lonely-girl-1612 · 6 months
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Look what my friend drew it’s Michael and Tori as cats Ahhhhhh💖💖🥰🥰❤️😍😍
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Hi! can you write a Morpheus x reader where the reader is a primordial being of love and is older than the endless and was present during the birth of the universe and they have like a hades and Persephone relationship combined with with a zebalba (I’m so sorry if I’m spelling that wrong) and la muerte relationship from the book of life. Maybe? With the dialogue “not today my love” from the same movie
Yes! This is such a cute concept! 😍😍😍 I'm excited for this one! Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy it! 🥰
You were a being of love and life, one of the oldest beings in the universe. You had been there at the start of it, had watched the vast darkness fill with light and swirl and explode and rage together until it created the universe you now knew. The Endless came quickly after, Destiny then Death and then Dream and the rest. Death was your friend, though your roles were quite literally opposites she was loving and warm and everything you were drawn to. Her younger brother Dream, however, was cold and distant.
The first time you'd met had been in the dreams of a mortal. He dreamt of love and thus drew you to him, you were however surprised to find the King of Dreams there, watching the mans unconscious fantasies from afar. He even had the gall to question why you interrupted his work, to which you gave him a firm reply. "He has called asking for my blessing, Dream Lord. It is you that is an unwelcome guest here."
"I am the ruler of dreams, I cannot be unwelcome in my own domain."
"This is his domain as far as I'm concerned." You said placing a glowing hand on the mans unconscious form.
The dream around you both faded and you stood in front of the gates of The Dreaming, of the broody Endless' domain. "All dreams are my domain, goddess. You'd do well to remember that."
"And you would do well to remember your purpose, sweet Dream." You met his gaze unflinchingly, something that made him fall for you. "Humanity does not exist to serve your function."
Then you were gone, back to your own domain of dawn and flowers and quiet whispers of love and life. That had been centuries ago. The second time you met was when Death had invited you to meet her for a quick catch up while there was a lull in her ever present work. You'd agreed quickly, excited to see your friend once again after so long, but the mood soured quickly when Dream appeared beside her, shoulder length hair and an ever present scowl.
Not even the stars in his eyes glowed as he looked up at the old building. Death greeted you with a bright smile and a warm kiss to the cheek. "Try to play nice."
"Tell that to him," you mutter as Dream moved into place beside his sister.
He bowed his head only slightly. "My sister did not mention that you would be here, goddess."
You ignored the way his voice made you tingle. "She failed to tell me as well, Dream Lord."
He whined as the three of you entered the tavern, smoke and livestock and the smell of something slightly off swirled around you, your body humming with the sensations of humanity. Death took one drink of the ale handed to her and grimaced. "Ugh. This is terrible."
Your lively spirits were dampened by the dark cloud that was the Dream Lord. He moved through the building with nothing but cold eyes and annoyance clear on his face. You found it odd. Dreams were supposed to be lovely and beautiful, though you did suppose he was quite beautiful in this form he'd chosen. He stood beside you and his sister and nearly groaned. "They are such crude beings."
"Crude can be beautiful to the right eyes," you reminded, focusing on the pair of lovers sitting side by side in the back, talking softly of their coming marriage.
"Look, I've seen Death," another voice said from the center of the room. "I lost half my village to the Black Death. I fought under Buckingham in Burgundy. It's not like I don't know what death is. Death is..." All of you looked at the man. "Stupid."
"You're a fool, Hob."
The men at his table laughed, but a flash of pain crossed over your friends face as she quickly erased it to look up at an angry Dream with a soft smile. The man, this Hob, continued. "Nobody has to die. The only reason people die is... is cause everyone does it. You all just go along with it. But not me. I've made up my mind. I'm not going to die."
The siblings held one another's gaze. "Hobs, death comes for every man."
"You don't know that. I might get lucky. There's always a first time. There's so much to do, so many things to see. Women to swive. Ale to drink. People to drink with." They clinked their large cups with laughs.
"Why would any sensible creature crave an eternity of this?" Dream asked quietly.
You rolled your eyes. "Life is full of many beautiful and wonderous things Dream Lord, if you ever cared to look out the window of that posh tower of yours."
Death smiled. "You could both find your answers."
"How?" Dream asked, a slight mischievous upturn of his lips.
"I could grant him his wish."
"Do that and he will be begging for death within a century, I assure you."
You watched this man, the one who wished to live forever, and shook your head. "No, I think this ones different."
Dream followed your eyes and scoffed. "Humans are all the same, goddess."
"This will prove very interesting," Death said before you could rebuttal her brothers statement. "Are you going to tell him or should I?"
"I shall."
"Very well, little brother. Very well." You watched Death for a moment, trying to decipher her intentions while Dream informed the man of his newly granted wish.
It was outside the tavern after Death had departed that you and the Dream Lord made your first bet. He would meet with this human every hundred years. Each time he chose to live you would be granted unrestricted access to the dreams of mortals wishing for love, but if he chose to accept death Dream would get to claim whatever prize he saw fit. And so began the years of you and the Dream Lord.
