#La Sayona
legend-collection · 2 years
La Sayona
La Sayona is a legend from Venezuela, represented by the vengeful spirit of a woman that shows up only to men that have love affairs out of their marriages. The name "Sayona" refers to the cloth the ghost wears which is a long white dress similar to a medieval undergarment.
The legend claims that when this woman appears she asks for a ride, and after a while when the victim tries to see her face, he notices that she has instead a skull with horrible teeth.
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The legend says that "La Sayona" was a young woman named Casilda. She lived in a small town in the plains of Venezuela and was the most beautiful girl there. She was married to a great man, caring and loving. Casilda and her husband had a baby boy. One day, Casilda was swimming naked in a nearby river and a villager saw her. After that, the man would always follow her and watch her bathe in the river. One day Casilda saw him and told him to leave her alone; he ignored her, and instead told her that he was there to warn her: "Your husband is having an affair with none other than your mother," he said. Casilda ran home and found her husband asleep with the baby in his arms. Blind with anger, she burned the house with them inside. Villagers could hear their screams while Casilda ran to her mother's house. She found her on the patio and attacked her with a machete, striking her in the stomach. As the mother bled to death, she cursed Casilda telling her that from then on she would have to avenge all women by killing their unfaithful husbands. And from that day forward Casilda became "La Sayona".
In other versions of the tale, Sayona appears to men working in the jungle. She manifests when her unsuspecting victims talk to their workmates about sex or think of women they left behind in their hometown. Sayona appear to such men, assuming the likeness of beautiful woman, or a loved one, and lures them into the forest so she could reveal her animal-like features and devour them, or mangle them, leaving their wretched bodies for their companions to find.
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el-faconator · 2 years
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Inktober Day 6: Bouquet
La Sayona
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moonmausoleum · 2 years
The Legend of La Sayona
On the Venezuelan plains, the vengeful ghost of La Sayona hunts down cheating men that don't get from it alive. She is cursed to make her revenge on them after she murdered her whole family. Read more about it in the MoonMausoleum.
On the Venezuelan plains, the vengeful ghost of La Sayona hunts down cheating men that don’t get from it alive. She is cursed to make her revenge on them after she murdered her whole family. La Sayona is a Venezuelan ghost story about the vengeful spirit of a woman. She is after cheating men and appears mostly on the road, asking men for a ride on the vast Venezuelan plains known as Los…
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mecthology · 1 year
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La Sayona from Venezuelan lores.
The legend claims that when this woman appears she asks for a ride, and after a while when the victim tries to see her face, he notices that she has instead a skull with horrible teeth.
The legend says that "La Sayona" was a young woman who lived in a small town in the plains of Venezuela and was the most beautiful girl there. She was married to a great man, caring and loving. She and her husband had a baby boy. One day, she was swimming naked in a nearby river and a villager saw her. After that, the man would always follow her and watch her bathe in the river. One day she saw him and told him to leave her alone; he ignored her, and instead told her that he was there to warn her: "Your husband is having an affair with none other than your mother," he said. She ran home and found her husband asleep with the baby in his arms. Blind with anger, she burned the house with them inside. Villagers could hear their screams while she ran to her mother's house. She found her on the patio and attacked her with a machete, striking her in the stomach. As the mother bled to death, she cursed her daughter telling her that from then on she would have to avenge all women by killing their unfaithful husbands. And from that day forward the daughter became "La Sayona".
In other versions of the tale, Sayona appears to men working in the jungle. She manifests when her unsuspecting victims talk to their workmates about sex or think of women they left behind in their hometown. Sayona appear to such men, assuming the likeness of beautiful woman, or a loved one, and lures them into the forest so she could reveal her animal-like features and devour them, or mangle them, leaving their wretched bodies for their companions to find.
Follow @mecthology for more lores and legends. DM for pic credit. Source: Wikipedia. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhTuM0NSra/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miaclemeverett · 2 years
night 1
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la catrina, symbol of día de muertos and criticism of class and race
night 2
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la llorona / la sayona: la llorona is a myth deriving from mexico about a woman who drowned her own children and now haunts rivers/lakes/etc for children who wander off in the dark. la sayona is a venezuelan spirit who killed her husband and mother for supposedly having an affair and kills men who have affairs
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bagofbonesmp3 · 2 years
Top three ghouls and top three mansters??
