lamptracker · 7 years
FIC: If I take my heart’s advice
Something that’s not a request. Although I am taking those still.
FIC: If I take my heart’s advice (title comes from the John Mayer song “In Repair”)
Pairing: Tom Holland/Reader; Reader/OC
Word count: 2,259
Summary: The reader used to date Tom Holland, but has met someone new. A chance encounter with Tom makes her reevaluate everything. (I suck at summaries JUST READ IT)
“Are you almost ready, (y/n)?” Aiden called out.
“Just about,” (y/n) replied. “Just putting the finishing touches on my hair.”
(Y/n) and Aiden had been dating for nearly a year. They met not long after he’d broken up with his ex-girlfriend, and after she and her long-time boyfriend Tom Holland had broken up.
She and Tom dated for over a year. She found him to be sweet, and charming, and funny, and talented. She thought the world of him, and he thought the world of her.
So what went wrong?
His career took off, especially after he’d been cast as Spider-Man. She felt as though dating her would hold him back, so after a long talk and many tears they decided to part ways. They promised to keep in touch, but as he got busier it got harder to do so.
Then, she met Aiden through a mutual friend.
He worked at a children’s hospital, in administration. He was also sweet, and charming, and funny. He treated (y/n) like a queen.  He preferred taking things slowly - they didn’t kiss until the third date, they didn’t sleep together until three months in, and even though they’ve been together almost a year they still didn’t live together.
But, he made (y/n) happy. And, he made her forget about Tom.
Satisfied with her hair, (y/n) smiled at herself in the mirror. She and Aiden were heading to a charity ball, to raise money for the children’s hospital.
She smoothed down the front of her emerald green dress, slipped on a pair of heels, and met Aiden in her living room.
“You look great,” Aiden said. “Ready to go?”
“Lead the way,” she replied.
The benefit was in full swing. Cocktails and appetizers were flowing. The DJ blared an even mixture of popular hits and old favorites. They’d raised nearly $1 million just that night alone.
A slower song started, and Aiden grabbed (y/n)’s hand and led her to the dance floor.
“Are you having a good time tonight?” he asked.
“I am,” she replied as they swayed to the music. “It’s for such a good cause, too.”
After the song was over, another slow song - Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” - started to play. Just as Aiden was going to say something, someone tapped him on the shoulder.
“May I cut in?” a voice asked.
“Sure,” Aiden answered, without turning around. “I’m going to go take advantage of this open bar. Do you want some champagne?”
“That’d be wonderful.” (Y/n) was wondering if she should be concerned that Aiden had just agreed to let a total stranger dance with her when he stepped away. The mystery dance partner was none other than Tom Holland.
“Tom! What a surprise. So nice to see you!”
“You too, darling.” He wrapped an arm around her waist, and took her hand in his as they began to dance. “You look absolutely beautiful. I’ve always loved you in green.”
(Y/n) felt her cheeks grow warm. “Thanks.”
“So how long have you and...um…”
“Aiden? About a year now. He works in administration at the hospital. What about you? Are you seeing anybody?”
“At the moment, no. I’ve dated a couple of people, but nothing too serious.”
“I see. How’s Harrison doing?”
“Not bad. I’m really putting him through his paces as my assistant, you know. But he loves it, gets to travel the world and hang out with his best buddy all the time and get paid for it.” Tom smiled at her, and she suddenly felt her knees go a little weak.
As they danced, (y/n) could feel all those old feelings she had for Tom slowly ebbing to the surface. She’d forgotten what a good dancer he was.
In his arms, she felt loved and protected.
He smelled like home.
He looked at her as if she were the brightest star in the night sky.
He sang along to the song quietly; something stirred deep within her. She’d always loved his singing voice, even if he was self-conscious about it.
The song ended, and Tom gently pulled her in closer.
“The biggest mistake I ever made was letting you go,” he whispered, kissing her cheek. “See you around. Thank you for the dance, it was lovely to see you again.”
“I...you too.” As he walked away, (y/n) reached up to touch the spot where he’d kissed her; it felt as though it were burning a hole in her skin.
She’d spent the last year trying to forget him. Now, he’d made sure she’d never forget.
“Here you go, my dear.” Aiden had returned with the champagne. “Are you okay?”
(Y/n) shook her head, snapping herself out of the fog she was now in. “Hmm? Oh. Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you for this.” She took the glass of champagne, downing it in three giant gulps.
The next day, she was having lunch with her friend Olivia.
“You look tired,” Olivia said. “And not good tired.”
“What is ‘good tired,’anyway?”
Olivia smirked. “You know, being up all night from really amazing sex?”
(y/n) snorted. “Yeah, right. After the ball Aiden dropped me off with a kiss at the door and went home. He wouldn’t stay the night because he had to be up early for work.”
“How practical. So you were awake all night thinking, huh? What’s bothering you?”
(y/n) picked at her salad. “Tom was at the ball last night.”
“And we danced together, and… I realized that I’m still in love with him.”
“I mean, I love Aiden. I really do. He’s such a nice guy. He really cares about me. I think he’s perfect for me in every way possible. But Tom… Tom is all that and more. And I did break up with him for kind of a stupid reason. You know, he even said to me that the biggest mistake he’s ever made was letting me go. And I just… I don’t know what to do, Liv.”
Olivia set down her fork and reached across the table, covering (y/n)’s hand with her own. “I don’t know what to tell you,” she said. “I can’t even get one guy to fall in love with me, let alone two. But I do know that you don’t have to make a decision right away. And when it comes time for it, just let your heart decide. Your head gets in the way too much. That’s why you and Tom broke up in the first place, you let your head decide what to do. This time, just let your heart do it.”