It had started out with you turning up in his realm, doing your duties and then leaving. That lasted only a mere eighty years, and then the allures of his well crafted realm began to cause you to pause. You met Cain and Abel and Gregory, adored each of them with all you were. You spent much time with Lucienne in her endless library with tales of love and life and books of every living being in the universe at your fingertips. Jessamy, when not glued to Dreams side, was full of tales and jokes that you simply loved to listen to while you walked.
Dream had come to the library one night in search of a book, only to find you reading on the floor. You read a book of love, a thing he thought was cliché but did not say it. You helped him find his book, your fingers brushing as you handed it to him and from that night forward you spent much of your extra time in his realm with him beside you. The two of you disagreed on nearly everything, and you felt a harsh resentment from him, especially as the years passed.
Eventually, you demanded to know, "Why do you detest me so Dream Lord?"
"Because love has only ever brought me distractions and misery."
You sighed, the realization of his coldness finally becoming obvious. "Not even I can change ancient laws or rewrite what has already been written."
"No," he said. "You cannot. But you could have at least blessed the matches I found."
"I did," you admitted gently.
Dreams face shifted, no longer tense and angry but now shocked. "When? Why?"
"I blessed them from the start, Dream. As for why... I wanted you to be happy."
For a moment you thought he wouldn't reply to you, but when he did it hadn't been at all what you expected. "I am happy when I am with you."
"You make me happy, goddess," he said again, plainly. "Though you infuriate me to no end and insist upon arguing at every turn."
"You make me happy as well, Dream Lord."
"Was that agreeance?" He teased, a rare smile gracing his lips. "Here I thought you'd wish to argue more."
You smoothed a hand down his chest as you slid past him, "Not tonight, my love."
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
There’s so much new Nancy Drew content my head is going to explode! I thought I’d do a quick round up of cast/BTS news to complement the new extended trailer and Episode 3 description we were gifted with.
First up- Kennedy did an interview with a local station where she talks about the season, how much she loved the show and the fans, and what’s next:
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“It feels like the greatest hits of the last couple of seasons. We’ve got an awesome season-long mystery that involves the entire town and…the origin of all of these townsfolk and different families and the Drew Crew of course…”
“Some really exciting stand-alone mysteries” and “we have my personal favorite - a lot of romance and tension and will they, won’t they, it’s all very juicy…”
Historical mystery involving the town and its people, stand-alone mysteries, and plenty of romance and tension - sounds like the ingredients for the perfect season! Yes, the “will they or won’t they” and “juicy” hint at the “other” love interests from the season description. We’re going to be served some pain alongside that pleasure - I’m still SO here for it all.
The whole interview is definitely worth watching, link HERE. My other favorite moments are when she talks about the “incredible” fan community, and how the writers are fighting to preserve the future of the entertainment industry.
Over on the bird app, we have some excellent tidbits from the cast, crew, and journalists. Riley revealed that Kennedy’s reaction to his jump scare in the new extended trailer was improv - Kennedy didn’t know (and she called him “brilliant” 🥰). Speaking of improv, Larry described the improv he and Alex did that added “Platanchors” to our lexicon (for which we are forever grateful).
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Our favorite Nace-loving journalist Yana Grebenyuk saw the 401 screener and said about it that it was “soft”, “they yearn,” and it made her feel “emotional.” She also interviewed Kennedy, who she said spoke about Nace thoughtfully - we’ll have that interview right after the episode airs 😍.
In cast socials, Leah shared this fab ladies throwback pic, Maddison is enjoying a warm spell in Vancouver, Leah is KILLING IT with her Cannes fits (she’s there for Elemental), and Alex’s gf Hannah shared this gorgeous (if blurry) photo of her and Alex in the Scottish Highlands at a friend’s wedding. It may be the closest we get to Ace in a suit with all of his S4 trailer denim on denim looks.
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Look for Chapter 16 of The Space Between this weekend with the (hopefully) exciting conclusion to my Season 4 speculative fic. I’m already excited by both the few tiny parallels (e.g. the historical townsfolk) and the huge differences (teeth symbols?) we’ve seen in the trailers and descriptions of S4.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Emotionless or stoic male reader who's texts like an airhead but only they're s/o can understand them with Hiyoko, Akane, Chiaki, Chihiro, Toko, Genocide Jack and Sakura
This should've been done way sooner but oh well
I know you sent in another one, but I forgot which one came first, but this one covers some of the more fun characters, so I'll do this one first
Also, my apologies if any of these came out messy, especially Hiyoko and Genocide Jack's parts 😅
Emotionless Reader Who Texts Like a Crackhead Airhead Hiyoko, Akane, Chiaki, Chihiro, Toko, Genocide Jack and Sakura (Part Three)
Hiyoko Saionji 
It was hella surprising for her, honestly
She thought your stoic behavior was cool, and it basically drew her to you
Boy, was she in for a surprise when you texted her
You: Yooooooo Hiyokooooooo!!!
Hiyoko: What the hell?? Are you high or something?
Hiyoko: Jeez, at least let me join in!
You: No. And I'm not high! This is just how I text!
Hiyoko: Awww man, we could've had fun!
