#Kotter fics
regalityandcoffee · 1 year
(*blinking*) did I just... in the year 3023... see a welcome back, Kotter fic on wattpad?
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pippiessweathogs · 6 years
Welcome Back Kotter fanfiction Show Me Yours part 2
Title: Show Me Yours
Fandom: Welcome Back, Kotter
Pairing: Vinnie/Rosalie
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Set during the episode “Classroom Marriage”, Rosalie flashes Vinnie in the Kotter’s bathroom. When Vinnie tries to get more from her, she proposes a deal with him.
 Part two
         Walking along the sidewalk amongst the busy Brooklyn street, the students headed in different directions towards their homes. Vinnie quickened his stride, closing his trench coat around his waist, and looked up as he spied Rosalie. Catching up with her, he went up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. When he did this, she jumped with a startled shriek, and whipped around, ready to strike at her assailant. Avoiding being hit, Vinnie jumped back with both hands in the air by his head.
         “Hotsie! Hotsie it’s me!”
         “Oh Vinnie! I’m sorry about that.”
         “No, sorry I surprised you like that.” He stuck his hands into the pockets of his coat and grinned a little. “Glad I was able to catch up with you. I kinda wanted to talk to you in private.”
         “Oh yeah? What about?”
         They both started walking forward, with Vinnie right by her side. Vinnie had a brief awkward moment with his hands as he tried to decide what to do with them; he did not know whether to place one on Rosalie’s back or to keep them tucked in his pockets.
         “Well it’s just that, uh, well I…” He turned to her and stopped walking, looking at her in frustration. “Aw come on, Hotsie! You showed me your tits and let me kiss you. Then you stop in the middle of making out with me!”
         She looked at him, giving her hair a small toss. “Yeah, what’s your point?”
         “My point?” He huffed. “My point is…” He pointed at her before placing his hands on his hips. “Why can’t we finish what we started?”
         “What? Right here on the street?”
         Vinnie snickered “Well, no, not here. We could go somewhere else where nobody will see us.”
         “I ain’t going with you to make out behind the billboards on 84th street.” She looked at him and smiled. “Alright, Vinnie. I’ll go somewhere to make out with you.”  He smiled, ready to respond, but she cut him off. “But, before I do that, you gotta do something for me.”
         “Like what?”
         “I’ll make a deal with you. Only if you do this, then I will make out with you.”
He smirked. “Yeah? Alright, what’s the deal?”
         “Since I showed you my tits… you gotta show me yours.”
         “Hotsie,” His face fell and he shook his head. “Hotsie I think I’m gonna have trouble doing that. I mean I ain’t got no tits to show ya.”
         She laughed. “No, Vinnie. You know what I mean.”
         Vinnie hesitated for a moment, appearing to think over what she said. “Alright, fine. It’s a deal.”
         “Great.” She shook his hand. “But, uh,” They started walking again. “Of course it can’t happen tonight. Maybe tomorrow after school sometime.”
         He nodded “Oh sure. That works.”
         She grinned. “Great.” They continued walking for a few steps. “Oh and uh, since we’re already walking together, you might as well walk me home.”
         “Ok. I can do that. But I ain’t showing you on the way.”
         Rosalie laughed and playfully pushed him away from her.
         As the students left the classroom, laughing and commenting over the lesson on marriage that Gabe displayed before them. They all knew that the demonstration was a sneaky way to get Freddie and Vernajean to reconsider getting married. When it worked, they were all grateful. S they gathered around their lockers, Vinnie approached Epstein, still laughing,
         “Man, Epstein, I gotta tell ya. That gibberish you were singin’ during that fake wedding ceremony; that was hilarious! How’d you come up with that?”
         “What gibberish? Barbarino, that was Hebrew.”
         “Whatever it was, it was hilarious. How’d you know to do that?”
         “Are you kidding me? As big as my family is, I’ve been dragged to more weddings than I can count. So many that I could perform a ceremony at any time straight from memory. What you saw in the classroom was the condensed version.”
         Vinnie laughed and placed a hand on Epstein’s shoulder. “I now pronounce you, Father Epstein.”
         “Barbarino, I’m a Jew so that would make me a Rabbi, not a Priest.”
         “Oh yeah. Well then I now pronounce you Rabbi Epstein.”
         Their conversation was interrupted when Horshack walked up to them, laughing. He continued laughing as he walked by, causing them to crack smiles as they shook their heads with amusement. Walking hand-in-hand, Freddie and Vernajean also walked past them, each making snarky remarks. Returning a remark of his own, Epstein then followed them down the hallway as they each headed to their next class.
