#Kura Shion
raimeiha · 9 months
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Kura Shion
24 ans || 22 janvier Mesure 1 mètre 62
Prêtresse maudite vénérant Susanoo
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Shion est très appréciée pour son sens du devoir ainsi que pour sa gentillesse. Prêtresse d'un temple dédié à Susanoo et gardienne d'une épée maudite, il semblerait qu'elle ne vivra qu'une trentaine d'années tout au plus, à moins de briser la malédiction.
La demoiselle n'a pas eu une enfance des plus tendres. Dès sa naissance, son destin était tout tracé: elle recevrait la fameuse épée maudite et mourrait jeune, après avoir passé sa vie à contenir les forces maléfiques emprisonnées dans l'épée en échange de sa vie. Sa mère est morte quand elle n'avait que cinq ans. C'était elle la coupable, elle la meurtrière. Elle avait été obligée de commettre cet acte horrible qui la hanterait toute sa vie afin d'accomplir dernier rituel de sa mère.. et de sceller son pacte avec l'épée maudite.
Sous ses airs de prêtresse au sourire tendre, se cache en réalité une jeune femme qui ne cesse de souffrir à cause de ses actions passées. Pour éviter d'inquiéter les gens qui l'entourent, elle cache ses peines derrière un masque qui ne reflète que tendresse, calme et grâce. Ses yeux cependant, ne peuvent pas mentir et la trahissent de temps à autre.
Shion a de longs cheveux ébènes souvent retenus en partie par une pince en forme de fleur de sakura, coupés un peu plus courts à l'avant avec une frange séparée en deux. Elle a également des yeux marron souvent très mélancoliques. Elle mesure un mètre soixante-deux.
La jeune femme aime beaucoup écouter de la musique. Pour cette raison, l'une des divinités qui vit avec elle a pour habitude de lui jouer un morceau de koto chaque soir, après le repas. Cela permettrait à la demoiselle d'oublier un peu l'existence de l'épée maudite et de se reposer. Elle est également très attachée à un kitsune qui ne cesse de veiller sur elle depuis qu'elle est toute petite et qui porte le nom de « Nagi ». Aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraître, elle ne s'est encore jamais ouverte aux autres à propos de ses douleurs et ses luttes.
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• Univers medieval fantasy japonais. • Comme elle ne vit pas seule, beaucoup de personnages secondaires feront partie intégrante de son histoire, mais ils ne prendront pas trop de place. • De petites adaptations peuvent être apportées après discussion.
• Recherches :
- Susanoo → Le dieu qu'elle vénère depuis sa tendre enfance. Une rencontre surprenante au sein-même du temple de la prêtresse qui se solderait par la colère incontrôlée de cette dernière. Elle rejetterait toute la faute sur le dieu, sous les regards ébahis de ses fidèles amis. Ce n’est qu’une fois calmée que le dialogue pourrait se nouer et que les malentendus pourraient être dissipés.
- un démon/noble japonais → Une obligation d'épouser Shion pour faire perdurer la lignée des Kura. Une première rencontre au sein-même du temple, peu de temps après l'annonce des fiançailles. Une apparition après une attente interminable. Des regards qui se croisent, une fatigue remarquée chez la jeune femme. L’acceptation ou le refus véhément de ces fiançailles ne dépendra que de cette rencontre fabriquée.
- une créature ou un humain déterminé à l'aider → Une première rencontre dans la rue, pendant l'une des sorties de Shion visant à se réapprovisionner en nourriture. Un malaise de la demoiselle dû à la fatigue, une main tendue, une aide précieuse dans un moment crucial... humain comme créature, Shion ne ferait pas de différence. → Une cohabitation habituelle. Un malheur et une souffrance observés quotidiennement, des effondrements après les rituels qui inquiètent et une santé en dégradation qui ne peut pas être ignorée. Un souhait fort de libérer Shion de ses chaînes, quitte à payer un prix en retour.
• Peuvent apparaître ou être mentionnés dans le RP, en fonction du contexte : Kagutsuchi et Amaterasu.
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guess-ill-die-again · 5 years
In honor of Shion’s birthday(18.06), here’s something very important i need u all to know about her and Marry’s surname: Kozakura
koza | kura in polish koza=goat and kura=hen
so basically their surname is goathen and here’s a visual representation:
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you’re welcome
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wazafam · 3 years
Smashing onto the scene as a contender for a place at the head of the shounen-battle-anime table in Fall 2020, Jujutsu Kaisen's meteoric rise in popularity shows no signs of slowing down now that the first season has ended.
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Following protagonist Itadori Yuji as he accidentally finds himself entangled in the politics and dangers of a world filled with sorcerers and cursed spirits, the anime dazzles viewers with incredibly animated fight scenes, interesting and strategic powers, and lovable characters who effortlessly shift between comedic gags and moments fraught with anxiety and tension. While waiting for more Jujutsu Kaisen content, fans may be interested in exploring other anime that feature Itadori's voice actor, Junya Enoki.
10 Boogiepop And Others: Masami Saotome
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An anime filled to the brim with twists and turns that are further complicated by a chronologically fragmented narrative, Boogiepop and Others is strange in the most entertaining and enigmatic ways.
Although viewers are likely to be perpetually challenged as they struggle to understand not only what is happening, but when it happened, fans find the supernatural and philosophical mysteries worth the effort. Blending in among the students of Shinyo Academy is Masami Saotome, an emotionally detached, death-seeking sadist hiding beneath the veneer of an average pupil.
