#Larissa Kinley
talon-the-hawk · 1 year
More Incorrect D19 Quotes ( Featuring Y/n )
Jamie: We need a way to lure in new customers?
Kate: Maybe we could have some fun, interactive events!
Y/n: Valentin bath water.
Jamie: Where's Y/n?
Alexandru: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Alexandru, shouting: Valentin sucks!
Y/n, distantly: Valentin is the best person ever! F*** you!
Alexandru: Found them.
Y/n & Jamie in the back of Valentin's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Valentin: We have food at home.
Alexandru: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Y/n & Jamie: YAYYYYYY!
Alexandru: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
Valentin: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Dracula: You left me, Alexandru, and Valeri in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Valentin: I did that on purpose, try again.
Valeri: Dracula ain’t the problem this year.
Valentin: When are you gonna get it? Dracula is ALWAYS the problem.
*In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.*
Kate: *Minding their own business, looking for tortilla chips.*
Kate: *Finds tortilla chips.*
Matt, to Jamie: See, they know what they're here for. They know what they're doing. Be more like them. Make a decision, Jamie!
Larissa: Sometimes I like to place my hands on someone’s cheeks, look into their eyes...
Larissa: ...And violently jerk their head until it snaps.
Matt: ...That took an unexpected turn.
Jamie: So did their neck.
Y/n: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Matt: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Kate: Drunk.
Larissa: Wasted.
Jamie: Dead.
Jamie: So oxygen went on a date with potassium, it went... OK.
Kate: I thought oxygen was dating magnesium, OMG.
Jamie: Actually oxygen first asked nitrogen out, but nitrogen was all like NO.
Y/n: I thought oxygen had that double bond with the hydrogen twins.
Matt: Looks like someone's a HO.
Larissa: NaBrO.
Paul Turner: I'm done with all of you!
Valeri: You're just jealous. All my friends tell me I remind them of Y/n.
The Squad: *screaming*
Matt: They look like Y/n? Are you out of your fucking MIND?
Valentin: Y/n, sweetie, I am SO sorry. I am SO SORRY that an ugly-ass bitch like this would even say that. Oh my god.
Larissa: Y/n? Y/n? Y/n? You know who you fucking look like? You fucking look like Dracula!
Matt: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell.
Y/n, Jamie, Larissa, and Kate: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
Dracula : You three, explain right now!
Alexandru: It was Valeri.
Y/n: It was Valeri.
Valentin: It was Valeri.
Valeri: …fuck.
Matt: What's the worst thing you guys have done?
Y/n: Rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade.
Valeri: I kicked Valentin in the shin-
Valentin: -So I kicked Valeri between the legs.
Dracula : I burned a town down.
Matt: What?!
Valentin: What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Dracula : A lot of things.
Y/n: No shit.
Y/n: Hey, can I stay in your cell tonight?
Valentin: Why?
Y/n: Jamie fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours.
Y/: Jamie doesn't know how to banish spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Valentin: You’re such a dumbass (affectionate).
Y/n: Aww, you’re such a whore (complimentary).
Larissa: How are you talking like that in real life?
Y/n: Witchcraft (derogatory).
Y/n: I am convinced Jamie and Larissa share a brain cell.
Valentin: And it's not in use very often, it seems.