         Once they were alone in the hallway, Vinnie grinned at Rosalie before strolling over to her. he stood next to her, and placed a hand on the locker behind her head.
         “So, Hotsie, last night.” His grin spread. “Last night sure was somethin’. You and me in the Kotter’s bathroom.”
         She nodded. “I know what happened, Vinnie. I was there, remember?” She laughed.
         “Yeah I know.” He grinned, looking into her eyes. “Why don’t we continue that now? We both know we’d have a lot of fun.”
         Shaking her head, she laughed and moved away from him. ‘Vinnie don’t you remember the deal we made last night?”
         “So you mean you’re actually sticking to that?”
         “Of course. What kind of girl do you think I am, Vinnie?”
         “Well right now I’m thinkin’ you ain’t nothin’ but a big tease.”
         “Maybe I am. But maybe I ain’t. Guess you’ll find out after school. Behind the brick wall.”
         “The graffiti wall?” Rosalie nodded at him. He hesitated, shoving his hands into his pants pockets. “Alright. I’ll stick to the deal and meet you there.”
         She grinned and turned to walk down the hall. “Can’t wait.”
         As Rosalie walked away, Vinnie stood there, looking at the floor. He was torn between feeling discouraged and excited. With a slight grin and nod of his head, he then turned down the hallway right on time for the tardy bell to ring.
         Vinnie stood outside the school. In front of him was a graffiti covered brick wall that seemed completely out of place. Directly behind him was the wall of the school building. He exhaled slowly as he focused on the wall, trying not to seem anxious. Leaning against the building, he closed his eyes, mentally hoping Rosalie would not show up. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Rosalie smiling as she approached him.
         “Oh you are here, Vinnie. I was thinking you were gonna back out.”
         “Ok, ok, you’re here. Let’s get this over with.” He placed his hands at the top of his pants and then looked at her. “Wait. There ain’t nobody else around, is there? ‘Cause I ain’t intending on showing nobody but you.”
         “Don’t worry, Vinnie. I checked and nobody else is around.”
         He nodded “Ok.” He started unfastening his pants, but Rosalie interrupted him with a small snicker.
         “What? You’re going to just whip it out just like that?”
         “Do you want me to do this, or not?”
         “Ok, ok. Go ahead.” She grinned.
         Hesitating, Vinnie looked at her before slowly unzipping his pants. He then nodded his head before gripping the top of his pants in his hands. Deciding to get it over with, he shoved his pants and underwear down, exposing himself completely to her. Rosalie laughed before glancing behind here, waving someone over to them.
         “Hey guys, quick!”
         Suddenly, with Vernajean leading them, the other three guys jumped around the corner, laughing. Vernajean, holding a Polaroid camera, immediately started taking pictures of Vinnie, before he could react to anything. While trying to dodge the camera, Vinnie quickly turned away and pulled up his pants. As he did this, Epstein turned to Freddie with a smirk, holding out one hand, palm side up. Frowning, Freddie reached into his pocket and pulled out a five-dollar bill and then slipped it into Epstein’s palm.
         When Vinnie turned back around to face everybody, he showed them how upset he was. He scowled, waving his arms in front of him.
         “Alright, alright! That’s enough!” He stated, getting everyone to stop laughing. He turned his attention onto Rosalie. “You set me up!”
         “OF course I did, Vinnie.” She snickered
         “Why would you do that? This ain’t funny!”
         Freddie grinned, showing off his teeth. “It’s funny to us.”
         Vinnie folded his arms across his chest, frowning at Rosalie. “You weren’t ever gonna make out with me, were you?”
         “What? And miss all this fun?”
         Shaking his head, Vinnie walked away without saying a word to anyone. The others laughed until he was out of sight. Once they knew he was gone, they all looked at each other in silence for a few moments.
         “I think you really upset him, Rosalie.” Vernajean said
         “Yeah. Do you think he’ll ever come back?” Horshack asked, looking in the direction Vinnie went.
         “He’ll cool down.” Said Freddie “When he does, he’ll come back and realize how funny this was.”
         Rosalie looked at them with a slight frown. “And if he doesn’t think it’s funny, what then?”
         “Well look at the bright side.” Epstein stepped forward and picked up the pictures that fell from the camera. “We got these pictures to remember the moment.”
         The others came around Epstein, looking at the pictures in his hand. Then, as they started to walk away, they started laughing together over the pictures.
