#LZ 120
bauerntanz · 25 days
Luftschiff LZ 129 Hindenburg
Heute vor 88 Jahren: Das Luftschiff LZ 129 "Hindenburg" explodiert bei seiner Landung in Lakehurst (USA).
Heute vor 88 Jahren ereignete sich das Unglück von Lakehurst, das die kurzeÄra der Luftschifffahrt beendete. 35 der 97 Menschen an Bord sowie ein Mitglied der Bodenmannschaft kamen ums Leben, als das Luftschiff LZ 129 “Hindenburg”  bei der Landung i Flamme aufging. Vor einigen Wochen ist dieses kolorierte Youtube-Video erschienen, und Ronny Knaak (@das_kfmw)schrieb damals: “So detailliert und in…
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As Above, so Below
Part 1
William Chang sat atop the chassis of his Rifleman, looking down at the city below. A look down at his watch told him it was now D-Day plus 1, as the hand slowly swept past midnight. The landing had been hard-fought, an uphill battle from the word go against a far larger force who had been digging themselves into every frostbitten inch of that shithole.
In theory, DZ Gold was supposed to be a walk in the park. A clear LZ, only a forested ridge between the Harwood forces and AA battery SUMER, then an assault on Coen City from the high ground. In practice, it was a nightmare.
When the bay door opened to drop the ‘Mechs, it opened to a scene of hell, the gray clouds boiling in rage as SUMER spit death into the sky, lances of hellish light streaking past the open door with a sound like a banshee’s wail. Chang had been the first off, as he usually was, stepping into the empty air with his rotary cannons spinning and Medium lasers primed. The drop itself was uneventful, as there was only a handful of seconds between the drop point and the elevation where the ridgeline would provide cover. However, the second their feet hit the snow, the world erupted in crimson fire.
Despite what the intelligence reports had said, it seems like the Blakist had prepared for an assault on SUMER, and the SLDF had sent Harwood straight into the meat grinder. The hill was covered in pillboxes, trenches, and enough machine gun nests to make an Atlas think twice.
He’d ordered the complement of heavies and assaults to the front, to block fire and shield the Light and Medium mechs until they could close. However, in the end, they’d been able to secure the LZ after a grueling march up the hill, destroying bunker after bunker, sending waves of death down every trench.
By the time the DropShip was unloading troops, there was nothing left on the ridge but blackened foliage and burning corpses strewn about their ruined defenses. From there, it had taken a quarter of an hour to unload the entire force from the ship, Four companies of infantry and three mechanized assault companies, not to mention the 36 Mechwarriors already deployed.
At H-Hour plus 2, they set out, moving up the ridge as fast as they dared, keeping a careful watch for any more surprises from the Blakist forces. As they crested the ridge, it was easy to see SUMER below, like a steel hydra spitting poisoned death. The assembled Harwood forces came down the ridge like a tidal wave, Mechs and tanks and infantry all rumbling towards the compound.
Chang himself was at the head, as one of the few heavy mechs left relatively unscathed, unleashing a storm of fire from his rotary cannons and lasers as the walls drew closer. From the massive gate came WoB battlemechs, three Celestial-pattern machines accompanied by several smaller figures that looked to be the Blakists’ exosuits and cybernetic soldiers. Given his Rifleman’s weaponry, Chang chose to focus on the infantry, letting the mechanized units and Roswell’s Warhammer take the lead in reducing them to dust.
By the time they’d reached the wall of the compound, at the edge of the dense forest that separated Coen City from the military zone, the fighting had reached a fever-pitch, the Blakists never giving an inch of ground they didn't have to, while Chang directed his forces like a chess player, exploiting gaps in the constantly-shifting front line to drive then closer and closer to the wall.
200 meters, a Celestial was slamming into the right flank until a brilliant beam of light from a tank's cannon silenced that threat.
180 meters, the Manei Domini had managed to get a heavy machine gun into a position to attack the infantry until a twin blast of rotary autocannons silenced them.
150 meters, a super-heavy tank blasted a massive shell into one of the medium mechs, sending the mech and its pilot careening to the snow.
120 meters, and two more Celestial frames came marching in on the left. Two tank crews and an anti-armor infantry team would solve the problem.
