get the details about their first project until late September. It wasn’t much, just a paper. It was about three pages and due in two weeks, so he wasn’t too worried about it just yet.
He stuck the project requirements into his folder and headed down to lunch. The second he left the room his phone buzzed in his pocket.
We should get started on this project today.
He glanced over his shoulder. Leo was literally standing ten feet away from him. Was he for real?
He pulled his phone back out to respond.
Dude, you’re literally standing right there. You couldn’t talk to me?
He watched as the blonde’s phone buzzed and he typed his response. This was ridiculous, was he really so conceited that he couldn’t even talk to him?
Look who’s talking.
“Ugh!” He stuffed his phone back in his pocket. “Come on Hinata, let’s go.”
All of lunch was a back and forth.
The project isn’t even due until two weeks from now.
I’m not going to fail this class because you wanted to wait until last minute.
Fine! We can start working on it tonight then! Your house or mine?
Better do yours.
Alright, meet me by the exit after school. My brother will drive us.
Gods, what an arrogant asshole! As if waiting a week would kill them! If he were working alone he could get it done in two days! Not to mention the fact that he wanted to start working on it on a Friday night! Sure, Takumi had just planned to stay in and watch movies, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have had plans!
Sakura was already waiting by the door, along with her blonde friend. She waved at him as he approached. “B-Big brother! This is my friend, Elise.”
“Oh, uh, nice to meet you.” Now that he was closer he could see that she was an Omega as well. The heat suppressants could make it hard to tell sometimes, but only Omegas wore collars like that. Hers was made of dyed black leather and it was studded with little purple rhinestones to match her black and purple dress.
“Ta-ku-mi,” She enunciated every syllable in his name carefully. “Did I say it right?”
“Y-Yeah, that’s right.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you too, Takumi!” She beamed up at him. Geez when Sakura said Elise was friendly she wasn’t kidding. They hadn’t known each other five minutes and she was already chattering away like they’d been friends for decades.
Leo turned up a few minutes later. Takumi caught sight of him down the hall, and he seemed confused as he approached.
“Elise? What are you doing here?”
Did they know each other?
“Aw, Leo! Did you make friends too?”
The Alpha side-eyed him and then shook his head. “Absolutely not. We’re just working on a project together. What are you doing?”
“Xander said I could stay over at Sakura’s tonight! We’re gonna get together with Hana and Effie to do girl stuff!”
“Did you ask father too?”
She pouted. “You know how he is.”
“… Alright, but you need to finish your homework beforehand.”
“Yeah, yeah. Camilla already gave me the lecture. Sakura and I are gonna get it all done before dinner.”
So, Elise was Leo’s little sister? He hadn’t really considered the possibility that Sakura’s new friend was a Windmire, but he supposed it made sense. He’d forgotten about the youngest sibling since she was the grade below him and they’d never had classes together or anything.
It was almost cute watching them; It reminded him a lot of his relationship with Sakura. That didn’t mean Leo wasn’t still a complete asshole, but he supposed even assholes had their moments.
Ryoma finally came down the hall, backpack slung over one shoulder and spinning his keys around his finger.
“Who are your friends?”
“We aren’t friends.” He and Leo said it in unison. Ryoma raised and eyebrow, and Sakura giggled.
“W-We’re just working on a project.” He finished lamely.
His brother shrugged his shoulders, but he was glaring daggers at Leo already. It wasn’t angry, more like don’t you dare fuck with my little brother, asshole. Leo shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.
“Alright, well let’s get home.”
He’d never really felt self-conscious about his house before. It wasn’t the biggest, and it certainly wasn’t the nicest. He’d known Hinata and Oboro for so long that none of it mattered because… Well it never had before. He didn’t know much about Leo, but this stuck up pretty boy was probably used to nicer stuff.
Mama couldn’t work because she didn’t have an Alpha to sign off on it. Papa made pretty good money, but after he died they had to cut back and make do on the insurance money. They only owned one car since Mama only left to do errands, and she could do those once they got home from school.
Their house was a standard split-level with three bedrooms and a basement. He and Sakura actually shared a room, and Ryoma and Hinoka did the same. Mama took the smallest room and his older siblings had the master bedroom. The basement was a general family room, with a nice but old flat screen TV, an old Nintendo that he’d found for twenty bucks at a neighbor’s garage sale, and a big sectional couch. The upstairs had a much smaller TV and couch that Mama mainly used to watch the news. Or to stop arguments when everyone wanted to watch something at the same time.
The nicest piece of furniture they owned was probably their dining table. Mama had been saving up for a new one for years because the old one was too small for a family of five, and she liked it when they all ate together. Plus, one or more of their friends usually came over for dinner more often than not and she liked entertaining company. It made the small space a little cramped but Mama always made sure it was clean and overall it was pretty cozy.
They all kicked their shoes off, and Takumi tried not to look at their guests faces when they stepped inside. He wasn’t sure if he could stop himself from punching Leo in the face if he got condescending about it.
“Come on. We can work on our project in my room. Sakura, are you and Elise okay in the living room?”
“Y-Yeah no problem!”
It would be a little too cramped in their small space with four people in there. Usually when they did homework they all set up on the dining room table and did it together. But he didn’t want to disturb Ryoma and Sakura since he and Leo would probably be pretty distracting with their talking.
Mama greeted them at the top of the stairs.
“Perfect timing. Ryoma dear can you give me the keys? I need to go grocery shopping.”
“They’re in the key bowl by the door.”
“Great!” She looked over their two guests. “Are you two going to be staying for dinner?”
“Oh, right! Mama this is Leo, and that’s Sakura’s friend Elise.”
“Nice to meet you Missus Shirasagi.” Leo extended a hand for her to shake.
“Please, you can just call me Mikoto.”
“I don’t know how long Leo and I will be working on our project, but Elise will definitely be here for dinner.”
“Alright I’ll buy a little extra then!” That went without saying, though. Mama always bought extra for guests. She grabbed the keys and headed out, and Takumi led Leo down the hall to his room.
“Takumi!” Ryoma called out to him from the living room.
“Leave the door open!”
“Ryoma!” He could feel his face heating up. Gods, like he would ever do anything with this guy!
He left the door open anyways, mostly because it was better than having Ryoma randomly barge in and “need something” like he always did if Takumi shut the door.