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xcziel · 3 years
Hey, you youthful types looking to rediscover old-school episodic television series: here are some overlooked classic sitcom shows (and one 'drama') from the late '70s - early '80s with intro theme songs that SLAP
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1) Welcome Back, Kotter - yes, that's baby John Travolta before the Scientology. Also how many shows about high school teachers do you think there are?
2) The Jeffersons - possibly the greatest theme song of all time? Still kinda sexist, but Hazel is a perennial Mood
3) Fame - if you liked Glee - singing, dancing, drama. Set in New York High School of Performing Arts, and also Debbie Allen is a goddess (watch the movie)
4) Sanford & Son - like all of these, the attitudes are pretty dated, but the longsuffering son/crotchety father gag still works. Lots of old-school-comedian guest star bits. Hi, Luis!
5) Alice - you thought Golden Girls was the only big hit female-led tv sitcom? Kiss my grits! (Yes, I know, Mary Tyler Moore was there first but I wanted to use the catchphrase)
6) What's Happening? - ok, the theme could be better, but c'mon it's based of of the 1975 movie Cooley High, and is a blast!
7) Taxi - so very, very New York. Yes, everybody here went on to bigger and better things. Hi, Danny Devito! And Andy Kaufman! And Marilu Henner! And Judge Hirsch, and ...
8) Good Times - one of the best family sitcoms, but doesn't get the credit something like Roseanne did. Kinda felt like the popularity of the 'Dyno-mite!' catchphrase eventually killed the some of the momentum ...
Honorable Mention:
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Gilligan's Island - '60s era, but by god, if you want a show with a ridiculous AU premise built-in, rife with bonkers fic pairings to play around in, this is a paradise
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randomoranges · 4 years
An Ode to the Summer of 2020
 Back in the days when I was in Cégep and university, when LJ was the place to post musings and fics, I would do a recap of all the things I had done over the summer. It was the first time I had such long summers (from May to the end of August and then from April to the start of September.)
 It made me look back to all the things I had done. It’s easy to forget what you’ve done and easy to feel as though you’ve wasted your time doing nothing.
 This year, with the pandemic and everything else, it turned out to be an even longer summer. For starters, I was only working one day a week as a teacher. So despite having to do Zooms and video capsules, I still had a lot of free time. I was fortunate and privileged that I didn’t need to worry about income, since I live at home and was already on employment insurance. I have no debts and no children to worry about. I know that this wasn’t the case for many, many people.
 It was also a very different summer since for the first time ever – ever, ever, I was actually free in the actual summer. I wasn’t working, since I returned to teaching, and was no longer working in the camps.
 It was – for as much as it was stressful and worriesome – a pretty decent “stay at home period”. The greatest thing, by far, was able to run on my own schedule. Follow my own rhythm. Go to bed when my body told me to and let myself sleep until I naturally woke up. That is, by far, the greatest thing I will miss.
 So, before I go back to getting up at the ass crack of dawn and the world of the packed lunch (I fucking hate packed lunches. I hate lunch as a meal. It is the dumbest meal of the day. I wish I could plough through without needing lunch,) I present the recap of all the things I’ve done over the summer.
 I like lists. I like keeping lists. I like looking back at lists. It makes me feel as though I did something. I also realise that for many, these uncertain times weren’t great creatively, but in my case, it was the first time I had so much time to be creative. And I did a lot. Which, I’m quite amazed at.
 I’m only sharing this list as a personal log of sorts, not to flaunt what I did to make anyone feel bad. I used to do it on my LJ and I am one of those people who look back on old entries and such.  So, by all means, scroll past this very long list of things and carry on.
 On that note, good-bye freedom and spring-summer 2020. You were certainly different, but you gave me time to do so many wonderful things.  I can only hope that the shit fest called “school” turns out better than the fears that have been keeping me up at night.