At 100 meters, they jumped. Jump jets flaring with ionized gas, the mechwarriors who had the capability launched themselves into the walls of the fortress, bent on eliminating SUMER itself. It stood towering above them now, a 20 meter obelisk of foreboding steel, spiked with weapons that spelled doom for the Aurigans and other mercs landing in the second wave.
He gave the order, and every mech who'd made the jump opened up on it with the fury of a dying sun. Bullets, particle beams, lances of concentrated light, all came together in twenty seconds of blinding brilliance, reducing that ominous pillar to nothing more than smoking slag.
One the battery itself was out of commission, the Blakists had run fairly quickly, seeing the battle was lost in the face of the more numerous and better-equipped Harwood mercy. Three hours later, and mop-up operations had completed, leaving only the unpleasant business of peeling up the Bandage and taking a look at the damage.
In the fighting, they'd lost four mechs, two to the level of complete destruction, and five armored vehicles had been destroyed in the assault, with 4 more at various levels of damage. The infantry was harder to make an accounting of, but once every man was tracked down and accounted for, only 23 men had been lost from the four companies, with Dog company being hit the hardest.
That left Chang where he was now, surveying Coen City through the trees, peering through the binoculars and straining his eyes for any sign of movement. In truth, he'd rather be with the men, taking a couple of hours of rest to prepare for the next day's assault on the city itself, but he knew that he'd only dampen the mood. After all, he was Chang the Robot, Chang the Freak. Who would want him around when grieving a fallen brother?
So, he would sit. And he would watch, until it was time to move out once again.
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kacic1 · 5 months
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A todos, boa noite de Ano Novo! E para os fãs de horror, o ano já começa quente nos Filmes do Kacic!
Hoje convido vocês a visitarem o site, para conferir meu ranking com os 120 MELHORES FILMES DE TERROR PARA VER ANTES DE MORRER, cada um dos filmes com uma mini-crítica e trailer. Um material simplesmente imperdível para os fãs do gênero. Não deixe de curtir, compartilhar, e deixar seu comentário! Um Feliz 2024 a todos!
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asiannothingness-blog · 6 months
nov diary
rustcohle LZ — 2023/10/30 09:19 10.29:周一不用嫖娼了, 看到了以前女室友的微信名, 下载了照片, 被榨干了. 好骚 whitecatcat — 2023/10/31 10:21 看看女室友 光说不发照片 草泥马 rustcohle LZ — 2023/10/31 10:34 开自己盒是吧 4年前的女室友了 whitecatcat — 2023/10/31 10:41 怕毛 rustcohle LZ — 2023/10/31 10:59 我就不 把她的照片下载放在hidden文件夹, 打飞机用 owenbunny6420 — 2023/10/31 23:40 我最近喜欢上了 牛仔那个口味 有坚果的味道 rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/01 10:17 10.31: 本来锻炼+ 柔术的, 但干活干到现在 四个blocker 3个都是我负责, 全世界都日我妈,我操你妈 rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/02 04:12 11.1: continue to work on upgrade tickets. had malatang takeout for lunch + canned protein. slated to do bjj lessons today though. gonna take a nap. napped until 5:40. ate baked beef rice and waited a long time for the subway. did bjj and 5 sets of chest, 2 sets of tricep , and 4 sets of squat. - slow eccentric, 10 reps, only 95 lbs. went home and had malatang + salmon can, lemon water. worked a bit on 2 tickets. watched GoT. rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/03 09:24 11.2: 今天真的阳痿了, 