9 Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Shion Kiba
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Cardfight!! Vanguard G features a society dominated by card games, particularly one known as "Vanguard." Fans of the card game that the anime is based on have praised the show's decision to depict rules and cards with a level of realism lacking in similar shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, though there are liberties taken for the sake of entertainment. In the anime, players astral project to the magical "Planet Cray" and wage battles with their decks.
Acting as a friendly rival and foil to the main character, Chrono Shindou, Shion Kiba is a gentlemanly heir to a wildly wealthy family. Rather than acting privileged, Shion is kind and considerate, though his outward persona is challenged as he grows alongside his Royal Paladin deck.
8 Digimon Adventure Tri: Takeru Takaishi
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Taking place years after the events of the original series, Digimon Adventure tri returns the narrative focus to the DigiDestined fans grew up with. Mirroring the more mature nature of the high school environment, both the themes and animation style of the anime are a departure from the children-friendly origins—an alteration that further invokes the show's reflections on nostalgia.
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As one of the younger heroes, Takeru Takaishi, known as "T.K." in the English dub, possessed a pure and naive nature. Often relying on the protection of his older brother Yamoto Ishida during the original series, Takeru has grown into an intelligent and responsible teenager with a tendency for looking after those he cares about.
7 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind: Pannacotta Fugo
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In the fifth iteration of the beloved anime, JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind chronicles the rise of Giorno Giovanna—the son of Dio Brando–and the fellow members of his gang as they attempt to gain control of a large criminal organization from within.
Giorno's squad is led by the charismatic and capable Bruno Bucciarati and made up of other "stand users," people capable of manifesting their fighting spirit into a form capable of using otherworldly powers. Possessing one of the most powerful but volatile stands, Purple Haze, the carrier of an indiscriminate killer virus, Pannacotta Fugo, is loyal to Bucciarati and his friends but is more hesitant to supplant their organization's "boss."
6 Koikimo: Kai Tamaru
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Although the premise of Koikimo is polarizing—a man in his late twenties is romantically interested in his little sister's high school friend—the anime's early episodes have been full of charming slice-of-life comedy.
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Ryo Amakusa's infatuation with Ichika Arima is played for laughs and is consistently called out for its absurdity, though there seem to be signs that his efforts are working to some degree. Kai Tamaru, a more age-appropriate potential love interest, has been shown to share hobbies with Arima, and he certainly represents the route of a more "normal" high school romance.
5 Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life: Kurata Takezo
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While an anime focused on members of a high school Koto club, the Koto is the national instrument of Japan, might not grab potential viewers' attention based on the premise, the narrative's focus on the relationships and growth of the members reveals the complexity of the show. Kurata Takezo, the club's president and a third-year student, struggles to find confidence in himself and to express his thoughts due to his timidity.
As his final year in high school begins, his beloved club is in danger of being disbanded due to a lack of members; quiet and shy, finding the requisite members to keep the club alive is a daunting task. When Chika Kudo, a delinquent known to have destroyed his father's koto shop, wishes to join, Takezo's reservations are challenged and his—and Chika's—evolution begins.
4 Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative: Jona Basta
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Taking place just one year after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, the film Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative deals with the major revelations that occurred in the previous series while also showcasing the difficulties societies face when attempting to implement major changes.
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As one of three "miracle children" that predicted and avoided a great calamity, Jona Basta's life has been one full of trials and tribulations. Serving under the Earth Federation, Jona is part of a squad tasked with locating the mysterious Phenex Gundam—a mobile suit built in relation to the Unicorn Gundam and the Banshee Gundam.
3 ID: INVADED: Kazuo Wakashika
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In the thrilling ID: INVADED, science fiction meets detective fiction as the anime explores the futuristic investigation of cognitions via the use of a machine interface. Through the use of advanced technology, cognitive landscapes known as "id wells" are constructed utilizing particles given off by the unconscious desire to kill.
Investigators that meet a specific set of requirements are able to enter the id wells through a "Great Detective" persona, which then investigates and gathers evidence. The Kura, an enigmatic policing institution, monitors these investigations—Kazuo Wakashika is a member of Kura and develops criminal theories and discerns a potential murderer's motives from his position as an observer.
2 Cells At Work! CODE BLACK: Red Blood Cell Sekkekkyuu AA2153
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Cells at Work! CODE BLACK personifies cells as they work within a bodily society. Complete with personalities, hopes, and dreams, the eponymous cells dedicate themselves to their various jobs. What differentiates the original Cells at Work series from CODE BLACK is the degraded and terrible health of the body inhabited in the latter.
Sekkekkyuu AA2153 is a rookie red blood cell that possesses naive and hopeful expectations begins employment within the lungs. He—as are the viewers—is shocked to find the incredibly disheartening and toxic work environment that has resulted from years of bad habits, vices, and various illnesses.
1 Beastars: Jack
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While anthropomorphic animals are generally portrayed in entertainment catering to children, Beastars completely subverts this preconception. Exploring a society in which carnivorous and herbivorous species coexist, the anime delves deep into the faultlines and cracks within the cohabitation and showcases the frightening, fetishistic underworld that lies just beneath the surface.
Jack, a golden retriever, occupies a grey zone; as a dog, he is a carnivore, but his nature is less predatory than animals like the gray wolf protagonist Legoshi. As a childhood friend of Legoshi's, Jack is fiercely loyal and protective of his mild-tempered but often misunderstood friend.
NEXT: Horimiya: 10 Anime Starring Izumi Miyamura's Voice Actor Kouki Uchiyama
Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Anime Starring Yuji Itadori's Voice Actor Junya Enoki from https://ift.tt/3sZmcvN
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