-          Tangled s3
-          Steven Universe Future
-          Broadchurch 1 2 3 4
-          Family Ties 6 7
-          Twilight Zone
-          Welcome Back Kotter 1 2 3 4
-          Radio Enfer 2 3 4
-          Kim’s Convenience 1 2 3 4
-          Staged x2
-          Senpai Club
-          Good Omens
-          Dr Who 1 2 3 4 5
-          Sticks and Scones
-          Sybil
-          Le chasseur de lapins
-          Paul à la maison
-          Le cahier bleu
-          Dear Edward
-          Me Elton John
-          Bugs Life
-          Alice Through the Looking Glass
-          Maleficient
-          The Jersey Boys
-          Montreal Main
-          Baaria
-          Primaire
-          Menteur
-          Goon Le dernier des durs à cuire
-          1991
-          Pirates of the Carribean 1 2 3 4 5
-          Harry Potter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b
-          Megamind
-          Bon Cop Bad Cop 1 2
-          The Road to El Dorado
-          Hochelaga + Évasia x2
-          Old Port and Chinatown x2
-          Avenue Mt-Royal x3
-          Drogheria Fine [for gnocchi]
-          Wilensky’s
-          Eye glasses
-          Downtown x3
-          Jardin Botanique
-          Serres Lavoie
-          Maison Lavande
-          Marché Jean-Talon x2
-          Trou de beignes
-          Sushi x2
-          Marché Atwater x3
-          Swan Pedal Boats
-          Many bike rides
-          Chinese food x2
-          Pont Jacques Cartier at night
-          Meteor showers
-          Pink and Green House
-          Ice cream x57
-          Finished off 34 teas
-          Went swimming a few times
-          Orange cake x3
-          Pouding chomeur
-          Corn flour muffins
-          Pudding
-          El gran pudino
-          Peanut butter cookies x2
-          Cinnamon buns
-          Coconut cake
-          Fried rice
-          Rice with meat
-          Failed carrot muffins
-          Non failed carrot muffins
-          Cookies
-          Brownies x2
-          Tiramisu
-          Ice cream x3
-          Smoothie x3
-          Banana muffins
-          Arroz negro
-          Matcha latte x3
-          Risotto
-          Pierogies
-          Chicken parmigiana
-          Chocolate cake
-          Kesha Kee Taen
-          50+ new parts to Amnesia AU
-          Advanced Prince Au
-          Birthday Kisses
-          Birthday Wish
-          Birthday Gifts
-          Safe and Tucked Away
-          Fly me to the Moon
-          Reposted all of Perfect Cities + Typed out chapters that had never been typed out
-          Finished Olympic AU
-          Finished Witchcraft AU
-          Finished Love Potion AU
-          Hug Me [And Please Don’t Let Go]
-          Old T-Shirt
-          Vroom Vroom Tabarnak
-          Merry Little Christmas
-          Novelty Mug
-          Layers and Oranges
-          Photo-Photo
-          Curtain Call
-          Shall we Meet Again?
-          Mischief
-          Drag Meeting AU
-          Routine
-          Morning After
-          Girl You Really got me Now
-          Finished Brunch Asks
-          Re –coloured Christmas photo
-          Beach
-          Bathtub
-          10
-          Birthday boy
-          Cal Ét Wall Kiss
-          Chest Kiss
-          Cuddle
-          XXX Digital Version
-          Ed and Ét on a bed
-          Vive 375
-          El Dress
-          Embrace
-          Forehead Kiss
-          Hug
-          Hug 2
-          Hug Cheek
-          Kiss 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-          Lingerie
-          Loony Bin
-          Cabaret
-          Cozy
-          Culinary Delights
-          Ice Cream
-          Rainbows
-          Marie series x23
-          Nose to Nose
-          Pan-Demi
-          Rock Band AU tshirt
-          Self Hug
-          Spring
-          Teacher Au
-          The future looks bright
-          T-Shirt
-          Twins
-          Sprawl
-          Uniform
-          Lingerie
-          Genderbend kiss
-          Prom
-          Back
-          Mercury
-          Fugly shorts and t-shirt
-          On a hâte de vous revoir
-          Back 2
-          Lingerie Touch
-          Novelty Mug
-          Finished going through the Spain photos + uploaded them
-          20 different video capsules
-          Cleaned out the drawers in guestroom and my room
-          Sorted out my bin of letters I’ve gotten since birth
-          Bought 39 new plants (and 9 more that are on the way) + took care of them
-          Cleaned out the bins of my stuff
-          Painted my nails x3
-          Made 3 rainbows for the window
-          Did Figuary 2020
-          Made 4 masks
-          Deep dusted the guestroom and my room x2
-          Coloured my mom’s hair
-          Made a photo album for my students
-          Cleaned out the bookcases downstairs + sorted out the books
-          Built 2 Billy bookcases
-          M3 yr4
-          Painted bookcases
-          Painted plant box
-          Made an Adipose
-          Duolingo [156 day streak. My friends made me realise last night that I restarted doing Duolingo when I went to visit them over their last reading week in February, after we helped out a Spanish speaking lady. It - put things in perspective. February feels like a different life and a different universe.]