1. luz mala
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2. el futre
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3. la sayona!!!
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1. don pombero
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2. el culebrón
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3. teju yagua 💖
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felicityfornow-21 · 1 year
Week 3 prompt Fairy tales/Urban legends
La Sayona (The Sackcloth-Woman)
Is an Urban legend from Venezuela. A specter that inhabits the Venezuelan plains and punishes unfaithful men. She was betrayed by her husband that slept with her mom. She killed her husband and mother but before dying, her mother cursed her, condemning he to wander the plains punishing unfaithful men.
This a legend told verbally that it has been passed down from family to family to the point that some people have made storybooks about her and especially on Halloween this story is meant to scare little kids and some people established that they have seen her walking around the lonely streets.
The legend has changed over time. People have told this story their own way by changing the facts of this one and adding stuff to it. There are a lot of versions of this story and everything people talk about it has a different version.
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          La Leyenda de La Sayona se ha transmitido a lo largo del tiempo en Venezuela, convirtiéndose en una historia popular que ha perdur...
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victoravilan · 1 year
La Sayona es una leyenda venezolana que se remonta a la época colonial. Esta leyenda se ha convertido en una creencia que rodea a la mujer venezolana. Se dice que la Sayona es una mujer con apariencia humana que aparece como una aparición fantasmagórica. Se cree que esta figura es enviada por dioses o demonios para castigar a los hombres que han sido infieles o han cometido otros actos impuros. La leyenda de la Sayona es muy interesante porque ha sobrevivido por generaciones. Esto se debe a la cultura y el folclore venezolanos. La mayoría de los venezolanos creen que la Sayona existe y que su presencia representa el castigo divino para aquellos que hacen mal uso de su libertad. Esta creencia también ha servido como una advertencia para los hombres para que no sean infieles a sus mujeres. En general, la leyenda de la Sayona es una de las muchas leyendas populares de la cultura venezolana. Esta creencia ha sido transmitida de generación en generación y sigue teniendo una gran influencia en la cultura venezolana. Es una interesante leyenda llena de misterio y representa una importante advertencia para aquellos que se desvíen de los caminos de la rectitud.
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medi-at · 1 year
Zoom sur l’Abitibi [05/04/2023] – Actualité de la semaine du 29 mars au 4 avril 2023
Dans cet épisode de récapitulatif de l’actualité de la semaine, Guylaine et Christian reviennent sur les événements marquants de ces derniers jours. Ils discutent du point de presse du Premier ministre du Canada Justin Trudeau, de son discours à Sayona ainsi que des différents faits divers qui ont fait les gros titres. En outre, ils présentent deux événements culturels à ne pas manquer ainsi que…
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nafagot · 1 year
La sayona de Charallave: Asesinó a su madre porque iba a vender una casa
Una mujer asesinó a su madre con sus propias manos porque se oponía a la venta de una casa en Charallave. Con la captura de la homicida, el Cicpc da por resuelto el caso. (more…) “”
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legend-collection · 4 months
La Sayona
La Sayona is a legend from Venezuela, represented by the vengeful spirit of a woman that shows up only to men that have love affairs out of their marriages. The name "Sayona" refers to the cloth the ghost wears which is a long white dress similar to a medieval undergarment.
The legend claims that when this woman appears she asks for a ride, and after a while when the victim tries to see her face, he notices that she has instead a skull with horrible teeth.
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The legend says that "La Sayona" was a young woman named Casilda. She lived in a small town in the plains of Venezuela and was the most beautiful girl there. She was married to a great man, caring and loving. Casilda and her husband had a baby boy. One day, Casilda was swimming naked in a nearby river and a villager saw her. After that, the man would always follow her and watch her bathe in the river. One day Casilda saw him and told him to leave her alone; he ignored her, and instead told her that he was there to warn her: "Your husband is having an affair with none other than your mother," he said. Casilda ran home and found her husband asleep with the baby in his arms. Blind with anger, she burned the house with them inside. Villagers could hear their screams while Casilda ran to her mother's house. She found her on the patio and attacked her with a machete, striking her in the stomach. As the mother bled to death, she cursed Casilda telling her that from then on she would have to avenge all women by killing their unfaithful husbands. And from that day forward Casilda became "La Sayona".