Hiyoko: Wait, THIS is how you text?! That's gonna get so annoying!
You: Awwww, c'mon! And just when I thought about coming to visit you and bring candy. But if you're gonna misbehave, then...
Hiyoko: Nevermind, it doesn't matter! Just come over here and bring me all of it!
You: What's the three magic words?
Hiyoko: Please
You: And?
Hiyoko: I'm sorry
You: And?
Hiyoko: I love you
You: There we go! I'm on my way! 😁
Hiyoko: Wait, that's six magic words, not three!
You: ...I changed my mind
Hiyoko: WAIT NO-
She might act exasperated, but she really doesn't mind
Unless you text her at 3:00 AM, cuz she's not putting up with that shit
Hiyoko: Did your brain get up and walk away?! It's 3 AM, you moron!
You: I knooooow~ 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Hiyoko: I'm not playing these games, what do you want?!
You: Do you think oranges are named after the fruit or the color? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Hiyoko: What the hell kinda question is that?! 
You: Well, which is it????
Hiyoko: Go to hell!!!!! You made me stay up five extra minutes trying to answer your damn question!!!!!
You: 😁😁😁😁😁
Hiyoko: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
You: ☹️
Even though Hiyoko is a bratty lil bitch, she does love you
She can't help but smile to herself when she receives one of your texts
Unless it's at 3:00 AM, of course
I might've gotten a little carried away with this part 😅
Akane Owari
She doesn't really care too much, honestly
You looked pretty cool when she first saw you, so you became friends and even more
She wasn't too surprised when she saw your texts
You: Heyyyy Akaneeeeeee 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
Akane: Hey wassup
Akane: Hold up this is different from how you usually are. You good?
You: Yep! This is just the way I text! 😋😋😋😋😋😋
Akane: Ok cool
You: I loooovveeee yooooouuu!!!! 😍😍🥰🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍
Akane: love you too
You: Can I come over????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Akane: Sure. Door's unlocked
You: On my wayyyyyy
Akane: Sweet
So she really doesn't mind too much
It's just a thing you do, and she just rolls with it
Then there's your 3:00 AM texts
She's usually half asleep and has no idea what you're talking about
You: Heyyyyyyy Akaneeeeee!!!!!
Akane: What are you doin texting me at 3 in the morning, you knucklehead?
You: Volleyball is just hardcore hot potato
Akane: What the hell are you on about
Akane: Screw this I'm goin back to sleep
If you text her at 3:00 AM with some random bullshit, she's going right back to sleep
But she still loves all of you
Chiaki Nanami
She doesn't really care, honestly
You were pretty stoic, that's cool
You text like an over-caffeinated teenager, that's cool
So she wasn't too surprised by your first text
You: Heyyyyyyy Chiakiiiiiii!!!
Chiaki: Hey hey. How are you?
Chiaki: Love you too
You: Can I come hang out with you??!!??! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chiaki: Sure, the door's unlocked. Wanna play some games?
Chiaki: Cool, see you soon
She's usually awake at 3:00 AM, so she doesn't mind talking
She might take longer to reply, but she'll at least have a conversation
Chiaki: Hey what's up?
You: Took you a couple minutes, didn't it?
Chiaki: Sorry I'm in the middle of a Mario Kart match
You: That's ok!
Chiaki: So what's up?
You: Would a fly without wings be called a walk?  🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Chiaki: No, I think it would still be a fly. That is an interesting thought though
You: Oh- Alright then
In the end, she doesn't really care
She still loves you all the same
But seriously, y'all need to get some sleep
Chihiro Fujisaki 
Poor boi thought you were intimidating at first 🥺
But he also thought you looked really strong, and he admired you for it
So he found the courage to strike up a conversation with you
You were way nicer than he thought
Especially through text
You: Yooooooooo Chihirooooooo
Chihiro: Hi (Name)! ☺️☺️☺️
Chihiro: Wait, is something wrong? You usually don't talk like this...
You: Nope, I'm good! How I text is just different from how I talk!
Chihiro: Oh okay!
You: I looooveeeee yooooouuuuuu!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Chihiro: I love you too!! 🥰🥰🥰
You: Omg you're too cute I'm gonna die 😍😍😍😍😍
Chihiro: Oh no! Please don't die!
You: Don't worry I won't! But can I come hang out?
Chihiro: Well, I'm in the middle of a project right now... But I can take a break and we can cuddle!
You: Yaaaaaaaasss!!! You do need a break anyway
He is so sweet omg
Even if he can barely understand what you're saying, he still tries to humor your texts
Even at 3:00 AM, where he's usually awake and typing away on his computer
You: Hey Chi Chi~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Chihiro: (Name), it's 3:00 AM. Are you alright?
You: Yep! Just wanna talk to my adorable programmer bf! 😍😍😍😍😍
Chihiro: Aww! What do you want to talk about?
You: Why is the letter 'x' used more in math than the English language? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Chihiro: Well, not many words have the word 'x' in it... But in algebra, the letter 'x' is often used to represent an unknown quantity or variable. Similarly, in English, x represents the unknown, as in X-rays, which baffled their discoverer, and Malcolm X, who chose the symbol to represent the forgotten name of his African ancestors.