-          Rehydrated 2 orchids
-          Put up picture frames
-          Got rid of 24 boxes at Village des valeurs
-          Sorted through photo albums
-          Learned how to make patterns on Photoshop
-          Started typing Grandpas family book
-          Labelled the shells
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wrathofthestag · 5 years
Summary:  “Do you think you might be able to show me? Show me how to knit? Maybe? Sometime?” Bitty asked.  Jack smiled softly. “You’d be into that?” The story of how Jack taught Bitty how to knit, and got more than either ever imagined.  Based on this bullet point fic.  Also on AO3...  
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"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." - Elizabeth Zimmermann
“Please describe the methodological limitations in using oral histories as a means of collecting historiographic information.”
Bitty blinked a few times.
“The who and the what now?” he asked as he looked at that week’s history class assignment. His mouth twisted and turned until he pursed his lips, and then shrugged.
“Historiographic information,” Bitty repeated as if it would make more sense if he said it slower.
He sighed and tossed his laptop off to the side of the bed. Glancing at the clock on his nightstand, he realized Ransom wouldn’t be back home for another two hours. Shitty was out helping Lardo at Kotter, and Holster was unavailable. That left… well, that left you-know-who.
Bitty grabbed his textbook and laptop, and made his way toward Jack’s room. If anyone could help with history, it would be Jack. Lately, they’d started to finally get along so he’d throw himself on the mercy of Jack’s captainly tendencies and ask for help outside the rink.
Bitty quickly rapped on the door, then walked right on in.
“Hey, Jack--”
“CRISSE, BITTLE!” Jack yelled from his bed as he quickly covered his lap with a blanket.
“Oh, dear lord!” Bitty cried out while he froze in place and covered his eyes.
“I am so, sorry! I didn’t mean to walk in on your--your… private time!”
Bitty backed out of the room, eyes still covered and slammed into the wall. A few pucks tumbled onto his head from the shelves above and caused Bitty to fall flat on his ass with a large, “Oomph!”
Bitty, mortified, remained on the floor, eyes still closed and perfectly still. He could hear Jack sigh.
“It’s fine. You can open your eyes, I guess.”
“No, that’s okay!” Bitty said with eyes remaining screwed tightly shut.
“Bittle. Open your eyes.”
Bitty opened one eye, then slowly the other. Jack stood in front of him and offered his hand. He was fully dressed and didn’t look disheveled. In his other hand, however, were a couple of knitting needles and what appeared to be a scarf hanging off them.
“You were… knitting?” Bitty asked as Jack pulled him up.
“Yeah, so get your mind out of the gutter, Bittle,” Jack replied with a smirk.
“You knit?”
Jack looked at his scarf, then back at Bitty.
“Looks like it, eh?”
Bitty smiled as Jack bent down and picked up Bitty’s textbook.
“Catch,” he said and tossed it to Bitty.
Jack plopped himself back onto his bed and continued knitting.
“So, did you need something or?” he asked after he knit a row.
Bitty watched mesmerized.
“Um, yeah. I had a question about my homework but, um, is that a scarf?”
Bitty walked over and gingerly sat on the edge of Jack’s bed.
“Yeah, it’s for my Aunt Suzette. It’s her birthday next month.”
Bitty watched as Jack’s fingers deftly worked, pulling yarn and making the needles fly.
“My MooMaw crochets,” Bitty said, then blushed when he realized he just compared Jack to his grandmother.
“That’s different,” Jack said as he pulled some more yarn away from the ball that then bounced off Jack’s bed and rolled across the room.
Bitty crawled after it and handed it to Jack.
“I know. That uses one needle, and you’re using two.”
“One hook,” Jack clarified as he took the ball of yarn. “Thanks.”
Bitty watched a bit more, then Jack paused.
“So, homework?”
“You had a question about your homework,” Jack asked and put down his knitting.
“Oh, yeah. Something about methodological challenges and historiographic something or other—how were you doing that so fast?”
Jack smiled, a tiny thing. “Well, I’ve been knitting since I was 19, so you know.”
Bitty shook his head as Jack shrugged and continued working.
“Is this for your ‘What is History?’ class?”
“Yeah, I thought it would be more of an intro, easy course, but nope. Again, I played myself.”
“So where did you learn how to knit? Did your grandma show you?”
Jack smiled again and this time he shook his head.
“I picked it up in rehab.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
Jack paused and looked at Bitty, as he studied him briefly.