下午看到 米菲兔 的av, 心里很想要, 但是鸡鸡不行了, 坚持撸完了, 现在很不舒服 ,头疼浑身酸痛, 米菲兔, 滑嫩皮肤 骚指甲丝袜少妇的魅力, 不是开玩笑的, 我得禁欲两天以上了, 嫖娼计划也落空, 估计接下来两天都硬不起来 rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/04 09:54 11.3: worked, had burrito bowl, took a nap, listened to foxen asmr, trained back + ham, had chicken katsu, watched GOT rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/05 15:16 11.5 bjj, then shoulder + 2 sets of quad + 4 sets of bicep, GoT and soon tofu, 晚上搞了半套,200,小姐姐刚回家在门口把我接上我们开到车库再上去的, 听着歌搞半套,很舒服 rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/07 12:19 11.6: 吃了ice cream + greek yogurt, 冰红茶, soon tofu + salmon canned + rice,晚上吃了海南鸡饭+ 鸡蛋, 350g的米饭,2个鸡蛋,250g的鸡肉.很饱. 喝了蛋白粉. 今天练了7 Sets of quad + 2 sets of hamstring, 六点去完gym去打飞机了, 120. rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/09 04:33 11.8: 吃了茄汁牛扒饭, 工作了一点儿, 抽电子烟, 看house of the dragon, 下午lol, 今天不出去了, 晚上公园引体. 心里的欲火来了,身体没回复好,计划是禁欲两天周五去的 , 但是很难受, 昨天撸了 rustcohle LZ — 2023/11/10 16:54 11.9: 早上东西没写完明天再写,公司管理层混乱几个report我们的head of plans都confused。一群senior拿几十万吃豆腐的。下午睡了一小段,四点吃昨天的羊肉香辣锅,到等巴士,到了gym不舒服,全吐了。 上完课饿着肚子练了肩膀6组二头3组,啃了popeye去找小姐姐。跟小姐姐说了我吐了的事情她给我煮了点面吃,然后看她玩猫玩狗搞到十一点半才开始半套,坐上来股交射了洗个澡回家了 rustcohle
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needleman1 · 1 year
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Schmetz 134 135X5 DPX5 SY1955 797 Sewing Machine Needles SINGER PFAFF Size 80/12 This Listing is for 10pc of Schmetz 134 135X5 DPX5 SY1955 797 Sewing Machine Needles SINGER PFAFF Size 80/12 ADLER: 67, 69, 167, 267, 396, 971 ARTISAN : 20-53, 20-93, 196R-5, 518, 2220, 2240, 5110, 5550-H, ZH-305, ZJ-100-J, ZJ-8500-H BERNINA : 217N-04, 217N-06, 217N-08, 316 BROTHER : B430, B431, B432, B433, B435, B518, B715, B781, B755, B781, B790, B814, B815, B830, B841, B842, B845, B847, B8450, B8750, B872, B875, BAS-301, BAS-310, BAS-320, BAS-330 CONSEW : CN2053R-1, CN2033R-1, CN2043R-1, DURKOPP: 207, 211(most subclasses), 213, 215, 219(most subclasses), 220, 256, 263, 271, 272, 531, 551 GAMMILL: QUILTERS JUKI : DLU-490, LBH-700 Series, LH-512, LH-515, LH-1152, LK-280, LK-980, LK-984, LK-987, LK-1850, LK-1852, LK-1853, LK-1854, AMS-505A, AMS-260A MITSUBISHI : DB-120, DB-179, DB-327, DN-260, DN-275, DU-108, LT-200, LT2-220, LT2-230, LT2-250, LZ-200, LZ-750, LZ-760, PB-810-10, PB-820-10 PFAFF : 138, 238, 242, 244, 331, 437, 438, 441R, 442, 443, 461, 481, 483, 491, 493, 563, 1243, 1244, 1290, 1294, 1442, 3701, 3704, 3826, 3834 SINGER : 20U, 61W, 107, 108W, 112, 120U, 121, 132W, 138, 143, 154, 167, 191D, 212, 212G, 220U, 312U, 366K, 371U, 457, 469U, 471U, 591, 660, 691, 770, 771, 2281, 2457, 3457, 3770, 3771, 4000 We stock many different types of sewing machine needles, parts, and supplies for the cutting, sewing, finishing, and embroidery industry. Feel free to contact us anytime. You can typically expect a response within 1 - 2 Hours All orders are carefully packaged and shipped through USPS LOC160 https://www.etsy.com/listing/472540960/schmetz-134-135x5-dpx5-sy1955-797-sewing
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gerrypez · 2 years
5pm flight after the winds diminished. I used the west launch.
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I climbed to 10K. It was a bit bumpy in the thermals. A few photos from others.
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I landed at the main LZ
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Then went to retrieve Kenny who flew south to the training hills. It’s possible to bench up from these hills kiting at the bottom, to the 10K’+ mountain tops.