You: Woah... You actually had an answer🤯
Chihiro: What can I say? I am the Ultimate Programmer, after all!
Overall, he loves everything about you
And he still admires your strength, even after seeing your true colors through text message
But y'all... Get some sleep
Toko Fukawa 
She thought your stoic demeanor was pretty hot ngl
Something about stoicism is so appealing to her
Then she found out how much of a headache you really were over text
You: Heyyyyyyyy Tokooooooo!!!!!! 
Toko: ...What are you on?
You: My love for you! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Toko: Wow, you're way more annoying than I thought.
You: Maybe but you still luuuuuuuv meeeeeeeee! 🥰🥰🥰
Toko: *love
You: You gonna say it back orrrrrrrr?
Toko: *or
You: Oh come on! 😒😒😒
Toko: Fine, I love you too.
You: There! Was that so hard??
Toko: Yes.
You: ☹️
She is exasperated by you sometimes
And by that, I mean all the time
But she does smile when she sees one of your hyper-energetic texts
Unless it's 3:00 AM, then she's not putting up with your shit
You: Heyyyyyy Tokoooooo!!!!
Toko: What do you want? It's three in the morning, dummy.
You: Did you know that, statistically, you have walked past or spoken to a psychopath at least once? 
Toko: Yeah, you.
You: You're the worst 😑😑😑😑😑😑
Toko: That's what happens when you text me at three in the morning. Now go to sleep.
Yeah those conversations will not last long-
She still loves you, even if you piss her off sometimes
Genocide Jack
Oh geez-
So this started off with her trying to get some kind of reaction out of you
She saw how stoic you were and made it her mission to fluster you
And it never worked
And so, she gave up frustrated
But then she gets a text from you
You: Heyyyyyyyy Jiiiiiiilllll!!!
GJ: What the hell
You: This is how I text! 😜😜😜😜😜😜
You: Hmmmmmm???
You: I love you?
GJ: Whatever love you too sweet cheeks
You: Can I come over? 
GJ: Sure 
It's kind of frustrating how you have no reactions when you're together physically, but how you have all the energy you could possibly have over text
But your texts are entertaining for her
Especially the 3:00 AM crackhead ones
You: Yoooooooo Jiiiiiiillllllllll!!!!!!!! 
GJ: Hey wassup
You: Did you know that, statistically, you have walked past or spoken to a psychopath at least once? 
GJ: Yea you
You: Are you fucking serious
GJ: Weeeeeell it takes one to know one ya know?
You: ...Fair enough
Even though you annoy her a lot, she still loves you
And she will be one to humor your 3:00 AM texts
Well, if she feels like it at least
Sakura Ogami
She never minded your stoic nature
You were a little like her, in a way
She always found you to be interesting, so that's how you got to know each other
She was a little bit surprised when she saw your text, but she got used to it real fast
Sakura: Hello, dear.
Sakura: Are you feeling alright? This is very unusual for you.
You: I'm all good! This is just the way I text.
Sakura: Oh, I see.
Sakura: I love you too, dear.
Sakura: Would you like to come work out with me? Nothing too difficult, just some simple exercises.
You: Sure! I'm on my way!
She loves receiving your texts
It helps her to be a little more energetic as well
If you send her a text at 3:00 AM, she'll see what you have to say, try to decipher what you're saying, and ask you to go back to sleep
Sakura: (Name), it's three in the morning. Is something wrong?
You: No but I gotta question
Sakura: What's your question?
You: Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?
Sakura: I'm not sure I can answer that.
You: Awwwww 😢😢😢😢😢
Sakura: Please go to sleep.
She worries about you sometimes
But she wouldn't change a single thing about you 🥰
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capybaraonabicycle · 3 months
7, 11, 12, 15 for... Fugitive maybe? 😊
Thank you so much, love <3 I very much enjoy talking about her, indeed.
Let's put it under a 'read more' to hide the pictures I took of Origins. Not quite sure how legal that is, actually. I'm ready to take the images down in any case.
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
See you around, see you around, see you around!!!!
Listen, I just want more fugitive Doctor <3 Always. This promise of hers was so, so sweet <3
Generally, that whole scene was a TREAT. I nearly screamed when she walked into the room (okay, maybe that was the moment that made me happiest, actually) and then her roasting the Master was *chef's kiss* (btw I am very sure that the fugitive Doctor does not know the Master and simply drew from the rest of the hologram's information to pick on him <3). And then we get 2s of Yaz x fugitive Doctor interaction?!
Amazing scene, loved every second of it.
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11. my favorite relationship they have with another character
Hm, that's difficult. I do love Gat x fugitive a lot. I like to think of them having been very close while working for the Division - seldomly of the same opinion, but with huge mutual respect and trust. I imagine they liked to rile each other up with their contrasting views and enjoy the bickering, but have each other's backs when it counted.
And then, as we know, the Doctor and Lee left Gat behind - which in this case I am convinced was deliberate (Karvanista being left behind was an accident, I believe, at least on the Doctor's part). I think it was a difficult decision for the Doctor but in the end she decided, Gat would not be okay with the disappearing act enough for it to work with her involved.