“It’s fine. There wasn’t much to do there, you know? And they had a class. It was raining that night, so I couldn’t go running and well, I thought, why not?”
Bitty watched silently as Jack finished three more rows.
“Turns out, I was really good at it. Seed stitch, basket weave, chevron, irish moss... I can pretty much do them all.”
Bitty smiled. “MooMaw would be so impressed.”
“It’s really calming too,” Jack said quietly.
Bitty watched Jack work for a few minutes, both silent, and he felt this sense of calm begin to wash over him.
“Go on and read me the question,” Jack finally said.
“I don’t wanna intrude on your...” Bitty said as he gestured at Jack’s knitting.
“It’s okay,” Jack said not taking his eyes off his hands, “I can knit and talk. Just don’t talk to me while I’m chewing gum.”
“Haha,” Bitty replied. “If you really don’t mind.”
“Okay, so we’re reading about oral histories…”
A few hours later, Jack was binding off his scarf at the same time Bitty was done with his homework.
“Thanks, Jack. This was super helpful,” Bitty said as he shut his laptop.
“No problem, Bittle. There. Finished. I just have to weave in the ends.”
He held open the scarf and admired his work.
“Here, try this on. You and my aunt are about the same size.”
“You mean averaged-sized?” Bitty said with a pout. “I don’t know if I should be insulted here.”
Jack laughed as he handed the scarf to Bitty.
“Sizeist. Don’t let Shitty hear you talk like that.”
Bitty wrapped the scarf around his neck, once, twice. It was a soft wool in a pale lavender color. It felt like a kitten and Bitty caressed the end with his cheek—then he noticed Jack smirking at him.
“That good, huh?”
“Hush you. Yes, it’s very nice. Well done, Jack.”
The two smiled at each other until Bitty finally spoke.
“So, thanks again.”
“Anytime, Bittle.”
Bitty grabbed his book and laptop and made his way toward the door.
Bitty turned toward Jack. “Yeah?”
“Can I have my scarf back?”
“Oh,” Bitty said sheepishly as he unwound the scarf and handed it to Jack.
Bitty then lingered by the door.
“Do you think… that is…”
“Spit it out, Bittle.”
“Do you think you might be able to show me? Show me how to knit? Maybe? Sometime?”
Jack smiled softly. “You’d be into that?”
“Well, as much as I love baking, I can’t procrastibake all the time—believe me. I’ve tried.”
Jack laughed. “I believe it.”
“And this just looked so soothing and, well, it’s nice to maybe mix things up and have a little something to show for it after besides a happy belly full of pie.”
“Yeah, we could do that.”
Bitty’s face lit up.
“Thanks, Jack! I won’t let you down.”
Jack grinned. “It’s fine, Bittle. No big deal.”
“Great, thanks, Jack,” Bitty began to leave again and then paused. “You’re not going to wake me up at 4:30 for knitting lessons are you?”
“You’re not going to stop baking pies, are you?” Jack chirped back.
“No,” Bitty laughed.
“Okay, then. Your beauty sleep is safe with me. For now.”
Bitty smiled and gently closed the door behind him.
Continue on AO3..
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pippielongstocking · 6 years
I want to post another chapter of my Welcome Back Kotter fic. But the first chapter got absolutely no response. Did anyone even read it? Should I even bother posting the next chapter?
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pippiessweathogs · 6 years
Which of my WBK fanfics should I post first? I have so many!
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pippiessweathogs · 6 years
I’m getting closer and closer to that Welcome Back Kotter/That 70s Show crossover fic.
Just have to do some editing. And get through all these posts I have lined up in my queue.
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pippiessweathogs · 6 years
I've been working on my Welcome Back Kotter/That 70s Show crossover fic. And I'm starting to get ideas for more. Good ideas. Not sure when any of this will be ready to be posted. But there will be a fic in the near future.
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pippiessweathogs · 6 years
Welcome Back Kotter fanfiction: Show Me Yours
This is one of the first fanfics I wrote for Welcome Back Kotter, and it’s one of my favorites.
Title: Show Me Yours
Fandom: Welcome Back, Kotter
Pairing: Vinnie/Rosalie
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Set during the episode “Classroom Marriage”, Rosalie flashes Vinnie in the Kotter’s bathroom. When Vinnie tries to get more from her, she proposes a deal with him.
 Part one
         “Quick! Shut the door!”  Vinnie exclaimed, dashing past the Kotters into the apartment. “I don’t want nobody to see me!”