In other versions of the tale, Sayona appears to men working in the jungle. She manifests when her unsuspecting victims talk to their workmates about sex or think of women they left behind in their hometown. Sayona appear to such men, assuming the likeness of beautiful woman, or a loved one, and lures them into the forest so she could reveal her animal-like features and devour them, or mangle them, leaving their wretched bodies for their companions to find.
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diioonysus · 3 years
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history | horror | female spirits
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 years
Macabre Latin-American Legends
1. La Llorona (Mexico)
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La Llorona (aka, the Weeping Woman) is one of the best known ghost legends of Hispanic origin. Like many legends, there are various differing origin stories behind her, but they all center around the same thing: a young, beautiful mother whose spirit roams the land of the living in search of her deceased children, wailing non-stop and crying out, "Aye, mis hijos!" ("Oh, my children!"). She is most commonly sighted in urban areas, rivers or lakes, and highways. Although many agree that la Llorona's legend has deep roots in Mexican territory and has been around prior to the Spanish Conquest, her story has great significance in just about all Hispanic/Latin countries. People from all over the globe have claimed to have seen the spirit of la Llorona or heard her cries. La Llorona is a tragic figure but is also feared. Many who have grown up hearing her story remember her as a childhood bogeyman. From generation to generation, elders have warned youngsters to respect adults and not stay out after dark or wander near bodies of water, because if they do otherwise they will become targets to la Llorona. It is said that if la Llorona encounters a lone child, she will abduct them and drown them to take the place of her lost children, hence adults and children being very wary of her.
2. El Silbón (Venezuela, Columbia)
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The Whistler is a tall, thin man who wears a large hat. Just like la Llorona, his origin story is retold in a number of variations. But in each version of it, he is the wandering lost soul of a young man who committed the horrible crime of killing his own father. As punishment for his patricide, he was tied to a post and his bare back was lashed repeatedly then had a pack of vicious dogs sicced on him. He was also forced to carry a sack containing his father's bones over his destroyed back and was condemned to do so for all eternity. El Silbón got his moniker from his habit of whistling one particular tune constantly. This tune he whistles lets people know he's present and acts as an omen of impending death. He's usually non-discriminate with his victims but he's been said to sometimes prey on womanizers and drunks. With drunks, he sucks the alcohol out of their navels like a vampire; with womanizers, he violently tears them apart and and takes their bones to put them into the sack containing his father's and other victims' bones. Fortunately, el Silbón can be warded off and his death curse can be prevented. All that is required to do this is the mere sound of a dog barking or a whip, either of which will scare him off.
This is what El Silbón's whistle sounds like:
3. El Coco (Portugal, Galicia, Spain, Mexico)
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El Coco is a bogeyman-type, shape-shifting monster who preys on misbehaving children. If a child stays up past their bedtime or disobey their parents, el Coco will come and abduct and devour them. It dwells under beds and in closets or just about any part of a room shrouded in darkness. Some versions say that el Coco was once a man but became the kidnapping, child-eating monster. One version is that he became ill with tuberculosis in a time where it was a death sentence so he turned to drinking children's blood to cure himself but ended up transforming into the monster he is known as now.
4. Chupacabra (Puerto Rico, Mexico, America)
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El Chupacabra is one of the most famous cryptids in the world. The creature is a vampiric predator that attacks livestock and sucks them dry of their blood. It is described as having glowing red eyes and being canine-like or as a reptilian humanoid. Chupacabra attacks and sightings have been reported all over, from the United States to Chile (sometimes even in Europe and parts of Asia).