There wasn’t a whole lot of room to spread out. Most of the space was taken up by two twin beds. Their room was about ten feet wide, and there was about four feet of open space between the beds. They each had their own nightstand, and there was a dresser shoved in the closet. It was a pretty wide closet, but they had to share. Three of the four dresser drawers belonged to him, but two thirds of the closet belonged to Sakura because she owned so many dresses.
All in all, it was pretty obvious what belonged to whom in the room. Sakura had a lot of decor of her namesake: Her lampshade and bedspread both featured cherry blossom patterns, and she had a variety of little bobbles including a little glass cherry blossom tree that Mama made for her by hand. She also had a few canvasses hanging from the walls with several different designs, one of which featured cherry blossoms once again. Most of it wasn’t her choice, it was just what people bought her for birthdays and Christmas. It was a good thing she liked pink.
His side was a little plainer decor-wise. In addition to his bed and nightstand he also had a bookshelf that was overflowing with books on history and philosophy. There were so many that he’d begun stacking them on top of the shelf as well. On top of those books an old Shogi board was perched, just in case any of his siblings ever wanted to play with him again. They had a few other board games on the top shelf of the closet. Sometimes they had game nights on the weekend, but for the most part they went untouched. His bow and a quiverfull of arrows were currently leaning in the space between the nightstands. He didn’t really have anywhere else for it, since his kendo equipment was underneath the bed and there was no more room in the closet.
“Sorry it’s not very big.” He dropped his backpack on his bed and pulled out his laptop. Mama bought them all the same cheap little chromebook one year for Christmas when they were on sale. It wasn’t the best, but it got the job done.
Leo just shrugged and followed suit. His laptop was bigger, but it also looked pretty old. He brought out the charger as well.
“Got an outlet somewhere? The battery on this damn thing is burnt out.”
Once they were finally set up on the floor he pulled the assignment sheet back out of his folder.
“Alright, looks like we have to discuss the fallout after the civil war. Three pages, double spaced, yadda yadda. And a presentation to the class.”
“You haven’t even read the assignment yet?”
“When was I supposed to read it? Izana gave it to us at the end of class, and I wasn’t going to read it over during gym class!”
“Gods I’m going to fail.” The Alpha muttered under his breath.
“Hey!” Takumi growled. “Would you stop treating me like I’m some ditz! I’m trying to get an A too, you know! So just start the damn powerpoint and I’ll start the paper.”
He flipped his textbook open to the relevant chapter and started scanning for information.
The Alpha sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I’m just used to my partners slacking.”
Well of all the things he’d been expecting, he certainly hadn’t seen an apology coming.
“I-It’s fine. Let’s just get this done so I can actually enjoy this weekend.”
They worked for a solid hour, only talking to ensure that their points matched up. He was probably a third of the way done with the rough draft of their paper, and Leo was about half done with the powerpoint when they were interrupted by Elise entering the room.
“Leeeeooo!” She called from the door.
“What is it, Elise?”
“Can you help me with math?”
“Have you done all of the problems you can solve?”
“Yep! And Sakura helped me with some, but there are a couple we can’t get.”
“And you finished your other subjects?”
“Uh huh! We did those first.”
“Alright, I’ll come help you in a few minutes.”
“Okay!” She skipped back down the hall and sat down with Sakura at the dining room table.
Leo shut his laptop and shoved his books back into his backpack.
“I thought you wanted to get this project done?”
The blonde rolled his eyes. He was just now noticing, but had they always been that color? Or was the dim light in his room playing tricks on his eyes? He hadn’t really been paying attention, but he swore he would have remembered such vivid red eyes.
“This is exactly why I start projects when they’re assigned. We don’t have to do it all today.”
He left all of his things on the floor of Takumi’s room and headed back out into the main living area.
Takumi had managed to get all of his homework done in class today. He was pretty bored in geometry, so he usually did the homework as he was taking notes. Plus with ninety minute classes their teacher usually gave them half of that time for homework. His language class usually made it a point not to assign any homework, and their history class assigned the project in lieu of any real homework. So he decided to take his laptop into the living room and start picking out a movie for tonight. Ryoma had disappeared to somewhere, probably over to Saizo’s house to hang out.
He was actually currently stealing his good friend’s netflix, and with October on the horizon most of the queue was horror movies. It was just easier to stay logged in since they usually hung out at his house. Hinata didn’t usually mind, as long as he didn’t hog it or remove things from his list.
Elise and Sakura really only had two math problems they couldn’t get on their own, and once Leo walked them through the first one they didn’t even need help on the second. He got the sense that this was something Leo did a lot, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed by it. Maybe he wasn’t as stuck up as everyone seemed to imply.
“So,” The Alpha finally spoke directly to him. He’d been so focused on his computer that it startled him. “You like horror movies?”
He shuddered at the thought. Horror movies always made his nightmares so much worse. “No, actually. This is my friend’s account. I take it you do?”
“Mhmm. That’s too bad, I know a few good ones you might enjoy.”
“… Nothing too scary?”
“I suppose that depends on your definition of scary.”
“Hmm… Well I don’t do paranormal. Hard no on anything paranormal. I also don’t really like monsters or ghouls or anything like that.”
“Home invasion?”
“Yeah I think I could do that.” If he were being honest he would have said not in a million years, but he also didn’t want to seem like a complete wuss.
He grinned. “I have the perfect movie. Do you want to watch it on my laptop?”
“W-What? You mean, right now?”
He shrugged. “I’m here, and obviously we’ve both already checked out of this project for today. Besides, I don’t want to leave in case Elise needs me for something else.”
Just then he was saved by the bell – or rather, his mother.
“Takumi! Come help me get the groceries in!”
He hopped up and ran to the car, thankful to get out of that conversation. Maybe he wouldn’t have to watch a horror movie after all.
“Would you like some help with those?” Leo asked, indicating the bags she was carrying. She handed them off to him gratefully and he finished getting them into the kitchen. Then Leo helped him bring in the few bags from the car, and they were done in one trip. He tried to help put things away, but Mama shooed him back out into the living room.
Leo was standing by, waiting for him to get done.
“So, how about it?”
“I don’t know if we have time for a movie. Mama when is dinner?”