         Gabe stood back and grinned, amused, at Vinnie as he took in the way he was dressed. He decided to take the tan trench coat, matching fedora and dark sunglasses as an excuse to enter an impression.
         “Barbarino are you dressed for the late, late show?” He asked, sounding much like Humphrey Bogart. “It’s midnight, sweetheart. Did you bring the falcon?”
After a brief repartee, which included Vinnie’s typical dumb act, Vinnie went over to the couch to sit. He removed his hat and sunglasses, then explained to Gabe about Freddie and Vernajean wanting to get married. After Vinnie asked Gabe to stop his friends from getting married, they heard a knock on the door. Vinnie looked up in a panic towards the door.
         “I don’t want nobody knowing I’m talking to a teacher. You gotta hide me.”
         “Quick, in the bathroom.” Julie said, guiding Vinnie to his hiding spot.
         Once Vinnie was safe inside the bathroom, he stood in front of the closed door to listen. Hearing Rosalie’s voice, he smiled to himself. He listened to the conversation between Rosalie and the Kotters, realizing that she wanted the same thing in regards to their friends getting married.  Excitement rose within him the moment he heard another knock and then the panicked tone in Rosalie’s voice as she announced that she needed to hide.
         “I’ll hide in the bathroom!” This caused Vinnie to smile
         “You better not! Vinnie’s hiding in the bathroom.” Gabe replied
         She smirked, waggling her eyebrows. “That’s ok.”
         Vinnie’s smile broadened and he stepped away from the door. When she saw him, Rosalie laid her finger across her lips. She then turned back to the door to listen. He stood behind her, smiling and taking in the way she looked in her dark blue trench coat and floppy hat. Turning to face him again, meeting his eyes, she mouthed, “It’s Epstein!”
         “Who cares?” Vinnie whispered. “C’mere.”
         Matching the grin on his face, Rosalie walked over to him. He placed his hands on her hips, bringing her closer at the waist. Even though she smiled, she lightly pushed him away from her.
         “What are you doing?” She whispered through her grin.
         He smiled, trying to appear innocent. “What?”
         “You know what.”
         They were distracted by the sounds of Horshack entering the apartment. Turning back to look at Vinnie, she smirked.
         “You think I’m that easy, Vinnie?”
         “Well I was hopin’…”
         She laughed. “You ain’t gonna get me that easy just ‘cause we’re alone in this tiny room.” She pulled Vinnie’s hat down over his eyes and pushed him away.
         “Hey!” Vinnie exclaimed. (What he did not realize was, his reaction came in perfect timing, in reply towards Horshack’s comment about stopping him from stopping the wedding.)
         Rosalie, trying to hold back laughter, shushed Vinnie. She pulled Vinnie’s hat off his head and tossed it to the floor. Then, signaling for him to be quiet and to stand back, she opened her trench coat. Again, she tried to hold back her laughter as she lifted her shirt to reveal she did not have on a bra. Vinnie’s eyes widened and he smiled over the sight of her exposed breasts. When he reached out to touch one, she backed up and pulled her shirt back down.
         “Uh-uh. You ain’t getting them that easy.”
         “Aw, come on, Hotsie! You can’t show a guy your tits and then say he can’t touch them! You’re such a tease!”
         “So I’m a tease.” She shrugged. “I’d rather be known as a tease than to be known as easy.”
         They paused their conversation when something in the living room caught their attention. They listened for a moment, as the Kotters seemed to be fighting over a shirt and tuna casserole. Both students stifled their laughter as they heard this. As they listened to what sounded like Freddie and Vernajean telling the Kotters they knew the fight was not real, Vinnie wrapped his hands around Rosalie’s hips to bring her close to him. She tried to get him to back off by nudging him with her elbow, but this only caused him to move in closer to kiss her on the neck. Again she nudged him but with a smile on her face. Even though he kissed her, they both still listened closely to what was happening in the next room.
         “We can see that you really love each other, and you’re only play acting.” said Vernajean
         “Right.” Freddie replied
         “Right!” All the other students shouted in unison from their hiding spots.
         This caused Rosalie and Vinnie to cover their mouths in order to keep from entering a fit of laughter. Vinnie then turned Rosalie around to face him and attempted to move into a kiss on her mouth. At first, she resisted the kiss, trying to push him away like before. She, however, could not resist much longer, and wound up giving in to letting him kiss her.
         The kiss was deep and the two teenagers came closer together at the waist. Rosalie brought her hands up to Vinnie’s shoulders, sliding off his trench coat. Suddenly, she broke away from the kiss and looked at him with a frown.