And then Gat is hunting the Doctor. And the Doctor kills her (or does she?) because she has to. Because there are two versions of herself she has to keep safe and Gat killed Lee and she is cornered and she has to. And then she spends her time on the run mourning all of her friends.
Like, there is so much tragedy in that relationship that we can fathom even though we only saw the broken remnants of it.
(This is a little contradicted by Origins btw, where it is implied Gat doesn't think highly of the Doctor, but I like to imagine one of Vinder and Yaz was Gat in that scene in Once, Upon Time.)
And I feel like I also need to mention Taslo, because contrarily to Gat, we do see a lot of their relationship developing. And A) I love mentor/mentee relationships and B) the fugitive Doctor is like the perfect incarnation to have an apprentice??? (she's so much like 12 in vibes, she needs her own Bill Potts) (Also Taslo is a tiny bit Mels!coded so, yeah...) Just, like, look at this:
teaching her valuable life lessons <3
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while being slightly condescending <3 (look at her smug face <33)
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the GRAB (Ma'am, what are you doing?? are you going to walk her out there backwards?)
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and then the development!!! the handholding!! the softness!! looking out for her mentee!! look at them 😍😍😍 (also the division trauma TM)
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The above two panels are the best thing ever. Together with the weeping angel they are totally worth the comic alone. And the rest is amazing too btw 🥰
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them
Hm. I like that we as a fandom generally have a lot of love for the fugitive Doctor and look up to her. I have rarely seen anyone portray her as anything other than the (slightly morally ambiguous, perhaps) hero, the badass, the one who calls the shots. I also do like that we seem to agree on her glasses being perfection <3
I actually also enjoy that people keep mentioning her in the same breath as the war doctor. But I like him a lot and they have some similarities (beyond being the 'extra Doctors'). Also when people do that it tends to be opposed to those who forget about both, so -
Not really the question, but just in case you would like some recs on good fandom portrayals:
Art: 1(this one is by Roz :) ), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The Cul-de-Sac (the fugitive Doctor arrives late but there is thasmin to tide you over and the wait is so worth it),
picking up a penny with a press-on (I really need to reread it because I barely remember what happens, just that it hurt in a really good way and made me wish Yaz would leave 13 for her in the end of potd before the episode aired),
Softness (Do you like good omens? This one is short and fluffy and bittersweet. Slight Lee slander if I remember correctly),
the wild ones (perfect, favourite fugitiveRiver fic <3 I think I still haven't left a comment here but I keep telling the author how much I love it on tumblr instead 😅),
Gorgeous (not sure whether you like reader inserts but this was written for me and it basically inspired the comic I made for my mum)
And this (puppet stories featuring the Doctor x dhawan!Master and others - like here Karvanista <3 (pure fluff, this is so wholesome, let me tell you - maybe you already know?))
Also Pine coming up with the perfect ship name for fugitive Doctor x Mels
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
Maybe the fact that she killed Gat? But like, that's because I believe there would be a lot more potential for stories if Gat and/or Lee were still alive. (also I want her not to have lost all her friends but, well, yeah-) I do believe the Doctor might be ready to kill her friend in a situation as extreme, like I explained above. So, like, the portrayal is fine, the decision simply does not please me.
Also, generally, we don't see enough of her. But it's the 13th Doctor's show, so that's fine? Like, I want to see her grieve her friends and meet Karvanista again and fight with Tecteun and talk to the fam and explain why her TARDIS looks like that and that it's the same ship... but I get why there's no time for that.
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Like, great that she's there. (She better be if you put dt twice but anyway.) But HOW. Jo is TALLER than Jodie. And you couldn't like, put anyone else behind the arm? Or use a 13 who doesn't point the sonic? Why. Who did this? I just want to talk
(also is it me or does Jodie look a little weird here? just - not like Jodie?)
Also - not actually canon but close enough - I hate that she is still The Doctor | Ruth Clayton on ao3. That's not what we call her! That's confusing, because Ruth is a different person! I love you so much ao3, but make two tags for them! - I actually wrote a request about that quite some time ago but nothing has come of it yet. Maybe I'll have to ask again.
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saltybonezz · 7 months
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Imagine beeing an insecure piece of shit 😀😍🥰
This person with a fat fetish reblogged my art.
I am a Minor and drew horror sans with a bigger bodytype.
My friend messaged them as you can see and they are beeing such a fucking insecure asshole.
Seriously, I hope you either get a life or fucking kys. The audacity of yours had me and my friends wild.
Seriously, you can not look at this one not tell me that its not a fetish.
I am a fucking Minor, and you having a fat fetish and you responding like this, already makes me way better of a person than you.
Stop trying to claim that you don’t have a fetish, and stop trying to claim that I was the one who messed up. And no, I do not make art for someone like you to get yer wank off.
Shut the fuck up and get a good therapist
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adventuresinobx · 2 years
Here’s to the Future
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Drew Starkey x fem!reader
Summary: Drew’s a live in the moment kind of guy, so you’ve never had the chance to talk to him about what the future could hold. But after attending a family wedding together, something changes and suddenly it’s the only thing on his mind.