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This fly-in is organized for rides whenever needed. Trucks line up and you jump into the next truck going up. The locals like doing this because they get 5x$20=$100/$120 per ride up.
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jiwidivof · 2 years
Ok odw 120 bedienungsanleitung 7490
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thisdayinwwi · 5 years
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Oct 5 1919 New York Tribune The German Airship, LZ 120 Bodensee, was a passenger-carrying airship built by Zeppelin Luftschiffbau in 1919 to operate a passenger service between Berlin and Friedrichshafen
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rolosode-blog · 5 years
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  7 days to seek mercy, Tihar tells Dec 16 rape convicts. SC had dismissed the pleas of Mukesh, Pawan and Vinay seeking review of its 2017 judgment upholding the capital punishment given to them by the Delhi High Court. Was updated: 23 Nov 2019 08:51 AM PST.
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bunkershotgolf · 5 years
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PING introduces G410 iron, more compact distance model
Ensuring the distance demands of today’s golfer while advancing PING’s reputation for making the most-forgiving irons available, PING introduced the G410 iron today, a high-performance game-improvement model in a compact design. The multi-material iron is available for pre-order and custom fitting at authorized PING golf shops around the world beginning today. “In the G410 iron, our engineers challenged the idea that you can’t make an iron smaller and increase the forgiveness at the same time,” said John K. Solheim, PING President. “They’ve developed a clean, highly appealing design with less offset and a significantly higher MOI when compared to the G400 iron. It’s the most forgiving iron of its size. It will appeal to a very wide range of golfers as it produces faster ball speeds, maximum forgiveness and amazing feel with a pleasing appearance -- all the attributes they need to hit their iron shots higher, farther and straighter.” Re-shaping Distance and Forgiveness PING’s engineering team created a face and cavity structure in the G410 iron that delivers faster ball speeds and saves weight to expand the perimeter weighting. The additional weight savings are concentrated in the toe and hosel to achieve an 8% increase in the moment of inertia (MOI) for more forgiveness and consistency. The more flexible, free-moving face amplifies ball speeds for greater distance and higher max  height, allowing golfers to hit less club into the green with the control and precision to hold the putting surface. This is achieved by de-coupling the weighting structure from the face to create a larger flexing zone, which performs like a hinge to launch the ball faster and higher with consistency and predictability. The next generation of COR-Eye technology powers the performance in conjunction with the cascading sole design and deep top-rail undercut. “The G410 iron represents several exciting iron design advancements for us,” said Solheim. “Our innovations like COR-Eye technology have allowed us to re-imagine the way we engineer an iron. By increasing ball speed as much as we have in recent models, our irons launch much easier and higher than ever. As a result, we can experiment with the size and shape of the head while improving the MOI properties so critical to consistent performance.”