“Oh don’t worry about it sweetie. There’s plenty of time for a movie.”
Fuck. Looks like he was doing this.
“Alright, sure. Sakura will probably want the basement so she can get ready for her sleepover, so we can watch it in my room.”
With Ryoma out he could finally shut his door. It wasn’t that he wanted to do anything, he just liked having the privacy. Leo set his laptop up on the bed.
“Turn off the lights.”
“Come on, it’s a horror movie. You have to set the mood!”
He flicked the lights off and sat down. He tried to keep a respectable distance, but it was hard when they were watching on a laptop. They had three or four inches between their shoulders at best.
It was a little weird, if he was being honest. He’d never had an Alpha on his bed unless it was Hinata or Oboro. He hadn’t realized how weirdly intimate it was until he was sitting with the blonde. His heart was racing, though that was probably just from the movie. Though, by the end of it he was actually clinging to Leo’s arm and hiding his face in the sleeve of the blonde’s hoodie.
They were nearing the end of the movie. By now there had been a few tense moments of this woman trying to escape her would-be killer, and a few jump scares to set his nerves on edge. She was trying to crawl back in her window while the killer chased her, and he had to stop himself from shouting go, go, go, go!
The door to his room slammed open and he screamed. Not a yelp or a cry of surprise, he actually yelled out in terror and hid his face behind the Alpha’s shoulder.
“Takumi?” It was just Ryoma. Apparently he hadn’t been as gone as Takumi thought him.
“Gods, Ryoma! You scared the shit out of me!”
“My apologies. I just wanted to know if you needed anything.”
“Yeah! A new damn pair of underwear! Geez Ryoma, can’t I have the door closed for five minutes without you barging in!”
His brother put his hands up in surrender. “Alright, alright. Finish your movie, mother said that dinner will be ready soon.
As soon as he backed out Leo chuckled. “I didn’t think you would be that scared by this movie!”
“I-I wasn’t scared! He just surprised me is all!” He scooted away from Leo and drew his knees up to his chest.
“Of course, obviously.” Leo nodded. “Alright pay attention. We’re almost at the end.”
They very end of the movie was more action packed and didn’t have as many jump scares, so it was a little easier to get through. She managed to fight off her attacker and call the police in the end. And hey, the cat didn’t even die. When the credits started rolling Leo shut his laptop.
“So, what did you think?”
“The entire plot of this movie could have been avoided if this woman just owned a landline.”
“That’s… Exactly what I always say.”
There was an awkward lull in the conversation. After a moment he finally responded again.
“W-We should get to the dining room. Mama is probably waiting for us.”
He reached for the light, but in the dark he didn’t see the stack of books hanging a few inches over the edge of his bookshelf. He accidentally bumped them and brought the entire pile down.
“Shit!” He muttered. He managed to flick the light on. Only five or six books ended up on the ground, and he quickly picked them up and re-stacked them on the shelf.
“The Stranger?” Leo picked the top paperback off the stack and flipped it over.
“Well aren’t you nosy!” He shot back, defensively. Most people that saw his book collection automatically labelled him a huge nerd, including his older siblings.
“I’ve been trying my hardest not to snoop, but it’s kind of hard not to notice when you’re a complete klutz and knock over piles of books. Besides, it’s one of my favorites, I couldn’t help bringing it up.”
“I actually haven’t finished it yet.” He admitted. “Nihilism isn’t really my thing, and I can’t stand the main character!”
“Really? I think it leans more absurdist myself. How far did you get?”
“Uh, I think I was about half way through part one.”
“You should try again. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
He took the book from the Alpha and tossed it on his nightstand.
“You know, for a pretty boy you’re kind of a dork.”
He was into philosophy and history? What was next? Would Leo tell him that he’s on the school’s chess team?
“I could say the same of you, Takumi.”
Wait, did Leo just call him pretty? Did he just call Leo pretty? To his face? Oh gods, like he needed another reason to go red as a tomato. He hurried past the Alpha and took his seat at the table with the rest of his family and Elise. There were seven places set at the table. Ryoma was sitting on one end, Mama on the other, and Elise, Sakura, and Hinoka on one side. That left two places on the other for he and Leo to sit. He took his usual seat nearest Mama, but Leo hung back a moment. He checked his watch.
“Actually I think it’s time I headed home.”
He wasn’t about to stop Leo, though he was a little disappointed. He’d just found out that they had so much in common, and he’d been kind of hoping that they could chat more.
“Please stay for dinner at least! Sakura was just telling me about how helpful you’ve been, it’s the least I can do.”
He looked conflicted, but he ultimately sat down.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Mama smiled at him, then leaned over and whispered conspiratorially in his ear.
“Is this the boy you’ve been complaining about? He’s so polite!”
“Mama please!” His face was already red enough from that earlier pretty boy comment.
“So, Leo.” Oh gods. Ryoma was going to do this to him? Tonight? “You’re working on a project with Takumi?”
“That’s right.”
“Uh huh. How’s your GPA?”
“Ryoma…” He muttered under his breath.
“I have a perfect GPA, actually.”
“Good, good… Because, you know, my brother doesn’t waste his time with stupid men.”
“Ryoma!” He growled. Mama patted him on the arm.
“Now come on Ryoma, he’s our guest. There’s no need for this.” Yet. He could hear it in her voice. Gods, had his entire family gone crazy?
The rest of dinner went pretty normally, aside from Ryoma’s incessant what-are-your-intentions-with-my-brother grilling. When it was over he helped Mama clear the table, and Leo excused himself.
“I really must get going.”
“Do you live far? I can drive you home, if you’d like?” Mama called out from the kitchen. She was in the middle of doing the dishes, and Ryoma was helping her dry.
“It’s not far.” He answered quickly. “Really, I’d prefer to walk.”
“Alright. It was nice meeting you!”
Ryoma was just glaring daggers at him over her shoulder. Takumi pushed him toward the stairs and followed him into the entryway.
“Uh, sorry about him.”
Leo just shrugged. “Believe me, I’ve seen worse. Why don’t we get together on Sunday to finish the project?”
“Y-Yeah, sure. Sounds good.”
“I’ll text you.”
He headed out and Takumi shut the door behind him. It was still pretty warm out, but he hoped Leo didn’t have to walk too far. It was starting to get dark, and it looked like it might rain later that night.