A/N: My best friend @starkeyobx came up with this idea and I thought it sounded so cute that I had to write it! Drew at a wedding though, in a suit 😍
Warnings: None, just pure fluff 🥰
You had arrived early to one of your best friend’s weddings. You were a bridesmaid and Drew had kindly offered to come with you early to help get things set up. It was your first wedding as a couple, so naturally you were feeling nervous but seeing him in a suit was worth all those nerves. He looked so good. The white shirt hung off him perfectly and his dark blue suit framed his body well too. You equally matched him, looking beautiful in your bridesmaid dress which was perfectly suited to your figure. When he saw you in that off the shoulder dress, his eyes almost popped out of his head. You looked so angelic, almost serene and he was so captivated by you.
“The first of many weddings, I guess,” you said as Drew snuck behind you to wrap his arms around you and hug you. He looked around to see if anyone else was in the reception room with you, before he bent down and peppered a couple of sweet kisses on your exposed shoulder. You melted into the feeling, your heart soaring at the gentle motion and how he also squeezed his hand which was sweetly placed on your waist.
“Definitely, all your friends - and mine - will be getting married too soon,” he replied. Most girls might have taken offence at this but it wasn’t meant in a bad way. It was just Drew wasn’t really a planning person. He didn’t think that far ahead. Live in the moment, he’d say. Embrace the moment, he’d tell you.
You and him had been dating for two years now and you were stronger than ever. You had not long moved in together in a cute little house and you two had just got to decorate it how you both liked. You were super domestic together and the strongest couple of all your friends.
But the future wasn’t something you spoke about.
You knew that one day Drew and you would probably get married but he was spontaneous and you wouldn’t rule out him and you just eloping one day to get a signature on the piece of paper you two basically had already with all your commitment with the house and living together.
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok today?” you asked him, stopping what you were doing and turning to face him, leaning in to kiss his lips softly.
“Of course, your mum isn’t scary,” he replied, poking his tongue out at you, his hands still on your hips, “We’ll have a great time. I heard your mum likes to dance.”
The idea of your mum dancing with your boyfriend just made you laugh. Drew was a terrible dancer but it was almost endearing. You were just going to be too busy doing everything to properly spend time with Drew but you were glad he was so supportive and understanding of it all. He was the best boyfriend.
The reception was well under way now and you were busy helping your best friend with her dress and making sure she didn’t fall over with her heels, the usual things a good friend would do at a wedding.
You kept glancing over to Drew, who was busy chatting as he stood with your mum. You couldn’t help but sneak a few looks over at him, admiring how sexy he looked in his suit. You caught him looking at you sometimes too and you’d exchange a sweet glance with him or poke your tongue out at him.
“You can tell me to not interfere, but I was just wondering how things were you with you and Y/N,” your mum asked Drew, who was stood on the edge of the dancefloor watching you laughing with your friends.
At hearing her voice, Drew turned around to face her and shook his head. “Oh no no it’s not an intrusion at all, things are going good thank you. We’re looking at what colour to paint the spare room at the moment,” he said.
“I’m glad you two met,” she replied, smiling at you, “She seems very happy with you.”
“We make each other very happy - I hope so anyway,” he said, “She certainly makes me happy.”
If only you could have heard him talk like this, you would have been melting into a puddle at his sweet words.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but she seems to really be a much more open book now you’re together. It’s very clear she can talk to you about everything.”
Drew was almost taken aback by her comment. He knew that, of course, but hearing somebody else say that was so sweet. When she uttered those words, his heart raced in his chest.
He continued chatting with your mum for a while, but his eyes kept scanning over to you. He was still thinking about what your mum had said. Had he really helped you that much? Changed your life that much?
You couldn’t stop looking at him either. He had been getting more and more merry, it becoming obvious by the way he reacted to meeting your eyes. He’d raise a glass in the air at you, even spilling some of it every now and again. You just laughed, shaking your head. 
After the most recent glance, he politely excused himself from the table where he was sat with your mum and headed across to the dancefloor where you were still doing your best to be a good bridesmaid.
“How’s it going darling?” he asked, slipping his fingers between yours and squeezing your hand lightly.
“All good, I think we can dance soon; she seems to be being looked after now,” you replied, noting how one of your other friends had taken over with all the jobs that needed doing. As much as you had enjoyed your evening, you were looking forward to spending some time with your boyfriend.
“Before we dance, can we talk?” he asked, before quickly adding that it “wasn’t in a bad way” as a sort of panic spread over your face.
“As long as you’re not breaking up with me,” you joked back, with him giving you that look as if to say ‘are you being silly’. You laughed, following him up the grand stairs in the venue and to a quiet room, which had a balcony overlooking the garden.
The garden was beautifully decorated with thousands of fairy lights and there was ivy twisted around the white railings which made the front of the balcony. You stood with your hands against the railing, looking out at the beautiful landscape around and below you.
He was a couple of steps behind you so he paused for a moment to appreciate how beautiful you looked in that dress with the stunning landscape surrounding you. It was perfect, you were perfect.