High Marks for Look, Feel and Sound The clean, refined shape of the G410 iron results from a slightly shorter blade length and 10% less offset compared to the G400 iron, creating an inspiring blade-iron-style look with broad appeal. Its resilient hydropearl 2.0 finish provides an attractive appearance and contributes to smooth turf interaction. The full-cavity, co-molded aluminum and elastomer badge delivers a powerful, reassuring feel and sound.   “We all know the first impression of any club design is vitally important. It starts with the appearance at address and continues when the golfer solidly strikes that first shot,” said Solheim. “We’re seeing very positive results from our own data and hearing outstanding feedback from others about every aspect of the design and performance of the G410 iron.” High-spin wedges Using the same geometry as the Glide 2.0 wedge series, the grooves on the G410 PW, UW, SW and LW are precision machined with a sharper edge radius, increasing interaction with the cover of the ball at impact and creating more friction for improved spin and trajectory control. “The fully machined grooves on all four wedges are an example of the added detail we’ve engineered into the G410 irons,” said Solheim. “For players who want a consistent look and feel throughout their set, they can now enjoy much higher spin and control in their scoring clubs along with all the other performance benefits of the iron’s technology.” G410 Iron Specifications Multi-material construction: Hyper 17-4 stainless steel head, tungsten toe/hosel weights, aluminum/elastomer badge, hydropearl 2.0 finish Available 4-9, PW, UW, SW, LW in 10 color codes (lie angle). Black is standard. Stock grip: Golf Pride Tour Velvet 360 in six sizes (Blue -1/16", Red -1/32", Aqua -1/64", White Std., Gold +1/32", Orange +1/16") Stock shaft options: PING AWT 2.0 (R, S, X), Alta CB Red (counter-balanced) powered by AWT (SR, R, S) Aftermarket shaft options (no upcharge): True Temper Dynamic Gold 105 (R300, S300), True Temper Dynamic Gold (S300, X100), True Temper Dynamic Gold 120 (S300, X100), Project X LZ (5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5), True Temper XP95 (R300, S300), Nippon Pro Modus Tour 105 (S, X), KBS Tour (R, S, X) U.S. MSRP: $135 per iron w/steel shaft (stock or aftermarket); $150 per iron w/stock graphite shaft
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orange1896 · 3 years
HA110044 4110003492143 FILTER YUNNEI
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HA110044 4110003492143 FILTER YUNNEI
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225100425 XCMG G239.14LTL6.4.2.1-1;3Y15A.4.2-1A 805601545 XCMG GB/T5783-2000螺栓M8×201Cr18Ni9Ti 252302709 XCMG ET110.13.3-1防滑板 400302189 XCMG 948.顶盖 253102807 XCMG TWZ180.06.14-3固定块 252600109 XCMG 500KV.4A.1.1-2外侧板 860101934 XCMG M250.04.1.1-1前Z形板 859984645 XCMG 948.22A.1工作液压系统(一) 9358947 705212009 XCMG 383419螺纹块 401004338 XCMG WZ30-25驾驶室雨刮器臂(世友)(特机备件) 860102057 XCMG XAP320.7.1II.1.3外护栏 276301269 XCMG 500D.