         “Vinnie, stop.”
         He looked at her in complete disbelief. “What? You can’t stop in the middle of making out with me!” he exclaimed barely above a whisper. “No girl does that! I’m Vinnie Barbarino!”
         “Well I’m Rosalie Totsie and I just stopped in the middle.” She backed away, holding her hands up with a smug smirk.
         Not feeling defeated yet, Vinnie snickered and brought her closer to him again. “You ain’t getting away that easy, Hotsie.”
         “Ok, one more, but that’s it.”
         “Right.” He grinned. “One more.”
         He brought her into another deep kiss, pressing his abdomen against her. The kiss did not last very long before she pulled away and moved to the door.
         “Alright, Vinnie. Time’s up.”
         “Time’s up? But we just got started!”
         “I let you have one more kiss.” She closed her trench coat and tossed him his hat from the floor. “And you got one more kiss.”
         They looked toward the door as they heard Freddie and Vernajean leaving the apartment.
         “Well fine! If that’s the way you’re playin’ it then I don’t wanna make out with you no more.”
         Rosalie turned the doorknob and looked at him. He picked his coat off the floor and slung it over one shoulder. They both left the bathroom and approached the Kotters, right at the same time as Epstein and Horshack left their hiding spots. The students all lined up together and looked disappointed at the Kotters. Vinnie and Rosalie took a quick glanced at each other, thinking of the kisses they shared in the bathroom, before acting as though they had paid full attention to what had taken place with the absent students.
         “Some big help you were.” Vinnie said, looking at Gabe. “Now they’re getting’ married for sure!”
         Vinnie ignored the words from his teacher and looked at Rosalie. As he imagined her topless again, he blocked out Epstein’s comments to Gabe. He also neglected to notice that Epstein had his fedora and trench coat on backwards, and Horshack held a gorilla head mask tucked under one arm. Quickly shaking his thoughts of Rosalie’s exposed breasts out of his mind, Vinnie turned to the door and hastily announced that they had to leave. Luckily, Epstein was quick to open the door to usher all four of them to the hallway. Once they were in the hallway, heading for the stairs, Vinnie managed to break completely away from his thoughts of Rosalie. He looked over at his two friends, finally noticing their comical disguises. Stopping in his tracks, he let out a small laugh.
         “You guys look ridiculous. What is this, Halloween?”
         Rosalie looked at them and laughed as well. “Hey Epstein turn around.”
         Epstein held his arms out with a grin as he turned around like she asked. When he did, Rosalie and Vinnie burst out laughing.
         “Epstein! You got a-“ Rosalie laughed, unable to finish her statement.
         Epstein nodded. “Yeah, you like that? You wouldn’t believe how long I actually practiced walking backwards, trying to keep that tie and those sunglasses in place. Walked backwards the whole way here with my hands behind my back and everything. Ain’t easy.”
         “Well, Epstein, I gotta hand it to ya.” Vinnie snickered and placed a hand on Epstein’s shoulder. “If anybody could walk through town looking that dumb, and not have a problem with it, it’s you.”
         “Hey what about me, Vinnie? Huh?” Horshack asked, holding up the gorilla head. “I had to walk all the way here wearing this thing on my head.”
         “You’re right, Horshack. You’re ridiculous too.”
         “Come on, guys.” Rosalie laughed, urging the boys forward. “Let’s go already.”
         Instead of pushing the boys ahead of her, she started walking forward and down the stairs. The boys took a moment to watch her as she descended. Taking his eyes off Rosalie, Epstein turned to Vinnie and placed a hand on his back.
         “Hey Vinnie. So you and Hotsie in the bathroom, eh?”
         “Yeah we was in the bathroom together.” Vinnie grinned
         Vinnie smirked “Epstein you walked backwards all the way here, right?”
         “Why don’t you walk backwards down the stairs?”
         “I might. But first, tell me what happened with Hotsie.”
         “You mean before or after she flashed me her tits?”
         Epstein’s eyes lit up as she smiled. “Oh! Now you gotta tell! Details, Barbarino!”
         Vinnie shook his head with a snicker and started to walk down the stairs. “Later, Epstein.”
         After watching Vinnie leave, Horshack and Epstein looked at each other. They shrugged before walking down the stairs.
         “Why do you think Vinnie didn’t want to share about what happened with Hotsie?”
         “I dunno, Horshack. Maybe he’s got nothin’.” He gave Horshack a small shove, urging him ahead.
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