“Baby,” he said, his arm wrapping around your waist and his hand resting on your hip. He was quite drunk but sober enough that he knew what he was saying. “I love you,” he murmured, his lips pressing against your neck as he wrapped his arms fully around you and pulling you close, making you smile and giggle as you gently let your head fall back against him.
“I love you too,” you replied, turning your head a little to kiss you where you could reach.
“I’ve been thinking, about things,” he started, his voice getting softer as he went, “I’ve been thinking I want to marry you. I want us to have kids together.”
“Drew,” you said, spinning around snd lightly pushing him away in disbelief. He didn’t like planning what you two were going to eat for dinner tomorrow let alone things that would be years in the future.
Knowing exactly what you were thinking, he instantly started speaking, adding: “No, I know, I know I’m not that kind of guy - not a future kind of guy - but with you, it’s just different. You make me want to plan a future.”
“You’re just drunk,” you told him, your arms wrapped around his shoulders and his hands on your hips.
“I am a little drunk, but I can’t stop thinking about us and our future. I want to marry you, like this - in front of all our friends. I want to tell the world how much I love you, show everyone how committed I am to you,” he said.
“I know you’re committed babe. We don’t need to prove this to anyone. I know how good we are, and even if in 10 years we weren’t married, I wouldn’t care because I love you and I want to be with -“ you rambled on, one of his hands moving up to your face and him pressing his finger against your lips to quietly shhh you.
“Will you please just let me be cute?” he said, moving his finger so he could lean in for a slow and soft kiss.
Your hand moved to the back of his neck and you gripped him there softly, with one of his hands moving down against your back as he pulled you in for another kiss. He pressed his lips into yours passionately, slightly tilting your body back with the force of his kiss.
You gripped onto him tightly, too focused on that kiss to worry if anyone could see you from where you two were stood on the balcony overlooking the party.
“I love you, and I can’t wait to marry you one day, if that’s really what you want,” you told him, your arms still around him as you pulled him closer.
“I love you too. And yes I can’t wait to make you Mrs Starkey one day, and then we can have some babies and be a soccer mum and dad,” he said, making you laugh as you shook your head.
“Maybe could we just start with the whole engagement thing first,” you teased him as you leant into for a kiss. 
You held out your left hand and wiggled your ring finger. “You’ve still got to get me a ring yet.”
taglist (pls let me know if you want to be added 🥰)
@starkeyobx @lovelyhedgehog44 @gryffindorpouge11 @jjmaybankmakesmecry @maybankforlife2 @bayy2452 @proactivetypeofgirl @hoebx @fangirlfree @severa-kane @lovedetlost @slutforsmutsstuff @babeyglo
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sakasakiii · 3 years
Hi! I absolutely love your art. Your comics are stunning and your designs so lovelyyy 😍 All the little details that could make me spend hours looking at your art amaze me. You also seem to be such an amazing person! 💕You mentionned once that hair cutting in elven cultures is something you could go about for ages.Well, I would love to hear about what you have to say on that subject!Once again thank you a lot for your art! Wish you all sorts of good things <3
HELLO HELLO FRIEND !!! thank you so much for all your sweet words!!! honestlyyy it should be ME saying all these things to YOU because don't think i don't read and reread all the comments you make on each of my posts! the fact you always take so much time to dissect and look for the little tidbits i put in is really one of the biggest motivations I have to keep at it 💓💓 thank you so much!!! x1000
hehe so you really remembered that one post oh gosh! now i say i have thoughts and ideas, but rly it's just me spewing a mess of headcanons onto a blank png file and calling it progress 😂
buuut YES basically i do think that hair-cutting is kind of... not to say taboo in elven culture, but it is not something done lightly on a whim. ive been writing way too much on it these few days and ive reached a consensus where i think that hair is regarded as kind of a very important part of the identity of an elf (especially the Calaquendi).
which leads me to other railroads spawning the use of elven prisoner hair to make bowstrings... but i digress 😩💅
ANYHOW im having a brain fart rn and i dont know how to properly say this, but basically i like to think over the years the Eldar do tend to separate the ""most-accepted"" reasons for hair cutting into three main categories:
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ive had this hc for such a long time!!! i kind of hinted at it all the way back in March, the first time I drew Celebrimbor in this post, but never really plopped down to bake it until you asked 😂😂 some extra occasions for hair cutting are below bc why not!!!
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thank you again for taking the time to ask!!! i DEF had a lot of fun going off the rails with my hcs but now i have no idea what to do with them 😂 oh well!!! they're fun to make and im very grateful you were interested in them-- thank you so so much you wonderful person, and have a wonderful weekend up ahead! 🥰🥰
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haruhey · 2 years
chronological thoughts of 11x11
yes i got my calc mark back and decided to treat myself what about it 🙄
omg did eugene sleep with stephanie
omg he’s an author hell yeah
omg me explaining my fanfics to my friends
oh wait they’re actually
OMG OMG they’re actually so cute
key to his heart <3
omg eugene said ily
look at them smiling at each other
omg omg omg princess being besties with everyone this is all i want for her
oh no is he gonna get ghosted
no no no no no
oh my god his stupid rat tail
oh noo no noooo nooooooo
omg why does this interior look like a fucking submarine
oh no is stephanie dead
oh omg stephanie is running away????