风扇支架I 9357458 840101627 XCMG 500K.030-134.4.1支架 DA1170.Z 400405427 XCMG 500K.030-68A.2-4筋板 44T106 803604177 XCMG RP1356.12.2A右大臂 10420162 860100925 XCMG TWZ260.方管组件二 51200249 400302777 XCMG XGH100.87.1-25三角板 301000010 242100300 XCMG Z5G.922-3.3.1-2板 276100767 XCMG 动臂下轴套ZL50.11-1B(备件) 252200532 XCMG PS61-35-2MNZ-A-SP-FS65BARR D0-2500 252912765 XCMG XAP120.护栏一 400101684 XCMG 500KV(LZ).门骨架总成 705250304 XCMG YLL-1400(120)M整装燃煤有机热载体炉 402203598 XCMG ACS2000.1-4零线接线排 859981189 XCMG LW160FVI.12.1.1机罩漆前总成 276100781 XCMG R8.9.54.1-5底板 705267585 XCMG 902-1540.1-2盖 803275338 XCMG ET.1.7.1-2法兰盘 7W1464 231400209 XCMG XD111E.12.2A中罩 30066053 231400383 XCMG 700K.3A驱动桥系统 800304807 XCMG 右前侧玻璃541F(左右相同)(备件) 201300790 XCMG R7.4I.3-2垫 323522 705221844 XCMG 壁扇φ400 860133232 XCMG LTL45.纵板 705210602 XCMG XC958.前灯安装支架 109020569 410404394 XCMG DL560.7II.2工作液压系统(二) 24022720 400101436 XCMG XP262.05.8-3板 803604827 XCMG HZS180.2.2.2L下托辊座 252806362 XCMG 990-19.02-000U形压板(中) 9501786 402100592 XCMG 300K.030-6.5-3筋板 253304793 XCMG JB/T3616.1-1984双钢丝环箍22-26 41D014 276100222 XCMG 300F.605-64.1-1底板 Y00230453 860102582 XCMG 300K(DC)VI.6.2配重总成(850KG) 280100428 XCMG LW1210A.2.1左支架 705201030 XCMG LYG-D20-08前左玻璃 402204470 XCMG XS81DXS81单钢轮振动压路机(I阶段进口康明斯+DANA桥) 253501507 XCMG 冷轧薄钢板t265Mn 803173684 XCMG DT12.3.4.1-1盖板 860123692 XCMG Z5GS.7A.1.11-1(L)压板-44 301020287 242100950 XCMG 330KV.6-2T1垫板 860113493 XCMG C4928805密封垫 860111244 XCMG 600KNAII.6.1-4挡块 Z00200021 705101317 XCMG 400K.733-2.13-1底板 "WHATSAPP/WECHAT:0086-1525 4934 126 Email:[email protected]" 413408485 XCMG XT870.88-102铲斗缸成套油封 705213385 XCMG TZ2A.06.1L臂座 9508894 705203503 XCMG DV25Q2.12.1双振捣系统布管图 252116426 XCMG 50GVZ(BR)TH.10.1.18底板吸音绵总成 9359294 839968203 XCMG 1200K.4.2.3-11右中安装板 200100335 XCMG 700HV.6.1.1铰接架 253501093 XCMG XS81D.05II.2.3排气管(黑漆耐高温) 30022007 275301410 XCMG 300FV(TD).4A.1.1-4尾板 201302064 XCMG T.6.1.5-14板 5000016 400406503 XCMG XD122.01.3-10底板 Z00310395 228101657 XCMG HS311复合套 102020096 820143153 XCMG 400K.5.1.1-5前底板 3A0075 805300109 XCMG 902-1080.1-3.方管 253303305 XCMG 500F.030-36500FV前车架点焊工装 252613263 XCMG 2300-010020-1180管夹下 860131916 XCMG XC8220.12空调系统 033B62162 800359893 XCMG Z5GM(IV).6.14.1A-1(L)固定块 253002752 XCMG 300KV(TD).9.4手制动控制器组件 T0-7595 800305247 XCMG XC990.22II.3.2流量放大阀组件 705224011 XCMG Z3G.15.3.2围板 9302960 253008628 XCMG Z5G.40II.1-13上梁板 44H674 803169868 XCMG AXGAY10035皮带A17-510 705235748 XCMG 500F(II).9A.1.1前加力缸气管 860104023 XCMG XAP160Ⅱ.3.1.3-1密封垫 227000152 XCMG JS3000CQ.2.7-2橡胶密封条20X20-428 281100961 XCMG 800KIII.1-7螺栓3/8-16UNC/142 705261862 XCMG 4462305014卡环ZF(备件) 860144475 XCMG XZTZ180.6.2.1-4管路固定钢圈 705106579 XCMG 948.1.3-9挡风板 705245283 XCMG YZ20.6-1安装板 252609726 XCMG 90°弯头φ40(科技不用,用803165685) 819958332 XCMG XC958.6.4.8-2降噪棉 7C1859 252900895 XCMG 300FNV.16-1机罩标识 2IJ120 252700108 XCMG LW180K.1A.1-3(L)前筋板-3 276800303 XCMG 刀片CCMT120408(艾立特) 5012102 276605866 XCMG FT2NCACA101005-1500胶管 200201492 XCMG XAP160II.方管30×3-610 859994230 XCMG Z6G(III).1(工艺)动力系统 "WHATSAPP/WECHAT:0086-1525 4934 126 Email:[email protected]" 275301849 XCMG 600K.32.1-6贴板 "WHATSAPP/WECHAT:0086-1525 4934 126 Email:[email protected]" "WHATSAPP/WECHAT:0086-1525 4934 126 Email:[email protected]" 859980510 XCMG TY(CQ).902-21-401钢管φ34×3×600 705216804 XCMG 无缝钢管φ127×3045 201302216 XCMG XC990.11A.2.1驾驶室线束 705202089 XCMG R8.6.7.2-2支架 802007767 859929975 XCMG 1200KN.30II-10限位调整垫片 409100265 XCMG 50GV(BR).7.1III.2回油接头块组件 231400445 XCMG XAP120.1.1.2防大料筛网 860104172 XCMG DMT02A.04-04弹簧右固定板 252115732 XCMG GB/T297-1994轴承30211 251900778 XCMG XT992.5.1转向油缸油封(徐液)(特机备件) 230503746 XCMG B903-013.7-1小板 253201314 XCMG XGYG01-166右动臂油缸 860109030 XCMG 800KV.