5. Nueve Veces Veronica (Spain, Mexico)
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Nueve Veces Veronica is a spiritual ritual similar to Bloody Mary. The ritual includes a pair of scissors, a red ribbon/string, a Bible, and takes place in a dark room with a mirror. The entity summoned in this game is none other than the spirit of a girl named Veronica. She will act as a fortune-teller, but if a person taking part in the game doesn't take her seriously, she will kill them. This game surrounding Veronica is said to be her punishment. She was once a teenage girl who played the exact same game with some friends one night. Veronica made the terrible mistake of not taking the ritual seriously and, as a result, the scissors used in the ritual went flying through the air and stabbed Veronica in the neck. Her friends ran to get help and when they returned they found Veronica lying in a pool of blood, one hand holding the Bible and the other grasping the scissors embedded in her neck.
6. La Pisadeira (Brazil)
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A creepy hag with claws and red eyes who preys on people who go to bed with a full stomach. La Pisadeira creeps into their bedroom and is able to climb onto her intended victim's chest as they are induced with sleep paralysis. She does nothing but sit on the immobilized victim's chest and bask in their sheer terror, which she feeds off of and becomes stronger with. Sometimes the victim will survive the encounter only to be visited by her again and reliving to the experience, but sometimes she will instead suffocate them to death.
7. La Sayona (Venezuela)
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La Sayona is a fearsome spirit who appears as an attractive woman and targets unfaithful men. She was once a beautiful woman who was married with a baby boy. She liked to go swimming in a nearby lake and it was there she attracted the admiration of a man. The man was so taken with her that he hatched a scheme to get her to himself. He told her that her husband was cheating on her...with her mother. She was so angered by this allegation that she went home and killed her husband and baby then attacked her mother with a machete. With her dying breath, the mother professed there was no affair going on and she cursed her daughter to become a supernatural entity that lived to take revenge on those who are unfaithful to their partners. La Sayona will roam on highways or jungles where work is being done and when she encounters a lustful man she will seduce him, get him alone, then reveal her true colors and attack. She will either turn into an animal and tear off their genitals or give them an STD that will cause their genitals to shrink and blister, indicating to their wives or girlfriends that they have been unfaithful.
8. Maria Angula (Ecuador)
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Maria Angula was the daughter of a Cayambe landowner and she loved to gossip, which often got her into trouble. She spent so much time gossiping that she didn't learn how to cook. So, when she married and her husband would ask for a meal, she faced a problem. Maria went to her neighbor, Dona Mercedes, who was an excellent cook, and she told her how to make certain recipes. When Maria did what she was told, she would pass it off as her own and acted as if she knew what her neighbor was talking about when she explained recipes to her. Dona Mercedes became fed up with Maria's arrogance and ingratitude and decided to teach her a lesson. When Maria came to her for help yet again, Dona Mercedes took advantage of the girl's ignorance. Maria's husband had requested a meal that consisted of a Puzun (stomach) from a goat but Dona Mercedes told Maria that a Puzun from a human was tastier. Mercedes told Maria what to do, thus Maria went to the cemetery that night and looked for the most recently buried coffin there. Then, she dug it up, opened it, and cut out the deceased's stomach and took it home to cook it exactly as Dona Mercedes had directed. Like Dona Mercedes had said, her husband loved the meal Maria had cooked. That night, after the married couple went to bed and fell asleep, Maria awoke to a bony specter that demanded its guts back from her. When it didn't get what it requested, it dragged Maria out from her bed and took her away into the night, never to be seen or heard from again.
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Cryptober Day 14: La Sayona
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La Sayona is the spirit of a woman found in Venezuela. La Sayona is described as a woman wearing a white dress where is where she gets her name from with long black hair. La Sayona is said to appear to people who have affairs out of the marriages and she sometimes is carrying a child with her and she asks the victim for a ride or a cigarette and she tries to hide her face but when her victim sees her face it appears as a skull. The legend of La Sayona is about a woman name Casilda who always swam in a nearby river and one say she noticed a man watching her and once she told him to go away he said he came to warn her that her husband was having an affair with her mother furious she ran home and burned her house down with her husband and child still inside and the she went to her mother’s house and slashed her with a machete. Her mother then cursed her saying now she would have to avenge all women by killing their unfaithful husbands for all eternity. 
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