All in all he was no longer absolutely dreading seeing Leo again. Hell, he was a completely different person than he usually was in school! He’d even called Mama ‘ma’am’!
He headed back upstairs to see if any more help was needed. Sakura and Elise had long since retreated into the basement to get things set up, and Hana and Effie would probably be there soon.
“Your friend seemed nice.” Mama was just finishing up the dishes and wiping her hands on a nearby towel.
“I don’t like him.” Ryoma slammed a plate down in the cupboard a little harder than usual.
He rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to like him, Ryoma. We’re just doing a class project together. Besides, he hates me anyways.”
It was true. Just because he was polite didn’t mean he liked Takumi. He was probably just minding his manners for once.
“Oh I don’t know about that, sweetie. The two of you seemed to get on just fine.” She had this glint in her eye.
“I told you, Mama, it’s not like that.”
“Good.” Ryoma muttered under his breath.
Gods, what a pain! He loved his brother, but he could be too overprotective sometimes. Heck, he still glared daggers at Hinata, and they’d been friends since they were five!
“I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
He spent the rest of the night watching dumb youtube videos to try and shake the horror movie from his mind.
Saturday went by pretty uneventfully. He and Hinata went to kendo practice in the morning and then they spent the rest of the day bumming around the park while the weather was still warm. Then later that night Oboro came over for their regular movie night.
Hinata hooked his laptop into the TV and started flicking through the movies. He and Oboro were already sitting on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn between them.
“So how did working on your project with Mister Prissy-pants go yesterday?”
“Actually, not terribly. It was, uh, actually kind of fun.”
Both of his friends stopped what they were doing and looked at him.
“Woah, hold the phone. You had fun. With Leo?”
“I mean… Look, he was still kind of a dick but I don’t know. We have a lot in common, and he was actually really sweet with Mama and his sister.”
Hinata whistled. “Well looks like it’s the end of the world everybody. Oboro, do you still have that zombie invasion action plan we wrote up?”
She shoved him. “Who said it was going to be a zombie invasion?”
“Who said it wasn’t?”
He was thankful that they didn’t push the subject, at least. Mama had been giving him that look ever since and Ryoma kept pulling him aside to have the talk. Just the memory of it made him shudder, and he was glad that Hinoka needed him for something before he could really get into it.
“I know you don’t like them, but can we please watch a horror movie? I know of a really good zombie flick now that you mention it!” Hinata urged.
Zombie movies, strangely enough, didn’t really bother him. Maybe because he knew how unlikely a zombie apocalypse was, and most of the movies were pretty bad anyways.
“Fine. But no more until Halloween!”
He started playing the movie and sat down on the couch next to Oboro. They were only about ten minutes in when he got distracted by a text from Leo.
Hey, sorry but I’m not going to be able to meet tomorrow.
What? Why?
Some family stuff came up. Sorry, we can talk about it more on Monday?
Alright, just don’t go tanking my grade with your slacking.
“Hey!” Oboro snapped her fingers. “Eyes on the screen!”
“Sorry, sorry!” He shut his phone off and set it aside.
He was a little disappointed. Maybe Leo got scared off by his family after all? But still, they could have met up at the library or something. He just hoped his overbearing brother wasn’t about to be the reason he failed a class.
After awhile he started wondering what exactly came up to stop Leo from working on their project. Just three days ago he’d been so insistent that they get the project done immediately, but now he was delaying?
Though, it didn’t take him long to figure out what had happened. He walked into third period, and the first thing he noticed was the blonde in the second row. His left eye was swollen and bruised up. Takumi took his seat and set his backpack down.
“Geez, what happened?”
“Oh this? It’s nothing.” He brushed it off. He didn’t seem interested in talking about it, so he dropped it. Whatever it was, it wasn’t pleasant.
“… Did you want to get the rest of this project done today? I was thinking we could go to the library after school.”
“Yeah, sure. Sound’s good.”
He couldn’t pay attention for the rest of class. He knew it wasn’t any of his business, but he couldn’t help speculating. What the hell happened? Heck, he wouldn’t be at all surprised if Ryoma hunted him down after he left their house. Not that it’d happened, he could think of plenty of people that would want to punch Leo in the face.
They decided to head to the library separately after school. Takumi arrived first. It was a pretty big library, and they’d agreed to meet near the back. There was a section specifically designed for teens to hang around in. There were a few tables, some computers, and a couple of board games, TVs, and even a game console. He didn’t usually come back to this section, but it was the most recognizable one so he’d picked it on a whim.
He was currently sitting at the chess table they had back there. He didn’t really have anything to do until Leo got there, and his phone was running low on battery so he was absentmindedly moving the pieces around.
There wasn’t really anyone else around, so he perked up immediately once Leo came in.
The Alpha nodded at the board. “You play?”
“Oh gods, you are a chess nerd. I knew it.”
Leo shrugged and dropped his backpack on the ground next to his chair. “My father used to play with me when I was a kid.”
“That’s nice.”
“Yeah, it was… Do you want to play a game?”
“Sure, but I’m not that good. I prefer shogi.”
“Show-gee? Is that like chess?”
“Yeah, a bit.”
As it turned out, Leo was quite good. He won pretty easily, and as much as he wanted to let his competitive spirit out he pushed his chair out and moved to one of the tables.
“You don’t want to play another game?”
“Oh believe me, I’m going to kick your ass in the future. But Mama wants me home for dinner so we should probably work on the project.”
They managed to finish up their project over the next two hours of working. He finished the paper, Leo finished the powerpoint, and then they swapped to proof read. He was pretty happy with the work overall, but he did veto some of Leo’s color choices for the slides.
When they were done he packed up his things, and Leo did the same.
“Would you like me to walk you home?”
He didn’t live too far from the library. It was about half way between their high school and his house. All together it would be about a fifteen minute walk from there to his house, but Mama and Ryoma wouldn’t usually let him walk anywhere by himself. They lived in an okay neighborhood, but they definitely bordered on a bad part of town. Another fifteen minutes of walking past his house and there was nothing but ramshackle ranch houses and trailers. He’d originally planned to call up Ryoma or Hinoka to get a ride, but it was a nice day, and if he had Leo with him…
“Are you sure? I can get a ride?”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s on my way.”