矩管 803736260 XCMG XAP120.2.4.2左支腿 U008803 803705067 XCMG T.十字块 705112586 XCMG EDV60D1.01.13.8-5板 252908589 XCMG 945-49-054橡胶塞Φ124x76 253102862 XCMG 400K(CE)II.10驾驶室系统 802002856 705213863 XCMG 2105030133连杆衬套 231401800 XCMG 3Y152J.14.3后刮泥板支架二 705232474 XCMG XD31.13.1-2底板 252117628 XCMG GZGZ4工程中心工装 402208854 XCMG E600TV.左槽钢 705232241 XCMG 矩形花键拉刀φ68X1550 33850032 252804900 XCMG E600TV.732-03钻模 226500115 XCMG LW640GI.6.3.1-2连接板 705216684 XCMG XD111E.22.1.1文件盒 252907757 XCMG YL25A.2转向轮装配 200200372 XCMG 925-40活节螺栓M16X130 253201459 XCMG 610800190174火花塞(潍柴配套件) 705263520 XCMG 956随机紧固件装箱明细单 276303012 XCMG Z3G.8.4-2板 4828004 201001613 XCMG 700KN.41.1-20弯板 252110125 XCMG 900-216-1压板螺栓 803587804 XCMG 600K.030-34.3-4槽钢 801969194 XCMG LQC240A.弯板 803506347 XCMG E340.1.3.1左基础前板 252610805 XCMG DL350G.5.4.2左支架 9347884 400403258 XCMG 500FNV(I).12II机罩系统 400405821 XCMG 925-19.3套筒 800339654 XCMG KEX-M27×2.0电缆锁头 705261660 XCMG 消音器T64701137(1006-P6TL10)(备件) 705246039 XCMG WZ30-25.030-15.5.1-1板 823101244 XCMG Z5GNVW(XI).7.1IV工作液压系统(一) XCMGYX040302 705223880 XCMG Z3G(CE).37.2.1上钳体(左) 252108493 XCMG Z5G.7.3B.6-1软管 Y00020171 230503631 XCMG 948.22.3.5管夹总成 M205 209901192 XCMG RP752.04.4.1挡风板(灰) 859906363 XCMG GB/T892-1986挡圈45 251708804 XCMG 902-1361..1支架 201300656 XCMG XD41.13.1洒水箱(黄) 226500891 XCMG JB/T8406-2008软管B19×2400 Y00370421 860104973 XCMG 300K.07.01工作液压系统(一) 9504925 281100111 XCMG 1000K.6.1.1-15加强板 407004711 860102120 XCMG ET110.1.2.1-1立板EⅠ 201303775 XCMG 气管总成PU8-A13-2500M16×1.5 705242035 XCMG 700KV(II).转向耳座 GB9004 400201610 XCMG LQC240A.12II.3左前支腿 253801479 XCMG 500K.030-58-001方管 276601019 XCMG A0-B20120左门活动玻璃XD121-II(西雅克博汇 800357391 XCMG XAP320.左支腿 227300294 XCMG 902-1316-3矩形钢管1 803130350 XCMG 再制造后机罩总成 253303888 XCMG XC760K.030-9.2翻转装置 253011406 XCMG 全车标识XS202J(备件) 705209289 XCMG 902-1567.1-5围板 302000005 252600823 XCMG 机油滤清器JX0811(备件) 252605079 XCMG RP13.11-5左支架 413408483 XCMG 500FVX.7.4II.1EY32A2-00分配阀安装组件 383394 402205438 XCMG YZ22.2.2-2蝶板 705245756 XCMG Z5GA(VII).11.2仪表盘线束 253204436 XCMG 145132主轴(卡拉罗)(特机备件) 252601113 XCMG 传动油加注枪33153(带万向节) J00935 705215174 XCMG 300FV(TD).7.2.9动臂联大腔过渡钢管组件 252800454 XCMG XD132.5.2-4L上进气胶管 201308643 XCMG 4474305379行星轮架ZF(备件)   Read the full article
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wintermut3 · 6 years
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wheelstelling · 3 years
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La storia di questa auto è strettamente legata alla figura di Jaray. Ma chi era Paul Jaray? Paul era un genio che, come tutti i geni, commise un solo errore: essere troppo avanti nei tempi.      Quinto figlio di una famiglia ungherese, Paul nacque a Vienna nel 1889 e restò nella sua città fino al 1911 quando si spostò a Parga per continuare i suoi studi di Meccanica. Finiti i studi, il suo talento fu subito notato, e gli venne offerto il ruolo di Direttore dell’Ufficio Progetti Idrovolanti della Flugzeugbau Friedrichshafen dove fece l’esperienza necessaria per essere assunto, due anni dopo, alla Luftschiffbau Zeppelin Gmbh, la famosa azienda tedesca di dirigibili.      