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kuatiisms · 7 years
RULES: tag seven followers you want to get to know better. repost, don’t reblog TAGGED BY: Did this because @saggitariisms TAGGING: Anyone who’s awake
&*- NAME/NICKNAME: Michael &*- GENDER: Male; perpetually annoyed. &*- HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw &*- FAVORITE COLOR/S: Green, Red, Blue &*- FICTIONAL CHARACTER I’D LIKE AS A SIBLING: Shit, probably Leto Atreides I because he’s a pretty stand up guy. &*- NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: Two &*- DREAM VACATION: Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Italy &*- WHAT I’M CURRENTLY WEARING: pajamas &*- WHAT I POST: Shitposting, mostly. &*- DO YOU GET ASKS ON A REGULAR BASIS? Either my inbox is exploding or empty. &*- AESTHETIC: Sam &*- STAR SIGN: taurus &*- LAST THING GOOGLED: Apartments in my city for rent &*- FAVOURITE MUSIC ARTISTS: Don’t really listen to artists tbh, more into specific songs. &*- DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS? Unused personal, an Agent York blog from RvB, this one, Thorn’s side blog, and Fox’s blog. &*- WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL? Bultar is from Kuat. She doesn’t feel a strong connection to her home, but origins are important. &*- AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP? ha &*- LUCKY NUMBER: is it childish if I say 69? &*- FAVORITE CHARACTER: Vorian Atreidies, Larissa Kinley, Duncan Idaho, Bultar Swan, Plo Koon, Harvey Specter, the list goes on. &*- DREAM JOB: Teacher, or professor. &*- FOLLOWING: 101 on this blog, 181 on Fox.
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Los Cumpleañeros de hoy Sábado 27 de abril
Los Cumpleañeros de hoy Sábado 27 de abril
Nuestros Amigos:
Bertrand Wfdhy Djo Djo Elias Siwady Evelyn Pinto Francis Carolina Rodriguez Gabriel Reyes Pineda Johana Orellana Jose Teofilo Enamorado Carcamo Juan Luis Garcia Karen Dinha Kinley Nuñez Larissa Oliva Marianny Santos Vásquez Olga Isabel Saur Paul Helbert Rodriguez Herrera Marian Sathar Abdul Siwady Car Tuny Valladares Yenny Obando Yiyi Bustillo America Multimedios Zuniga Kathy
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talon-the-hawk · 2 years
You Come Out To Them
HC’s of you coming out to different Department 19 characters ( Trans F to M )
( D/n = Dead Name Y/n = your name ) 
- Super supportive 
- Will fight anyone who mis-genders you 
- Not kidding, Holmwood had to pull him off of an operator who was mis-gendering you on purpose ( he almost got taken off the active roster, but he didn’t care )
- If you want to get top and or bottom surgery, he’ll do research on things to help make the process easier ( like eating pineapple to reduce swelling )
- He would get Holmwood to re-enter your correct name into the system if you’re too nervous to tell the director yourself
- Overall a very supportive friend :)
- Proud mom vibes
- Will also beat up anyone who mis - genders / is rude to you
-  She would steal a trans flag for you when out on a mission
- She would also steal a binder in you didn’t already have one
- When anyone uses the wrong pronouns on accident she would immediately interrupt them  
- “ Can you tell D/n that she-”
- “ What do you want me to tell Y/n? He’s very busy you know.” 
- If you want to get top and or bottom surgery she’ll support you 100% of the way, researching on the process and making sure that whoever gives you the surgery is qualified
- “ Well of course you’re a man, don’t be silly.”
- He already knew but didn’t want to say anything until you were ready
- Will kill anyone that is rude towards you 
- He wears a little ‘Ally’ pin on his jacket to show his support, he wants you to know he cares 
- Buys you an entire new wardrobe if you need more masc clothes, and will take you to the finest barber in the world to get a haircut ( if you need a new one )
- If you want top and or bottom surgery he will take you to the best surgeon in the world ( he wants to make sure you’re in the most capable hands possible, he would hate for you to get hurt ) 
- Constantly makes sure you’re alright after the surgery
- He may not show it often, but you mean a lot to him, so he’ll support you every step of your journey
- He’s so happy you feel comfortable enough to tell him this
- He’ll  stand up for you if someone mis - genders you, he’ll only fight them if they say something super bad
- Corrects people on your name pronouns often, even when you’re there
- “ Hey D/n, Hey Matt!”
- “ Actually my name is-”
- “ His name is Y/n, not D/n.”
- “ Matt I’m right here, I could’ve said it.”
- If you’re too shy to tell the director your new name and pronouns, he’ll do it for you
- He’s terrified of talking to the director, but he doesn’t want you to be in an uncomfortable position
- If you want top and or bottom surgery, he’ll do research on it
- He’ll tell you the exact process they use, and all of the steps to the surgery
- Also will share ways to reduce swelling and pain
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