“Y-Yeah, sure.”
It would be nice to get some time to talk without his family or school projects getting in the way. He was vaguely aware of the fact that he was actually starting to like Leo. But hey, how couldn’t he? It was like someone reached into his head, pulled out all of his favorite things, and stuffed them into the body of a tall, pretty Alpha. And those eyes? Gods, those piercing, red eyes. It almost wasn’t fair.
He found out that they had even more in common on the walk home. His favorite food was beef stew, which was kind of like a soup. Though it was second only in his heart to tomatoes. Takumi had brought up the subject accidentally, and Leo had begun rambling on about them.
“… And when you bite into them! Gods it’s divine!”
“Woah, hold up. You eat raw tomatoes?”
“Yes, don’t you?”
“No. Actually, I don’t think anyone does.”
“You’re missing out.”
He scrunched up his nose. “Gross.”
Leo gently nudged him as they walked. “Hey, don’t make fun. Someday I’m going to have a garden full of just tomato plants. Then you’ll see.”
Takumi pushed him back, just a little harder. “Don’t be such a weirdo, then!”
Those fifteen minutes almost went by too fast, and before he knew it they were standing at his front door. He didn’t really want to say goodbye, but Ryoma would probably just embarrass the hell out of him, and if he didn’t come home for dinner Mama would be upset.
“So I’ll uh, see you in class tomorrow?”
“Couldn’t miss it if I wanted to.” He answered dryly. It was one of those jokes that wasn’t really a joke, the kind Takumi couldn’t help laughing at.
Leo waited for him to get inside the house before he left.
“Takumi? I thought you were going to call for a ride? You didn’t walk home alone, did you?”
“No Mama, Leo walked with me.”
“Really, he did?”
He rolled his eyes. “He was just being polite. He said it was on his way anyways.”
“Is it?”
He shrugged. He’d just taken Leo’s word for it but he didn’t check to see if the Alpha had turned back the way they came or not.
“I’m going to finish up the rest of my homework. Do you need anything?”
“No I’m fine dear. Dinner in an hour.”
Ryoma and Sakura had long since finished their homework, but Hinoka was still sitting at the dining room table when he put his backpack down. She’d probably just walked home from practice and taken a shower – Mama always made her take a shower before dinner so she didn’t stink up the place.
He loved Hinoka, but he didn’t really get to spend that much time with her. Once she got to high school most of her free time was spent either at practice or hanging out with her teammates. That, and she and Ryoma were quite close. Pretty much anything he shared with her got passed on to his brother, whether he wanted it to be or not. He supposed it made sense, he was far closer to Sakura and they were far closer to each other, but it made it much harder to relate to her.
“So…” She opened up the conversation. “Leo?”
“Oh gods, not you too!”
“Hey, I’m not judging! I think it’s great that you’re getting along! He’s a good kid.”
“He’s sixteen, he’s not a kid. And how would you know what he’s like?”
She shrugged. “Just the impression I got from him at dinner. And sometimes his sister helps out at bake sales and things for the team. She talks about him a lot.”
He did vaguely recall a busty, purple haired Alpha coming by a few times in the past to see Hinoka. She hadn’t been around long enough for him to register the connection, but now that he thought about it he did hear quite a bit about Camilla. Mostly jealous rumors from the girls in his grade, or the guys bemoaning how she only ever seemed to flirt with other girls.
“Well you don’t have to go running to Ryoma. Like I told him, we’re just doing our class projects together.”
“Alright little brother. I believe you.”
The due date for their first project came and went. They got an A, obviously, and strangely enough Takumi couldn’t wait for the next one. He and Leo worked well together, and it was nice having a project partner that didn’t distract the hell out of him for once.
In the meantime, they started spending more and more time together. In addition to his Saturday movie nights with Hinata and Oboro, he and Leo had a Friday movie night now too. Sometimes they watched them in his room, sometimes the basement. They’d begun switching off between B horror movies and terrible sci-fi flicks. Sometimes they didn’t watch a movie at all, they just played video games or a board game or just talked.
It was a few days before Thanksgiving, so they’d decided to have their movie night after school on that Tuesday instead. Though they’d never gotten around to picking a movie. His computer was lying a few feet away, HDMI cable plugged in and idling on the Netflix home screen.
He was lying down on one end of the couch, knees bent, and Leo was on the other. Their legs were just barely close enough to touch.
“What do you guys do for Thanksgiving?”
“Nothing really.”
“Really? Nothing?��
“Father hates holidays.”
“Your father sounds like a dick.”
The Alpha snorted. “You don’t know the half of it.”
He’d been wondering for awhile. Leo never talked about his family, or at least he didn’t talk about his dad. Over the past few months he’d been slowly piecing some things together, but the picture was still frustratingly incomplete.
“… Hey Leo?”
“You remember that black eye you had a few months ago?”
“What about it?”
“… How did you get it?”
He immediately regretted asking. Leo sat up, and Takumi mirrored him.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
Leo just shrugged. “Why bother hiding it? My father isn’t exactly the most even tempered guy. He kind of flipped his lid when Elise came home that Saturday morning. Kept ranting about how she was whoring around with Alphas – I guess he smelled your siblings on her. I tried to stop him from throwing her out.”
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It is what it is.”
Takumi scooted closer to him. He didn’t really know what to say, so he did what he always did when one of his siblings was upset. He hugged him. The Alpha seemed surprised, but he didn’t pull away.
Leo smelled nice. Like a forest on a sunny, warm day. Like dirt and grass and… honeysuckle? It was a lot to take in at once. And he was so warm and his skin was so soft…
Footsteps pounded down the stairs, and he pushed the Alpha away quickly just before Ryoma could see them. Leo scooted back quickly and he turned to his computer screen so Ryoma wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Are you two doing okay down here?”
“Get out of here, Ryoma! Mama told you not to bug us!”
He was trying to hide his blushing face from his brother, but it was a losing battle. He might have been mistaken, but he thought he saw a small tint to Leo’s cheeks too.
“As long as the two of you are… getting along.” He gave Leo the I hope you aren’t fucking around down here look before he went back upstairs. Gods, he was only fifteen, why did Ryoma not trust him to keep his hormones in check?
“A-Anyways… Do you want to spend Thanksgiving here? I’m sure Mama won’t mind, she always makes too much food.”