Presso la Zeppelin Paul partecipò alla realizzazione di molti aeromobili e approfondì molto lo studio dell’influenza dell’aria sui solidi diventando un esperto di aerodinamica. Esperienza che in seguito trasferì nelle sue progettazioni di auto e moto. Paul ebbe anche la fortuna di poter usufruire di una delle primissime “gallerie del vento” costruite in Europa, grazie alla quale progettò lo LZ 120 Bodensee, il dirigibile top di gamma della Zeppelin.      Per mettere a frutto le sue conoscenze, nel 1927 Paul si traferì in Svizzera a Brunnen dove fondò la Stromlinien Karosserie Gesellschaft un’azienda specializzata in design aerodinamico applicato alle auto. Read the full article
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luciferslater · 4 years
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Time for an offer..... 🎉🎉 I’m offering a Third off all new portrait commissions booked in August!!!* For example.... A5-£30➡️➡️£20 A4-£60➡️➡️£40 A3-£120➡️➡️£80 A2-£240➡️➡️£160 🎉🎉 DM for details!!! *All work must be booked in with a 25% non refundable deposit to guarantee price #portraitdrawing #art #portrait #drawing #sketch #artist #artwork #pencildrawing #illustration #artistsoninstagram #sketchbook #draw #portraitart #pencil #artoftheday #portraits #instaart #pencilart #portraitpainting #sketching #drawings #pencilsketch #arts #face #stockportsoho #digitalart #realisticdrawing #portraitsketch #portraitartist #keepsketching (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgcY2hh-Lz/?igshid=1qctqdfofdx9i
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acheiempalmas · 4 years
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#Repost @friosamerica (@get_repost) ・・・ Presunto ⠀ Tipo de carne: só entra carne do pernil (pata traseira), a parte mais nobre do porco.⠀ Valor nutritivo: cerca de 18% de proteína e apenas 1% de carboidrato.⠀ Calorias: cada 100 gramas têm 86 kcal.⠀ ⠀ Apresuntado⠀ Tipo de carne: vale tanto carne do pernil, quanto da paleta (pata dianteira).⠀ Valor nutritivo: cerca de 13% de proteína e 5% de carboidrato.⠀ Calorias: cada 100 gramas têm 120 kcal.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #americafrios #palmas #tocantins #alimentos #embutidos #queijo #frios https://www.instagram.com/p/CDYt2xNl-Lz/?igshid=1xfkzgw12wso4
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mumuid · 4 years
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Chiara Tunic by @lzindonesia #Tunic Cantik yang disukai muslimah dengan konsep yang milenia. Kombinasi warna cantik dengan desain busui Friendly, dan mempermudah untuk berwudhu. Sangat cocok di gunakan untuk arisan, jalan-jalan dan juga buat bekerja. #Chiara Tunic berbahan katun toyobo premium, dengan tekstur yang halus, lembut, jatuh, dan sangat nyaman Tersedia dengan 4 warna: Dusty - Dark grey Tera - Tosca Mustard - Mocca Navy - Gold Size : S. LD 96 PB 110 M LD 104 PB 110 L. LD 112 PB 110 XL LD 120 PB 110 #tunik #atasan #top #lzindonesia #lz #baju #ootd #hotd #hijabstyle Berat : 350 gr Gunakan Kode Voucher JUNIBERANI1 untuk menikmati GRATIS ONGKIR ke seluruh Indonesia dengan minimal belanja Rp100.000 http://bit.ly/TunikChiara https://www.instagram.com/p/CBeodB5gK5o/?igshid=q9vy2voxvtlf
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