connie girlboss
oh no oh no oh noooooo
corruption tingzzz 🥰😍😍
omg mercer’s scowl is so scary
eugene is so in love :(( he just wanna find his girl
omg carol and hornsby date actually????
carol fr is gonna singlehandedly take down the commonwealth by her pure girlbossing
i wish i knew asl
omg why is mercer so scary im so scared of him
omg eugene went full on patricia cornwell for stephanie
oh my god i thought princess was gonna cross him oh my god i’m sorry princess
am i just fucking watching nancy drew
no his breaking voice stop eugene omg
i would like to imagine that eugene sat there and drew out mr rob
why is this giving me jessica jones energy
he’s rlly doing the most wow pop off eugene
mercer is so fucking intimidating im so scared of him
a month time skip?? following another month??
omg mercer is VOLUNTARILY letting the military be manipulated by the politicians omg acab fr fr
eugene is so endearing
their relationship im sorry caryl you might have to take a backseat
princess just HAS to be a good friend :(
omg carol girlboss as she should
okay at least hornsby is decent
omg carol and that woman should kiss
ooo keys
oh no bestie is armed
pamela?? pamela??
at least he knows how to apologize
oh no princess and eugene
oh omg just low light
oh no i think something bad is happening
hit list hit list hit list hit list
who is this white lady
wouldn’t the hat obscure his view eugene u r not being efficient rn
they’re resistance fighters aren’t they please please guys please i wanna be team stephanie and hornsby so bad
oh my god
aw i feel so bad for eugene noooo
omg he’s rlly giving exposition
oh my god
oh my god hornsby
omg this is giving like… pretty little liars idk how to describe it but its giving that
this is so like i dont know how to describe it but it’s so cliche?? i love it omg yes hornsby give me whitebread villan i love it
why does hornsby never blink im so scared of him
hornsby is rlly gaslight gatekeep girlboss rn red flags EVERYWHERE 🚩🚩🚩
i feel like hornsby is just trying to be like another negan but slightly less jolly all the time
eugene also kinda looks like this chem teacher one of my friends had in high school
oooo real stephanie lez goo
guys wait i actually kinda like hornsby oh no oh my god guys oh no
we’re really getting into the meat of the daryl x maggie drama and that’s all i want fr fr
n e ways i missed daryl in this episode :(
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 years
This might be a little self indulgent..
But HAPPPY BIRTHDAY (early) saw this event and couldn’t resist.. you know what I looks like and I’m a taurus .. Kavey is a taurus too so instead of me . Who would you ship Kavey with?? Since we all too well her adventures! Go for it sfw or nsfw it don’t matter! Tell sarad’ika she said Helloz too!! 🥰🥰😘😍❤️🥂🎊🎉🎉
I ship you with… Boba!!
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Ok, like there was any doubt who your perfect match is. Your love story with Boba is one for the ages. You meet him when he’s still just a youngster, in his cocky heyday as a hotshot bounty hunter. Your wild side drew you to his swagger almost immediately. Likewise, Boba sees this knock-out blonde with all the confidence in the galaxy and he knows he’s got to have her under him as soon as possible. Once the initial sex-crazed part of the relationship quiets down a touch (and I do mean just a touch, this is Boba and Kave we’re talking about so the heat is off the charts), Boba realizes that he’s never met a woman who can handle him the way she can. When he’s struggling and feeling down, you are always there to hold him tight and pick him back up. You understand his demons in a way that no one else can. In the same way, Boba knows you struggle with your own monsters and dark past, and he’s there to quiet those voices in your head that say you’re not good enough or that you don’t deserve happiness. Fate and the Force sometimes seem against you, especially when you thought you lost him forever to the sarlacc. But through sheer grit and determination to get back to you, Boba survives and as you nurse him back to health, you thank the Maker for bringing you such a gift.
Now that Boba has regained his strength, reclaimed his armor, and has recently taken over Tatooine as the new crime king in town, everything is looking up for once. When your birthday comes around, you figure, Boba might arrange a nice dinner or something, but you’re not expecting anything too extravagant. Boba, however, has other ideas. He tells you to dress up and meet him in the throne room. When you enter you see flowers and elegant swaths of fabric decorating the room. There’s also so many of your friends there, including the new Mand’alor Din Djarin and his queen, your dear friend, Sarad’ika. She hands you a bouquet of flowers and attaches a veil to your head. You turn around in surprise to look at Boba. He’s standing there with that same cocky grin of his, holding out a wedding ring, and he says, “Come on now, Fox’ika, riduur, shouldn’t we finally make it official? Will you do me that honor?” Of course, you say yes, your eyes filling with tears of joy. Your friends watch as you exchange your vows and then you party all night long. Later in the wee hours it occurs to you that now your anniversary will also be your birthday and you ask him, “Wait a minute, did you do this today just so you won’t have to remember two dates?” He just chuckles, as he scoops you up in his arms and carries you off to make love to you for the first time as your husband.
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The wedding ring!!
Do you want a ship? Check out my birthday event
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