“You don’t have to be nice to me just because of my father.”
“It’s not because of that! I would have invited you, anyways. Geez, who doesn’t have a holiday celebration?”
“… I’ll think about it. And thanks for the offer.”
He’d been friends with Hinata and Oboro for a long time. They were both Alphas, but he’d never felt anything special for them. He’d never gotten butterflies in his stomach thinking about them, and he’d never spent hours going through his closet to find the right outfit before he saw them. But here he was, Thanksgiving morning, doing exactly that.
He tried to justify it. Well we’ve never had guests before. At least, no guests that weren’t Hinata, Oboro, or one of his siblings’ friends.
But then wasn’t Leo just one of his friends, too?
Mama was okay with him coming over, just like he knew she would be. Ryoma was less than thrilled, something about how he was “too young to be dating”. Whatever, he’d get over it. He and Leo weren’t even dating. He wasn’t even sure if the Alpha liked him.
He pulled at least five things out of the closet and laid them over the bed. He was staring at them hopelessly when Sakura came into the room. She was already dressed for the day in an oversized orange sweater-dress and some plain black leggings. She even had a pair of matching orange slippers and a matching headband and gods he’d never envied girls for having so many cute clothing options, but he was right now.
“A-Are you trying to look good for Leo?”
He’d never in a million years admit to crushing on someone to his older siblings, but Sakura was different.
“J-Just be yourself! I’m s-sure he likes you just the way you are!”
“Yeah, but I still want to look nice! But I also don’t want to look like I’m trying to look nice, you know?” He’d been wearing sweatpants and plain v-neck t-shirts the last couple of times they’d hung out. He couldn’t help himself, it’d been Friday! That was his comfy day!
“A-Alright, let me see what I can do.” She giggled.
It wasn’t too far off what he’d normally wear, in the end. She pulled out one of his usual black v-necks and a pair of jeans, but she also managed to dig out an old button down that he was pretty sure he’d gotten as a hand-me-down from Ryoma. The sleeves were a little long, so he just rolled them up to the elbows and left the front unbuttoned.
The only accessory he really owned an extensive collection of was hair ribbons. Mama usually bought him the same thing for every birthday or Christmas: A book and a hair ribbon. He loved both, so he wasn’t complaining. Sakura found a plain orange one to match the Thanksgiving theme and he quickly tied his hair up with it.
With that all sorted, they spent most of the rest of the day cooking with Mama while Ryoma and Hinoka cleaned up. They didn’t really do the traditional American thanksgiving, instead Mama tried to cook everyone’s favorite foods. There was almost always miso soup for him, salmon for Ryoma, and pickled vegetables for Hinoka along with rice, duck, a salad, and some stir-fried vegetables. She also made tea, and Sakura’s favorite mochi for dessert.
It was a pretty big task to cook it all, and they always had a ton of leftovers. Mama joked that she was glad they were finally old enough to help her out, since she used to do all of it by herself.
Hinoka popped her head in around four o’clock.
“How many places should we set?”
“Hmm… I think we’ll be having nine?”
“Nine? Who all is coming?”
“Well there’s the five of us, Leo and Elise makes seven… And since they’re coming I told them to just invite their whole family, so Xander and Camilla makes nine.”
He heard Ryoma groan from the living room. “You invited Xander?”
“Well I wasn’t going to invite everyone but Xander! That would be rude, Ryoma!” She yelled back.
He’d considered inviting Oboro and Hinata as well, but Oboro was travelling to visit family this year and Hinata’s parents were inviting over some relatives so he had to be at home. Plus, he’d avoided having Leo meet his friends thus far. Not that he was embarrassed of them or anything, he just wasn’t sure how well they’d all get along.
Everyone arrived around five, and he ran down to get the door before Ryoma could jump at it. Only Camilla, Leo, and Elise were at the door, and the eldest was holding a bottle of something. It was lightly snowing outside, so he ushered them in quickly.
“Thank you so much for inviting us, dear!” She handed over the bottle.
“Yeah, no problem. Make yourselves at home.” He hung their coats up on the nearby coat rack. Camilla and Elise ran upstairs, but Leo hung back with him.
He pulled the bottle out of the bag to get a better look at it.
“Sake? Where did you guys even get this?” As far as he knew, none of them were of age. Well, Xander might be eighteen, but he wasn’t there.
“Father won’t miss one bottle. He doesn’t even like sake, it’s just been sitting around the house.”
He shrugged. Mama sometimes drank sake, and usually she would let them have a taste around the holidays. He just put it on the kitchen counter and started getting down the serving dishes for the food. Camilla wandered in a few minutes later.
“Is there anything at all I can help with?”
He’d never seen an Alpha offer to help with kitchen stuff, but there was a first time for everything. Ryoma and Hinoka would usually help out, but only if directly asked.
“Oh don’t worry about it. You’re a guest! Besides, we’re almost done here. Just go take a seat, dinner will be in a few minutes.”
He caught a few snippets of conversation as he and Sakura carried dishes out to the table. Mainly Hinoka and Camilla discussing what the baseball season would look like come spring. Ryoma occasionally added to the conversation, but overall it was nothing he was too interested in. Elise must have been in the bathroom, and Leo was boredly sitting at the table. It didn’t take long to get everything on the table, so when it was all ready he took his usual seat next to Leo.
“Won’t Xander be joining us?”
“I’m afraid he had to work, actually.” Camilla answered. Mama took the empty plate away and he, Leo, and Hinoka all shifted over a little to make things even. He ended up sitting directly across from Sakura, Leo was in front of Elise, and Hinoka was facing Camilla.
“This all looks wonderful ma’am! I hope you had some help!” Camilla added as they began passing things around the table.
“Yes, Takumi and Sakura are quite the little chefs now!” She laughed. “I remember when they were little they tried to help cook and they nearly burnt the house down! Little Takumi came sprinting down the hall, hair singed to drag me out of bed… And what do I find in the kitchen? Ryoma and Hinoka standing over a smoking pan and Sakura crying in the corner!”
