naruemi · 8 months
Emille Hinode
エミール 日ノ出
"I will sacrifice everything for them (luminystal), I'll reach for the stars—the sun if I have to."
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A girl born to wealth. She's the daughter of a famous filipina actress and a japanese business man who owns a big clothing business. Despite her life seeming so perfect, there were a lot going on behind the scenes...
Due to how she was in MysLight, she wants to change herself with Luminystal to avoid the faith MysLight sadly got to.
Emille's singing voice is described as soothing yet powerful, as if it were a siren luring you into the ocean with them.
She is the leader of @luminystal under the agency Rhythm Link.
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Age: 17-18
School: Yumenosaki Private Academy
Class: 2-A
Club: Theater Club
Circle: Gardenia, Sweets Fan Club, ANIMALS
Committee: Library Committee
Height: 171cm
Weight: 53kg
Date of Birth: February 13
Handedness: Right-Handed
Blood Type: O+
Likes: Roses, Pretty things, Sweets, Perfumes
Dislikes: Unpunctual people, Horror movies, her parents and siblings
Favourite Food: Carbonara
Family: Parents, 3 older brothers, older sister (deceased), 3 pet cats
Hobby: Designing
Specialty: Motor Racing
Image Colour: #471E29
MysLight (Former)
MIRROR (luminystal sub-unit)
BLooMiNG SPRiNG !! (shuffle)
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lvghst · 2 years
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 442px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=159304937/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://lvghst.bandcamp.com/track/thuggish-ruggish-spirits">THUGGISH RUGGISH SPIRITS by LVGHST</a></iframe>
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