(y/n) smiled. “Thanks, Liv. That was actually really good advice. You know my head and my heart don’t always get along.”
“That’s why I told you to leave your head out of it,” Olivia said with a laugh. “Do you want dessert?”
“Only if it’s cheesecake.”
A couple of nights after her talk with Olivia, Aiden and (Y/n) had gone out to dinner at their favorite Italian place. It was a nice night, so they’d decided to walk through the park afterwards.
“Hey,” Aiden said, “let’s stop here for a minute.” They were in front of a little gazebo by the pond.
“Okay.” (Y/n) stopped walking and looked up at the sky for a moment. “Look at the stars, they’re so bright tonight, I...what are you doing?”
She looked down to see Aiden on one knee, holding a small black box.
“I love you so much,” he said. “You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. You’re sweet, and smart, and funny. You make me want to be a better person.  And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. (y/n), will you marry me?”
(Y/n) gasped. I guess this is the time Olivia meant, she thought to herself.
“Just let your heart decide.” Olivia’s words echoed in her brain. She decided to just open her mouth and let her heart speak, and go with whatever it had decided.
“Aiden, I’m… no.” She jumped a little, surprised by what had come out of her mouth.
Aiden’s jaw dropped. “What?” “I’m so, so sorry, but...I can’t marry you.”
“Um…” Aiden stood up. “Okay, um, why?”
(Y/n) sighed. “Because. In order for a marriage to work, both people have to be in it 100 percent. And I can’t give you that. I’m...I still...I have…” she took a deep breath. “You remember the ball, that guy you let me dance with?”
Aiden nodded.
“I know you didn’t look to see who it was, but...it was Tom. And as we danced, I realized that I’m still in love with him. I honestly don’t know if I ever stopped being in love with him. It took me a long time to get over him, and you finally helped me with that. But the other night…” She trailed off, looking at her hands.  “It wouldn’t be fair to you, to marry you while I still have feelings for someone else. I love you, but… I can’t.”
“Okay. Well, thank you for being honest. And for letting me waste an entire year of my life. Better than letting me waste the rest of it, I guess.” Aiden shoved the ring box back into his pocket and stormed off.
“Aiden, wait…”
Aiden turned around quickly. “I love you, (y/n). I do. But if you still have feelings for someone else, we can’t be together. I don’t… I don’t think we should talk to each other anymore.” He sighed. “I’ll gather up all the stuff you left at my place and put it by your door on Friday. Could you please make sure you do the same with mine?” He swallowed thickly, blinking back tears. “Goodbye, (y/n). I love you.”
As he walked away, a tear slipped down her cheek.
She stood, frozen in place for a moment. Then, her heart told her what she had to do.
She called for an Uber to take her to what she hoped was still Tom’s apartment.
The entire ride there, her head started to get the best of her and she wondered if she’d made the right choice. What if Tom doesn’t take me back? Aiden definitely won’t now. DId I just doom myself? Did I make the right decision? Marrying Aiden would have been the safe choice right now. But do I want safe? Or do I want to be honest with myself?
The driver dropped her off at the address she’d specified; she ran into the building and up the stairs. She found the door she was looking for and knocked frantically.
She had to do what her heart asked before her head took over.
The door opened...and there was Harrison Osterfield on the other side.
(y/n) breathed a sigh of relief. She’d gone to the right place after all.
“Oh! Hello. This is a nice surprise, what are you doing here?” He pulled her in for a quick, friendly hug.
“Hi, Harrison. It’s so good to see you again. Look, is Tom home?”
“He is, I’ll go get him. Come on in, won’t you?”
She stepped in, closing the door behind her, as Harrison went down the hallway to fetch Tom.
“Who is here at this time of...oh! (Y/n)! What brings you here?” He asked, smiling.
“Um...Aiden proposed.”
Tom’s face fell. “Oh. Well...err… I’m not sure why you came here to tell me that, but congratulations.” He turned to walk out of the room, and that was when she said three words that made him stop dead in his tracks:
“I said no.”
Tom turned back around, slowly. “What was that?”
“I said no, Tom. I told him I couldn’t marry him because I was in love with someone else.”
His face fell yet again. “Oh.”
(Y/n) walked towards him and gingerly took his hands in hers. “Tom...it’s you. It’s always been you. I was an idiot for breaking up with you in the first place, I… I don’t know what I was doing. Aiden is great. But he’s not you. I’m so sorry, Tom. I know we can’t just pick up where we left off, but can we start over? If you don’t want to I totally-”
Tom quickly let go of her hands, grabbed her face, and kissed her. Tenderly to start, but it soon turned eager and full of all the emotions both of them had been suppressing for over a year.
“I missed you,” Tom breathed. He leaned his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry for everything I put you through, Tom.”
“You’re forgiven.” Tom flashed her that knee-weakening smile once again. “But I am never letting you go again.” He raised his head, kissing her gently on the forehead.
“Not to worry,” (y/n) replied. “I know now that I wasn’t holding you back.”
“With you,” Tom said, “I can only soar.”
(Y/n) giggled. “You’re such a cheeseball.”
“Afraid so, darling.” He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, bridal-style. “Now we have some catching up to do, though.”
As he carried her down the hall, she settled her head onto his shoulder; she was glad she’d finally taken Olivia’s advice and let her heart decide.
“I love you so much, Tom,” she said.
“I love you too. Thank you for coming back to me.”
“Thank you for letting me come back.”
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