They all laughed about it now, but he remembered that year all too well. That was the year Papa died. He was maybe five? Mama didn’t get out of bed for weeks unless it was to take care of them, and little seven year old Ryoma thought it might help cheer her up if they cooked for her. Of course they were kids so none of them knew how to cook. It got her out of bed, though. It was easy to laugh at in retrospect, but at the time it had probably shocked her back into being alive and a mother.
But it wasn’t really the time for such discussions, so he laughed along.
“Mama kept the knives out of reach and I wanted to make soup. So I just dumped whole vegetables into a pot of water. Didn’t even turn the stove on. I thought her head was going to explode!”
“Kids just do the strangest things, don’t they?” Camilla added. Though, wasn’t she still a kid herself? “When we were little Elise wanted to play princesses, and unfortunately poor Leo was the only one around at the time. Elise dressed them both up in mother’s clothes and used up every last bit of her makeup! By the end they both looked like something straight out of a clown horror movie!”
“Oh? Is that where the love of headbands stems from?” He teased, nudging Leo’s foot under the table. The Alpha scoffed.
“Coming from the guy with a collection of hair ribbons.”
“Hey, don’t knock ‘em. Do you even know how hard it is to use scrunchies when you have all of this hair?”
“Why not just cut it?”
He mock-gasped. “Blasphemy.”
Leo kicked him playfully under the table, and he laughed.
Thankfully, it ended up being a very bearable holiday. Ryoma didn’t spend half of dinner re-grilling Leo like he usually did when the Alpha came over, and his brother even seemed to get along with Camilla. Plus, after dinner they all went down to the basement to watch dumb holiday movies. It was a pretty big couch, but with eight people was still a squeeze. So, naturally in the interest of making space he had to get as close to Leo as possible.
He wasn’t on top of him or anything, but he was practically glued to his side. They also didn’t have too many blankets in the basement, so he and Leo had to share. About half way through the movie the overwhelming scent of honeysuckle and grass and Leo was starting to get to his head, and he was getting antsy. They didn’t normally sit this close when they were alone, and his Alpha scent was doing very weird things to his hormones.
He started fidgeting with his hands, scratching his nails down the leg of his jeans or tapping his fingers. Leo tapped the back of his hand with his knuckles. He froze, and once he was still the Alpha grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together under the blanket.
He was at a complete loss for words. At no point did Leo’s eyes leave the screen, but he did squeeze his hand when Takumi looked over at him from the corner of his eye. He felt like he was about to explode. Leo was holding his hand. He could have died happy then and there.
When they left he was on top of the moon. Maybe Leo did like him back. He was so giddy he could barely get to sleep.
He was hopeful when he returned to school the following week, but the Alpha didn’t seem keen on acknowledging that anything had happened. He didn’t bring it up, and it certainly didn’t happen again. Even when they were completely alone in his basement.
He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting to happen after Thanksgiving, but it certainly wasn’t nothing. They finished their last two projects together, and they kept their regular Friday night hangouts, but nothing happened.
Tomorrow was their last day before the end of the semester. He and Sakura were already in their pajamas and ready for bed, but they weren’t sleeping just yet. He was lying face down with his head buried in the pillow, and she was sitting on the end of his bed with him.
“I don’t know Sakura, maybe I’m an idiot. I thought he liked me.”
“Maybe he does? I m-mean, he did hold your hand.”
“But that was a month ago! Why hasn’t he done anything else? I thought he’d ask me out or try to kiss me or something, but he’s acting like nothing happened!”
“W-Why don’t you ask him out then?”
“Are you crazy? What if he said no? Gods it’d be so embarrassing!”
“Maybe he’s j-just waiting until the end of the semester?”
He looked up from his pillow. She had a look to her that immediately set something off in his head.
“Sakura… Do you know something?”
She giggled. It wouldn’t be unusual… She was friends with Leo’s little sister, and Elise was becoming notorious for being a bit of a blabber mouth. Sakura got up and scurried back to her bed.
“C-Come on, it’s late. Worry about it t-tomorrow.”
It didn’t make him feel better, but it did give him a little hope.
He waited anxiously for third period. It was the last day of classes before winter break, so most teachers didn’t have anything for them to do. He had his Geometry final in the morning, but that was about it. He hadn’t even bothered studying because even if he completely failed he’d still be getting an A in the class. Third period they were just doing presentations for their final projects, and he and Leo had already presented theirs.
Leo leaned over to him when he sat down in class.
“Hey… Can you wait for me after school? I want to ask you something.”
His heart was already pounding, but now it was doing double time.
The rest of the day couldn’t go by fast enough. He barely even touched his lunch, and Hinata spent the entire time teasing him about his “future boyfriend”. He didn’t want to get his hopes up too high. For all he knew Leo wanted to talk about something completely unrelated.
When the end of the day came he anxiously waited by the exit for Leo. Ryoma still had to drive them home, but he hoped that his brother wouldn’t show up and kill the moment until after Leo had asked him whatever he was going to ask him.
The Alpha was with one of his friends, the white-haired one with the eyepatch. They looked like they were debating something, and eventually Leo gave an exasperated sigh. His friend apparently got his way, at least if his giddy look was any indication. The other Alpha sniggered and pushed the blonde his way.
“Hey, Leo!” He tried to be casual, but his excitement was bleeding through in his voice.
“Hey, uh… Look this is going to sound stupid, but Niles wanted me to ask…”
“Uh huh?”
“I was just wondering…”
“Yeah?” He tried not to get his hopes up, but damn were his hopes up.
Leo sighed.
“How much would it be?”
“For what?”
“For you to blow me in the bathroom.”
He had no words. He just gaped at the Alpha for a minute, and finally stuttered out an “Excuse me?”
Ryoma was less calm about it. He’d apparently been coming down the hall behind Leo, and unfortunately for the blonde Alpha he’d heard the whole thing. His backpack thunked to the ground behind him. Leo’s eyes widened as Ryoma grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around.
“What makes you think that you can talk to my brother like that?”
“W-Woah, hey hold on-”
But he didn’t get to finish his sentence. Ryoma punched him straight in the mouth. Leo recoiled, then bolted in the opposite direction. His brother tried to run after him, but Takumi grabbed him by the arm.
“Ryoma no!”
“You’re just going to let him disrespect you like that? I know you like him, but come on Takumi!”
“He’s not worth it. You only have one semester left until graduation, do you really want to get suspended or worse?”
That seemed to level his head. He took a deep breath, then picked his backpack up off of the floor.
“Come on. We’d better get home before I change my mind.”
The drive home was a quiet one. As soon as they were home he dropped his backpack in the entryway.
“Hey how was school?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He called over his shoulder and ran up to his room. Mama tried to follow him, but he slammed the door and curled up in bed.
What an asshole! Just when he’d started actually liking Leo, he goes and acts like every other Alpha! Was that all he was to these people? A set of fucking holes? They had so much in common, they’d had so much fun together over the past few months, but all he cared about was getting his knot swallowed? Fuck it, he was never talking to another Alpha ever again. They could all shove it, for what he cared. He’d just die alone.
He’d just resigned himself to wallowing in self-pity when there was a soft knock on the door.
“Not now, Mama.”
She came in anyways and sat down on the end of his bed.
“Ryoma told me what happened. Do you want to talk about it?”
He sat up and let her wrap an arm around his shoulders. He buried his face in her shirt and just let the tears loose.
“I thought he r-really liked me! I’m s-such an idiot!”
“Shh, it’s okay baby. There’ll be other Alphas.”
“They’re all the same! They’re just looking for somewhere to stick their dicks!”
“You’re still young. There’ll be other Alphas. I didn’t meet your father until I was in my twenties.”
“Yeah, but Papa wasn’t awful!”
She let him cry it out, until his chest hurt and his eyes were dry and he was sniffling and hiccuping. It probably took a good three hours, but she didn’t leave his side. She just held him and waited. Only once he’d cried himself dry did she speak up again.
“Why don’t I take you all out for dinner?”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Consider it a reward for your good grades?”
“We haven’t even gotten our report cards back.”
“But I know you all did wonderfully. Come on, it’ll be fun. You can have all the miso soup you want!”
“… Alright. Thanks, Mama.”
He blew his nose and washed his face off. His eyes were still a little red and puffy still, but he grabbed his coat anyways.
Everyone else was already ready to go. Ryoma must have filled them in too because Sakura ran over and gave him a hug as soon as he got to the living room.
They almost always went to the same restaurant when they went out for dinner. It was a little Japanese place on the other side of town. Mama liked to go there sometimes because that was where she and Papa met when she used to waitress there. The food was pretty good, and they ran special all-you-can-eat sushi deals so they could get a lot for pretty cheap. Plus, Mama got a discount.
Everyone tried their best to keep it light. He ate about five bowls of miso soup, and by the end of it he was feeling a lot better. He even managed to smile at a few of Hinoka’s dumb jokes.
By the time they were done it was snowing pretty hard outside, and it took them awhile to get home in the blizzard. It was already pitch black outside, but when they pulled up to the house there was someone sitting clearly on their front stoop. He caught a flash of blonde hair as their lights went past, and he heard Ryoma swear from the front seat.
“That bastard!”
Mama pushed him inside the house as soon as they were in the garage. Takumi tried to follow her, but she stopped him.
“Just go talk to him, sweetheart.”
“But Mama–”
“I understand, just ask if he wants a ride home. I’d send your brother to do it but…”
He rolled his eyes and pulled his scarf over his nose. Leo stood up when he saw him come out of the garage. His lip was busted and bloody, and he was shivering but otherwise he seemed fine. He brushed off a fine dusting of snow from his shoulders.
“Takumi I–”
“Look, I understand if you don’t want to talk to me, and after I say this I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“Fine. What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?”
“Why? Why would you say that to me in the first place?”
“It was just a stupid dare. I was going to apologize afterwards, but your brother kind of decked me and I wanted to avoid being beaten to a bloody pulp.”
He shook his head. “You don’t get it! It isn’t funny! Do you know how many times I’ve had Alphas seriously say that kind of stuff to me?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you would be so hurt by it, I thought it would just be a dumb, harmless joke. There’s no excuse, and all I can do is apologize.”
He was shivering like crazy now, and his cheeks and nose were bright red. He must have been standing out there for awhile if he was in such a shape. He knew Alphas ran a little warmer, but Leo’s coat wasn’t very thick to begin with and he didn’t have a hat, gloves, or scarf.
He let out an exasperated sigh and grabbed the Alpha by the wrist.
“You’re going to freeze to death out here, come on.”
He dragged him into the house. Ryoma was already waiting for them in the foyer.
“What is he doing here?”
“Don’t start, Ryoma.”
Takumi pulled him into his room and swapped Leo’s coat out for one of his thick wool blankets. He tossed his own coat and scarf aside and sat down next to the Alpha on the bed.
“… Thank you.”
“You looked so pathetic out there.”
Leo chuckled. “I must have just missed you, I’ve been waiting for an hour.”
An hour? It must have been ten below out there!
He bumped him with his shoulder. “You’re an idiot. Why didn’t you just text me?”
“Because I felt like an ass, and my father took my phone away when he saw the split lip.”
“Still, it could have waited until tomorrow. You could have frozen to death.”
“But I didn’t.”
“No, I guess you didn’t.”
Leo shivered under the blanket. He pulled one half of the oversized blanket over his shoulder and scooted closer. Leo’s skin was cold to the touch, and now that they were in the light he could see his lips had been turning a bit blue. His blonde hair was dripping as the snow melted off of it, but he rested his head on Leo’s wet shoulder anyways.
“I wanted to ask you something, too. I mean, I meant to ask you something after I completed Niles’s stupid dare.”
His heart was beating out of his chest. “What was it?”
“I wanted to know if you would go out with me? I mean, the theater is doing some showings of old documentaries and I thought you might want to go with me… But I understand if you don’t want to, after all of this.”
“Y-You mean like… On a date?”
“Well… Yes, that was the intention?”
He’d been waiting for this for months now. And, in spite of the events of the day he was still ecstatic.
“… Swear you’ll never talk to me like that again?”
“For as long as I live.”
Leo didn’t hesitate in his response. So, neither did he.
“Alright, but you’re on probation. And you’re buying the popcorn to make it up to me.”
“Of course, I am a gentleman after all.”
“A gentleman that asks Omegas to choke on his dick?”
“Not all Omegas, just the ones I like.”
He laughed in spite of himself.
“Well, good luck getting Ryoma to like you after that one.”
“Baby steps, Takumi. Baby steps.”
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